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HydraExpress XML Binding Development Guide
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8.2 Names and Identifiers

HydraExpress follows the process below to convert XML names to C++ identifiers.

Naming collisions may occur due to the way that HydraExpress maps XML names to C++. The code generator attempts to work around some of these naming collisions, but the compiler does not always find a satisfactory resolution.

If the code generator does not successfully resolve a naming collision, or if the resolution results in an inconvenient name, use the HydraExpress properties file mappings element to specify the class name mapping, as described in Section 8.8.1.

8.2.1 Static Data Members

The classes generated for complex types have these static data members: The DefaultElementName Data Member

Each class generated by HydraExpress has a data member called DefaultElementName. This data member is a rwsf::XmlName instance.

The DefaultElementName for a class is determined as follows:

The marshal() and unmarshal() methods for a class use the DefaultElementName by default. This allows you to simply call marshal() or unmarshal() on a class, usually with good results. For example, if the schema defines a top-level element named purchaseOrder, the following code makes good sense:

This code would produce, as expected, an XML document with a top-level element <purchaseOrder>.

There is one case, however, where the default use of the DefaultElementName does not make good sense:

In this case, the following code leads to unwanted results:

The result would be an XML document containing a top-level element called <bar>, when it would make better sense for the name of the element to be <foo>. To obtain this better result, the second line above would need to be: Contained Element Name and Attribute Data Members

For each of the elements contained in a complex type, the class for the complex type has data members for the element names, and for any attributes of the complex type. The following code is taken from the HydraExpress basic example:

The class PurchaseOrderType contains the following static data members:

8.2.2 Namespaces

There are two aspects to namespace support:

For the former, HydraExpress passes rwsf::XmlName instances to the reader and writer for all fully qualified names. The header file for a complex type contains static constant rwsf::XmlName instances for the name of the complexType as well as any child elements and attributes that it defines. If the targetNamspace attribute on the XML Schema is present, this is the URI that is used to identify the fully qualified type and any child elements. The child elements are qualified only if the elementFormDefault attribute is present on the schema element and it is set to "qualified". Likewise for attributes, if the attributeFormDefault attribute is present on the schema element and is set to "qualified", the rwsf::XmlName instances then contain the targetNamespace URI. Accessing the Fully Qualified XML Name of a Complex Type

HydraExpress allows you to access the fully-qualified XML name of complex types. If a target namespace is present in the schema, the value is programmatically accessible using the DefaultElementName constant, as shown here: Mapping XML Namespaces to C++ Namespaces

If the schema contains a namespace declaration that associates a prefix to the target namespace URI, this prefix is used as the C++ namespace for the generated classes. In the example schema element declaration below, the po prefix is associated with the URI that matches the value of the targetNamespace attribute, so the classes would be generated within the po namespace.

To use the generated classes you must prefix the type with the po namespace or make the name accessible with a using directive or using declaration. The following code snippets show both options.

Prefixing the type with a the po namespace:

Importing all names in po with a using directive:

Importing po::PurchaseOrderType with a using declaration:

Instead of using the XML namespace prefix as the C++ namespace, you can choose your own C++ namespace through the use of the mappings element in a HydraExpress project file. The mapping element shown below instructs the code generator to generate the classes that are defined within the target namespace, using the C++ namespace named POTypes. Differentiating Same-Named Items

It is entirely possible in an XML Schema to have two or more elements, types, or groups with the same name, so long as they are defined in separate namespaces. In this case, HydraExpress creates a separate class for each namespace-qualified item, placing the code for each class in a single pair of header and source files, named as usual with the unqualified name of the element, type or group.

8.2.3 File Naming

As described in the remainder of this chapter, HydraExpress creates classes corresponding to top-level elements and complex types defined in the XML Schema. Generally, HydraExpress creates a header and a source file for each class, with the file name based on the unqualified name of the element or type. The exception is when multiple items have the same name but in different namespaces, as described above.

It is also possible for there to be name conflicts between elements, types, and groups in the same namespace. These are handled as follows:

So, for example, if a schema defined an element named Address and a type named Address, HydraExpress would generate a class Address for the element and a class AddressType for the type.

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