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Currency Module User's Guide
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3.2 Currency Information Class

The currency class is called RWCurrency, and it stores the following currency information:

Notice that the currency information class does not contain information about the relative value of a currency to any other currency, nor does it specify any amounts. Money classes, described in Chapter 4, "Money and Calculations," provide a mapping between a currency and an amount. A variety of currency exchange classes, described in Chapter 5, "Currency Conversions," provide methods for converting from one currency to another.

When you construct a currency object, the introduction and expiration dates are optional. For example the following line creates an RWCurrency object, USDollars:

When you omit the introduction and expiration dates they are replaced with two public static data members: RWCurrency::noIntroductionDate and RWCurrency::noExpirationDate. The data member noIntroductionDate represents a date that is before January 1, 1000. Similarly, noExpirationDate represents December 25, 9999. You can also use these data members in code to determine whether a currency object has an introduction of expiration date. The entry for RWCurrency in the SourcePro C++ API Reference Guide contains an example showing how the data members work.

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