Web Service Development Guide : PART I Getting Started : Chapter 1 Introduction : HydraExpress Features
HydraExpress Features
The HydraExpress code generator rwsfgen generates a rich set of files to support Web service functionality, including client and server files for WSDL documents and datatype classes for complex datatypes in any referenced or provided XML Schemas.
HydraExpress’s Web service development components provide a wide range of functionality to support Web services development. This functionality includes:
Support for message patterns. HydraExpress supports the four basic message patterns defined in the WSDL specification: request-response, the pattern most often used by Web services, one-way, notification, and solicit-response. The message patterns can be combined to create anything from applications based on well-defined models such as publish/subscribe to arbitrarily complex, choreographed SOA applications.
Asynchronous messages. Any message pattern can be used either synchronously or asynchronously. This choice can be made at runtime by selecting either the synchronous or asynchronous service operation method.
Full header support. HydraExpress fully handles metadata passed in SOAP and transport headers, and provides an API that makes it easy to access and modify header data.
Support for sessions and other state-dependent processes. HydraExpress has built-in support for session management. In addition, the generalized support for metadata in headers can be adapted to support sessions, transactions, and other processes that depend on state.
Support for XML binding.The HydraExpress code generator automatically compiles XML Schemas into C++ datatypes, whether the schema is embedded in the WSDL file, or the WSDL file references an outside schema.
Support for SOAP attachments. HydraExpress generates code to support MIME bindings that are defined in a WSDL file.
Support for WSDL-defined faults. HydraExpress generates classes that encapsulate fault messages defined in the WSDL file, and server code for capturing and returning fault messages to the client.
An HTTPS transport. Accessible from the command line or built into the client, this transport provides for a secure client that uses HTTPS.
Generated documentation. The code generator creates full, detailed documentation for all generated client and server code, and datatype bindings.
Easy Deployment. Generated clients run as standalone applications. Web services run in the HydraExpress Agent.
Reuse of Existing Code. The HydraExpress code generator creates pure, cross-platform C++. There are no special restrictions on the code that implements the HydraExpress service.