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HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide
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Group:  Core XML

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Header File

#include rwsf/core/XmlName.h


The complete information for an XML name consists of a local name and its namespace. rwsf::XmlName represents a complete XML name using a local name represented as a string and an rwsf::XmlNamespace. If the local name has no namespace qualification, the namespace component of an instance of this class will be a namespace equal to the namespace returned by rwsf::XmlNamespace::getEmptyNamespace().

For the element

the rwsf::XmlName contains the local name book and an rwsf::XmlNamespace object that contains the prefix string "rw" and the URI string "". The combination of the prefix and the local name is the qualified name, rw:book in this example.

Every XML element must have a name. All classes that represent XML elements contain an rwsf::XmlName. However, HydraAgent allows an rwsf::XmlName to contain the empty string as a local name. An empty local name cannot be represented as valid XML. For objects with an empty local name, a serializer is free to provide an arbitrary name.

rwsf::XmlName does not represent the context of the name. An instance of this class contains no information about relationships among the namespace where the element resides and other namespace declarations in a document. The W3C specifies that the prefix of an XML name is an arbitrary placeholder for the URI. Therefore, a serializer for an rwsf::XmlName may not generate the same qualified name as the object itself. A serializer must preserve the unique name, but is free to replace the prefix with an equivalent prefix, generate a new prefix, or ignore the prefix entirely.

Public Constructors

XmlName(const std::string & localName);
XmlName(const std::string & localName,
    const rwsf::XmlNamespace & ns);
XmlName(const XmlName & name);

Public Destructors


Public Member Functions

asString() const;
compareTo(const XmlName & other) const;
empty() const;
const std::string &
getLocalName() const;
const rwsf::XmlNamespace &
getNamespace() const;
rwsf::XmlNamespace &
getQualifiedName() const;
getUniqueName() const;
isNull() const;
setLocalName(const std::string & localName);
setNamespace(const rwsf::XmlNamespace & ns);

Public Operators

XmlName &
operator=(const XmlName & n);

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