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HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide
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Group:  Core Design Patterns

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Header File

#include rwsf/core/CountingPointer.h


A smart pointer class that is intended for use as a handle to a reference-counted body. Each time an instance of this class is bound to a body instance, it increments a reference count associated with that body. Each time it detaches from a body instance, it decrements the body's associated reference count; and if the reference count reaches zero, it deletes the body instance. The reference counting relieves clients of the burden of having to keep track of when it is safe to delete a body instance.

rwsf::CountingPointer is a non-intrusive smart pointer type, which maintains a parallel counter to the body. For a class that assumes the body maintains the count, see rwsf::RefCountingPointer.

Public Typedefs

T * PointerType;
T & ReferenceType;

Public Constructors

CountingPointer(PointerType pointer = 0,
    AtomicCounter * counterP = 0);
CountingPointer(const CountingPointer< T > & second);

Public Destructors


Public Member Functions

get(void) const;
isValid(void) const;
swapWith(CountingPointer< T > & second);
validate(void) const;

Public Operators

operator *(void) const;
CountingPointer< T > &
operator=(const CountingPointer< T > & second);
CountingPointer< T > &
operator=(PointerType pointer);
operator->(void) const;
operator CountingPointer();
operator typename CountingPointer() const;

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