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Rogue Wave Component Builder (RCB): Building Your Applications
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2.1 Procedure for Building Your Applications

The issues listed below require consideration before building an application that links to SourcePro C++ libraries. The example assumes you are developing on the Windows platform. UNIX users need to appropriately adjust the paths and library name extensions.

  1. Decide the exact build configuration to use for your application.

  2. The SourcePro C++ libraries you plan to link to your application should be built in the same build configuration as the application itself. Once a build configuration is decided, check whether you already have SourcePro C++ libraries built in that configuration.

    This check can be done by looking at Table 10 in Appendix A. Look on the left side of the table to determine the line that corresponds to your main build options -- static or release, linking, and binding. Then note the build tag for the naming convention you normally use.

  3. Look in buildspace\lib to see whether you have the necessary libraries.

  4. If, for example, you will link to the Essential Tools Module, and the trace package of the Threads Module, and your build configuration is 12d, the lib directory will need to contain these libraries:

    where <ver> is the two-digit major and minor release versions for the library. The first of each pair is the dynamic library needed at run time, while the second is the link library used at compile time.

    Note that on UNIX systems only a single shared object is generated by a dynamic build, and is used both in linking and at run time.

  5. If necessary, build the needed libraries.

  6. If you lack any of the required libraries, you need to start up RCB and build the libraries in the required configuration. You should build all the libraries you intend to link to through the same buildspec to assure compatibility among the libraries. This is true even if you have built one or more of the libraries previously.

  7. Once you are confident that all the required libraries are available, collect the following information:

You now have all of the SourcePro C++-related information you need to build your application. The command line should contain these elements:

Your application may, of course, require additional include paths, system flags and macros, and link libraries. Note that:

If you build your application through a makefile, it will need to contain the same elements. You might find one of the SourcePro C++ makefiles helpful in constructing your application makefile. For help in finding the SourcePro C++ makefiles, see Section 1.5, "More About System Requirements."

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