HydraExpress 4.6

HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide


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Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
rwsf::AgentContextHolds state information about the entire Agent process
rwsf::AgentMethodImpAbstract base class for implementing Agent methods
rwsf::Ajp13ConnectorImpProvides a connection for an Apache web server front end. Not intended for direct use
rwsf::ArrayHandle< T >Implements multidimensional SOAP-encoded arrays
rwsf::AsyncHandleRepresents an asynchronous operation in the generated proxy classes
rwsf::AttributeProvides a wrapper around any type to hold attribute values
rwsf::Base64EncoderEncodes and decodes base64 encoded strings
rwsf::CallInfoHolds all data for a given message, such as session or transaction data, SOAP headers, and any other custom data
rwsf::CallInfo::ParameterObjectRepresents operation parameters. Generally not for direct use
rwsf::CallInfo::SoapHeaderObjectRepresents element values in a SOAP header object
rwsf::CallInfo::TransportHeaderObjectRepresents element values in a transport header
rwsf::ClientAll generated client proxies derive from rwsf::Client
rwsf::ClientFaultExtends rwsf::Fault to represent a SOAP client fault
rwsf::ConfigBase class for classes that encapsulate information from deployment descriptors
rwsf::ConnectorReference to all connector implementations
rwsf::ConnectorImpAbstract base class for implementing Agent connectors
rwsf::CookieRepresents a single HTTP cookie
rwsf::CountingPointer< T >Smart pointer class that is intended for use as a handle to a reference-counted body
rwsf::DateTimeRepresents a data and time as milliseconds from January 1, 1901 00:00:00:000 UTC
rwsf::DaylightBoundaryEncapsulates the month, week, weekday, and minute of a Daylight Saving Time rule
rwsf::DaylightRuleRepresents a single Daylight Saving Time rule
rwsf::DecimalRepresents an arbitrary precision decimal fraction
rwsf::DecimalBaseProvides enumerations used in the rwsf::Decimal class
rwsf::Enumeration< T >Provides an interface for iterating over any RWSF container type implementations
rwsf::EventListenerBase class for all event listener classes in HydraExpress
rwsf::ExceptionThe base class for all exceptions in the rwsf namespace
rwsf::ExceptionInfoStores system information related to the section of code where an exception occurred
rwsf::FaultRepresents SOAP faults through its derived classes ClientFault and ServerFault
rwsf::FilterBase class for filters
rwsf::FilterChainProvides a view of the invocation chain of a filtered request for a resource
rwsf::FilterConfigHolds configuration information from the deployment descriptor
rwsf::GenericServletExtends rwsf::Servlet to define additional generic servlet functionality
rwsf::HandleBaseBase class for handle classes
rwsf::HandlerManagerManages handlers for a service, and is used to set a logger in generated clients
rwsf::HttpConnectorImpProvides a connection for processing HTTP formatted messages. Not intended for direct use
rwsf::HttpMessageListenerRepresents an HTTP message listener for either web services or clients
rwsf::HttpsConnectorImpProvides a connection for processing HTTPS formatted messages. Not intended for direct use
rwsf::HttpServletEntends rwsf::GenericServlet to define functionality for an HTTP servlet
rwsf::HttpServletRequestExtends rwsf::ServletRequest to provide request information for HTTP servlets
rwsf::HttpServletResponseRepresents the response object that the servlet returns to the client
rwsf::HttpSessionStores user specific information and identifies a user across multiple requests or site visits
rwsf::HttpSessionBindingEventEncapsulates information about attribute changes in a session, passed by the Agent to session listeners
rwsf::HttpSessionEventProvides access to a session at session creation or destruction
rwsf::HttpSessionListenerBase class for listeners that receive HTTP session event notifications. Derive from this class to create a listener
rwsf::HttpsMessageListenerCreates an HTTPS listener based on the transports configuration file. Not intended for direct use
rwsf::HttpsTransportReceives and parses HTTPS messages. Not intended for direct use
rwsf::HttpTransportReceives and parses HTTP messages. Not intended for direct use
rwsf::LocaleAbstract base class to format conversion of strings to and from dates and times
rwsf::LocaleSnapshotCreates a snapshot of a locale by querying the program's environment to determine the formatting conventions in effect at the moment of instantiation
rwsf::LogFileWriterWrites logging messages to a file
rwsf::LogFormatterReformats log messages with extra logging details
rwsf::LoggerProvides an interface for writing log messages to the logging framework
rwsf::LoggerExceptionDefines a general exception associated with the logging subsystem
rwsf::LogLevelFilterFilters logging messages based on their log level
rwsf::LogManagerProvides a central point for accessing logger instances
rwsf::LogMessageConstructs log messages, provides insertion operators for basic types, and can be extended to support user-defined types as well
rwsf::LogRotatingFileWriterProvides the ability to define a rotating logger to control file size
rwsf::LogSplitterDelivers a single logging message to two defined output locations
rwsf::LogTimeFormatterReformats log messages with the message's log level and a timestamp
rwsf::MemberContainer for holding class instances that represent members of XML Binding classes
rwsf::MessageAttachmentRepresents a MIME attachment in generated code
rwsf::MessageHandlerBase handler class for all defined proxies, services, skeletons, loggers, and tranports, as well as custom handlers
rwsf::MessageHandlerImpBase class for all message handler implementations, providing an interface for message processing
rwsf::MessageInfoProvides basic accessors for storing and retrieving generic types associated with a message
rwsf::MessageInfoExceptionWraps all exceptions originating from the rwsf::MessageInfo structure
rwsf::MessageInfoHandlerChainRepresents a functor for invoking a series of handlers
rwsf::MessageInfoKeyNotFoundExceptionIndicates that a requested key is not found
rwsf::MessageListenerProvides a handle to all listener instances
rwsf::MessageListenerImpAbstract base class for all listener implementations
rwsf::MessagePropertiesBase class for rwsf::CallInfo. Not intended for direct use
rwsf::MimeHeadersContains a collection of MIME headers as described in RFC 2045
rwsf::NamedObjectA handle to a named object implementation. A named object is loaded at service startup and is then available to any services in a context
rwsf::NamedObjectCleanupDeletes the global naming context
rwsf::NamedObjectImpAbstract interface that is the body class for the NamedObject handle. To create a concrete instance, use a NamedObjectImp subtype
rwsf::NamedObjectLoaderLoads and registers named objects with the Agent's global naming context
rwsf::NamingContextContains all NamedObject instances for a service, acting like a global registry and instantiating each object at startup
rwsf::NamingExceptionDefines a base exception type for all exceptions thrown relevant to named objects
rwsf::NotImplementedExceptionSpecifies that a method was not implemented
rwsf::NullPointerExceptionIndicates that a user attempted to de-reference a smart pointer that was assigned to null
rwsf::OutOfBoundsExceptionIndicates that a user attempted to access an out-of-range element
rwsf::PointerNamedObjectImp< T >A subtype of NamedObjectImp used to wrap an object, as a pointer, in a NamedObject handle
rwsf::RefCountingObjectBase class for classes that must maintain a thread-safe reference count
rwsf::RefCountingPointer< T >A smart pointer that is a handle to a reference-counting body, deleting the body instance when the reference count reaches zero
rwsf::RequestDispatcherDispatches requests to other resources
rwsf::ServerFaultExtends rwsf::Fault to represent a SOAP server fault
rwsf::ServiceShutdownExceptionShuts down a service and sends an error message
rwsf::ServiceSkeletonBaseAbstract base class for all generated service skeleton classes
rwsf::ServletAbstract base class for servlets
rwsf::ServletConfigContains configuration information for a servlet instance
rwsf::ServletContextRepresents the context constructed by the Agent for each web application
rwsf::ServletContextEventEvent class for servlet context change notifications
rwsf::ServletContextListenerBase class for listeners that receive servlet context notifications
rwsf::ServletExceptionBase class for servlet exceptions
rwsf::ServletMessageInfoHandlerImpHandler that dispatches messages to a Servlet container. Not intended for direct use
rwsf::ServletOutputStreamOutput stream for writing a response
rwsf::ServletRequestEncapsulates a client request object
rwsf::ServletResponseEncapsulates the response a servlet returns to the client
rwsf::ServletUnavailableExceptionThrows an rwsf::ServletUnavailableException
rwsf::SoapBaseCommon abstract base class for all SOAP parsing objects
rwsf::SoapBodyTypeRepresents a SOAP body. Includes unmarshaling methods to parse the SOAP message
rwsf::SoapDetailRepresents a SOAP fault's optional detail element
rwsf::SoapEnvelopeTypeRepresents a SOAP envelope
rwsf::SoapFaultRepresents a SOAP fault
rwsf::SoapFaultExceptionRepresents generic SOAP faults in the generated client proxy
rwsf::SoapHeaderTypeRepresents a SOAP header element
rwsf::TimeSpanProvides constructors to create a timespan instance, and convenience methods to access its different parts
rwsf::TimeZoneAbstract base class for customizing timezone details
rwsf::TimeZoneSimpleImplementation of abstract base class rwsf::TimeZone
rwsf::TransportReference to all transport implementations. Used in generated proxies
rwsf::TransportImpAbstract base class from which all RWSF transports derive
rwsf::TransportManagerManages transports and listeners for a message
rwsf::TypedNamedObjectImp< T >A subtype of NamedObjectImp used to wrap an object instance in a NamedObject handle
rwsf::WebServiceServletServlet implementation for hosting web services
rwsf::XmlAttributeRepresents an attribute of an XML element
rwsf::XmlAttributeSetInserts, iterates, and searches rwsf::XmlAttribute objects in a set based on rwsf::XmlName values
rwsf::XmlBindingHandleBase class for all generated XmlBinding objects
rwsf::XmlBindingHandleBaseBase handle for all generated type objects
rwsf::XmlExceptionDefines a base exception class for all exceptions related to the XML subsystem
rwsf::XmlMarshallerBase class for generated marshaling classes
rwsf::XmlNameRepresents a complete XML element name, containing a name as a string, and an instance of XmlNamespace
rwsf::XmlNamespaceRepresents an XML namespace, containing a prefix and a URI as instances of std::string
rwsf::XmlParseAttributeNotFoundExceptionEncapsulates errors that occur during parsing when an expected attribute is not found
rwsf::XmlParseExceptionDefines a base exception type for all errors that occur while parsing an XML document
rwsf::XmlParseLineColExceptionDefines a parse exception including line and column meta information
rwsf::XmlReaderA simple XML pull-parser that implements reference semantics
rwsf::XmlSchemaExceptionIndicates that a schema validation error occurred
rwsf::XmlStreamWriterImplements an rwsf::XmlWriter that uses an std::ostream as a data sink
rwsf::XmlStringWriterImplements an rwsf::XmlWriter that uses an std::string as a data sink
rwsf::XmlUtilsUtility class for XML transformation, especially character set conversions between non-UTF-8 character encoding and UTF-8
rwsf::XmlValidatorContains methods that validate XML instance documents, available through the isValid() method of generated classes
rwsf::XmlWriterAbstract base class that provides an interface for writing XML messages

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