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HydraExpress User Guide

4.2 The Deployment Directory Structure

The apps\servlets directory is the deployment directory for the servlet container. The makefiles for HydraExpress Web services and servlets copy the needed configuration files to this location, as shown in the following table.

Table 8: Servlet container deployment directory structure

Directory Name Contents
apps/ Agent deployment directory
  servlets/ Contains context directories for all servlets and Web services deployed in the Agent.
    <servicecontextname>/ Contains WSDLs and configuration files
      WEB-INF/ Contains servlet descriptor web.xml and named objects configuration file objects.xml

The executable files for servlets and Web services are deployed by default to <installdir>\bin in the case of servlets, and to <installdir>\apps-bin for Windows platfoms and <installdir>\apps-lib for Linux/UNIX platforms in the case of Web services.

If you create code for custom connectors, handlers, named objects, or Agent methods, you can deploy the libraries to any of the three directories named above, although we recommed you avoid using the bin directory for custom code. The libraries can also be deployed to any location specified in the PATH environment variable on Windows platforms, or the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable on Linux/UNIX platforms.

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