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Hydra Core Library Reference Guide
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Header File

#include <rwsf/core/TimeSpan.h>


rwsf::TimeSpan represents a period as defined by ISO8601. The serialized version of this type takes the format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY represents the number of years, nM the number of months, nD the number of days, T is the date/time separator, nH the number of hours, nM the number of minutes, and nS the number of seconds. The number of seconds can include decimal digits.

This class provides constructors to create a timespan instance, and convenience methods to access its different parts. An instance of this class can be constructed either from a valid duration string, or by providing values for each of the parts of a duration. This class also provides operators and methods to add a duration to an rwsf::DateTime instance, and to determine the ordering relationship between two durations

An instance of this class validates the data it contains whenever the data changes. If the string is valid, the object marks itself valid. If the string is invalid, the object marks itself invalid.

Public Constructors

TimeSpan(unsigned long years = 0,
         unsigned long months = 0,
         unsigned long days = 0,
         unsigned long hours = 0,
         unsigned long minutes = 0,
         double seconds = 0.0 );
TimeSpan(const std::string& duration);
TimeSpan(const TimeSpan& other);

Public Destructor


Public Member Functions

virtual std::string
asString() const;
virtual int
compareTo(const TimeSpan& rhs);
virtual void
extract(const std::string& duration);
unsigned long
getDays() const;
unsigned long
getHours() const;
unsigned long
getMinutes() const;
unsigned long
getMonths() const;
getSeconds() const;
unsigned long
getYears() const;
virtual bool
isEqual(const TimeSpan& rhs);
isNegative() const;
isValid() const;
setDays(unsigned long days);
setHours(unsigned long hours);
setMinutes(unsigned long minutes);
setMonths(unsigned long months);
setSeconds(double seconds);
setYears(unsigned long years);

Public Member Operators

operator+(const rwsf::DateTime& aDateTime ) const;
operator=(const TimeSpan& rhs); 

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