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HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide
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20.2 How HydraExpress Performs Character Conversions for Non-UTF-8 Encodings

This section discusses how HydraExpress and its data parser deal with non-UTF-8 character encodings.

20.2.1 Character Encoding in XML Schemas and WSDLs

For XML Schemas and WSDLs with a character encoding other than UTF-8, the Xerces-J parser used internally by HydraExpress automatically converts the string data to UTF-8 from the encoding specified in the document's prolog (See Section 20.5.3).

When providing non-UTF-8 schemas and WSDLs to HydraExpress, ensure that all characters in the document match the encoding stated in the document's prolog.

When providing non-UTF-8 schemas and WSDLs to HydraExpress, ensure that all characters in the document match the encoding stated in the document's prolog.

HydraExpress also supports non-ASCII XML element and attribute names. These names are handled in one of two ways:

Non-ASCII element and attribute names are preserved when an XML instance document is unmarshaled and later marshaled back into an XML document.

20.2.2 Character Encoding in Generated Classes

Classes created by HydraExpress parse XML using class rwsf::XmlReader. An instance of rwsf::XmlReader converts XML source to UTF-8, regardless of the original encoding. For details on the encodings that the reader supports, see the entry for rwsf::XmlReader in the Hydra Core Library Reference Guide.

HydraExpress produces XML documents in UTF-8.

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