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HydraExpress XML Binding Development Guide
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4.3 Building and Compiling

To build the generated classes, you may either add them to your own project or makefile, or use one that we have generated for you.

This section presents the basic command line procedure for building and compiling the example. For a detailed discussion on building and compiling your HydraExpress applications, see Chapter 23, "Options for Compiling," in the HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide.

On UNIX/Linux, you must set your RWSF_HOME environment variable before using the Makefiles. (On Windows, the script rwsfvars.bat sets this for you.) On Windows, be sure you have set up your command window with the MSVC environment.
  1. From the directory containing the generated output, invoke the following command specific to your OS/compiler.





    This builds a release version of the shared library for all of your generated classes.

  2. To build the libraries and the sample application together, issue the nmake command and specify the sample po1_main application target:


    nmake po1_main.exe


    make po1_main

To run the example, first make sure that your environment is set up as described in Chapter 2, "Installation," in the HydraExpress User's Guide. Run the po1_main application at the command prompt, by changing to the directory namespaceExample\bin, and calling the executable:

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