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Internationalization Module User's Guide
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9.3 Execution Tracing

The Execution Tracing Package in the Threads Module of SourcePro Core provides a flexible mechanism for producing a record of program execution. Trace output can be directed to any ostream, or to other resources such as databases. Trace output automatically contains the name of the file containing the executing code, and the line number within that file. The quantity of trace output can be controlled at compile time, or dynamically at run time, by choosing a minimum severity level or by specifying the functions of interest. Once testing and debugging are complete, trace overhead can be removed entirely by recompiling your application.

The Internationalization Module takes advantage of the Execution Tracing Package. It contains macros that emit trace events. To enable these macros and produce trace output, follow these steps:

  1. Create a trace client.

    For example, use the RWTraceOstreamClient class defined by the Trace package:

    For more information on trace clients, see the Threads Module User's Guide.

  2. Use the Rogue Wave Component Builder (RCB) to create a buildspec that enables tracing.

    Within the RCB wizard, click on the Options button to pop up the RCB Options dialog. Select the checkbox Show advanced questions, then click OK. Proceed with the definition of your buildspec, as described in Installing and Building Your SourcePro C++ Products. When asked "What level of detail should Trace-enabled packages produce?" select a value other than "Disabled."

  3. Compile your application.

    Use RCB to compile the SourcePro modules you wish to use. When compiling your application, be sure to set the _RWCONFIG macro to the name of your trace-enabled buildspec.

  4. Set environment variables to enable trace output.

    Setting rw_i18n=ON enables trace output for the Internationalization Module as a whole. In contrast, setting RWUClassname=ON enables trace output for just that class. For example, setting RWUCollator=ON enables trace output for just the RWUCollator class.

  5. Run your application.

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