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Evaluating SourcePro C++
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3.3 Running the Examples

To run the examples in the SourcePro C++ Evaluation Edition, your system must be able to find the dynamic libraries (.dll on Win32, .so on UNIX). Windows users can execute the batch file <buildspace>/sproenv_vars.bat to set the PATH, UNIX users can execute the shell script <buildspace>/ to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as described in Section 2.4.

3.3.1 Running from the Command Line

To run an example from the command line, run the executable in the 12d subdirectory below the example source file. For instance, to run the timedate example for the Essential Tools Module from a command prompt, type ./timedate in the buildspace\examples\tools\tutorial\12d directory. This directory also contains any input files required by the example; any generated output files are sent to the same directory.

3.3.2 Running from Microsoft Visual Studio

If you have set up a Microsoft Visual Studio solution for the example you want to run, you can do the following:

  1. Open the appropriate solution in Visual Studio. (See Section 3.2.2.)

  2. Right-click the example project file in the solution explorer and select Set as Startup Project.

  3. Select Debug | Start Without Debugging from the main menu bar.

Input files required by the example and any generated output files are located in the Other Files folder.

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