Returns the incidence matrix. Note that the Compute method must be invoked first before invoking this method. Otherwise, the method throws a NullReferenceException exception.

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public int[,] GetIncidenceMatrix()
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function GetIncidenceMatrix As Integer(,)
Visual C++
array<int,2>^ GetIncidenceMatrix()

Return Value

An int matrix containing the incidence matrix.


If MissingValueMethod is 0, incidence matrix is 1 x 1 and contains the number of valid observations; otherwise, incidence matrix is x.GetLength(1) x x.GetLength(1) and contains the number of pairs of valid observations used in calculating the crossproducts for covariance.

See Also