IMSL(R) Java Numerical Library

This README file explains how to install, configure, and use the IMSL Java Numerical Library (JMSL), and it provides additional important updated product information.

Before proceeding, please read and accept the license agreement. If you do not accept the license agreement, you are not authorized to use this product.

Note: For simplicity, all example commands are specified using Linux command line syntax. Windows users will need to adjust commands and paths accordingly.

News, Notes, and Addenda

Installation Instructions

Display the Version

The version report can be invoked by executing the following command:

java -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar com.imsl.Version

For evaluation and subscription users:

java -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval.jar -Dcom.imsl.license.path=./path/to/license/imsl_eval.dat com.imsl.Version

Compiling Applications

Your application will require a licensed version of the jmsl-core JAR to compile. After obtaining it via the "Usage Instructions" above, your application can be compiled using all typical methods. By doing so, you are accepting the terms of the JMSL license agreement. An example compilation is shown below:

javac -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar <application-source>

For evaluation and subscription users:

javac -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval.jar <application-source>

Building with Maven

JMSL is not available via a public repository. In order to use the library with Maven, you will need to install the JMSL JAR into your local maven repository. By doing so, you are accepting the terms of the JMSL license agreement. For installing with JMSL javadocs in Maven, see the next section.

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar -DgroupId=com.roguewave
-DartifactId=jmsl-core -Dversion=2022.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

For evaluation and subscription users:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval.jar -DgroupId=com.roguewave
-DartifactId=jmsl-core -Dversion=2022.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

Installing with JMSL javadocs in Maven

If the installation includes JMSL Documentation (select this option if desired), the library can be installed along with associated javadocs into your local Maven repository.

Navigate to /path/to/library/site/apidocs/. Run the command

jar cvf jmsl-core-2022.1.0-javadoc.jar *


jar cvf jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval-javadoc.jar *

This will package all the html documentation into the JAR file, jmsl-core-2022.1.0-javadoc.jar ( or jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval-javadoc.jar) Then the Maven install command can be adapted to include the javadocs:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar -DgroupId=com.roguewave
-DartifactId=jmsl-core -Dversion=2022.1.0  -Djavadoc=/path/to/library/site/apidocs/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-javadoc.jar

Or, for evaluation and subscription users:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval.jar -DgroupId=com.roguewave
-DartifactId=jmsl-core -Dversion=2022.1.0 -Djavadoc=/path/to/library/site/apidocs/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval-javadoc.jar

Running Applications

Your application will require a licensed version of the jmsl-core JAR to run. After obtaining it via the "Installation Instructions" above, your application can be invoked using all typical methods. By doing so, you are accepting the terms of the JMSL license agreement. An example invocation is shown below:

java -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar <application-class>

For evaluation and subscription users:

java -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar -Dcom.imsl.license.path=./path/to/license/imsl_eval.dat <application-class>

IMSL(R) Java Numerical Library

This README file explains how to install, configure, and use the IMSL Java Numerical Library (JMSL), and it provides additional important updated product information.

Before proceeding, please read and accept the license agreement. If you do not accept the license agreement, you are not authorized to use this product.

Note: For simplicity, all example commands are specified using Linux command line syntax. Windows users will need to adjust commands and paths accordingly.

News, Notes, and Addenda

Installation Instructions

Display the Version

The version report can be invoked by executing the following command:

java -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar com.imsl.Version

For evaluation and subscription users:

java -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval.jar -Dcom.imsl.license.path=./path/to/license/imsl_eval.dat com.imsl.Version

Compiling Applications

Your application will require a licensed version of the jmsl-core JAR to compile. After obtaining it via the "Usage Instructions" above, your application can be compiled using all typical methods. By doing so, you are accepting the terms of the JMSL license agreement. An example compilation is shown below:

javac -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar <application-source>

For evaluation and subscription users:

javac -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval.jar <application-source>

Building with Maven

JMSL is not available via a public repository. In order to use the library with Maven, you will need to install the JMSL JAR into your local maven repository. By doing so, you are accepting the terms of the JMSL license agreement. For installing with JMSL javadocs in Maven, see the next section.

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar -DgroupId=com.roguewave
-DartifactId=jmsl-core -Dversion=2022.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

For evaluation and subscription users:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval.jar -DgroupId=com.roguewave
-DartifactId=jmsl-core -Dversion=2022.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

Installing with JMSL javadocs in Maven

If the installation includes JMSL Documentation (select this option if desired), the library can be installed along with associated javadocs into your local Maven repository.

Navigate to /path/to/library/site/apidocs/. Run the command

jar cvf jmsl-core-2022.1.0-javadoc.jar *


jar cvf jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval-javadoc.jar *

This will package all the html documentation into the JAR file, jmsl-core-2022.1.0-javadoc.jar ( or jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval-javadoc.jar) Then the Maven install command can be adapted to include the javadocs:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar -DgroupId=com.roguewave
-DartifactId=jmsl-core -Dversion=2022.1.0  -Djavadoc=/path/to/library/site/apidocs/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-javadoc.jar

Or, for evaluation and subscription users:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval.jar -DgroupId=com.roguewave
-DartifactId=jmsl-core -Dversion=2022.1.0 -Djavadoc=/path/to/library/site/apidocs/jmsl-core-2022.1.0-eval-javadoc.jar

Running Applications

Your application will require a licensed version of the jmsl-core JAR to run. After obtaining it via the "Installation Instructions" above, your application can be invoked using all typical methods. By doing so, you are accepting the terms of the JMSL license agreement. An example invocation is shown below:

java -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar <application-class>

For evaluation and subscription users:

java -cp ./path/to/library/jmsl-core-2022.1.0.jar -Dcom.imsl.license.path=./path/to/license/imsl_eval.dat <application-class>