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Introduction to SourcePro C++
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5.1 Definition

SourcePro Net provides a set of C++ components for writing networked applications with support from the socket to the protocol layer. SourcePro Net consists of three modules:

SourcePro Net modules are divided into packages. The modules and their respective packages are defined in the following sections. For a code example using SourcePro Net with other Rogue Wave SourcePro C++ products, see Section 5.2.

5.1.1 The Essential Networking Module

The Essential Networking Module is a set of C++ classes for building protocol-independent network communication applications. The classes of the Essential Networking Module are contained in a single class group:

This class group is accessible through the Modules tab of the SourcePro C++ API Reference Guide.

5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module

The Internet Protocols Module is a set of C++ classes that enable you to add FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3, and MIME capabilities to client applications. The classes of the Internet Protocols Module are divided into six class groups:

These class groups are accessible through the Modules tab of the SourcePro C++ API Reference Guide.

5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module

The Secure Communication Module is a set of C++ classes that enable you to send and receive secure data across the Internet. The classes of the Secure Communication Module are contained in two packages:

These class groups are accessible through the Modules tab of the SourcePro C++ API Reference Guide.

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