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RWMulticastSocket Member List

This is the complete list of members for RWMulticastSocket, including all inherited members.
accept(RWSockAddr *addr=0) const RWSocket
bind(const RWSockAddrBase &address)RWSocket
clearError() const RWSocket [protected]
connect(const RWSockAddrBase &address)RWSocket
doRaise(int err, const char *funcName)RWSocket [protected, static]
getpeername() const RWSocket
getSocket() const RWSocket [inline]
getsockname() const RWSocket
getsockopt(int level, int option, void *optval, RWSockLenType *optlen) const RWSocket
getsockopt(int option) const RWSocket
getsocktype() const RWSocket
id(unsigned level=0) const RWSocket
ioctl(long cmd, void *arg) const RWSocket
ioctl(long cmd, int arg) const RWSocket
ioctl(long cmd) const RWSocket
ioctlsocket(long cmd, void *arg) const RWSocket
ioctlsocket(long cmd, int arg) const RWSocket
ioctlsocket(long cmd) const RWSocket
isValid() const RWSocket
joinGroup(const RWInetAddr &group, const RWInetAddr &localAddr=RWInetAddr())RWMulticastSocket
joinGroup(const RWInet6Addr &group, unsigned int inter=0)RWMulticastSocket
lastError() const RWSocket [protected]
leaveGroup(const RWInetAddr &group, const RWInetAddr &localAddr=RWInetAddr())RWMulticastSocket
leaveGroup(const RWInet6Addr &group, unsigned int inter=0)RWMulticastSocket
listen(const RWSockAddrBase &addr, int backlog=5)RWSocket
listen(int backlog=5) const RWSocket
operator<<(std::ostream &, const RWSocket &sock)RWSocket [related]
operator=(const RWSocket &socket)RWMulticastSocket
operator==(const RWSocket &s) const RWSocket [inline]
raise(const char *funcName, int err) const RWSocket [protected]
raise(const char *funcName) const RWSocket [protected]
raiseUnlessWouldBlock(const char *funcName, int err) const RWSocket [protected]
raiseUnlessWouldBlock(const char *funcName) const RWSocket [protected]
recv(int flags=0) const RWSocket
recv(char *buf, int len, int flags=0, RWNetBuf::State *s=0) const RWSocket
recvAtLeast(int n) const RWSocket
recvAtLeast(char *buf, int len, int n, RWNetBuf::State *s=0) const RWSocket
recvfrom(RWSockAddr *addr=0, int flags=0) const RWSocket
recvfrom(char *buf, int len, RWSockAddr *addr=0, int flags=0, RWNetBuf::State *state=0) const RWSocket
recvmsg(msghdr *msg, int flags=0, RWNetBuf::State *s=0) const RWSocket
RWMulticastSocket(const RWSockType &socketType)RWMulticastSocket
RWMulticastSocket(SOCKET existingSocket)RWMulticastSocket
rwSetBlocking(RWSocket &s)RWSocket [related]
rwSetNonBlocking(RWSocket &s)RWSocket [related]
RWSocket(const RWSocket &s)RWSocket
RWSocket(const RWSockType &socketType)RWSocket
RWSocket(SOCKET existingSocket)RWSocket
send(const RWCString &buf, int flags=0) const RWSocket
send(const char *buf, int len, int flags=0) const RWSocket
sendAtLeast(const RWCString &buf) const RWSocket
sendAtLeast(const RWCString &buf, int n) const RWSocket
sendAtLeast(const char *buf, int len) const RWSocket
sendAtLeast(const char *buf, int len, int n) const RWSocket
sendmsg(msghdr *msg, int flags=0) const RWSocket
sendto(const RWCString &buf, const RWSockAddrBase &to, int flags=0) const RWSocket
sendto(const char *buf, int len, const RWSockAddrBase &to, int flags=0) const RWSocket
SET_BLOCKINGRWSocket [related]
SET_NON_BLOCKINGRWSocket [related]
setInterface(const RWInetAddr &inter)RWMulticastSocket
setInterface(unsigned int inter)RWMulticastSocket
setLoopback(bool loop)RWMulticastSocket
setScope(unsigned int scope)RWMulticastSocket
setsockopt(int level, int option, void *optval, int optlen) const RWSocket
setsockopt(int option, int optval) const RWSocket
shutdown(int how=2) const RWSocket
shutdownread() const RWSocket [inline]
shutdownwrite() const RWSocket [inline]
SOCKET typedefRWSocket [related]
socket(const RWSockType &type)RWSocket
socket_RWSocket [protected]
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