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HydraExpress Web Service Development Guide

A.3 Simple Type Mappings

This section describes the XML Schema type to C++ type mapping that HydraExpress uses. Table 16 describes the mapping for XML Schema primitive datatypes

Table 16: Mapping of built-in schema types to C++ types

Built-in XML Schema Type SourcePro C++ Type Standard C++ Library Type
string RWCString std::string
boolean bool bool
decimal RWDecimalPortable std::string
float float float
double double double
duration rwsf::TimeSpan1 std::string
dateTime RWDateTime std::string
time RWDateTime std::string
date RWDate std::string
gYearMonth RWCString std::string
gYear RWCString std::string
gMonthDay RWCString std::string
gDay RWCString std::string
gMonth RWCString std::string
hexBinary RWCString std::string
base64Binary RWCString std::string
anyURI RWCString std::string
QName RWCString std::string
Notation RWCString std::string
normalizedString RWCString std::string
token RWCString std::string
byte short short
unsigned byte unsigned short unsigned short
integer RWDecimalPortable std::string
positiveInteger RWDecimalPortable std::string
negativeInteger RWDecimalPortable std::string
nonNegativeInteger RWDecimalPortable std::string
nonPositiveInteger RWDecimalPortable std::string
int int int
unsignedInt unsigned int unsigned int
long long long
unsignedLong unsigned long unsigned long
short short short
unsignedShort unsigned short unsigned short
Name RWCString std::string
NCName RWCString std::string
language RWCString std::string
ID RWCString std::string
IDREF RWCString std::string
IDREFS RWCString std::string
ENTITY RWCString std::string
ENTITIES RWCString std::string
NMTOKEN RWCString std::string
  1. For duration, the mapping is to a HydraExpress Library class because there is no good equivalent in SourcePro.

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