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HydraExpress User Guide

1.3 HydraExpress Libraries

HydraExpress provides three primary libraries: a Web service library that supports Web service and client development; an XML binding library that supports extension of the generated XML binding interface; and a servlet library that supports servlet development. There are additional libraries that mainly support internal implementation, but that may be needed at times when writing extensions. The full public API is documented in the HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide.

Header files for these libraries are located in the directory <installdir>\include\rwsf\ as follows:

The HydraExpress lib directory contains release and debug versions of all libraries. Release libraries are marked as 12d, debug libraries as 15d. When you build a HydraExpress project, the 12d libraries are used by default and the project includes a 12d directory that contains artifacts from the release build.

The 15d libraries allow you to build projects in debug mode. The project then builds in debug mode and includes a 15d directory that contains artifacts from the debug build.

1.3.1 The Core Library

This library supports basic functionality such as string manipulation and I/O. These classes are used internally, but some of them appear in the generated code or are needed when extending the generated code. The classes in the public API are documented in the HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide. Look on the Modules tab for modules that begin with "Core."

Header files for this library are located in the directory <installdir>\include\rwsf\core.

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