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HydraExpress XML Binding Development Guide
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8.7 Creating Customized Mappings

HydraExpress enables you to customize the mapping of names, types and namespaces. HydraExpress's default mapping settings, for example, map schema types string, date, and dateTime to the Standard C++ Library type std::string. You can customize this mapping so that these schema types instead map to your own C++ types.

To generate code that uses classes from SourcePro C++, simply use the -sourcePro command line option. SourcePro C++ contains classes that map naturally onto XML data types. For example, code generated with the -sourcepro option maps the schema types date and dateTime to the classes RWDate and RWDateTime. SourcePro C++ classes allow HydraExpress to create a convenient type-safe data binding without requiring a customized mapping configuration file. For a complete list of the SourcePro C++ type mappings, see Table 4.

To replace the mapping of all built-in schema types to your own C++ type, use the -datamap option at code generation, providing as an argument a configuration file containing a mappings element to identify the new mapping. Using the -datamap option results in an entirely new mapping of all schema types.

To customize the mapping of specific class names and types to your own C++ types, create a special HydraExpress project file containing the mappings element to specify the mapping, and then provide this file to the code generator at invocation. Alternatively, you may add the mappings element and its contents directly to an already-existing HydraExpress project file.

8.7.1 Customizing Names and Identifiers

HydraExpress provides the ability to customize the names that the code generator creates.

If you wish to customize names and identifiers for all code generation, use the -datamap command line option when generating code to provide the name of an XML-based file that defines the new names.

If you wish to customize names and identifiers for specific instances, create a project file containing a mappings element and provide this to the code generator. This is the procedure described in this section.

A HydraExpress project file is XML. The root element of all HydraExpress project files is named rwsf-codegen-project. (See Section 21.2, "The Project File," in the HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide for more information.) In this case, it will contain a single mappings element. The mappings element may contain any number of name elements. Each name element declares a rule for HydraExpress to use when creating identifiers.

Each name element contains three required and one optional attribute:

The HydraExpress project file below defines three name mappings:

The first name mapping specifies that HydraExpress will use the name ToAddress in code generated for an element named recipientAddress. Note that the mapping applies only to elements. Attributes or complex types with the name recipientAddress are not affected by this rule.

The second name mapping specifies that HydraExpress will use the name AltAddress in code generated for a complex type named address within the namespace.

The third name mapping specifies that HydraExpress will use the name LetterBody for any element, attribute, or complex type with a name of body.

Note that for complexType and element definitions that contain anonymous type definitions, the name mapping specifies the name of the accessor and mutator as well as the class name. Mapping rules that match element and attribute names in declarations within a complexType definition only affect the names of the get and set methods, since HydraExpress does not create classes for these declarations.

The mapping can also specify a full C++ class name under the xsdname attribute, and any classes that end up with the given name (based on the naming rules in Section 8.2) will have their class names (and any associated accessors) remapped.

8.7.2 Flexible Type Mapping

The 44 built-in schema types are mapped to C++ types using the default mapping shown in Table 4. You can map any of these schema types to a C++ type of your choice. In order to provide this mapping flexibility, HydraExpress requires the following information:

Here is an example HydraExpress project file that maps xsd:string, xsd:date, xsd:dateTime, xsd:time, xsd:integer and xsd:duration to std::string.

A type element defines a mapping between an XML Schema type and a C++ type. Each type element must contain an xsdType attribute and a cppType attribute. The xsdType attribute defines the XML Schema type the mapping applies to. The cppType attribute defines the C++ type that HydraExpress generates for the XML Schema type.

Each cppType must be defined in a typeinfo element. The typeinfo element provides the information that HydraExpress needs to successfully generate code for the cppType. You may specify the following attributes and child elements for the typeinfo element.

8.7.3 Namespace Mapping

By default, HydraExpress creates classes in a C++ namespace with the same name as the namespace prefix for the XML Schema type. The name element of the configuration file allows you to specify the mapping from the namespace URI to the C++ namespace.

The sample below maps the namespace URI to the C++ namespace SampleRemapping:

With this file, HydraExpress maps all elements in the namespace to classes in the C++ namespace SampleRemapping, regardless of the prefix associated with

8.7.4 String Mapping

When the mappings element contains a user-specified type for xsd:string, the generated classes use the specified string type wherever a class requires a string. The exception to this rule is the marshaling methods, which do the following:

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