Compute a cohort table.

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public virtual double[,] GetLifeTable()
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Overridable Function GetLifeTable As Double(,)
Visual C++
virtual array<double,2>^ GetLifeTable()

Return Value

A double matrix of dimensions nClasses by 12 containing the population table. Entries in the ith row are for the age interval defined by age[i]. Column definitions are described in the following table.
0Lowest age in the age interval.
1Fraction of those dying within the interval who die before the interval midpoint.
2Number surviving to the beginning of the interval.
3Number of deaths in the interval.
4Death rate in the interval. For cohort table, this column is set to NaN (not a number).
5Proportion dying in the interval.
6Standard error of the proportion dying in the interval.
7Proportion of survivors at the beginning of the interval.
8Standard error of the proportion of survivors at the beginning of the interval.
9Expected lifetime at the beginning of the interval.
10Standard error of the expected life at the beginning of the interval.
11Total number of time units lived by all of the population in the interval.

See Also