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DB Interface Module Reference Guide
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Module:  DB Interface Module   Group:  Data Manipulation Classes

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#include <rw/db/deleter.h>

RWDBDeleter deleter = myTable.deleter();


RWDBDeleter is an encapsulation of an SQL DELETE statement. The where() method of RWDBDeleter is used to specify a WHERE clause. The WHERE clause is encapsulated by an RWDBCriterion, which is some number of RWDBExprs combined with logical operators.

A DELETE statement does not normally produce results. However, the DB Interface Module recognizes that some database vendors provide triggers, which can cause results to be generated by a DELETE statement. Consequently, the execute() method of RWDBDeleter returns an RWDBResult, which is a sequence of zero or more RWDBTables. Applications are not obliged to request any tables from the returned object.

RWDBDeleter is designed around the Interface/Implementation paradigm. An RWDBDeleter instance is an interface to a reference-counted implementation; copy constructors and assignment operators produce additional references to a shared implementation. An RWDBDeleter implementation is a base class from which a family of database-specific deleter implementations is derived.

Example 1

For this example, we delete all the red hubcaps from the autoParts table:

Example 2

For this example, we delete all parts with a specific id by repeatedly using binding to a variable containing the id:

Related Classes

The encapsulated WHERE clause of an RWDBDeleter is an RWDBCriterion, which is composed of RWDBExprs. See RWDBCriterion, RWDBExpr, and RWDBColumn for details.

The result of execute() is an RWDBResult, which represents a sequence of zero or more RWDBTables. See RWDBResult and RWDBTable for details.

Public Constructors

RWDBDeleter(const RWDBDeleter& deleter);

Public Member Operator

operator=(const RWDBDeleter& deleter);

Public Member Functions

acquire() const;
asString() const;

NOTE -- When the RWDBDatabase::verboseAsString() option is set to true, the SQL returned by this method may not be a valid SQL statement. However, this method's return value is not necessarily the same SQL that is sent to the database for execution. For example, if an RWDBBlob object is bound, calling asString() with RWDBDatabase::verboseAsString() set to true will result in a string with blob data returned as hex numbers, such as 0x0A32F5.

RWCString asString(bool verbose) const;

NOTE -- The SQL returned by this method when verbose is true may not be a valid SQL statement. However, this is not necessarily the same SQL sent to the database for execution. For example, if an RWDBBlob object is bound, calling asString(true) will result in a string with blob data returned as hex numbers, such as 0x0A32F5.
asString(const RWDBConnection& conn) const;

NOTE -- When the RWDBDatabase::verboseAsString() option is set to true, the SQL returned by this method may not be a valid SQL statement. However, this method's return value is not necessarily the same SQL that is sent to the database for execution. For example, if an RWDBBlob object is bound, calling asString() with RWDBDatabase::verboseAsString() set to true will result in a string with blob data returned as hex numbers, such as 0x0A32F5.

RWCString asString(const RWDBConnection& conn, bool verbose) const;

NOTE -- The SQL returned by this method when verbose is true may not be a valid SQL statement. However, this is not necessarily the same SQL sent to the database for execution. For example, if an RWDBBlob object is bound, calling asString(true) will result in a string with blob data returned as hex numbers, such as 0x0A32F5.
errorHandler() const;
execute(const RWDBConnection& connection);
isReady() const;
isValid() const;
release() const;
setErrorHandler(RWDBStatus::ErrorHandler handler);
status() const;
table() const;
where() const;
where(const RWDBCriterion& criterion);

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