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Installing and Building Your SourcePro C++ Products
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2.4 Setting Consents for Platform Information Exchange

When RCB is run for the first time, you are prompted to specify your consent settings.

The Platform Information Exchange sends information to Rogue Wave regarding buildspec selections. For more on the type of information sent to Rogue Wave, click the Tell me more... button. For more information on the benefits of the Platform Information Exchange, see Section 1.3.11.

When the GUI is first run, you must specify two options: a User Consent Setting, and a Transfer Method.

2.4.1 User Consent Setting

The User Consent Setting affects the behavior of the Platform Information Exchange during buildspec creation.

Three consent options are available:

2.4.2 Transfer Method

The Transfer Method indicates how the Platform Information Exchange sends buildspec data to Rogue Wave. A choice is provided to assure that you can send build information even if you are located on a secure network or behind a firewall.

If you choose No, never gather or forward information about my builds as your consent option, you do not have to specify a transfer method.

The two available transfer methods are:

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