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HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide
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Header File

#include rwsf/webservice/Client.h


All generated client proxies derive from rwsf::Client. Clients are handlers in rwsf, so this class derives from rwsf::MessageHandler. rwsf::Client includes methods to add various handlers to the client.

rwsf::Client implements the handle/body idiom in which rwsf::Client is the handle, and rwsf::ClientImp is the body.

An instance of this class is a handle to a private, reference-counted body. When a handle is copy-constructed, the new handle attaches to the same body as the original. When one handle is assigned to another handle, the handle on the left side detaches from its current body and attaches to the body pointed to by the handle on the right side. Logical operators return truth values based on whether the handles being compared point to the same body instance.


Handle methods that just call the corresponding method on the body are described only in the body class. For instance, if the handle class includes a method invoke() that only calls the body's corresponding method invoke(), that method is documented only in the body class.

Public Constructors

Client(ClientImp * impl);

Public Destructors


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