Minimizes a general objective function subject to linear equality/inequality constraints.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class MinConGenLin
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class MinConGenLin
Visual C++
public ref class MinConGenLin


The class MinConGenLin is based on M.J.D. Powell's TOLMIN, which solves linearly constrained optimization problems, i.e., problems of the form

\min f (x)

subject to

A_1x = b_1

A_2x\le b_2

x_l \le x\le x_u

given the vectors b_1, b_2, x_l, and x_u and the matrices A_1 and A_2.

The algorithm starts by checking the equality constraints for inconsistency and redundancy. If the equality constraints are consistent, the method will revise x^0, the initial guess, to satisfy

A_1x =b_1

Next, x^0 is adjusted to satisfy the simple bounds and inequality constraints. This is done by solving a sequence of quadratic programming subproblems to minimize the sum of the constraint or bound violations.

Now, for each iteration with a feasible x^k, let J_k be the set of indices of inequality constraints that have small residuals. Here, the simple bounds are treated as inequality constraints. Let I_k be the set of indices of active constraints. The following quadratic programming problem

\min f\left( {x^k } \right) + d^T \nabla 
            \,f\left( {x^k } \right) + {1 \over 2}d^T B^k d

subject to

a_jd = 0, \,j \in I_k

a_jd  \le 0, \,j \in J_k

is solved to get (d^k, \lambda^k) where a_j is a row vector representing either a constraint in A_1 or A_2 or a bound constraint on x. In the latter case, the a_j = e_j for the bound constraint x_i \le 
            (x_u)_i and a_j = -e_i for the constraint -x_i \le (x_l)_i. Here, e_i is a vector with 1 as the i-th component, and zeros elsewhere. Variables \lambda^k are the Lagrange multipliers, and B^k is a positive definite approximation to the second derivative \nabla ^2  f(x^k).

After the search direction d^k is obtained, a line search is performed to locate a better point. The new point x^{k+1}= x^k +\alpha^kd^k has to satisfy the conditions

f(x^k + \alpha^kd^k) \le f(x^k) + 0.1 
            \alpha^k (d^k)^T\nabla  f(x^k)


(d^k)^T\nabla  f(x^k +\alpha ^kd^k) \ge 0.7 
            (d^k)^T\nabla  f(x^k)

The main idea in forming the set J_k is that, if any of the equality constraints restricts the step-length \alpha^k, then its index is not in J_k. Therefore, small steps are likely to be avoided.

Finally, the second derivative approximation B^K, is updated by the BFGS formula, if the condition

\left( {d^K } \right)^T \nabla f\left( {x^k  + 
            \alpha ^k d^k } \right) - \nabla f\left( {x^k } \right) > 0

holds. Let x^k  \leftarrow x^{k + 1}, and start another iteration.

The iteration repeats until the stopping criterion

\left\| {\nabla f(x^k ) - A^k \lambda ^K } \right\|_2  \le 

is satisfied. Here \tau is the supplied tolerance. For more details, see Powell (1988, 1989).

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also