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Installing and Building Your SourcePro C++ Products
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2.2 Installing RCB and Components

The RCB installation process requires the execution of an installation script (InstallShield on Windows, InstallAnywhere on UNIX). Before you execute the script, ensure that you have a license key file.

2.2.1 Locating Your License Key File

Rogue Wave products are licensed individually by module, operating system, and compiler. RCB determines whether a given build is allowed by checking the license.key file. You must have this file to unlock and install your SourcePro C++ products.

For instructions on how to obtain your license.key file, see the booklet in the RCB CD case.

2.2.2 Installing RCB and SourcePro Components

To install RCB and one or more products, you must use the InstallShield or InstallAnywhere installation scripts.

For installation instructions, see the booklet in the RCB CD case.

During the installation, you will

2.2.3 Installation Results: Two Directory Trees

A successful installation creates two directory trees:

2.2.4 The Buildspace Directory

The following example demonstrates the tree structure of the buildspace directory. The buildspace directory in this example contains the RCB program, the Essential Tools Module (with examples), and the Trace package of the Threads Module (with examples).

For more information about buildspaces, see Section 2.5.2 and Chapter 4.

2.2.5 Installing Additional Components

If you want to install additional components after the original installation, return to the CD and rerun the InstallShield or InstallAnywhere installation script.

The reinstallation process is like the original installation except that you do not have to reinstall all of RCB. When prompted for the location of the RCB program (already installed), enter the existing rcb_install location.

When reinstalling, you can choose to install into the same or a different buildspace. The re-installing process also allows you to install the same components, different components, or some combination of both.

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