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HydraExpress User's Guide
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A.1 Documentation

HydraExpress comes with a full set of documentation. For single-point access to the HTML documentation for all installed HydraExpress products, point your browser to <installdir>\docs\index.html.

For a list of documents and their locations, see Section 1.7.

A.1.1 Typographic Conventions

The documentation for HydraExpress uses typographic conventions and pathname conventions similar to other Rogue Wave documentation. These conventions are summarized in the following tables:

Table 9: Typographic conventions 



Function names, code, directories, file names, examples, operating system commands.

Config(const Config& config);


variables in code

Conventional uses, such as new terms and titles.

EXAMPLE_OBJS= myServlet.obj

The deployment descriptor provides...
Reference Guide

bold italic

Class names, unnumbered subheadings, and emphasis.



Conventional uses, such as emphasis.

Commands from an interface.

You should always read the manual.

Click the OK button

... (or vertical ellipses)

Indicates part of the code is missing from an example.


... // Something happens


Table 10: Pathname conventions 



The directory where HydraExpress was installed.



The Windows delimiter in a path name. If you use UNIX, replace \ with /.

For <installdir>\html, a UNIX user enters <installdir>/html.

A.1.2 Naming Conventions

Rogue Wave HydraExpress class names and types are typically referenced with the namespace qualification rwsf:: . Template parameter values for templatized classes appear in angle brackets < > like this: rwsf::Enumeration<T>. Formal template parameters appear in text only when they are important to the discussion, so you may occasionally see this: rwsf::Enumeration<T>, but generally it is simply rwsf::Enumeration.

All member function names start with a lower case letter, but subsequent words are capitalized. All global function names start with the lowercase letters rwsf. In most class and function names, words are fully spelled out, for example:


A class name


A function name

In our manuals, we sometimes refer to an instance of a class by an English name; for example, the "servlet class" instead of "rwsf::Servlet class." We do this for readability when the meaning should be clear from context. If there is possible ambiguity, however, we use the actual class name.

Throughout the documentation, references to "self" mean *this.

A.1.3 Command Line Conventions

Our manuals present command lines in courier. When a command line is identical on all supported operating systems, the command begins with the word "prompt", as shown below:

prompt> echo "The same on all systems."

When the syntax of a command line differs depending on the operating system, we provide a table that lists the operating systems and the command syntax. We use the word "Win32" for all versions of the Windows operating system. We use the phrase "UNIX/Linux" to mean UNIX operating systems and the Linux operating system. For UNIX and Linux systems, the syntax of a command may also depend on the shell. For example, the command below sets an environment variable:


set PATH=%RW_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

UNIX/Linux sh

PATH=$RW_HOME/bin:$PATH ; export PATH

For Windows systems, use the command line in the first row. For a UNIX or Linux system, use the command in the second row.

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