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Currency Module User's Guide
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2.9 Classes in Currency Module

All of the Rogue Wave header files have lower-case names for ease of porting between Windows and Unix. The following table includes the Currency Module classes, their type, and which header file must be included to use them.

Table 1: Currency Module classes

Class Description Header
RWBilateralExchange<T> Abstract base class for currency conversion rw/currency/biexchange.h
RWCurrency Currency class rw/currency/currency.h
RWCurrencyBook Collection of currency objects rw/currency/currbook.h
RWDecimal<T> Decimal fractions rw/currency/decimal.h
RWDecimalFormat Formatting class rw/decio.h
Error objects rw/currency/decimal.h
RWDecimalPortable Arbitrary precision decimal fraction rw/decport.h
RWDivisionExchange Currency conversion class rw/currency/divexchange.h
RWDivisionGroup Collection of currency conversion classes rw/currency/divexchggrp.h
RWEuroGroup<T> Collection of currencies replaced by the Euro rw/currency/euroexchggrp.h
RWExchange Convert from one currency to another rw/currency/currexchange.h
RWExchangeFactory Creates currency exchange objects rw/currency/exchgfact.h
RWExchangeGroup Collection of related currencies rw/currency/exchggroup.h
RWExchangeGroupImpl Abstract base class for exchange group implementation classes rw/currency/exchggroup.h
RWExchangeImpl Abstract base class for currency implementation classes rw/currency/currexchange.h
RWExchangeRate Encapsulates source and target currencies and their conversion factors rw/currency/exchgrate.h
RWExchangeRateTable Stores exchange rates rw/currency/exchgratetbl.h
RWFixedDecimal<T> Fixed point decimal fractions rw/currency/fixeddec.h
RWMoney<T> Attaches a currency mnemonic to an amount. rw/currency/money.h
RWMoneyCalculator<T> Performs arithmetic operations on differing currencies. rw/currency/moneycalc.h
Multi-precision integer classes. These classes are used as template parameters for RWDecimal and RWFixedDecimal and are not documented as separate entries in the SourcePro C++ API Reference Guide rw/currency/mp1int.h
RWMultiplicationExchange Currency conversion class rw/currency/multexchange.h
RWMultiplicationGroup Collection of currency conversion classes rw/currency/multexchggrp.h
RWTriangularExchange Implements conversion for currencies that are part of the EMU. rw/currency/triexchange.h

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