The method used for handling ties.

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public virtual ProportionalHazards..::.TieHandling TiesOption { get; set; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Overridable Property TiesOption As ProportionalHazards..::.TieHandling
Visual C++
virtual property ProportionalHazards..::.TieHandling TiesOption {
	ProportionalHazards..::.TieHandling get ();
	void set (ProportionalHazards..::.TieHandling value);

Field Value

A ProportionalHazards.TieHandling specifying the method to be used in handling ties.

Default: TiesOption = ProportionalHazards.TieHandling.BreslowsApproximate.


TiesOption is one of the values in the following table:

BreslowsApproximateBreslow's approximate method. This is the default.
SortedAsPerObservationsFailures are assumed to occur in the same order as the observations input in x. The observations in x must be sorted from largest to smallest failure time within each stratum, and grouped by stratum. All observations are treated as if their failure/censoring times were distinct when computing the log-likelihood.

See Also