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HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide
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#include rwsf/servlet/http/HttpServlet.h


rwsf::HttpServlet is a base class for servlets that use the HTTP protocol. A typical servlet derives from this class and overrides one or more of the do...() methods. A derived class should override at least one of the following methods:

A servlet differs from most C++ classes in that the servlet should not acquire resources in the constructor and should not release resources in the destructor. Instead, a servlet acquires resources in an init() function and releases resources in a destroy() function. The Agent always calls init() before forwarding requests to the servlet and always calls destroy() when the servlet is removed from service. However, the Agent may construct the servlet before the servlet is needed, and may take the servlet out of service long before the servlet is destroyed. A servlet can take advantage of this situation by deferring resource acquisition until the Agent calls init() and releasing resources as soon as the Agent calls destroy().

By default, multiple threads may execute inside the servlet at the same time. A multithreaded servlet must guard shared resources.

The servlet deployment descriptor can state that the servlet only allows access to one thread at a time. In this case, the Agent guards access to the servlet to guarantee that only one thread enters the servlet at a time. To only allow one thread at a time to execute within a servlet, set the single-threaded attribute on the servlet element to true, as shown below:

Note that the servlet is still a multithreaded process. Even though only one thread enters the servlet at a time, other threads in the Agent will still be able to service requests in other servlets.

Public Destructors


Public Member Functions

service(rwsf::ServletRequest & req,
    rwsf::ServletResponse & res);

Protected Member Functions

doDelete(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & req,
    rwsf::HttpServletResponse & resp);
doGet(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & request,
    rwsf::HttpServletResponse & response);
doHead(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & req,
    rwsf::HttpServletResponse & resp);
doOptions(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & req,
    rwsf::HttpServletResponse & resp);
doPost(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & request,
    rwsf::HttpServletResponse & response);
doPut(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & req,
    rwsf::HttpServletResponse & resp);
doTrace(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & req,
    rwsf::HttpServletResponse & resp);
getLastModified(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & req) const;
service(rwsf::HttpServletRequest & req,
    rwsf::HttpServletResponse & resp);

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