SourcePro C++ 12.0

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RWHttpAgent Member List

This is the complete list of members for RWHttpAgent, including all inherited members.
addCustomHeader(const RWHttpHeaderBase &hdr)RWHttpAgent [inline]
executeDelete(const RWURL &url) const RWHttpAgent
executeGet(const RWURL &url) const RWHttpAgent
executeGetIfModifiedSince(const RWURL &url, const RWHttpDate &date) const RWHttpAgent
executeGetRange(const RWURL &url, const RWHttpRange &range) const RWHttpAgent
executeGetRange(const RWURL &url, const RWHttpRange &range, const RWHttpDate &date) const RWHttpAgent
executeGetRange(const RWURL &url, const RWHttpRange &range, const RWCString &etag) const RWHttpAgent
executeHead(const RWURL &url) const RWHttpAgent
executeOptions(const RWURL &url, const RWHttpRequestBody &body=RWHttpRequestStringBody()) const RWHttpAgent
executeOptions(const RWCString &server, int port=80, const RWHttpRequestBody &body=RWHttpRequestStringBody()) const RWHttpAgent
executePost(const RWURL &url, const RWHttpRequestBody &body) const RWHttpAgent
executePut(const RWURL &url, const RWHttpRequestBody &body) const RWHttpAgent
executeServerOptions(const RWURL &url, const RWHttpRequestBody &body=RWHttpRequestStringBody()) const RWHttpAgent
executeServerTrace(const RWURL &url) const RWHttpAgent
executeTrace(const RWURL &url) const RWHttpAgent
executeTrace(const RWCString &server, int port=80) const RWHttpAgent
getClientManagerInstance() const RWHttpAgent [inline]
getFollowRedirects() const RWHttpAgent [inline]
getFrom() const RWHttpAgent [inline]
getNetworkMaxWait() const RWHttpAgent [inline]
getSendDate() const RWHttpAgent [inline]
getUserAgent() const RWHttpAgent [inline]
headers() const RWHttpAgent [inline]
removeCustomHeader(const RWHttpHeaderBase &hdr)RWHttpAgent [inline]
RWHttpAgent(RWHttpClientManager::PointerType clientManager)RWHttpAgent
setFollowRedirects(bool b)RWHttpAgent [inline]
setFrom(const RWCString &from)RWHttpAgent [inline]
setNetworkMaxWait(unsigned long ms)RWHttpAgent [inline]
setSendDate(bool b)RWHttpAgent [inline]
setUserAgent(const RWCString &agent)RWHttpAgent [inline]
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