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Click on one of the letters below to jump immediately to that section of the index.

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12d_eval_gcc_rhas4 buildtype [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.2 Defining the _RWCONFIG Macro]
12d_eval_vc6_win32 buildtype [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.2 Defining the _RWCONFIG Macro]


3rdparty directory [in RCB Products - Directory Structure Variations]


_POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
_POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
_POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
_RWCONFIG macro [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.2 Defining the _RWCONFIG Macro]
_RWCONFIG_<buildtype> macro [in RCB Products - 1.3.10 Reusable Data for Building Applications]


   RWTIOUResult [in Threads UG - Aborting a Request]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - Example]
   RWTIOUResult [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
aborting a cancellation [in Threads UG - Aborting a Cancellation]
   [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
aborting IOU requests [in Threads UG - Aborting a Request]
aborting, a program due to errors [in Tools UG - 9.2.3 External Errors]
abstract base classes
   defined in collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.19.4 Virtual Functions Inherited From RWCollection]
   types in Essential Tools Module [in Tools UG - 2.3.2 Abstract Base Classes]
abstract body classes [in Adv Tools UG - The Abstract Body Classes]
abstract character [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
   [in I18n UG - 2.3.1 Abstract Characters]
abstract character repertoire [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
   [in I18n UG - 2.3.2 Character Sets]
abstract X/OPEN DTP model [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
access libraries [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   and asynchronous behavior [in DB Interface UG - 12.7 Asynchronous Calls in the DB Interface Module]
access library
   naming conventions [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
access module [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
access modules [in DB Interface UG - 2.1 Basic Architecture]
Access Modules, SourcePro DB [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.2 The DB Access Modules]
access to database API [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to Microsoft SQL Server Specific Resources]
   [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
accessing and modifying data in matrices [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5 Accessing Data]
accessing components of complex matrices [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices]
accessing rows, columns, diagonals [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
accessing the leading submatrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.7.2 Leading Submatrices]
accessing the same resource [in Threads UG - 4.4.1 Creating Two or More Threads that Access the Same Resources]
   non-standard FTP protocol commands [in Protocols UG - 4.5 Sending Generic Protocol Commands]
   underlying data structures [in Secure Comm UG - 5.8 Mixing Calls to the Secure Sockets Package with Calls to the Cryptographic Library]
accessLib argument
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   Sybase CT [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
accuracy [in Currency UG - 4.4.2 Setting the Precision and Rounding Method]
ACID properties [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
   RWCondition [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
   RWMutexLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.1 The RWMutexLock Class]
   RWSemaphore [in Threads UG - 4.5.7 The RWSemaphore Class]
   RWTLockGuard [in Threads UG - 4.6 The Guard Classes]
   RWTRecursiveLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.4 The RWTRecursiveLock Class]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
   RWReadersWriterLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
   RWReadersWriterLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
acquisition ordering [in Threads UG - 4.5.7 The RWSemaphore Class]
   [in Threads UG - 4.5.2 The RWFIFOMutexLock Class]
   [in Threads UG - Acquiring Mutex Ownership]
active client [in Protocols UG - 4.4 Using Active and Passive Clients]
active objects
   and thread server classes [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   building [in Threads UG - 3.8 Using Threads To Build Active Objects]
   using [in Threads UG - Using Active Objects]
active runnables [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
active state [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
adapter classes
   architecture [in Adv Tools UG - Architecture of the Adapter Classes]
   Essential Tools Module virtual streams [in Adv Tools UG - Virtual Streams Adapter Classes in the Essential Tools Module]
   IOStreams [in Adv Tools UG - The iostreams Adapter Classes]
   output [in Adv Tools UG - Using the Adapter Classes for Output]
   using for input [in Adv Tools UG - Using the Adapter Classes for Input]
adapters [in Adv Tools UG - Object Streams With Virtual Streams]
Adaptive Server type
   data types [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   RWRunnableHandle [in Threads UG - Registering the Callback]
addFunction(), RWFactory [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
adding and deleting currencies [in Currency UG - 3.3.3 Adding, Deleting, and Searching for Currencies]
adding constraints [in DB Interface UG - Adding or Dropping Constraints]
adding new numeric types [in Math UG - 2.2.2 Adding New Numeric Types]
   HTTP headers [in Protocols UG - 5.4.4 Adding and Removing Headers]
addIntercept [in Analysis UG - 5.2.2 Intercept Option]
   for RWTCountedPointer parameter class [in Threads UG - 7.5.2 Using RWTCountedPointer]
address-space [in Threads UG - 3.2.2 Threads and Memory]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   generic socket [in Networking UG - 6.4 Using Generic Socket Addresses]
   socket [in Networking UG - 6.1 Introduction]
advanced questions [in RCB Products - 3.4.1 Question List]
   [in RCB Products - Advanced Options]
Advanced Tools Module
   additional streams functionality [in XML Streams UG - 3.1 Introduction]
   character conversion utilities [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWWStrings to and from UTF-8]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.3 The Advanced Tools Module]
   description [in Adv Tools UG - 2.1 Advanced Tools Module Packages]
   packages and libraries [in Adv Tools UG - 1.2 Product Packages and Libraries]
   packages of [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.3 The Advanced Tools Module]
   relationship to XML Streams Module [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   Serialization Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.3 The Advanced Tools Module]
   Streams Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.3 The Advanced Tools Module]
   Types Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.3 The Advanced Tools Module]
   use of RWTInsertProxy [in XML Streams UG - 4.2.1 Comparison Example of Basic XML Streams with Enhanced XML Streams]
   architecture [in Protocols UG - 2.3 Architecture]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 7.1.1 Using RWHttpAgent to Retrieve a Document Securely]
aggregate functions [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.6 Aggregates, Expressions, and Functions]
aggregation [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
aliasing [in Math UG - 3.6 Construction Versus Assignment]
   [in Math UG - 3.8 Vector Copies]
   defined [in Math UG - 3.3 Data and Views]
alignment [in Threads UG - Read Synchronization]
   in RWFileManager [in Tools UG - 10.5.2 Member Functions]
   of memory in a collection [in Tools UG - A.3 Time and Space Considerations]
alphabets, encoding [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   for connection management [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.4 Alternatives for Managing Connections]
ambiguity, avoiding in base classes (advanced topics) [in Tools UG - 12.5 Multiple Inheritance]
analysis of variance for a linear regression [in Analysis UG - 5.4.1 Class RWLinearRegressionANOVA]
ANSI [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
ANSI standard, container iterators [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
AP [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
AP-RM interface [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
AP-TM interface [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
API used [in DB2 CLI Access - 1.1 Overview]
   [in MySQL Access - 1.1 Overview]
   [in ODBC Access - 1.1 Overview]
append(), in RWBasicUString [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
application program
   X/Open DTP environmen [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
   X/Open DTP environment [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   building your own with RCB support [in RCB Products - 1.3.10 Reusable Data for Building Applications]
   compiling [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3 Building Your Applications]
   running [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.4 Running Your Applications]
   writing your own [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.1 Overview]
   hashing [in Tools UG - Hashing]
   iterators [in Tools UG - 6.6.1 Traditional Essential Tools Module Iterators]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - apply() Functions]
Arabic 8859-6
   character encoding [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
architecture [in DB Interface UG - 1.2 Features and Benefits]
   [in Networking UG - 3.2 Architecture]
architecture of RWDBConnection classes [in DB XA UG - 3.1.3 RWDBConnection]
architecture of RWDBDatabase classes [in DB XA UG - 3.1.2 RWDBDatabase]
architecture, Model-View-Controller [in Tools UG - 2.2.7 Miscellaneous Class Group]
   common filtered streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.4.3 The Common Filtered Streams]
   common stream framework [in Adv Tools UG - 3.4.1 The Common Framework]
   common to all protocols [in Protocols UG - 2.3 Architecture]
   data-view model [in Math UG - 3.3 Data and Views]
   extended framework [in Adv Tools UG - 3.4.2 The Extended Framework]
   Secure Sockets package [in Secure Comm UG - 2.2 The Secure Sockets Package]
Argentina, and time zones [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
   decimal [in Currency UG - 6.4 Decimal Arithmetic]
   RWDateTime sentinel [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   using different currencies [in Currency UG - 2.3 Money Calculator Class]
   using non-numeric values [in Currency UG - 6.5 Special Values]
   using null,missing,NaN [in Currency UG - 6.5 Special Values]
   defined [in Math UG - 3.2 Some Simple Examples]
   example [in Math UG - 3.2.3 An Array Example]
   high dimension [in Math UG - 3.13 High Dimension Arrays]
   initializing [in Currency UG - 6.3.3 Fixed and Floating Decimal Classes]
   of signed and unsigned chars [in Math UG - 3.11 Arrays of Signed and Unsigned Chars]
   in RWCollections [in Tools UG - Class Conversions]
ASCII [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
   converting multibyte characters to wide characters [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
   formatting in streams [in Tools UG - 5.3 Specializing Virtual Streams]
   localizing alphabets [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   enum in RWWString [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
Asian character sets
   selecting an encoding form [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
asOrderedCollection(), in RWCollections [in Tools UG - Class Conversions]
assertions [in I18n UG - 9.4 Compiling in Debug Mode]
   [in Threads UG - Attempting Recursive Acquisition]
asSet(), in RWCollections [in Tools UG - Class Conversions]
assignment and construction operators, distinction [in Math UG - 3.6 Construction Versus Assignment]
assignment operators [in Math UG - 3.5 Assignment]
assignment, defined [in Math UG - 3.6 Construction Versus Assignment]
assignments [in DB Interface UG - 5.2 Expressions, Criterions, and Assignments]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.5 Updating Data]
associations with other objects [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.3 Associations with Other Objects]
asSortedCollection(), in RWCollections [in Tools UG - Class Conversions]
asString() method
   example [in DB Interface UG - 5.9 asString() Methods in the Data Manipulation Classes]
   in data manipulation classes [in DB Interface UG - 5.9 asString() Methods in the Data Manipulation Classes]
   output [in DB Interface UG - 5.9 asString() Methods in the Data Manipulation Classes]
   RWDateTime sentinel [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   in RWDateTime used with RWLocaleSnapshot [in Tools UG - 7.5.1 RWLocaleSnapshot and RWAnsiLocale]
asynchronous API [in DB Interface UG - 12.1 Definition]
   connections [in DB Interface UG - 12.2 Architectural Overview]
   example [in DB Interface UG - 12.5 Asynchronous Usage Example]
   functions [in DB Interface UG - 12.7 Asynchronous Calls in the DB Interface Module]
   processing [in DB Interface UG - 12.1 Definition]
asynchronous calls
   completions [in DB Interface UG - 12.3 Handling Asynchronous Call Completions]
   many on a single connection [in DB Interface UG - 12.7.1 Running Many Asynchronous Calls on a Single RWDBConnection]
   performance issues [in DB Interface UG - 12.7.2 Performance Issues]
   restrictions [in DB Interface UG - 12.7 Asynchronous Calls in the DB Interface Module]
   with C++ datatype returns [in DB Interface UG - 12.6 Handling C++ Datatype Returns from an Asynchronous Call]
asynchronous dispatching
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
asynchronous errors [in Math UG - 8.1.3 Asynchronous Errors]
asynchronous functions [in Threads UG - 5.1 Introducing the Interthread Communication Package]
asynchronous readers [in DB Interface UG - 12.8 Asynchronous RWDBReaders]
asynchronous runnable [in Threads UG - 3.5.5 Starting a Runnable]
   definition [in Threads UG - 5.1 Introducing the Interthread Communication Package]
atomic actions
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
attribute value functions
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
attributes [in Threads Platform Guide - 3.1 HP-UX Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.2 Linux Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.2 Solaris Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 6.1 Win32 Thread Attribute Support]
   current limits for (Threading package) [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   editing during transformation process [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   secure socket [in Secure Comm UG - 5.11.1 Working with Secure Socket Attributes]
   socket [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
   thread [in Threads UG - 3.9 Thread Attributes]
   and identity column constraint [in DB Interface UG - Identity Column Constraints]
autocommit mode [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.5 Transaction Processing with RWDBConnection]
avoiding a block [in Threads UG - Avoiding a Block]
   resource leaks [in Networking UG - 7.3 Closing Sockets and Avoiding Resource Leaks]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]


   choosing a collection [in Tools UG - A.2.2 Additional Selection Criteria]
   disk based [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
backreferences,in regular expressions [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
backward selection [in Analysis UG - 4.2.3 Backward Selection]
Bag, compared to sets and hash tables [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   POSIX standard [in Tools UG - 4.6.1 Regular Expressions]
balance decompositions [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.5 Hessenberg and Balance Decompositions]
banded matrix types [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
banded matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   definition [in Threads UG - Rendezvous Synchronization]
      [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
   RWBarrier [in Threads UG - 4.5.9 The RWBarrier Class]
base 64 encoding [in Protocols UG - 10.3.2 Base 64 Encoding]
base 64 encoding encoding
   base 64 [in Protocols UG - 10.3.2 Base 64 Encoding]
base calculation [in Analysis UG - 2.3.1 The Base Calculation]
base character [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
base class RWRegression [in Analysis UG - 5.1 Overview]
base priority
   priority class [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   thread [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
basic linear algebra package [in Math UG - 8.3 Basic Linear Algebra Package]
basic regular expressions [in I18n UG - Basic Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
basic source character set [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
   [in I18n UG - 2.6 Multilingual Text in C++]
basic streams, characteristics [in XML Streams UG - 4.1 Introduction]
bcdiagonal() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
   in templates to return iterators [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   obtaining an iterator [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
beginTransaction() [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
Berkeley sockets adapter [in Networking UG - 3.2.2 Communication Adapters Layer]
   [in Networking UG - 7.1 Introduction]
bibliography [in Secure Comm UG - B.1 Introduction]
bidirectionality [in I18n UG - 3.3.11 Character Mirroring]
big-endian format [in I18n UG - 2.4.3 Unicode Character Encoding Schemes]
binary data [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
   limitations on use [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
binary formatting
   in virtual streams [in Tools UG - 5.3 Specializing Virtual Streams]
binary outcome data [in Analysis UG - 3.3 Logistic Regression]
binary streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.1 The Binary Streams]
binary trees
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.8 Binary Tree]
binary virtual streams
   about [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   constructing [in Networking UG - 5.4.2 Constructing a Binary Virtual Stream for Input from a Portal]
   encapsulated binary file operations [in Tools UG - 10.1 Introduction]
   add persistence to a class [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
   calculates number of bytes [in Tools UG - 6.17.6 How to Add Polymorphic Persistence]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - Virtual Function binaryStoreSize()]
binding handle and body instances [in Threads UG - Handle-Body Mechanics]
bits of precision
   setting [in Currency UG - 6.3.1 Class RWMultiPrecisionInt<n>]
bitwidth option [in RCB Products - 3.5.7 Select Bitwidth]
BLAS [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.4 Basic Linear Algebra Package]
   [in Math UG - 8.3 Basic Linear Algebra Package]
   state [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   thread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
   definition [in Threads UG - 5.2.2 Producers, Consumers, and Blocking]
   avoiding [in Networking UG - 6.2 Controlling Network Access]
      [in Threads UG - Avoiding a Block]
   controlling [in Networking UG - 6.2 Controlling Network Access]
body class
   RWNeighborIterator [in Analysis UG - 2.4 Model Selection Classes]
body instance
   definition [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
   for derived handle class [in Threads UG - Defining Handle Classes that Automatically Create Bodies]
   typedef [in Tools UG - Selection]
bound thread [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
boundary analysis [in I18n UG - 7.2 Boundary Analysis]
bounds checking [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.2 Bounds Checking]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.5 Using Condition Variables]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
buffered streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
   [in Adv Tools UG - Buffered Streams]
build artifacts [in RCB Products - 4.3.3 Deleting Buildspace Files According to Buildtype and Module]
build configurations
   defined [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
build logs [in RCB Products - 2.7.2 Build Report]
build manager
   environment characterization test run by [in RCB Products - 1.3.3 Understanding Your Environment]
   invoking from the command line [in RCB Products - 2.6.3 Executing a Buildspec from the Command Line]
build options
   advanced questions [in RCB Products - 3.4.1 Question List]
      [in RCB Products - Advanced Options]
   bitwidth [in RCB Products - 3.5.7 Select Bitwidth]
   build action [in RCB Products - 1.3.7 Three Selectable Build Activities]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.4 Select Build Action]
   clean action [in RCB Products - 3.5.14 Select Clean Options]
   compiler [in RCB Products - 3.5.6 Select Compiler]
   DB Access Modules [in RCB Products - 3.6.5 SourcePro DB Access Modules]
   debugging [in RCB Products - 3.5.10 Select Debugging]
   Essential Math Module [in RCB Products - 3.6.6 Essential Math Module]
   Essential Tools Module [in RCB Products - 3.6.1 Essential Tools Module]
   general [in RCB Products - 3.5 General Buildspec Questions]
   greyed-out [in RCB Products - 1.3.2 Built-In Intelligence]
      [in RCB Products - 3.4.2 How RCB Determines Which Questions to Ask]
   library naming conventions [in RCB Products - 1.3.9 Flexible Naming Conventions]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   linking [in RCB Products - 3.5.8 Select Linking]
   matrix compliance always initially enabled [in RCB Products - Advanced Options]
   module-specific [in RCB Products - 3.6 Module-Specific Questions]
   monitored by RCB [in RCB Products - 1.3.2 Built-In Intelligence]
      [in RCB Products - 3.4.2 How RCB Determines Which Questions to Ask]
   navigating through questions [in RCB Products - 2.5.4 Specify Build Options]
   operating system [in RCB Products - 3.5.5 Select Operating System]
   Q and A mechanism for specifying [in RCB Products - 3.4 Answering Questions to Create a Buildspec]
   question list [in RCB Products - 2.5.4 Specify Build Options]
   selecting a buildspace [in RCB Products - 3.5.2 Select Buildspace]
   setting RCB options for specifying [in RCB Products - 3.4.4 Options Dialog]
   specifying in buildspec [in RCB Products - 2.5.4 Specify Build Options]
   threading [in RCB Products - 3.5.9 Select Threading]
   Threads Module [in RCB Products - 3.6.3 Threads Module]
   user-defined [in RCB Products - 3.5.12 Select Compile and Link Options]
build queue
   adding buildspecs [in RCB Products - 1.3.5 Sequential Multiple Builds]
   submitting [in RCB Products - 1.3.5 Sequential Multiple Builds]
build results [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   best location for detailed build information [in RCB Products - 2.7.2 Build Report]
   configuration-specific header files [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   effect on directory names in buildspace [in RCB Products - Directory Naming]
   naming conventions [in RCB Products - 1.3.9 Flexible Naming Conventions]
build tag conventions [in RCB Apps - A.2 Supported Conventions]
build tag
   definition [in RCB Apps - 1.4 More About _RWCONFIG]
   RCB [in RCB Apps - 1.3 More About Linking to Libraries]
   SPM [in RCB Apps - 1.3 More About Linking to Libraries]
      [in RCB Apps - 1.3 More About Linking to Libraries]
   Verbose RCB [in RCB Apps - 1.3 More About Linking to Libraries]
building active objects using threads [in Threads UG - 3.8 Using Threads To Build Active Objects]
building applications [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3 Building Your Applications]
building components
   build options specification in buildspec [in RCB Products - 2.5.4 Specify Build Options]
   build results [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   buildspaces [in RCB Products - 1.3.6 Single, Multipurpose Buildspace]
   choosing RCB build actions [in RCB Products - 1.3.7 Three Selectable Build Activities]
   clean action build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.14 Select Clean Options]
   command line builds [in RCB Products - 1.3.8 Command Line Interface]
      [in RCB Products - 2.6.3 Executing a Buildspec from the Command Line]
   configuration-specific header files generated [in RCB Products - 1.3.10 Reusable Data for Building Applications]
      [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   library naming conventions [in RCB Products - 1.3.9 Flexible Naming Conventions]
   license violation message [in RCB Products - 2.6.1 License Message]
   multiple builds in a single operation [in RCB Products - 1.3.5 Sequential Multiple Builds]
   options for how to build [in RCB Products - 3.5.4 Select Build Action]
   rebuilding [in RCB Products - 1.3.5 Sequential Multiple Builds]
   using an export buildspace [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
building monitors [in Threads UG - 4.4.4 Building Monitors]
building the examples [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2 Building the Examples]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.3.1 Building from the Command Line]
building your applications
   RCB support [in RCB Products - 1.3.10 Reusable Data for Building Applications]
   internet addresses [in Networking UG - 6.5.2 Building Internet Addresses]
   IPv6 addresses [in Networking UG - 6.6.2 Building IPv6 Addresses]
buildspace [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.5.1 Pathname Conventions]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.3 Directory Structure]
   export [in RCB Products - Directory Structure Variations]
   defined [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
   deleting files in [in RCB Products - 4.3 Cleaning Up Buildspaces]
   described [in RCB Products - 1.3.6 Single, Multipurpose Buildspace]
   effect of build tags on directory names [in RCB Products - Directory Naming]
   export [in RCB Products - Export Buildspace]
      [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
   local versus export [in RCB Products - 2.5.2 Specify a Buildspace]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.2 Select Buildspace]
   multiple builds within [in RCB Products - 1.3.6 Single, Multipurpose Buildspace]
   selecting a valid local buildspace [in RCB Products - Local Buildspace]
   specifying a location [in RCB Products - 2.5.2 Specify a Buildspace]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.2 Select Buildspace]
   symbolic links not supported [in RCB Products - 2.5.2 Specify a Buildspace]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.2 Select Buildspace]
   using multiple [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
   working with [in RCB Products - 4.1 Buildspace Issues]
   adding to build queue [in RCB Products - 1.3.5 Sequential Multiple Builds]
   danger of overwriting [in RCB Products - 2.5.1 Select a Buildspec]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.1 Select Buildspec]
   defining a new [in RCB Products - 2.5.1 Select a Buildspec]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.1 Select Buildspec]
   deleting [in RCB Products - 4.3 Cleaning Up Buildspaces]
   imported [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
   location of for exported builds [in RCB Products - Running the Build Manager from the Command Line (Method 1)]
   name based on build tag [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   processing from the command line [in RCB Products - 2.6.3 Executing a Buildspec from the Command Line]
   reusing [in RCB Products - 1.3.5 Sequential Multiple Builds]
      [in RCB Products - 2.5.1 Select a Buildspec]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.1 Select Buildspec]
      [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
   where stored [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
Bulk Classes
   of DB Interface Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
bulk reading [in MySQL Access - 2.8 BulkReader and BulkInserter]
bulk reads and writes [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.8.1 Support]
   [in DB Interface UG - 8.1 The Bulk Classes]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.8.1 Support]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.8 BulkReader and BulkInserter]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.9 BulkReader and BulkInserter]
bulk writing [in MySQL Access - 2.8 BulkReader and BulkInserter]
Business Analysis Module
   class groups of [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.3 The Business Analysis Module]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.3 The Business Analysis Module]
   Model Selection Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.3 The Business Analysis Module]
   Parameter Calculation Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.3 The Business Analysis Module]
   Regression Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.3 The Business Analysis Module]
byte streams, and localizing [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]


C locale, and RWLocale [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
C++ Standard Library
   containers, list of [in Tools UG - 6.9.1 The C++ Standard Library Containers]
   in collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.9 Essential Tools Module Templates and C++ Standard Library Containers]
   iterators [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
      [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
   option selection screen [in RCB Products - 3.5.11 C++ Standard Library Selection Screen]
   use represented in library name [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
cache manager
   how to use [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
   lifetime requirement [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
   multithreading [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
caching [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.7 Caching]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.6.1 Inserter Caching]
caching options
   RWDBInserter [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.1 Caching with RWDBInserter]
   RWDBReader [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.2 Caching with RWDBReader]
caching, reader [in MS SQL Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   cache manager example [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.7 Example]
   classes involved in DB metadata caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
   clearing the in-memory cache [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   database insertion and retrieval [in DB Interface UG - 9.1 Caching and Performance]
      [in DB Interface UG - 9.2 A Database Client Perspective]
   database performance implications [in DB Interface UG - 9.1 Caching and Performance]
   error handling [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.3 Error Handling in the Cache Manager]
   how metadata caching works [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.1 Types of Cacheable Data]
   implementing a cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.6 Implementing a Cache Manager]
   in-memory cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   inserter [in MS SQL Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
   keeping cache data current [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.4 Keeping the Cache Up-To-Date]
   lifetime requirement for cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
   local vs global metadata cache [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
   metadata caching in the database client [in DB Interface UG - 9.2 A Database Client Perspective]
   metadata in DB [in DB Interface UG - 9.1 Caching and Performance]
   multithreading and the cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
   performance [in MS SQL Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   persisting the in-memory cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   reader [in ODBC Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   reader not supported [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   restrictions on database insertion and retrieval [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.3 Restrictions On Caching with RWDBReader, RWDBInserter]
   result schemas [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.4 Result Schema Caching]
   RWDBEnvironmentHandle [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.4 Result Schema Caching]
   using the cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
calculating determinants [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.4.1 Determinants]
calculating matrix inverses [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.4.2 Matrix Inverses]
calculating the condition number [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.4.3 Condition Number]
calculation methods for logistic regression [in Analysis UG - 5.5.2 Calculation Methods for Logistic Regression]
calculation methods
   switching at runtime [in Analysis UG - 5.5 Parameter Calculation Classes]
   mixed-currency [in Currency UG - 4.4 Mixed-Currency Calculations]
   same-currency [in Currency UG - 4.3 Same-Currency Calculations]
   julian [in Tools UG - 3.2.2 Julian Day Number vs. Julian Date]
   time formats for [in Tools UG - 3.2 Calendar and Time Formats]
Callback Classes
   of DB Interface Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
callbacks [in Threads UG - Monitoring Changes in Execution State]
   execution state change [in Threads UG - Using Callbacks]
   stop using [in Secure Comm UG - 8.1.2 Switching to the Default Callback]
   switching to the default [in Secure Comm UG - 8.1.2 Switching to the Default Callback]
   using [in Protocols UG - 2.4.2 RWTIOUResult Callbacks]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 8.1.1 Writing a Callback]
   using with HTTPS [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4 Using the Security Callbacks]
   using with secure sockets [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5 Using the Secure Sockets Callbacks]
   writing [in Secure Comm UG - 8.1.1 Writing a Callback]
   data [in Threads UG - When Function Arguments Won't Change Across Invocations]
   definition [in Threads UG - 8.1.4 How Do They Work?]
   data [in Threads UG - When the Function Signature Matches the Functor Invocation]
   definition [in Threads UG - 8.1.4 How Do They Work?]
canceled completion state [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
canceling a runnable
   implementation [in Threads UG - 3.5.10 Canceling a Runnable]
   with lockguards [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
canceling a server [in Threads UG - 3.6.6 Canceling a Server]
cancellation [in Threads UG - 3.5.10 Canceling a Runnable]
   [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
cancellation requests
   servicing [in Threads UG - Servicing Cancellation Requests]
canGetConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
canGetContentionScope() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
canGetInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
canGetPriority() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
canGetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
canGetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
canGetStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
canGetStackReserveSize() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
canGetStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
canGetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
canGetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
canGetUserStack() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
canonical equivalence
   definition [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
      [in I18n UG - 5.2.1 Canonical Equivalence]
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - Tailored Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
canonical form [in Protocols UG - 10.2.1 Canonical Form]
canSetConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
canSetContentionScope() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
canSetInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
canSetPriority() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
canSetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
canSetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
canSetStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
canSetStackReserveSize() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
canSetStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
canSetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
canSetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
canSetUserStack() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   referential action [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Foreign Key Constraint]
      [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
case [in I18n UG - 3.3.10 Character Case]
case level [in I18n UG - Case Level]
   enum [in Tools UG - 4.4 Lexicographic Comparisons]
   enum, defined [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
catching exceptions [in Threads UG - 3.5.8 Catching and Rethrowing Exceptions]
certificate name check callback (HTTPS) [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4.1 Certificate Name Check Callback]
certificate name mismatch callback (HTTPS) [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4.2 Certificate Name Mismatch Callback]
certificate verification callback (secure sockets) [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5.2 Certificate Verification Callback]
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
   hard-coded [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.3 Using Hard-Coded Keys and Certificates]
   in the example programs [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.5 About the Keys and Certificates in the Example Programs]
   obtaining [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3 Obtaining Certificates]
   obtaining to identify an entity [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.2 Obtaining Certificates to Identify a Specific Entity]
   obtaining to verify other certificates [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.1 Obtaining Trusted Certificates to Verify Other Certificates]
   defined [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
chains of objects
   creating [in Networking UG - 5.4.3 Creating Chains of Objects]
changing a matrix element [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.1 Individual Elements]
channel-specific portal classes [in Networking UG - 4.6 Using Channel-specific Portal Classes]
CHAR [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
character [in I18n UG - 2.3.1 Abstract Characters]
character blocks [in I18n UG - 3.3.3 Character Blocks]
character breaks [in I18n UG - 7.2 Boundary Analysis]
character categories
   definition [in I18n UG - 3.3.5 General Character Categories]
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Basic Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
character directionality [in I18n UG - 3.3.7 Character Directionality]
character encoding form [in I18n UG - 2.3.4 Character Encoding Forms]
Character Encoding Scheme Conversion Classes
   of Internationalization Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
character encoding
   Advanced Tools Module requirements [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2 Determining your Character Encoding Needs]
   and Internationalization Module [in XML Streams UG - 7.2 Determining your Character Encoding Needs]
      [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   building streams in [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
   choosing string class [in XML Streams UG - 7.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate String Class Interface]
   classes to convert [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
   defined [in XML Streams UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   ISO-8859-1 [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.2 When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
      [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   requirements for [in XML Streams UG - 7.2 Determining your Character Encoding Needs]
   Shift-JIS [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
      [in XML Streams UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   Unicode conversions [in Adv Tools UG - Example]
   US-ASCII [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   UTF-16 [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   UTF-8 [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   XML Streams package requirements [in XML Streams UG - 7.2.2 The XML Streams Package Character Encoding Requirements]
character encodings [in I18n UG - 2.3.3 Coded Character Sets]
   [in I18n UG - 4.2 Character Encodings]
character equivalence [in I18n UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   [in I18n UG - 5.2 Character Equivalence]
character map [in I18n UG - 2.3.6 Character Map]
character mirroring [in I18n UG - 3.3.11 Character Mirroring]
character names [in I18n UG - 3.3.6 Character Names]
   deprecated [in I18n UG - 3.3.6 Character Names]
character properties [in I18n UG - 3.3 Character Properties]
character scripts [in I18n UG - 3.3.4 Character Scripts]
character set [in I18n UG - 2.3.2 Character Sets]
character sets
   compatibility between [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.1 National Character Sets and C++ Data Types]
   for internationalization [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.1 National Character Sets and C++ Data Types]
character string data
   and RWBasicUString [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.1 National Character Sets and C++ Data Types]
   and RWCString [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.1 National Character Sets and C++ Data Types]
   and RWDBMBString [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.1 National Character Sets and C++ Data Types]
   and RWWString [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.1 National Character Sets and C++ Data Types]
characterization test [in RCB Products - 1.3.3 Understanding Your Environment]
charset [in I18n UG - 2.3.6 Character Map]
check conditions
   and RWExpr [in DB Interface UG - Creating Unique and Check Constraints]
   using RWDBCriterion [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
check constraints [in DB Interface UG - Check Table Constraints]
   and check condition [in DB Interface UG - Creating Unique and Check Constraints]
      [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
   example [in DB Interface UG - Creating Unique and Check Constraints]
   fetching [in DB Interface UG - Unique and Check Constraints]
chi-squared distribution
   default value for G (Lemeshow) [in Analysis UG - Hosmer-Lemeshow Statistic]
   G statistic [in Analysis UG - G Statistic]
   Lemeshow statistics [in Analysis UG - Hosmer-Lemeshow Statistic]
Chinese dates, formatting with ISO 8601 [in Tools UG - 3.3 International Standards for Dates and Times]
   defined [in Tools UG - 6.7 Collection Class Templates]
   returned by isA() [in Tools UG - Virtual Function isA()]
Cholesky decomposition method [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.3 Implementations Provided]
   least squares factorization object [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.3 Implementations Provided]
class groups, defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 2.3 Packages and Class Groups]
class hierarchy
   Currency Module classes [in Currency UG - 5.8 The Exchange Class Hierarchies]
   data-handling classes [in Networking UG - 3.3 Class Hierarchies]
   error-handling classes [in Networking UG - 3.3 Class Hierarchies]
   I/O services [in Networking UG - 3.3 Class Hierarchies]
   model selection classes [in Analysis UG - 2.4 Model Selection Classes]
   parameter calculation classes [in Analysis UG - 2.3 Parameter Calculation Classes]
   portal classes [in Networking UG - 3.3 Class Hierarchies]
   regression classes [in Analysis UG - 2.2 Regression Classes]
   wrapper classes [in Networking UG - 3.3 Class Hierarchies]
   by category [in DB Interface UG - 3.1 Kinds of Classes]
   concrete [in DB Interface UG - 2.4 Reference Semantics]
   data types [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   database [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   expression [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
   general matrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   Hermitian banded matrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   Hermitian matrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   in the Networking package [in Networking UG - 3.1 Classes]
   kinds of [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.2 Kinds of Classes]
   lower-triangular matrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   portal stream [in Networking UG - 5.2 Understanding the Architecture of a Portal Stream]
   socket address hierarchy [in Networking UG - 6.1.1 The Socket Address Classes]
   summary of [in DB Interface UG - 3.2 Summary of Classes]
   symmetric banded matrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   symmetric matrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   tracing [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
      [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   upper-triangular matrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   vector [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.1 Defining Vectors]
   without status [in DB Interface UG - 6.2 Checking Status with Class RWDBStatus]
classID()in RWFactory and RWCollectable [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
clean action build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.14 Select Clean Options]
clean, argument to rwclean [in RCB Products - 4.3.4 Command Line Syntax]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - Functions clear() and clearAndDestroy()]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - Functions clear() and clearAndDestroy()]
clearCache() method [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.4 Keeping the Cache Up-To-Date]
client and server authentication
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
   examples [in Secure Comm UG - 5.7 Implementing Both Client and Server Authentication]
   initializing [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5.2 Initializing the Context to Perform Both Client and Server Authentication]
client certificate callback (secure sockets) [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5.4 Client Certificate Callback]
client data
   definition [in Threads UG - When Function Arguments Won't Change Across Invocations]
client program
   example [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.1 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.2 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocketPortal]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
   sample code [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
   active [in Protocols UG - 4.4 Using Active and Passive Clients]
   architecture [in Protocols UG - 2.3 Architecture]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 7.1.2 Using RWHttpsSecureSocketClient to Retrieve a Document]
   definition [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   passive [in Protocols UG - 4.4 Using Active and Passive Clients]
   POP3 [in Protocols UG - 6.6 Mail Retrieval: Using the POP3 Client]
   RWTHRxmsg [in Threads UG - 9.4 Using the Thread-compatible Exception Classes]
   used to create GNU LinuxThreads [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.4 GNU LinuxThreads]
close() [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - The close() Function]
      [in Threads UG - 5.5.3 Closing an IOU]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - Example]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - Example]
CloseNotify [in Secure Comm UG - 5.13 Security Issues]
closesocket() [in Networking UG - 7.3 Closing Sockets and Avoiding Resource Leaks]
closing IOUs
   and redeeming [in Threads UG - Closing and Redeeming an IOU]
   definition [in Threads UG - 5.5.3 Closing an IOU]
   implementation [in Threads UG - 5.5.3 Closing an IOU]
   mail transfer sessions [in Protocols UG - 7.4 Closing the Mail Transfer Session]
code page [in I18n UG - 2.3.3 Coded Character Sets]
code point [in I18n UG - 2.3.3 Coded Character Sets]
code unit [in I18n UG - 2.3.4 Character Encoding Forms]
coded character repertoire [in I18n UG - 2.3.3 Coded Character Sets]
coded character scheme [in I18n UG - 2.3.5 Character Encoding Schemes]
coded character set [in I18n UG - 2.3.3 Coded Character Sets]
coding your own applications [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.1 Overview]
   locale-specific using RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.4 Lexicographic Comparisons]
   performing locale-specific collations [in Tools UG - 4.4 Lexicographic Comparisons]
   support for Standard C Library collation conventions [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
collation [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 6.2 Locale-Sensitive String Comparison]
collation elements [in I18n UG - 6.3 Customizing a Collator]
   finding [in I18n UG - 6.3.1 Finding Collation Elements]
collation keys [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 6.4 Using Collation Keys]
collation levels [in I18n UG - 6.3.3 Examining Collation Levels]
collation strength [in I18n UG - Collation Strength]
collation weights [in I18n UG - 6.3.2 Forming Collation Weights]
   [in I18n UG - 6.3 Customizing a Collator]
collation, locale-specific
   in Internationalization Module [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.3 When You Do Need the Internationalization Module]
collation, use of Internationalization Module [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Need the Internationalization Module]
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - Tailored Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
   creating [in I18n UG - 6.2 Locale-Sensitive String Comparison]
   list of macros in [in Tools UG - B.5.1 In File collect.h]
collection classes
   copying [in Tools UG - 6.4 Copying Collection Classes]
   dictionary [in Tools UG - Dictionaries]
   duplicates example [in Tools UG - 6.16.1 Bus Example Scenario]
   equality object [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   hash function objects [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   hashing [in Tools UG - Hashing]
   how to choose a collection [in Tools UG - A.1 Introduction]
   iterator functions [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   mappings [in Tools UG - 6.2.3 STL Extension-based Collection Classes]
   memory management [in Tools UG - 6.3.3 A Note on Memory Management]
   parameter requirements [in Tools UG - 6.10 Parameter Requirements]
   persistence in custom collections [in Tools UG - Polymorphically Persisting Custom Collections]
   reference-based [in Tools UG - 6.3.1 Value-based and Reference-based Collections]
   retrieving objects [in Tools UG - 6.5 Retrieving Objects in Collections]
   RWCollectable classes [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   RWCollectable classes [in Tools UG - 2.2.4 Collection Class Group]
      [in Tools UG - 3.9 The Date and Time Collectable Class]
   selection [in Tools UG - Selection]
   Smalltalk-like [in Tools UG - 6.19 Smalltalk-like Collection Classes]
   Smalltalk-like, how to choose [in Tools UG - 6.19.3 Choosing a Smalltalk-like Collection Class]
   STL extension-based [in Tools UG - 2.2.4 Collection Class Group]
      [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   STL-based [in Tools UG - 2.2.4 Collection Class Group]
      [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   template interfaces [in Tools UG - 6.9.2 Commonality of Interface]
   templates [in Tools UG - 6.7 Collection Class Templates]
   templates, list of all available [in Tools UG - 6.9.1 The C++ Standard Library Containers]
   traditional [in Tools UG - 2.2.4 Collection Class Group]
      [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   value-based [in Tools UG - 6.3.1 Value-based and Reference-based Collections]
   virtual functions [in Tools UG - 6.19.4 Virtual Functions Inherited From RWCollection]
collections of objects, serialization [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   decision tree for choosing [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
   hash-based and equality [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   heterogeneous [in Tools UG - 6.19 Smalltalk-like Collection Classes]
   how accessed [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
   of associations of keys and values [in Tools UG - 10.1 Introduction]
      [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
   using linked nodes for access [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
   value-based, choosing a collection [in Tools UG - A.2.2 Additional Selection Criteria]
   of identification, avoided by RWStringID [in Tools UG - Identification Collisions]
cols() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
column constraints
   cacheable as metadata [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.1 Types of Cacheable Data]
   default [in DB Interface UG - Default Column Constraints]
   identity column [in DB Interface UG - Identity Column Constraints]
   not null [in DB Interface UG - Not Null Constraints]
   types supported [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.2 Column Level Constraints]
column major order, defined [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
COLUMN_MAJOR [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
   length of names [in ODBC Access - 2.4.1 Table and Column Names]
combining characters [in I18n UG - 5.2.1 Canonical Equivalence]
combining classes [in I18n UG - 3.3.9 Combining Classes]
command line builds [in RCB Products - 1.3.8 Command Line Interface]
   [in RCB Products - 2.6.3 Executing a Buildspec from the Command Line]
   buildspec location for exported builds [in RCB Products - Running the Build Manager from the Command Line (Method 1)]
command line compiling [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3 Building Your Applications]
command line invocations used in builds [in RCB Products - 2.7.2 Build Report]
commit size [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
commitTransaction() [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
Communication Adapter Layer
   about [in Networking UG - 3.2.2 Communication Adapters Layer]
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
Communication Services Layer
   about [in Networking UG - 3.2.4 Communication Services Layer]
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
   using [in Secure Comm UG - 5.1 Using RWPortalIStream and RWPortalOstream]
compact object streams
   and character encoding conversions [in Adv Tools UG - Compact Object Streams]
comparative code example [in Networking UG - 2.2.2 A Comparative Code Example]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 6.11.1 More on Total Ordering]
   in template collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.11 Function Objects for Comparison]
   total ordering [in Tools UG - 6.11.1 More on Total Ordering]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 6.19.7 A Note on How Objects are Found]
   in locale-specific string collations [in Tools UG - 4.4 Lexicographic Comparisons]
   using SortedCollection typedef [in Tools UG - 6.19.2 Example]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
comparison digit
   default [in Currency UG - 4.4.2 Setting the Precision and Rounding Method]
   functions of RWCollections [in Tools UG - 8.7.3 Don't Use Sorted RWCollections to Store Heterogeneous RWCollectables]
   in member functions [in Tools UG - Comparison Functions]
   lexicographic in RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.4 Lexicographic Comparisons]
   object, in collections [in Tools UG - A.2.2 Additional Selection Criteria]
   of greater or lesser, default definition [in Tools UG - Virtual Function compareTo()]
   of objects for retrieval [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   with self in collections [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
compatibility [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.4.1 Compatibility]
compatibility characters [in I18n UG - 5.2.2 Compatibility Equivalence]
compatibility equivalence [in I18n UG - 5.2.2 Compatibility Equivalence]
compiler build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.6 Select Compiler]
compiler flags [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.3 Specifying Compiler Flags and System Libraries]
   conflicting [in RCB Apps - 2.2 Dueling Compiler Flags]
      [in RCB Apps - 2.2 Dueling Compiler Flags]
compiler options
   user-defined [in RCB Products - 3.5.12 Select Compile and Link Options]
compiler, setting time zones and [in Tools UG - 3.4 Setting the Time Zone]
compilers [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.1 General Software Requirements]
   build actions [in RCB Products - 1.3.7 Three Selectable Build Activities]
   build location [in RCB Products - 1.3.6 Single, Multipurpose Buildspace]
   building [in RCB Products - 1.3.5 Sequential Multiple Builds]
   building from the command line [in RCB Products - 1.3.8 Command Line Interface]
      [in RCB Products - 2.6.3 Executing a Buildspec from the Command Line]
   characterizing [in RCB Products - 1.3.3 Understanding Your Environment]
   configuration-specific header files generated by building [in RCB Products - 1.3.10 Reusable Data for Building Applications]
      [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   defined [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
   dependencies [in RCB Products - 1.3.2 Built-In Intelligence]
   installing additional [in RCB Products - 2.2.5 Installing Additional Components]
   invoking from command line [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3 Building Your Applications]
   library naming conventions [in RCB Products - 1.3.9 Flexible Naming Conventions]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   license violation message while building [in RCB Products - 2.6.1 License Message]
   selecting [in RCB Products - 1.3.4 Selectable Component Set]
compiling applications [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3 Building Your Applications]
compiling in debug mode [in I18n UG - 9.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 9.4 Compiling in Debug Mode]
complete orthogonal decomposition [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.3 Implementations Provided]
   [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.1 Kinds of Decompositions]
complete orthogonal decomposition, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.3.1 Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]
completion state values [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
completion state
   and runnable objects [in Threads UG - Starting Synchronous Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
      [in Threads UG - Starting Threaded Runnables]
   canceled [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   failed [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   monitoring [in Threads UG - 3.5.7 Monitoring the Completion State of a Runnable]
   normal [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   pending [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   terminated [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
complex eigenvalues [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.1 Defining the Problem]
complex queries [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.5 Ordering and Grouping]
components of the Business Analysis Module [in Analysis UG - 2.1 Components]
composite characters [in I18n UG - 5.2.1 Canonical Equivalence]
   definition [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
compressed streams [in Tools UG - 5.7 Compressed IOStreams]
computations on decimal numbers [in Currency UG - 6.1 Overview]
computing selected eigenvalues [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
concepts [in I18n UG - 2.1 Overview]
concrete classes, in Essential Tools Module [in Tools UG - 2.3.1 Concrete Classes]
concrete data types [in DB Interface UG - 2.4 Reference Semantics]
concurrency [in Threads UG - 2.1 Background]
concurrency policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
condition numbers [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.4.3 Condition Number]
   defined [in Math UG - 5.3 Condition Number]
condition synchronization
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
      [in Threads UG - 4.4.5 Using Condition Variables]
   RWCondition [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
condition variables
   combining with mutual exclusion [in Threads UG - Combining the Condition Variable with Mutual Exclusion]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
      [in Threads UG - 4.4.5 Using Condition Variables]
   RWCondition [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
   using [in Threads UG - 4.4.5 Using Condition Variables]
   using for producer-consumer synchronization [in Threads UG - Using the Condition Variable for Producer-Consumer Synchronization]
   for accessing the condition number [in Math UG - 5.3 Condition Number]
confidence interval [in Analysis UG - 3.2.6 Prediction Intervals]
configuration parameters
   accessing and setting through environment handle [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
configuring the resource manager
   Oracle [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
configuring the resource manager
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - 5.4.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Sybase CT [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   and attaching trace client to filter [in Threads UG - 6.7.1 Using the Predefined Client]
   and chaining trace filters [in Threads UG - 6.8.2 Chaining Multiple Filters]
   RWTraceMultiClientFilter [in Threads UG - 6.8.2 Chaining Multiple Filters]
   RWTraceOstreamClient [in Threads UG - 6.7.1 Using the Predefined Client]
connecting to a database [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
   through a firewall [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
   through a proxy [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
connection handle limitations [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
connection management
   alternatives [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.4 Alternatives for Managing Connections]
   connection pools [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.3 Connection Pools]
   explicit and implicit connections [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.2 Explicit and Implicit Connections]
   RWDBDatabase and RWDBConnection [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.1 RWDBDatabase and RWDBConnection]
   the process [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.1 RWDBDatabase and RWDBConnection]
   transaction processing [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.5 Transaction Processing with RWDBConnection]
connection parameters
   access library name [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   accessing through environment handle [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
   database name [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   password [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   server name [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   user name [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
connection pools
   changing pool size [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.3 Connection Pools]
   defined [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.3 Connection Pools]
connection states [in Sybase CT Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   and RWDBManager [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   arguments used [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   asynchronous [in DB Interface UG - 12.2 Architectural Overview]
   databases [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   disabling implicit [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.3 Connection Pools]
   establishing [in DB Interface UG - 20.5.1 The Main Routine]
   explicit [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.2 Explicit and Implicit Connections]
      [in DB Interface UG - 5.4.5 A Note About Connections]
      [in DB Interface UG - 5.5 Updating Data]
   implicit [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.2 Explicit and Implicit Connections]
   logging on [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   managing [in DB Interface UG - 4.3 Managing Connections]
   reusing [in Secure Comm UG - 5.6 Reusing Sessions]
   shared [in DB Interface UG - 11.4 Sharing an RWDBConnection]
   synchronous [in DB Interface UG - 12.2 Architectural Overview]
connectivity to databases [in RCB Products - 3.6.5 SourcePro DB Access Modules]
   and attaching to the trace manager [in Threads UG - Using Your Client]
   RWTraceEventClient [in Threads UG - Using Your Client]
   RWTraceManager [in Threads UG - 6.7.1 Using the Predefined Client]
connectType [in DB XA UG - 5.4.5 The Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
const iterators
   in templates [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   traditional Essential Tools version [in Tools UG - 6.6.1 Traditional Essential Tools Module Iterators]
constants, list of [in Tools UG - B.1 Constants]
   in allocator class templates [in Tools UG - 12.6.1 Template Functions]
   adding [in DB Interface UG - Adding or Dropping Constraints]
   architecture of classes [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
   check [in DB Interface UG - Check Table Constraints]
   dropping [in DB Interface UG - Adding or Dropping Constraints]
   fetching [in DB Interface UG - Fetching Table Constraints]
   foreign key [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
   identity column [in DB Interface UG - Identity Column Constraints]
   on tables [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.3 Table Level Constraints]
   primary key [in DB Interface UG - Primary Key Constraints]
   table [in DB Interface UG - 4.5 Table Constraints]
   unique [in DB Interface UG - Unique Table Constraints]
constructing a regression object [in Analysis UG - 5.2.2 Intercept Option]
constructing a server [in Threads UG - 3.6.1 Constructing a Server]
constructing functors and runnables [in Threads UG - 3.4.3 Explicitly Constructing Functors and Runnables]
constructing IOUs [in Threads UG - 5.5.2 Constructing an IOU]
   a complex criterion [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
   a complex RWDBCriterion [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.2 RWDBCriterion and RWDBExpr]
   a query [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
   global objects [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4.2 Global Objects and the Secure Sockets Package Initialization]
   RWDBCursors [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.1 Instantiating an RWDBCursor]
construction, defined [in Math UG - 3.6 Construction Versus Assignment]
consulting services [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.7 Consulting Services and Training]
consumer-producer synchronization [in Threads UG - 5.2.2 Producers, Consumers, and Blocking]
   definition [in Threads UG - Using the Condition Variable for Producer-Consumer Synchronization]
contacting Rogue Wave for services [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.7 Consulting Services and Training]
contained in RWDBSybCtLibSystemHandle [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
   collection classes in Standard Library [in Tools UG - 6.9 Essential Tools Module Templates and C++ Standard Library Containers]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
Content-Description header [in Protocols UG - 10.1.5 The Content-Description Header]
   [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
Content-Disposition header [in Protocols UG - 10.1.7 The Content-Disposition Header]
   [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
Content-ID header [in Protocols UG - 10.1.4 The Content-ID Header]
   [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
Content-Location header [in Protocols UG - 10.1.6 The Content-Location Header]
   [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
Content-Transfer-Encoding header [in Protocols UG - 10.1.3 The Content-Transfer-Encoding Header]
   [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
Content-Type header [in Protocols UG - 10.1.2 The Content-Type Header]
   [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
contention scope [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
contention scope attribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
contention scope
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   creating [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5 Creating the Secure Socket Context]
continue [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
controlling threads [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
   [in Threads UG - 3.5 The Runnable Object Classes]
   blocks [in Networking UG - 6.2 Controlling Network Access]
   network access [in Networking UG - 6.2 Controlling Network Access]
   pathname [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.5.1 Pathname Conventions]
   typographic [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.5.2 Typographic Conventions]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.6.1 Typographic Conventions]
conversion [in I18n UG - 4.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 4.4.2 Creating Conversion Contexts]
Conversion Classes
   of Currency Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
conversion context stack [in I18n UG - 4.4.1 The Conversion Context Stacks]
conversion errors [in I18n UG - 4.3.4 Conversion Errors]
conversion methods
   provided in the Currency Module [in Currency UG - 5.3 Currency Exchange Classes]
conversion policies
   defined [in Currency UG - 4.4.1 Setting the Conversion Policy]
   between character encodings [in XML Streams UG - 7.2.2 The XML Streams Package Character Encoding Requirements]
   between multibyte and wide character strings [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
   of character encodings [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   of character encodings in compact object streams [in Adv Tools UG - Compact Object Streams]
   of currency for localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.5 Currency]
   of encodings using RWBasicUString [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   of encodings, code example [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
   of strings and dates for localization [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
   of time during localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
   type conversion with RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   Unicode conversions [in Adv Tools UG - Example]
   among decimal types [in Currency UG - 6.7 Conversions]
   defining the process [in Currency UG - 5.5 Currency Exchange Factory]
   from integers and strings [in Currency UG - 6.7.1 Conversion from Integers and Strings]
   to built-in types [in Currency UG - 6.7.3 Conversion to Built-In Types]
   from RWFromUTF8Converter [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWWStrings to and from UTF-8]
   Unicode conversion function [in Adv Tools UG - Example]
   creating [in I18n UG - 4.3.1 Creating Converters]
   resetting [in I18n UG - 4.3.6 Resetting Converters]
converting from Unicode [in I18n UG - 3.4.6 Converting from Unicode]
   [in I18n UG - 4.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 4.4.5 Bidirectional Conversions]
   [in I18n UG - 4.4.4 Implicitly Converting from Unicode]
converting to Unicode [in I18n UG - 4.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 4.3.2 Explicitly Converting to Unicode]
   [in I18n UG - 4.4.5 Bidirectional Conversions]
   [in I18n UG - 4.4.3 Implicitly Converting to Unicode]
copy constructor, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.4 Copy Constructors: References and Copies]
copy constructor
   and copy on write [in Tools UG - 12.2 Copy on Write]
   defined [in Math UG - 3.4 Copy Constructor]
   of a reference-based collection [in Tools UG - 6.4.1 Copying Reference-based Collection Classes]
copy on write [in DB Interface UG - 2.4 Reference Semantics]
   [in Tools UG - 12.2 Copy on Write]
Copy these files option for export buildspaces [in RCB Products - Export Buildspace]
copy() [in Math UG - 3.8 Vector Copies]
   in reference-based collections [in Tools UG - 6.4.1 Copying Reference-based Collection Classes]
copying, reference-based collections [in Tools UG - 6.4.1 Copying Reference-based Collection Classes]
core library [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
correct sequence of processing [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10.2 Executing Stored Procedures]
correlated subquery [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.8 Subqueries]
count variable
   definition [in Threads UG - Count Synchronization]
coversion policies
   setting [in Currency UG - 4.4.1 Setting the Conversion Policy]
   in RWFactory [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
   RWDateTime sentinel [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   enum, defined [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
createProcedure() [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10.1 Creating Stored Procedures]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.10.1 Creating a Stored Procedure]
createTable() [in DB XA UG - 6.4 Using Data Definition Language]
creating and managing threads using active objects [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Managing Threads Using Active Objects]
creating and sharing a synchronized data input stream [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Sharing a Synchronized Data Input Stream Among Several Active Objects]
creating and sharing a synchronized data output stream [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Sharing a Synchronized Data Output Stream Among Several Active Objects]
creating and using chains of streaming elements [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.2 Creating and Using Chains of Streaming Elements]
creating and using stream adapter classes [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.4 Creating and Using Stream Adapter Classes in the Advanced Tools Module]
creating and using streams with one streaming element [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.1 Creating and Using Streams with Only One Streaming Element]
creating and using thread-safe chains [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.3 Creating and Using Thread-safe Chains of Streaming Elements]
   [in Adv Tools UG - Creating a Synchronized Data Output Stream]
creating conversion contexts [in I18n UG - 4.4.2 Creating Conversion Contexts]
creating threads [in Threads UG - 3.4.1 Creating Threads]
   [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
   [in Threads UG - 3.5 The Runnable Object Classes]
creating threads that access the same resource [in Threads UG - 4.4.1 Creating Two or More Threads that Access the Same Resources]
   chains of objects [in Networking UG - 5.4.3 Creating Chains of Objects]
   custom methods with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.4.1 Additional HTTP Methods]
   secure socket context [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5 Creating the Secure Socket Context]
   tunnels [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
criterions [in DB Interface UG - 5.2 Expressions, Criterions, and Assignments]
critical section
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.2 Using Mutexes]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.1 The RWMutexLock Class]
critical value
   for parameter estimates [in Analysis UG - Critical Values]
   of the F statistic [in Analysis UG - Critical Value]
   of the parameter T statistic [in Analysis UG - Critical Values]
cross compiling [in RCB Products - 5.1 Cross Compiling on Windows]
cryptographic data structures
   accessing [in Secure Comm UG - 5.8 Mixing Calls to the Secure Sockets Package with Calls to the Cryptographic Library]
cryptographic library
   errors [in Secure Comm UG - 5.10 Handling Errors from the Cryptographic Library]
   initialization [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4 Initializing the Secure Sockets Package]
   mixing calls with the Secure Sockets package [in Secure Comm UG - 5.8 Mixing Calls to the Secure Sockets Package with Calls to the Cryptographic Library]
CS_CONNECTION [in DB XA UG - RWDBConnection Objects]
CS_CONNECTION structure [in DB XA UG - 5.3.3 Databases and Connections]
   used by RWDBConnection [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
CS_HIDDENKEYS [in DB XA UG - 5.3.5 The Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
CS_MAX_CONNECT [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBConnection Objects]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.3.5 The Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
ctid system column [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.6 Cursors]
currency book
   adding and deleting currencies [in Currency UG - 3.3.3 Adding, Deleting, and Searching for Currencies]
   format [in Currency UG - 3.3.2 Initializing a Currency Book]
   initializing [in Currency UG - 3.3.2 Initializing a Currency Book]
   objects [in Currency UG - 3.3 Collections of Currencies]
currency classes [in Currency UG - 2.1 Currency Classes]
   [in Currency UG - 3.2 Currency Information Class]
   constructing a currency object [in Currency UG - 3.2 Currency Information Class]
Currency Classes
   of Currency Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
currency exchange architecture [in Currency UG - 5.8 The Exchange Class Hierarchies]
currency exchange classes
   implementation [in Currency UG - 5.3 Currency Exchange Classes]
currency exchange example [in Currency UG - 5.6 Performing Currency Exchanges]
currency exchange factory [in Currency UG - 5.1 Introduction]
currency exchange groups [in Currency UG - 2.4 Conversion Classes]
   implementation [in Currency UG - 5.4 Currency Exchange Groups]
currency exchange objects [in Currency UG - 2.4 Conversion Classes]
currency information [in Currency UG - 3.2 Currency Information Class]
Currency Module class hierarchies [in Currency UG - 5.8 The Exchange Class Hierarchies]
Currency Module classes
   list [in Currency UG - 2.9 Classes in Currency Module]
Currency Module
   class groups of [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
   Conversion Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
   Currency Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
   Decimal Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
   Formatting Class [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
   Money Calculator Class [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
   Money Class [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
   localization [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
      [in Tools UG - 7.5.4 Numbers]
      [in Tools UG - 7.5.5 Currency]
currency_book.txt [in Currency UG - 3.3.1 Available Currencies]
   contents [in Currency UG - A.1 Currency Book Initialization File]
   enum, defined [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
cursors [in DB Interface UG - 5.8 Cursors]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.6 Cursors]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.7 Cursors]
   alternative access attributes [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.1 Instantiating an RWDBCursor]
   binding variables [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.2 Bind Operations]
   binding variables out of order [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.2 Bind Operations]
   deleting rows [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.5 Delete Operation]
   fetching rows [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.3 Fetch Operation]
   how implemented [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.6 Cursors]
   OCI library support [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.6 Cursors]
   restrictions [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.6 Cursors]
   updating rows [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.6 Update Operation]
   wide variation [in DB Interface UG - 5.8 Cursors]
custom allocators [in Tools UG - 12.6 Using Custom Allocators]
custom code
   writing using streamContents() function [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
custom method
   creating with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.4.1 Additional HTTP Methods]
   encodings [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]


data alignment [in Threads UG - Read Synchronization]
data binding [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.15 Input Binding of Data]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.16 Input Binding of Data]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.16 Input Binding of Data]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.16 Input Binding of Data]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.16 Input Binding of Data]
data callback classes [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.17.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.18.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.18.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.3 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.5 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
data change objects [in Analysis UG - 2.3.1 The Base Calculation]
data definition language (DDL) [in DB XA UG - 6.4 Using Data Definition Language]
Data Definition Language
   and internationalization [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.6 Data Definition Language]
data formats for internationalization [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.11.4 Data Formats]
data formatting [in DB Interface UG - 13.3 Data Formatting]
Data Manipulation Classes
   of DB Interface Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
data model
   architecture [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
   database layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
      [in DB Interface UG - 7.3 The Database Layer]
   layers [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
   pointer layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
      [in DB Interface UG - 7.5 The Pointer Layer]
   summary [in DB Interface UG - 7.6 Summary]
   value layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
      [in DB Interface UG - 7.4 The Value Layer]
data streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.5 The Data Streams]
data type mapping [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
data types
   binary large objects [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   character data [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   date and time values [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   date values [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   for internationalization [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
   mapping when creating tables [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   mapping when retrieving data [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   multibyte character data [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   national character set [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
   problems with diverse [in DB Interface UG - 7.1 The Problem of Diverse Data Types]
   restrictions [in MySQL Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   restrictions on use [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   standard character set [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
   time periods [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   type mapping when creating tables [in MySQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   type mapping when retrieving data [in MySQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
data-view model [in Math UG - 3.3 Data and Views]
database access specifications [in RCB Products - 3.6.5 SourcePro DB Access Modules]
database alias [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.4.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   DB2 CLI open string [in DB XA UG - 5.4.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
database classes [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
Database Classes
   of DB Interface Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
database client
   metadata caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.2 A Database Client Perspective]
database connection [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
   access library name [in MySQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   arguments used to open [in MySQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   database name [in MySQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   password [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   password to open [in MySQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   required parameters [in MySQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   server name [in MySQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   user name [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   user name to open [in MySQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
database connectivity
   required for SourcePro DB [in DB Interface UG - 1.3.3 Database Connectivity]
database data caching
   cache manager example [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.7 Example]
   classes involved in metadata caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
   clearing the in-memory cache [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   during database insertion and retrieval [in DB Interface UG - 9.1 Caching and Performance]
   effect on performance [in DB Interface UG - 9.1 Caching and Performance]
   error handling [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.3 Error Handling in the Cache Manager]
   how metadata caching works [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.1 Types of Cacheable Data]
   implementing a cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.6 Implementing a Cache Manager]
   in-memory cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   keeping cache data current [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.4 Keeping the Cache Up-To-Date]
   lifetime requirement for cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
   local vs global metadata cache [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
   metadata caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.1 Caching and Performance]
   metadata caching in the client [in DB Interface UG - 9.2 A Database Client Perspective]
   multithreading and the cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
   persisting the in-memory cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   restrictions on insertion and retrieval [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.3 Restrictions On Caching with RWDBReader, RWDBInserter]
   result schemas [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.4 Result Schema Caching]
   RWDBEnvironmentHandle [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.4 Result Schema Caching]
   RWDBInserter options [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.1 Caching with RWDBInserter]
   RWDBReader options [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.2 Caching with RWDBReader]
   using the cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
database differences [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.2 RWDBCriterion and RWDBExpr]
database errors [in DB Interface UG - 6.5.1 Kinds of Errors]
   [in DB Interface UG - 6.5.1 Kinds of Errors]
   interpreting [in DB Interface UG - 6.5.2 Capturing Database-Dependent Information]
database examples [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.1 Overview]
database layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.3 The Database Layer]
database resources
   accessing through custom class [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to Microsoft SQL Server Specific Resources]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
database table [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
database versions [in DB XA UG - 1.3 Module-Specific Software Requirements]
database() [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   arguments for DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   arguments for Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   arguments for Sybase CT [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
database-independent classes [in DB Interface UG - 11.5 Database-Independent Classes]
   connections [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   opening [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   populating for SourcePro DB tutorials [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.4.1 Populate Your Database]
   connections [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
Datatype Classes
   of DB Interface Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
datatype mapping [in MS SQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   restrictions on use [in ODBC Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   restrictions on use, table [in MS SQL Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   interfacing with another language [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.7 Direct Access to Data]
Date and Time Classes
   introduction [in Tools UG - 2.2.1 Date and Time Class Group]
   list of [in Tools UG - 3.1 Introduction]
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
dates and times
   classes for working with [in Tools UG - 3.1 Introduction]
   internationalization [in Tools UG - 3.3 International Standards for Dates and Times]
   UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) [in Tools UG - 3.2.1 UTC (GMT) Dates and Times]
   localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
Daylight Saving Time
   and localization [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
   RWDateTime [in Tools UG - 3.4 Setting the Time Zone]
DB Access Modules [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.2 The DB Access Modules]
   build options [in RCB Products - 3.6.5 SourcePro DB Access Modules]
DB Interface Module [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   Bulk Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   Callback Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   class groups of [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   Data Manipulation Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   Database Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   Datatype Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   Expression Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   Open SQL Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
   Utility and Diagnostics Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
DB parameter
   open string for Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
DB2 CLI Access Module
   using with static libraries [in MS SQL Access - 2.19 Using Static Libraries with MS SQL Server and DB2 CLI Access Modules]
db2xa_switch [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS [in RCB Products - A.4.1 Oracle OCI Access Modules]
DBDATABASE_NAME [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
DBPASSWORD [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
DBSERVER_NAME [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
DBSERVER_TYPE [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
DBUSER_NAME [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
DComplexFFT2DServer [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
DComplexFFTServer [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
DComplexFFTServer and DoubleFFTServer
   distinction [in Math UG - 4.2 Transforms of Real Sequences]
DDL [in DB XA UG - 6.4 Using Data Definition Language]
dead-lock [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
deadlock [in DB Interface UG - 11.3 Sharing Objects of the DB Interface Module Among Threads]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
deallocate(), in RWFileManager [in Tools UG - 10.5.2 Member Functions]
debug version [in Threads UG - Attempting Recursive Acquisition]
   building in debug mode [in Tools UG - 9.4 The Debug Version of the Essential Tools Module]
   keeping related methods consistent [in Tools UG - 13.8 Keep Related Methods Consistent]
   version of library, common mistakes [in Tools UG - 13.7 Match Memory Models and Other Qualifiers]
debugging [in I18n UG - 9.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 9.4 Compiling in Debug Mode]
debugging build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.10 Select Debugging]
   represented in library name [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
decimal arithmetic [in Currency UG - 6.4 Decimal Arithmetic]
   error handler [in Currency UG - 6.4 Decimal Arithmetic]
Decimal Classes
   of Currency Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
decimal fractions
   base 2 representation [in Currency UG - 9.2 Base 2 Representation of Decimal Fractions]
decimal numbers
   representation in Dollars [in Currency UG - 6.2 How Decimal Values Are Represented]
decision tree, choosing a collection [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
Decomposition Classes
   of Linear Algebra Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
decomposition classes
   three kinds [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.1 Kinds of Decompositions]
   balance [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.5 Hessenberg and Balance Decompositions]
   complete orthogonal [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.3.1 Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.3 QR Decomposition and Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]
   Hessenberg [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.2 Kinds of Classes]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.3.5 Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Decomposition Classes]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.3 Servers]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.5 Hessenberg and Balance Decompositions]
   QR [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.2 Kinds of Classes]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.3 Implementations Provided]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.1 Kinds of Decompositions]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.3 QR Decomposition and Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]
   Schur [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.3 Servers]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.4 Schur Decompositions]
   singular value [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.2 Kinds of Classes]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.1 Kinds of Decompositions]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.2 Singular Value Decomposition]
deep copying. of reference-based collections [in Tools UG - 6.4.1 Copying Reference-based Collection Classes]
default attribute values [in Threads UG - 3.9.6 Default Attribute Values]
default column constraints [in DB Interface UG - Default Column Constraints]
default connections [in DB XA UG - RWDBConnection Objects]
default constructor
   adding for serialization support [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   in RWCollectable classes [in Tools UG - 6.17.1 Define a Default Constructor]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.1 Define a Default Constructor]
default constructors [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.5 Default Constructors]
default exception messages [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
default intercept option [in Analysis UG - 5.2.2 Intercept Option]
default locale [in I18n UG - 10.3.3 The Default Locale]
   [in RCB Apps - 3.4 The Default Locale]
   contention scope [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   inheritance policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   scheduling policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   stack attributes [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   stack commit size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   stack reserve size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   start policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   time-slice quantum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
defaultify, referential action [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
defining a new numeric type [in Math UG - 2.2.1 Defining a New Numeric Type]
defining a runnable object&rsquo [in Threads UG - 3.5.1 Defining a Runnable's Task]
defining the boundaries of a transaction [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
   address [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   BSD [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
   client [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   FTP [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   handle-body idiom [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   host [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   interface-implementation idiom [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   internet [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   MIME [in Protocols UG - 8.1 Introduction]
   protocol [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   RFC [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   server [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   SMTP [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   socket [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   TCP/IP [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   TLI [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
   UML [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   URI [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
   URL [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   XDR [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
   XNS [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
   list of macros in [in Tools UG - B.5.2 In File defs.h]
deleting data [in DB Interface UG - 5.6 Deleting Data]
dependencies [in Secure Comm UG - 1.3 Module-Specific Software Requirements]
   [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.4.2 Dependencies]
dependencies, scheduling attributes [in Threads UG - 3.9.9 Scheduling Attributes]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.1.1 Interpackage Dependencies]
   Functor package [in Threads UG - 8.1.1 Interpackage Dependencies]
   ICU [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   Interthread Communication package [in Threads UG - 5.1.1 Interpackage Dependencies]
   module [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.2 Module Dependencies]
   of module [in XML Streams UG - 1.3 Dependencies]
   OpenSSL secure sockets library [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.1.1 Interpackage Dependencies]
   products [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.4.2 Dependencies]
   schema [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.3 Schema Dependencies]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 5.1.4 Interpackage Dependencies]
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2.2 Interpackage Dependencies]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.1.1 Interpackage Dependencies]
   third-party [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   Thread-compatible Exception package [in Threads UG - 9.1.1 Interpackage Dependencies]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.1.1 Interpackage Dependencies]
deprecated classes
   collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.19.1 Tables of the Smalltalk-like Classes]
   RWCRegexp [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
   RWDate [in Tools UG - 3.6 RWDate (deprecated)]
   RWTime [in Tools UG - 3.7 RWTime (deprecated)]
deques, time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.7 Deques]
   in reference-based collections [in Tools UG - 6.3.3 A Note on Memory Management]
designing a class
   errors [in Tools UG - Check for Possible Problems]
   keeping related methods consistent [in Tools UG - 13.8 Keep Related Methods Consistent]
   to use isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.3 Designing Your Class to Use Isomorphic Persistence]
   troubleshooting [in Tools UG - Check for Possible Problems]
   using RWCollectable class [in Tools UG - 6.16 Designing an RWCollectable Class]
   in allocator class templates [in Tools UG - 12.6.1 Template Functions]
   RWCollectable [in Tools UG - 6.17.5 Object Destruction]
determinants, calculating [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.4.1 Determinants]
   secure applications [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2 Developing Secure Applications]
   logistical regression [in Analysis UG - G Statistic]
diagonal() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
   in collection classes [in Tools UG - Dictionaries]
   using external key to find a value [in Tools UG - Dictionaries]
dictionary classes, list of [in Tools UG - Dictionaries]
Dijkstra, E. W. [in Threads UG - 4.5.7 The RWSemaphore Class]
directionality of text [in I18n UG - 3.3.7 Character Directionality]
   3rdparty [in RCB Products - Directory Structure Variations]
   build results [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   specifying a buildspace location [in RCB Products - 2.5.2 Specify a Buildspace]
directory structure of buildspace [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.3 Directory Structure]
directory structure
   header files [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.2 Using SourcePro C++ Components]
disambiguate, an object [in Tools UG - 6.5 Retrieving Objects in Collections]
   and stopping all tracing [in Threads UG - 6.6.2 Stopping Trace]
   RWTraceManager [in Threads UG - 6.6.2 Stopping Trace]
disk allocation
   in file system classes [in Tools UG - 10.1 Introduction]
disk space [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
dispatch [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
dispersion matrix [in Analysis UG - 3.2.3 Parameter Dispersion (Variance-Covariance) Matrix]
display, using transformations [in XML Streams UG - 5.1 Introduction]
distinguishing runnables [in Threads UG - Distinguishing Between Synchronous and Threaded Runnables]
distributed systems, using XML Streams in [in XML Streams UG - 2.3 When to Use XML Streams]
distributed transaction [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
distributed transaction processing system (DTP) [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
DLL [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   [in RCB Apps - 2.3.1 Linking to Required Libraries]
DLL version, uses large memory model (common mistakes) [in Tools UG - 13.9 DLL]
   naming conventions [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
DLLs [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.4 Environment Variables]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.4 Running Your Applications]
   [in RCB Products - 3.5.8 Select Linking]
document organization [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.6.1 Organization]
documentation [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.4 Documentation]
   [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.5 SourcePro C++ Documentation]
   locations [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.4 Documentation]
   and processing trace events [in Threads UG - Including a Timestamp in Trace Output]
      [in Threads UG - 6.7.2 Creating User-defined Clients]
      [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
   RWTraceEventClientImp [in Threads UG - Including a Timestamp in Trace Output]
      [in Threads UG - 6.7.2 Creating User-defined Clients]
      [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
double indexing [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.6 Summary]
double-byte character set (DBCS) [in I18n UG - 2.3.4 Character Encoding Forms]
DoubleCosineServer [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
   [in Math UG - 4.3 Transforms of Even and Odd Sequences]
DoubleFFTServer [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
doubly-linked lists, how data is accessed [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
   part of a document with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.4.3 Downloading Part of a Document]
drop() [in DB XA UG - 6.4 Using Data Definition Language]
dropping constraints [in DB Interface UG - Adding or Dropping Constraints]
dual priority [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
dual priority functions
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   data, choosing a collection class [in Tools UG - A.1 Introduction]
   entries, collection classes (example) [in Tools UG - 6.16.1 Bus Example Scenario]
   entries, in collections [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
dynamic binding [in RCB Apps - 2.3 Working With Dynamic Binding]
dynamic boosts [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
dynamic linker-loader [in Threads UG - Allocating and Managing a Thread Stack]
dynamic linking build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.8 Select Linking]
dynamic priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
dynamic registration [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
dynamically-linked applications [in RCB Apps - 4.2.2 Dynamically-linked Applications]


early binding [in DB Interface UG - 7.3 The Database Layer]
   list of macros in [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   elements or attributes during transformation process [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   of RWClassID over RWStringID [in Tools UG - Efficiency]
eigenvalue decomposition server object, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.3 Servers]
eigenvalues, complex [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.1 Defining the Problem]
   chaining [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Input Stream]
   editing during transformation process [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
   retrieving [in Protocols UG - 6.6 Mail Retrieval: Using the POP3 Client]
   sending [in Protocols UG - 7.5 Mail Sender: Using the SMTP Agent]
embedded nulls
   and RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   included by constructor [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
empty handles
   definition [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
   of a transformation [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
encoding name aliases [in I18n UG - 4.2.2 Listing Encoding Name Aliases]
encoding name standards [in I18n UG - 4.2.3 Listing Encoding Name Standards]
encoding names [in I18n UG - 4.2.1 Listing Encoding Names]
   7bit [in Protocols UG - 10.3.1 Identity Encodings]
   8bit [in Protocols UG - 10.3.1 Identity Encodings]
   base 64 [in Protocols UG - 10.3.2 Base 64 Encoding]
   binary [in Protocols UG - 10.3.1 Identity Encodings]
   quoted-printable [in Protocols UG - 10.3.3 Quoted-Printable Encoding]
   conversion of [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   listing [in I18n UG - 4.2 Character Encodings]
   multibyte [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   recognized [in I18n UG - 4.2 Character Encodings]
   wide-character [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
encrypted keys
   using [in Secure Comm UG - 5.3 sing Encrypted Keys]
   in templates to return iterators [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   obtaining an iterator [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
   in RWFileManager [in Tools UG - 10.5.2 Member Functions]
Endian enum, defined [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
endian streams
   mechanism of virtual streams classes [in Tools UG - 2.2.3 Virtual Stream Class Group]
   related classes [in Tools UG - 5.3 Specializing Virtual Streams]
   to record operating environment information [in Tools UG - 5.1 Introduction]
endian virtual stream
   about [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   big and little endian defined [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   big endian [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.2 When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   little endian [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.2 When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
enhanced streams [in XML Streams UG - Chapter 4 Enhanced Streams]
   difference with basic streams [in XML Streams UG - 4.2 The Difference Between Enhanced Streams and Basic Streams]
   processor [in XML Streams UG - 4.2 The Difference Between Enhanced Streams and Basic Streams]
enhancements to the existing SourcePro DB classes [in DB XA UG - 3.1 The DB XA Module Classes]
   RWRunnableServer [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
   RWThreadPool [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
      [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
enqueuing runnables on a server [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
environment characterizations
   defined [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
environment handle [in DB XA UG - 5.2.3 Databases and Connections]
   class to access database-specific resources [in MS SQL Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to Microsoft SQL Server Specific Resources]
   RWDBDB2CLILibEnvironmentHandle [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
   RWDBMySqlLibEnvironmentHandle [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
   RWDBOCIEnvironmentHandle [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
   RWDBODBCLibEnvironmentHandle [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
   RWDBPGSEnvironmentHandle [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
   RWDBSybCtLibEnvironmentHandle [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
environment variables [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.4 Environment Variables]
   [in RCB Apps - 4.3 Setting Environment Variables]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.1 Introducing the Execution Tracing Package]
      [in Threads UG - 6.10.2 The RW_TRACE_LEVEL Environment Variable]
      [in Threads UG - 6.4.3 Function Declaration Macros]
      [in Threads UG - 6.4 Using Set Declaration Macros]
      [in Threads UG - Assigning functionTag Names]
      [in Threads UG - Implications for Template Classes]
      [in Threads UG - 6.4.4 Setting Environment Variables for Event Sets]
      [in Threads UG - 6.6.1 The Trace Manager Buffer]
      [in Threads UG - 6.6.3 Trace Manager Environment Variables]
   list of macros in [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
equal mass binning [in Analysis UG - Hosmer-Lemeshow Statistic]
equality object
   and hash-based templates [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   in collection class [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   matching in collections [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
   member functions [in Tools UG - Comparison Functions]
   testing objects for [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
equivalence [in I18n UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   [in I18n UG - 5.2 Character Equivalence]
error checking
   testing the factorization [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.2.1 Error Checking]
Error Handing Classes
   of Internationalization Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
error handler
   installing an inexact error handler [in Currency UG - 8.4.1 Installing an Inexact Error Handler]
   installing an overflow error handler [in Currency UG - 8.4.2 Installing an Overflow Error Handler]
error handlers [in DB Interface UG - 6.3 Error Handlers]
   [in DB Interface UG - 6.5 More About Error Handlers]
   in RWDBManager [in DB Interface UG - 6.3 Error Handlers]
error handling [in DB Interface UG - 6.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 9.1 Overview]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.13 Error Messages]
   [in Tools UG - 9.1 Introduction]
   and ODBC conformance [in MS SQL Access - 2.13.1 Errors and ODBC Conformance]
   and RWDBStatus [in MS SQL Access - 2.13.2 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   determining severity [in Sybase CT Access - 2.13.2 Reporting Errors from Adaptive Server]
   in the cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.3 Error Handling in the Cache Manager]
   simple [in DB Interface UG - 6.2 Checking Status with Class RWDBStatus]
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3 Error Handling]
error messages [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.13 Error Messages]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus]
   Adaptive Server [in Sybase CT Access - 2.13.2 Reporting Errors from Adaptive Server]
   CT-Library [in Sybase CT Access - 2.13.1 Reporting Errors from Client-Library and CS-Library]
   severity level [in Sybase CT Access - 2.13.1 Reporting Errors from Client-Library and CS-Library]
   Unable to verify Buildspace is properly homed [in RCB Products - 3.5.2 Select Buildspace]
error model [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   asynchronous errors [in Math UG - 8.1.3 Asynchronous Errors]
   invalid input errors [in Math UG - 8.1.2 Invalid Input]
   three categories of errors [in Math UG - 8.1 Errors]
   ways to report errors [in DB Interface UG - 6.1 Overview]
error notSupported [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBConnection Objects]
   [in DB XA UG - 6.3 Moving from the DB Interface Module to the DB XA Module]
error numbers and messages [in Math UG - 8.1.6 Error Numbers and Messages]
error objects
   RWExternalErr [in Currency UG - 8.5 Error Objects]
   RWInternalErr [in Currency UG - 8.5 Error Objects]
error reporting
   checking status [in DB Interface UG - 6.2 Checking Status with Class RWDBStatus]
   error handlers [in DB Interface UG - 6.3 Error Handlers]
error response state
   saving and restoring [in I18n UG - 4.3.5 Saving and Restoring the Error Response State]
   Streams package errors [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
   bounds [in Tools UG - Non-recoverable Internal Errors]
   bounds, in C [in Tools UG - 9.4.1 RW_PRECONDITION and RW_POSTCONDITION]
   cryptographic library [in Secure Comm UG - 5.10 Handling Errors from the Cryptographic Library]
   debugging [in Tools UG - 9.4 The Debug Version of the Essential Tools Module]
   error categories [in Tools UG - 9.2 Error Categories]
   Essential Tools Module error model [in Tools UG - 9.2.1 The Essential Tools Module Error Model]
   exceptions class hierarchy [in Tools UG - 9.3.1 Essential Tools Module Exception Architecture]
   external [in Tools UG - 9.2.3 External Errors]
   generated within OCI [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus]
   handling [in Networking UG - 4.3 Handling Errors]
   internal [in Tools UG - 9.2.2 Internal Errors]
   mixing currencies [in Currency UG - 8.1 Overview]
   non-recoverable [in Tools UG - Non-recoverable Internal Errors]
   post and preconditions [in Tools UG - 9.4 The Debug Version of the Essential Tools Module]
   recoverable [in Tools UG - Recoverable Internal Errors]
   reporting [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus]
      [in Tools UG - 9.3 Error Reporting and Error Handling]
   RWDBStatus parameters [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.13.1 Errors and RWDBStatus]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.14.2 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   server errors [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus]
   stream buffer allocation [in Tools UG - 9.2 Error Categories]
   while designing a class [in Tools UG - Check for Possible Problems]
escape sequences [in I18n UG - 3.4.7 Escape Sequences]
escrow object
   definition [in Threads UG - 5.2.1 Futures, IOUs, and Escrows]
Essential Math Module [in RCB Products - 3.6.6 Essential Math Module]
   build option [in RCB Products - 3.6.6 Essential Math Module]
   class groups of [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
   definition [in Math UG - 1.1 Welcome]
   features [in Math UG - 1.2 Product Features]
   FFT Server Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
   LU Factorization Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
   Math Collection Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
   Statistics Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
Essential Networking Classes
   of Essential Networking Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.1 The Essential Networking Module]
Essential Networking Module
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.1 The Essential Networking Module]
   definition [in Networking UG - 2.1 Product Definition]
   Essential Networking Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.1 The Essential Networking Module]
   package of [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.1 The Essential Networking Module]
   packages of [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.1 The Essential Networking Module]
   relationship to other modules [in Networking UG - 2.4 Relationship to Other Modules]
Essential Tools Module
   build options [in RCB Products - 3.6.1 Essential Tools Module]
   character conversion utilities [in XML Streams UG - 7.2.2 The XML Streams Package Character Encoding Requirements]
   class groups of [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   Date and Time Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   File System Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   Internationalization Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   Miscellaneous Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   relationship to XML Streams Module [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   RWCollectable Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   serialization of collection classes in [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   STL Extension-based Collection Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   STL-based Collection Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   String Processing Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   supporting serialization [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   Traditional Collection Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   Virtual Stream Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
establishing connectivity [in DB XA UG - 1.3.1 Establishing Connectivity with the DB XA Module]
establishing database connectivity [in DB XA UG - 4.1 Database Classes in the DB XA Module]
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
      [in DB XA UG - 5.4.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
      [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Sybase CT [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   Sybase CT XA [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Extended UNIX Code [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
evaluation format of products [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.3 Product Formats]
evaluation period [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.5 Evaluation Period]
even sequences [in Math UG - 4.3 Transforms of Even and Odd Sequences]
example framework [in DB Interface UG - 16.1 Introduction]
example of metadata caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.7 Example]
Example Program 1 [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
Example Program 2 [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.2 Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader]
Example Program 3 [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.1 Selecting Data from a Single Table]
Example Program 4 [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.2 Joins]
Example Program 5 [in DB Interface UG - 5.7.3 Complex Stored Procedure Example]
example program
   class derivation [in Math UG - 9.7 Class Derivation Example]
   random number generators [in Math UG - 9.10 Random Number Generator Example]
   type conversion [in Math UG - 9.5 Type Conversion Example]
   using a user-defined type [in Math UG - 9.11 User-Defined Type Example]
   using multiple inheritance to do runtime binding [in Math UG - 9.9 Example with Multiple Inheritance and Runtime Binding]
   using RWGenFact<T> for linear algebra with double precision matrices [in Math UG - 9.8 Linear Algebra Example]
   using saveOn() and restoreFrom() [in Math UG - 9.6 Example with saveOn()and restoreFrom()]
   using the complex FFT server class [in Math UG - 9.4 Example Using the FFT Server Class]
   using the matrix classes [in Math UG - 9.3 Example Using the Matrix Classes]
   using vector classes [in Math UG - 9.2 Example Using the Vector Classes]
example programs
   list [in Currency UG - 2.10 Currency Module Examples]
   2-dimensional Fourier transform of a graphical image [in Math UG - 3.11 Arrays of Signed and Unsigned Chars]
   analysis of variance [in Analysis UG - 5.4.1 Class RWLinearRegressionANOVA]
   array class [in Math UG - 3.2.3 An Array Example]
   assignment operators [in Math UG - 3.5 Assignment]
   class Histogram [in Math UG - 6.2 Class Histogram]
   code to invert a matrix [in Math UG - 5.1 Overview]
   comparing efficiency of the Essential Math Module to Fortran [in Math UG - 8.2.2 Overall Efficiency]
   comparing Essential Networking code [in Networking UG - 2.2.2 A Comparative Code Example]
   computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.2 Decomposition Object]
      [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.2 Decomposition Object]
   computing eigenvalues in a range [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
   computing eigenvectors only [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.2 Decomposition Object]
   computing the ith through jth eigenvalues [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
   constructing a four-dimensional array [in Math UG - 3.13 High Dimension Arrays]
   constructing a three-dimensional array [in Math UG - 3.13 High Dimension Arrays]
   constructing arrays under three dimension [in Math UG - 3.13 High Dimension Arrays]
   constructing high-dimension arrays [in Math UG - 3.13 High Dimension Arrays]
   constructing parameter estimate classes [in Analysis UG - 5.3 Parameter Estimate Classes]
   copy constructor [in Math UG - 3.4 Copy Constructor]
   creating three views [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
   custom linear regression calculation class [in Analysis UG - 5.5.3 Writing Your Own Parameter Calculation Class]
   data in a tridiagonal matrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.7 Direct Access to Data]
   distinction between initialization and assignment [in Math UG - 3.6 Construction Versus Assignment]
   dynamically configuring server from vector length [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
   element access with val() and set() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.4 val() and set()]
   forward selection [in Analysis UG - 5.6.2 A Detailed Example]
   Hello, World [in Networking UG - 2.2.1 A Simple Code Example]
   how RWGenFact<T> tests validity of objects [in Math UG - 8.1.2 Invalid Input]
   implementing a function object to produce Mallow&rsquo [in Analysis UG - 5.6.3 Writing Your Own Function Objects]
   intercept options [in Analysis UG - 5.2.2 Intercept Option]
   inverting a matrix [in Math UG - 5.2 LU Factorization]
   iostreams [in Math UG - 7.2 A Simple Example Using Streams]
   LeastSqFit [in Math UG - 6.3 Class LeastSqFit]
   Levenberg-Marquardt calculation method [in Analysis UG - 5.5 Parameter Calculation Classes]
   logistic regression with RWLogisticRegression [in Analysis UG - 5.2 Regression Classes]
   making a unique copy of data [in Math UG - 3.8 Vector Copies]
   matrix class [in Math UG - 3.2.2 Matrix Example]
   model selection [in Analysis UG - 5.6.2 A Detailed Example]
   model selection technique [in Analysis UG - 4.2 Model Selection Viewed As Search]
   modifying real and imaginary matrix parts [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices]
   multimodule [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.2 Example Using Modules from SourcePro Core, SourcePro DB, and SourcePro Net]
   multiple linear regression with RWLinearRegression [in Analysis UG - 5.2 Regression Classes]
   operating on explicitly stored elements [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.7 Direct Access to Data]
   overloaded solve() [in Math UG - 5.2 LU Factorization]
   overloading inverse() [in Math UG - 5.2 LU Factorization]
   parameter calculation [in Analysis UG - 5.2.1 Updating Parameter Estimates]
   passing a matrix to a C function [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
   picks as lvalues [in Math UG - 3.10 Picks]
   printing a vector of 10 uniformly distributed random deviates [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
   printing the components of an SVD [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.2 Singular Value Decomposition]
   protocol-independent code [in Networking UG - RWPortal as a Base]
   random number generator function call operator [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
   re-initializing to view other data [in Math UG - 3.7 Function reference()]
   reusing an LU factorization [in Math UG - 5.2 LU Factorization]
   ROW_MAJOR parameter [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
   runtime error caused by bounds check [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.2 Bounds Checking]
   runtime error with operator()(int,int) [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()]
   savepoint feature [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   Serialization [in Adv Tools UG - Streaming the Serialized Object]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Defining the streamContents() Function]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.1 Saving and Restoring an Object by Value]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Third Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.4 Templates]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.5 Default Constructors]
      [in Adv Tools UG - First Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Data Member is a Value-based or Pointer-based Collection]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Data Member is a Value-based or Pointer-based Collection]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Data Member is a Value-based or Pointer-based Collection]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
   side effects of operator()(int,int) [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()]
   solving a least squares problem [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.2 Solving a Least Squares Problem]
   solving a set of linear equations [in Math UG - 5.1 Overview]
   solving several systems of equations [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.3 Solving Several Systems of Equations]
   source file location [in Threads Platform Guide - 1.2 Examples]
   stepwise selection [in Analysis UG - 5.6.2 A Detailed Example]
   Streaming [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Managing Threads Using Active Objects]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.1 Creating and Using Streams with Only One Streaming Element]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Sharing a Synchronized Data Output Stream Among Several Active Objects]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Output Example]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Sharing a Synchronized Data Input Stream Among Several Active Objects]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Creating a Synchronized Data Output Stream]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Using the Adapter Classes for Output]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.1 Handling Errors Using the Stream Status Functions]
   subscripting [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.1 Defining Vectors]
      [in Math UG - 3.9 Subscripting]
   subscripting in a 3-D array [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
   subscripting with an RWIntVec [in Math UG - 3.10 Picks]
   subscripting with character strings [in Math UG - 3.9.1 Subscripting with Character Strings]
   subscripting with explicitly constructed objects [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
   switching calculation methods [in Analysis UG - 5.5 Parameter Calculation Classes]
   testing regression hypotheses [in Analysis UG - 5.4.3 Class RWLinearRegressionFTest]
   the function reference() [in Math UG - 3.7 Function reference()]
   transaction processing [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   transforming a real even sequence [in Math UG - 4.3 Transforms of Even and Odd Sequences]
   tridiagonal matrix class [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.2 Defining Matrices]
   two approaches to transforming a real sequence [in Math UG - 4.2 Transforms of Real Sequences]
   two objects referencing the same data [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.4 Copy Constructors: References and Copies]
   type conversions between tridiagonal matrices [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6.1 Converting Precisions]
   undetected out-of-bounds reference [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.2 Bounds Checking]
   Unicode conversions [in Adv Tools UG - Example]
   user-defined error handler, no exception support [in Math UG - 8.1.5 Error Handlers]
   using a server object for more control [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.2.1 SVD Server Objects]
   using a server object to adjust an algorithm&rsquo [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
   using a specific algorithm for a computation [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.3 Servers]
   using an integer vector as subscript [in Math UG - 3.13 High Dimension Arrays]
   using class RWLogisticFitAnalysis [in Analysis UG - 5.4.2 Class RWLogisticFitAnalysis]
   using Internationalization Module, the Standard C++ Library and the Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.3 An Example Using the Internationalization Module with the Threads Module and the C++ Standard Library]
   using Linear Algebra Module and Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.2 An Example Using the Linear Algebra and Essential Tools Modules]
   using real() and imag() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices]
   using RWHessEigServer<double> to return selected eigenvectors [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.3 Servers]
   using SourcePro DB and the Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.2 An Example Using the Threads Module and the DB Interface Module]
   using Tools Module and the Standard C++ Library [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.2 An Example Using the Essential Tools Module and the C++ Standard Library]
   using uniform random number generator as a source of random deviates [in Math UG - 6.2 Class Histogram]
   vector class [in Math UG - 3.2.1 Vectors]
examples [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.3 Directory Structure]
   advanced. Implementing a circularly-linked list [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
   and struct RWDaylightRule [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
   applies compareTo(), isEqual(), and hash() [in Tools UG - An Example of compareTo(), isEqual(), and hash()]
   attempting arithmetic with null sentinels [in Tools UG - The "Null" Sentinel]
   avoiding ambiguous base classes (advanced topics) [in Tools UG - 12.5 Multiple Inheritance]
   BasicMimeMessageComposition [in Protocols UG - 9.3 Program: Creating a Simple MIME Message]
   BasicMimeMessageDecomposition [in Protocols UG - 9.7 Program: Processing a Simple MIME Message]
   binary streams [in Tools UG - 5.4 Simple Virtual Streams Example]
   building [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2 Building the Examples]
      [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.3.1 Building from the Command Line]
   building in MSVC [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2.2 Building from Microsoft Visual Studio]
   character conversion between UTF-8 and UTF-16 [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWCStrings and RWBasicUStrings]
   character conversion using RWFromUTF8Converter [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWWStrings to and from UTF-8]
   character conversion using RWToUTF8Converter [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWWStrings to and from UTF-8]
   character sets with null bytes [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   check constraints [in DB Interface UG - Creating Unique and Check Constraints]
   comparators [in Tools UG - 6.11.1 More on Total Ordering]
   comparing function objects [in Tools UG - 6.11 Function Objects for Comparison]
   comparison of basic and enhanced streams [in XML Streams UG - 4.2 The Difference Between Enhanced Streams and Basic Streams]
   constructing past and future sentinels [in Tools UG - The Past and Future Sentinels]
   constructing RWDateTime with invalid state [in Tools UG - The "Invalid" Sentinel]
   converting dates between encodings [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
   converting from wide character to multibyte strings [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
   creating an identity column [in DB Interface UG - Creating an identity column]
   currency conversions [in Tools UG - 7.5.5 Currency]
   custom allocators [in Tools UG - 12.6.2 Example]
      [in Tools UG - 12.6 Using Custom Allocators]
   defining transformation object [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.1 Defining a Transformation Object]
   defining virtual functions in class Bus [in Tools UG - 6.18 Complete Listing for Class Bus]
   definition of binaryStoreSize() [in Tools UG - Virtual Function binaryStoreSize()]
   detecting bounds errors [in Tools UG - 9.4.1 RW_PRECONDITION and RW_POSTCONDITION]
   enhanced object streams [in XML Streams UG - 4.3 Example]
   Execution Tracing [in Threads UG - 6.3 Using Trace]
      [in Threads UG - 6.5.4 Trace Macros Example]
      [in Threads UG - Including a Timestamp in Trace Output]
      [in Threads UG - 6.7.2 Creating User-defined Clients]
      [in Threads UG - Including Thread IDs in Trace Output]
      [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
      [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
      [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceMultiClientFilter]
      [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceLevelFilter]
   finding objects with RWCollectableString [in Tools UG - 6.19.7 A Note on How Objects are Found]
   for persisting a collection [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   foreign key constraint [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Foreign Key Constraint]
   ftpagnt [in Protocols UG - A.2 FTP Package]
   ftpclnt [in Protocols UG - A.2 FTP Package]
   Functor [in Threads UG - 8.2 Constructing Functors]
      [in Threads UG - 8.3.1 Running Unknown Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 8.3 Invoking Functors]
   hash function and equality objects [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   httpagnt [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
   imbuing the stream [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
   insert operation (Open SQL) [in Sybase CT Access - An Open SQL Insert Example]
   Interthread Communication [in Threads UG - Example]
      [in Threads UG - Using Timed Waits]
      [in Threads UG - Example]
      [in Threads UG - Example]
      [in Threads UG - Another Asynchronous Example]
   isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - Make All Necessary Class Data Available]
   isomorphic persistence, of user-defined class [in Tools UG - 8.5.5 Isomorphic Persistence of a User-designed Class]
   isomorphic persistence, troubleshooting [in Tools UG - 8.7.1 Always Save an Object by Value Before Saving the Identical Object by Pointer]
   iterators as generalized pointers [in Tools UG - 6.13.3 Iterators as Generalized Pointers]
   iterators searching for a match [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   iterators to shuffle deck of cards [in Tools UG - 6.15 Example Using the Essential Tools Module with the C++ Standard Library]
   location of executables and source [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   mar [in Protocols UG - 9.9 Advanced Example]
   modifying header files to support serialization [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
   modifying source files to support serialization [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   multibyte strings [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   MultipartMessageComposition [in Protocols UG - 9.5 Program: Creating a Multipart MIME Message]
   MultipartMimeMessageDecomposition [in Protocols UG - 9.8 Program: Processing a Multipart MIME Message]
   multiple exception types [in Threads UG - 9.4.2 Creating Your Own Error Handler]
   multiply-referenced objects [in Tools UG - Multiply-referenced Objects]
   of not using the Module&rsquo [in Tools UG - 13.10 Use the Capabilities of the Module!]
   opening a database [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.2.1 Examples of Opening a Database]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   opening a database connection [in MySQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   opening a database from a Windows application [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   opening the default database [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   order set of RWCollectable strings [in Tools UG - 6.19.2 Example]
   outer joins [in MySQL Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   outer joins with ANSI-compliant syntax [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   outputting hours in local time zones [in Tools UG - 3.5.2 Member Functions]
   parameterized template on collection class [in Tools UG - 6.9.2 Commonality of Interface]
   parsedTransform.cpp [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   polymorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.6.3 Polymorphic Persistence Example]
   pop3clnt [in Protocols UG - A.5 POP3 Package]
   preparing a collection for serialization [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   primary key constraints [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Primary Key Constraint]
   real estate use case, simple [in XML Streams UG - 3.2 Use Case Description]
   reference-based collection [in Tools UG - 6.3.2 Examples of Value-based and Reference-based Collections]
   regular expressions [in Tools UG - Introductory Examples Using Regular Expressions]
   removeAndDestory() [in Tools UG - remove() Functions]
   RequestDocument [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
   restoring application state at startup [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   ResumableDownload [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
   running [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.4 Environment Variables]
      [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.3 Running the Examples]
      [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.4 Running the Examples]
   running from MSVC [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.3.2 Running from Microsoft Visual Studio]
   running the Currency Module examples [in Currency UG - 2.10.1 Building and Running the Currency Examples]
   savepoint feature [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   ServerInfo [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
   simple object serialization use case [in XML Streams UG - 3.2 Use Case Description]
   simple persistence [in Tools UG - 8.4.1 Two Examples of Simple Persistence]
   simple persistence and pointers [in Tools UG - Example Two: Simple Persistence and Pointers]
   Smart Pointer [in Threads UG - Handle-Body Example]
      [in Threads UG - 7.4 Using the RWTSingleton Class]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.2 Using RWTCountedPointer]
      [in Threads UG - Deriving from RWTCountingBody for Reference Counting]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.1 Using RWTOnlyPointer]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.1 Using RWTOnlyPointer]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
   smtpagnt [in Protocols UG - A.6 SMTP Package]
   SourcePro DB [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.1 Overview]
   stored procedure (Open SQL) [in Sybase CT Access - An Open SQL Stored Procedure Example]
   storing key-value pairs using RWBTreeOnDisk [in Tools UG - 10.6.2 Example]
   string classes to update version numbers [in Tools UG - 4.3 An Introductory Example]
   Synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.4.4 Building Monitors]
      [in Threads UG - Using a Try-Catch Block]
      [in Threads UG - Using a Basic Mutex Mechanism]
      [in Threads UG - Using the Condition Variable for Producer-Consumer Synchronization]
      [in Threads UG - The RWTMonitor<Lock> Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
      [in Threads UG - Using RWTRecursiveLock]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.9 The RWBarrier Class]
      [in Threads UG - Acquiring Mutex Ownership]
      [in Threads UG - Using a Guard Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.6.3 Using the Unlock Guard Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.6.1 Using a Lock Guard]
      [in Threads UG - 4.6.2 Releasing and Reacquiring a Guarded Lock]
      [in Threads UG - 4.6.4 Using the RWTTryLockGuard Template Class]
   Thread-compatible Exception [in Threads UG - 9.4.2 Creating Your Own Error Handler]
   Threading [in Threads UG - 3.4.1 Creating Threads]
      [in Threads UG - 3.4.3 Explicitly Constructing Functors and Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Shutting Down a Continuous Process]
      [in Threads UG - Rendezvous Synchronization]
      [in Threads UG - Changing the Execution State]
      [in Threads UG - Using Wait Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Testing After Successful Joins]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.2 Creating Functor-based Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
      [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
      [in Threads UG - Distinguishing Between Synchronous and Threaded Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Checking the Completion State]
      [in Threads UG - Types of Join Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 3.6.1 Constructing a Server]
      [in Threads UG - Example]
      [in Threads UG - 3.8.2 Using Runnable Servers]
   transaction processing [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   transform.cpp [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.1 Character-based C++ Transformations]
   try-catch block [in Tools UG - 9.3 Error Reporting and Error Handling]
   unique constraints [in DB Interface UG - Creating Unique and Check Constraints]
   user-defined sentinels [in Tools UG - User-Defined Sentinels]
   user-provided RWStringIDs [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
   using find() and occurrencesOf() [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
   using RWFileManager to construct a linked list [in Tools UG - 10.5.3 Example]
   using RWStringID class identifier [in Tools UG - 12.3 RWStringID]
   using RWXmlObjectInputStreamImp [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   using substrings [in Tools UG - 4.5 Substrings]
   using transaction control methods [in MySQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   value-based collection [in Tools UG - 6.3.2 Examples of Value-based and Reference-based Collections]
   why design RWCollectable classes [in Tools UG - 6.16 Designing an RWCollectable Class]
   with RWFile [in Tools UG - 10.2.1 Example]
   with RWOrdered [in Tools UG - 6.19.6 Virtual Functions Inherited from RWSequenceable]
   with rwRestoreGuts() [in Tools UG - Guidelines for Writing rwRestoreGuts]
   with rwSaveGuts() [in Tools UG - Guidelines for Writing rwSaveGuts]
   with saveGuts() [in Tools UG - Virtual Functions saveGuts(RWFile&) and saveGuts(RWvostream&)]
   XSLT transformation [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.1 Defining a Transformation Object]
exception classes
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
exception hierarchy [in Math UG - 8.1.4 Exception Hierarchy]
exceptions [in I18n UG - 9.2 Exceptions]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   and Concurrency Policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   and policy values [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   default messages [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
   handling [in Networking UG - 4.3 Handling Errors]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 5.4 Handling Exceptions]
   RWHttpsCertificateNameMismatch [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4 Using the Security Callbacks]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4.2 Certificate Name Mismatch Callback]
   RWTHROperationNotAvailable [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   thread-compatible [in Threads UG - 9.1 Introducing the Thread-compatible Exception Package]
   Threads Module dependency [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
exchange classes
   implementation [in Currency UG - 5.3 Currency Exchange Classes]
exchange factory
   creating [in Currency UG - 5.5 Currency Exchange Factory]
   example [in Currency UG - 5.5 Currency Exchange Factory]
exchange groups
   creating a custom [in Currency UG - 5.7.2 Class USDollarBaseGroup]
   implementation [in Currency UG - 5.4 Currency Exchange Groups]
exchange object
   creating a custom object [in Currency UG - 5.7 Creating Custom Exchange Objects and Groups]
exchange rate table
   initializing from a stream [in Currency UG - 5.2 Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Tables]
exchange rate
   format [in Currency UG - 5.2 Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Tables]
executable creation options defined by user [in RCB Products - 3.5.12 Select Compile and Link Options]
   bitwidth [in RCB Products - 3.5.7 Select Bitwidth]
execute() [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   produces an RWDBResult [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.5 Result Tables]
   RWDBBulkInserter [in Sybase CT Access - 2.9.1 Using an RWDBBulkInserter]
   RWFTPClient [in Protocols UG - 4.5 Sending Generic Protocol Commands]
executeSQL() [in DB XA UG - 6.5 Using SQL Statements through RWDBConnection::executeSQL()]
execution character set [in I18n UG - 2.6 Multilingual Text in C++]
execution context [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
execution nesting [in Threads UG - 3.5.16 Execution Nesting]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.5.16 Execution Nesting]
execution state [in Threads UG - Starting Synchronous Runnables]
   [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   [in Threads UG - Starting Threaded Runnables]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
execution state callbacks [in Threads UG - Monitoring Changes in Execution State]
   [in Threads UG - Using Callbacks]
execution state mask [in Threads UG - Registering the Callback]
   [in Threads UG - Using Wait Functions]
execution state values
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
execution tracing [in I18n UG - 9.3 Execution Tracing]
Execution Tracing macros [in Threads UG - 6.4 Using Set Declaration Macros]
   [in Threads UG - 6.5.4 Trace Macros Example]
Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.1 Introducing the Execution Tracing Package]
   example [in Threads UG - 6.3 Using Trace]
      [in Threads UG - 6.5.4 Trace Macros Example]
      [in Threads UG - Including a Timestamp in Trace Output]
      [in Threads UG - 6.7.2 Creating User-defined Clients]
      [in Threads UG - Including Thread IDs in Trace Output]
      [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
      [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
      [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceMultiClientFilter]
      [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceLevelFilter]
Execution Tracing Package
   of Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
execution tracing
   Threads Module dependency and [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
exhaustive search [in Analysis UG - 4.2.1 Exhaustive Search]
exit [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
exited state [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
expandConjugateEven() [in Math UG - 4.2 Transforms of Real Sequences]
expandEven() [in Math UG - 4.3 Transforms of Even and Odd Sequences]
expiration dates
   setting and omitting [in Currency UG - 3.2 Currency Information Class]
explicit connection [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.2 Explicit and Implicit Connections]
explicit conversion [in I18n UG - 4.3 Explicit Conversions]
export buildspace [in RCB Products - Directory Structure Variations]
export buildspaces [in RCB Products - 2.5.2 Specify a Buildspace]
   [in RCB Products - Export Buildspace]
   [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
   Copy these files option [in RCB Products - Export Buildspace]
exported builds
   buildspec location [in RCB Products - Running the Build Manager from the Command Line (Method 1)]
Expression Classes
   of DB Interface Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
expressions [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.4 Expressions]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.4 Expressions]
eXternal Data Representation formatting in virtual streams [in Tools UG - 5.3 Specializing Virtual Streams]
external errors [in DB Interface UG - 6.5.1 Kinds of Errors]
external handle instance
   definition [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
external key
   accessing data in collections [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
external serialization [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.4 Intrusive and External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
Extract Part
   RWDateTime sentinel [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   RWUString interface [in Adv Tools UG - 8.4.2 Using the Serial Package with the Internationalization Module]


F statistic [in Analysis UG - 5.6.1 Selection Evaluation Criteria: Function Objects]
   critical value [in Analysis UG - Critical Value]
factorization and decomposition, distinction between [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.2.1 A Note on Terminology]
factorization classes [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.1 Defining Factorizations]
factorization, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.1 Defining Factorizations]
fail() [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.2.1 Error Checking]
failed completion state [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   about [in Networking UG - 6.7.1 Understanding Socket Types]
Fast C or D (FCD) form [in I18n UG - 5.4.2 Detecting the Normalization Form of a String]
fast Fourier transform servers, listed [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
fast sine/cosine transform server [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
feature test [in Threads Platform Guide - 3.1 HP-UX Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 6.1 Win32 Thread Attribute Support]
feature test macros [in Threads Platform Guide - 2.1 AIX Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.2 Solaris Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.2 Thread Attribute Portability]
   [in Threads UG - Using Feature Test Macros]
features [in DB XA UG - 1.2 Product Features]
fetching foreign keys [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Keys]
fetching primary keys [in DB Interface UG - Primary Keys]
fetching table constraints [in DB Interface UG - Fetching Table Constraints]
fetchRow() [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.3 Fetch Operation]
FFT Server Classes
   of Essential Math Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
FIFO acquisition [in Threads UG - 4.5.2 The RWFIFOMutexLock Class]
FIFO mutex [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
FIFO scheduling [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   data-view model architecture [in Math UG - 3.3 Data and Views]
File System Classes
   list of [in Tools UG - 10.1 Introduction]
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   overview [in Tools UG - 2.2.6 File System Classes]
   retrieving asynchronously [in Protocols UG - 4.7 File Retrieval: Using the FTP Agent (Part II)]
   retrieving with FTP [in Protocols UG - 4.6 File Retrieval: Using the FTP Agent (Part I)]
   definition [in Threads UG - 6.2 Execution Tracing Package Architecture]
Filtered streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
   and dereferencing objects [in Tools UG - insert()]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
finding delimiters [in I18n UG - 7.3 Tokenizing]
   connecting through [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
fitted regression [in Analysis UG - 3.2.1 Parameter Calculation by Least Squares Minimization]
fixed decimal classes [in Currency UG - 6.3.3 Fixed and Floating Decimal Classes]
   setting the decimal point [in Currency UG - 6.3.3 Fixed and Floating Decimal Classes]
fixed width encoding [in I18n UG - 2.3.4 Character Encoding Forms]
flat memory model, common mistakes [in Tools UG - 13.7 Match Memory Models and Other Qualifiers]
flexibility, offered by character-based transformation [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.1 Character-based C++ Transformations]
flush() [in XML Streams UG - For an Element-based C++ Transformation]
   [in XML Streams UG - 6.3.1 Serializing the book Object to a File]
foreign keys
   cacheable as metadata [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.1 Types of Cacheable Data]
   constraint [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
   constraint example [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Foreign Key Constraint]
   fetching [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Keys]
formatter objects [in Currency UG - 7.3 Formatter Objects]
formatting [in Currency UG - 7.2 Formatting Numbers]
Formatting Class
   of Currency Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
formatting decimal numbers [in Currency UG - 2.6 Formatting Class]
   code postition [in Currency UG - 7.2.3 Code Positions in Pictures]
   data [in DB Interface UG - 13.3 Data Formatting]
   dates, using ISO 8601 [in Tools UG - 3.3.1 SourcePro's ISO 8601 Parsers]
   embedding format pictures in text [in Currency UG - 7.2.4 Embedding Pictures in Sentences]
   localization issues [in Currency UG - 9.1 Localization]
   picture string [in Currency UG - 2.6 Formatting Class]
   placing code characters [in Currency UG - 7.2.3 Code Positions in Pictures]
   raw numbers [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.5 Formatting Raw Numbers]
   RWDecimalFormat [in Currency UG - 2.7 Strings in Currency Module]
   setting width [in Currency UG - 7.2 Formatting Numbers]
   streams [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
   using advanced pictures [in Currency UG - 7.2.2 Advanced Pictures]
   using pictures [in Currency UG - 7.2.1 Using Pictures]
forward selection [in Analysis UG - 4.2.2 Forward Selection]
French character encoding, and localizing [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
french collation [in I18n UG - French Collation]
front-end dead-lock
   avoiding [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.6 Transaction Control and Locking]
   using for both input and output [in Tools UG - 5.4 Simple Virtual Streams Example]
FTP package
   about [in Protocols UG - 4.1 Introduction]
   examples [in Protocols UG - A.2 FTP Package]
   header files [in Protocols UG - 4.1.2 Header Files]
   hierarchy [in Protocols UG - 4.2 FTP Class Hierarchy]
FTP Package
   of Internet Protocols Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
FTP package
   protocol replies [in Protocols UG - 4.3 About FTP Protocol Replies]
   retrieving files [in Protocols UG - 4.6 File Retrieval: Using the FTP Agent (Part I)]
   using the client [in Protocols UG - 4.8 FTP Command Demo: Using the FTP Client]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.2 FTP Package]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.2 FTP Package]
FTPS package
   introducing [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1 Introduction]
FTPS Package
   of Secure Communications Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
FTPS package
   protocol replies [in Secure Comm UG - 10.2 About FTPS Protocol Replies]
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Managing Threads Using Active Objects]
function object
   defined [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
   in random number generator classes [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
function objects
   writing your own [in Analysis UG - 5.6.3 Writing Your Own Function Objects]
functions [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
   aggregate [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.6 Aggregates, Expressions, and Functions]
   asynchronous [in DB Interface UG - 12.2 Architectural Overview]
      [in DB Interface UG - 12.7 Asynchronous Calls in the DB Interface Module]
   common functionality among classes [in Tools UG - 2.4 Common Functionality Among Classes]
   create through macros [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
   information flow [in DB Interface UG - 2.6 Information Flow]
   naming conventions for [in DB Interface UG - 3.3 Member Function Conventions]
   predefined [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.6 Aggregates, Expressions, and Functions]
Functor Package
   of Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   Threads Module dependency and [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   analyzing requirements [in Threads UG - 8.2.1 Analyzing Functor Requirements]
   and no return value [in Threads UG - When You're Not Using a Return Value]
   assigning [in Threads UG - 8.2.2 Copying and Assigning Functors]
   constructing [in Threads UG - 8.2 Constructing Functors]
   copying [in Threads UG - 8.2.2 Copying and Assigning Functors]
   definition [in Threads UG - 8.1 Introducing the Functor Package]
   functor-based runnables [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   header files [in Threads UG - 8.1.2 Including the Functor Header Files]
   invoking [in Threads UG - When the Function Signature Matches the Functor Invocation]
      [in Threads UG - 8.3 Invoking Functors]
      [in Threads UG - 8.3 Invoking Functors]
   operator [in Threads UG - 8.1.4 How Do They Work?]
   package dependencies [in Threads UG - 8.1.1 Interpackage Dependencies]
   parameter binding [in Threads UG - 8.1 Introducing the Functor Package]
   running unknown functions [in Threads UG - 8.3.1 Running Unknown Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 8.3.1 Running Unknown Functions]
   using [in Threads UG - 8.1.3 What Are They For?]
      [in Threads UG - 8.2 Constructing Functors]
future [in Threads UG - 5.5 The IOU Classes]
future object [in DB Interface UG - 12.2 Architectural Overview]
   RWDBStatus [in DB Interface UG - 12.4 RWDBStatus Behavior in the Asynchronous Context]
   definition [in Threads UG - 5.2.1 Futures, IOUs, and Escrows]


G statistic [in Analysis UG - 3.3.3 Significance of the Model]
   [in Analysis UG - G Statistic]
Galton, Francis [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
garbage collection [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
   [in Threads UG - 7.5 Using the Smart Pointer Classes]
   [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
general build options [in RCB Products - 3.5 General Buildspec Questions]
general character categories [in I18n UG - 3.3.5 General Character Categories]
general matrix types [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
general matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
generic socket addresses [in Networking UG - 6.4 Using Generic Socket Addresses]
genrb utility [in I18n UG - 10.4.3 Compiling Resource Bundles]
   options [in I18n UG - 10.4.3 Compiling Resource Bundles]
get test run-time functions
   Threading package [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   RWServerPool [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   RWRunnableHandle [in Threads UG - 3.5.7 Monitoring the Completion State of a Runnable]
getConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
getContentionScope() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
geteuid() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   RWRunnableHandle [in Threads UG - Getting the Instantaneous Execution State of a Runnable]
   in RWFactory [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
getInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
getMaxPriority() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
getMaxSystemScopePriority() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
getMinPriority() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
getMinStackSize() [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
getMinSystemScopePriority() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWRunnable [in Threads UG - Starting Synchronous Runnables]
   RWRunnableSelf [in Threads UG - Starting Synchronous Runnables]
   RWTIOUTrap [in Threads UG - Improving the Asynchronous Example]
   RWServerPool [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
getPriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
getProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
getSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
getSocket() [in Networking UG - 7.4 Using Socket Portals]
getStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
getStackReserveSize() [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
getStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Using the suspend() and resume() Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
getSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
getTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
getUserStackAddress() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
getUserStackSize() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
global functions [in MS SQL Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
global functions, nontemplatized
   adding [in Math UG - Adding Global and Specialized Functions]
global functions, templatized
   adding [in Math UG - Adding Global and Specialized Functions]
global functions
   for storing and retrieving RWCollectables [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
   restrictions with RWDBExpr [in MySQL Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
global objects
   and the Networking package [in Networking UG - 8.3 Using the Networking Package in Global Objects]
   when to construct [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4.2 Global Objects and the Secure Sockets Package Initialization]
global operators
   macros for serialization of pointer references [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   macros to declare [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
global static mutex [in Threads UG - Initializing a Mutex]
global transaction [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
glyphs [in I18n UG - 2.3.1 Abstract Characters]
GMT, dates and times [in Tools UG - 3.2.1 UTC (GMT) Dates and Times]
GNU LinuxThreads
   and Linux [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.1 Linux Threading Environments]
goodness of fit
   of a logistic regression model [in Analysis UG - 3.3.3 Significance of the Model]
grapheme clusters
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Tailored Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
Great Britain, and time zones [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
Gregorian calendar
   and localizing [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
   and RWDateTime [in Tools UG - 3.2.3 Gregorian Calendar]
grouping [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.5 Ordering and Grouping]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
groups for predictor variable
   default number [in Analysis UG - Pearson Statistic]
guard classes [in DB Interface UG - 11.3 Sharing Objects of the DB Interface Module Among Threads]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
   portable [in DB Interface UG - 11.8 Portable Guard Classes]
   with templates [in DB Interface UG - 11.6 The Guard Class with Templates]
      [in DB Interface UG - 11.6 The Guard Class with Templates]
   without templates [in DB Interface UG - 11.7 Guard Classes Without Templates]
guard functor [in Threads UG - Guard Functors]
   [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
guarded classes
   definition [in Threads UG - 5.6.2 Guarded and Prioritized Classes]
guarded locks [in Threads UG - 4.6.2 Releasing and Reacquiring a Guarded Lock]
guarded streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
   [in Adv Tools UG - Guarded Streams]
guards [in Threads UG - 4.4.3 Using Guards]


handle class
   RWNeighborIterator [in Analysis UG - 2.4 Model Selection Classes]
handle classes [in Adv Tools UG - The Handle Classes]
   creating bodies automatically [in Threads UG - Defining Handle Classes that Automatically Create Bodies]
handle functions [in Analysis UG - 5.2.1 Updating Parameter Estimates]
handle instances
   binding to body instances [in Threads UG - Handle-Body Mechanics]
handle-body classes
   binding [in Threads UG - Handle-Body Mechanics]
   implementing [in Threads UG - 7.3.2 Implementing Your Own Handles and Bodies]
   Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.2.2 Handle-Body Classes in Class Hierarchies]
   Smart Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
   using [in Threads UG - 7.3 Using the Handle-Body Classes]
handle-body idiom [in Secure Comm UG - 5.12 Multithreading, the Handle-Body Idiom, and the Secure Sockets Package]
   definition [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
      [in Threads UG - 3.3.1 The Runnable Class Hierarchy]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 2.3 Introduction to the Handle-Body Architecture]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 5.4.3 Handle-Body Architecture]
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
handle-body pattern
   Threads Module dependency and [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   errors [in Networking UG - 4.3 Handling Errors]
   errors from the cryptographic library [in Secure Comm UG - 5.10 Handling Errors from the Cryptographic Library]
   exceptions [in Networking UG - 4.3 Handling Errors]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 5.4 Handling Exceptions]
handshake information callback (secure sockets) [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5.3 Handshake Information Callback]
hash function object
   in collections classes [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
      [in Tools UG - Virtual Function hash()]
hash-based collections
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.11 Hash-based Collections]
   collection classes and strategy [in Tools UG - Hashing]
   collections, and bags and sets [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   efficient to find objects in collection [in Tools UG - Hashing]
Hawaii, and time zones [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
header classes
   MIME package [in Protocols UG - 8.2 MIME Class Hierarchy]
header file organization [in RCB Apps - 1.2 More About Include Path]
header files [in Currency UG - 2.9 Classes in Currency Module]
header files, including [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.2 Using SourcePro C++ Components]
header files
   changes required to support serialization [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
   configuration-specific generated by RCB [in RCB Products - 1.3.10 Reusable Data for Building Applications]
      [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   directory [in Networking UG - 3.1.1 Header Files]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.1.2 Including the Trace Header Files]
   for HTTPS package [in Secure Comm UG - 6.1.2 Header Files]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1.2 Header Files]
   for Secure Sockets package [in Secure Comm UG - 3.1.2 Header Files]
   FTP package [in Protocols UG - 4.1.2 Header Files]
   HTTP package [in Protocols UG - 5.1.2 Header Files]
   including [in Networking UG - 3.1.1 Header Files]
   Internet Basics package [in Protocols UG - 3.1.2 Header Files]
   Interthread Communication package [in Threads UG - 5.1.2 Including the Header Files]
   MIME package [in Protocols UG - 8.1.2 Header Files]
   POP3 package [in Protocols UG - 6.1.2 Header Files]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.1.1 Including the Header Files]
   Smart Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.1.2 Including the Smart Pointer Header Files]
   SMTP package [in Protocols UG - 7.1.2 Header Files]
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 4.1.1 The Streams Header Files]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.1.2 Including the Header Files]
   Thread-compatible Exception package [in Threads UG - 9.1.2 Including the Exception Header Files]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.1.2 Including the Header Files]
   adding with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.4.4 Adding and Removing Headers]
   creating for MIME multipart [in Protocols UG - 9.4.2 Create Headers for a Multipart]
   creating for MIME part [in Protocols UG - 9.2.1 Create Headers for the Part]
   removing with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.4.4 Adding and Removing Headers]
heap [in Threads UG - 3.2.2 Threads and Memory]
Hello, World example [in Networking UG - 2.2.1 A Simple Code Example]
helper class
   defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
   for implementing picks [in Math UG - 3.10 Picks]
   how used [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()]
   list of [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
   member functions [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.3 Helper Class Member Functions]
   rw_numeric_traits [in Math UG - 2.1.2 Template Specializations]
Hermitian banded matrix types [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Hermitian banded matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Hermitian matrix type [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Hermitian matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Hessenberg decomposition [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.5 Hessenberg and Balance Decompositions]
heterogeneous collection
   and polymorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.6 Polymorphic Persistence]
   restoring [in Tools UG - Example Two: Restoring Polymorphically]
hexadecimal notation
   definition [in I18n UG - 3.4.7 Escape Sequences]
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Basic Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
   FTP package [in Protocols UG - 4.2 FTP Class Hierarchy]
   HTTP package [in Protocols UG - 5.2 HTTP Class Hierarchies]
   Internet Basics package exceptions [in Protocols UG - 3.2 Internet Basics Class Hierarchy]
   MIME package [in Protocols UG - 8.2 MIME Class Hierarchy]
   POP3 package [in Protocols UG - 6.2 POP3 Class Hierarchy]
   reply [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
   SMTP package [in Protocols UG - 7.2 SMTP Class Hierarchy]
   database-dependent classes [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
   database-independent classes [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
   HTTPS package [in Secure Comm UG - 6.2 HTTPS Package Class Hierarchy]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 9.2 FTPS Package Class Hierarchy]
   producer/product [in DB Interface UG - 2.3 Producers and Products]
   Secure Sockets package [in Secure Comm UG - 3.2 Secure Sockets Package Class Hierarchy]
HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   Open SQL statement type [in DB Interface UG - 15.1.3 Statement Type Hint]
Histogram [in Math UG - 6.2 Class Histogram]
homogeneous collection
   and isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5 Isomorphic Persistence]
Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic [in Analysis UG - 3.3.3 Significance of the Model]
   [in Analysis UG - Hosmer-Lemeshow Statistic]
   constructing [in Networking UG - 6.5.1 Constructing a Host]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   using with HTTPS [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
HTTP package
   about [in Protocols UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   adding custom headers [in Protocols UG - 5.4.4 Adding and Removing Headers]
   advanced requests [in Protocols UG - 5.4 Advanced Topics]
   compliance [in Protocols UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   connecting to a server [in Protocols UG - 5.3.1 Connecting to the Server]
   creating custom methods [in Protocols UG - 5.4.1 Additional HTTP Methods]
   creating requests [in Protocols UG - 5.3.2 Creating a Request]
   downloading part of a document [in Protocols UG - 5.4.3 Downloading Part of a Document]
   examples [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
   header files [in Protocols UG - 5.1.2 Header Files]
   hierarchies [in Protocols UG - 5.2 HTTP Class Hierarchies]
   interpreting replies [in Protocols UG - 5.3.5 Interpreting the Reply]
   naming a custom message-body handler [in Protocols UG - 5.4.2 Specifying a Custom Message-Body Handler]
HTTP Package
   of Internet Protocols Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
HTTP package
   persistent connections [in Protocols UG - 5.4.7 Persistent Connections and Pipelined Requests]
   pipelined requests [in Protocols UG - 5.4.7 Persistent Connections and Pipelined Requests]
   removing custom headers [in Protocols UG - 5.4.4 Adding and Removing Headers]
   requesting a document [in Protocols UG - 5.3.6 Bringing it All Together]
   retrieving part of a document [in Protocols UG - 5.4.3 Downloading Part of a Document]
   retrieving replies [in Protocols UG - 5.3.4 Retrieving a Reply]
   sending requests [in Protocols UG - 5.3.3 Sending a Request]
   sending requests through proxies [in Protocols UG - 5.4.6 Sending Requests through HTTP Proxies]
HTTP proxies
   sending requests [in Protocols UG - 5.4.6 Sending Requests through HTTP Proxies]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
HTTPS package
   introducing [in Secure Comm UG - 6.1 Introduction]
HTTPS Package
   of Secure Communication Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
HTTPS protocol [in Secure Comm UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1 Introduction]


i/o for decimal types [in Currency UG - 2.8 Persistence]
ICU (International Components for Unicode) [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
ICU [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.4 Linking to the Libraries]
   [in I18n UG - 1.2 Product Overview]
id() [in Networking UG - 6.3 Printing Socket Addresses]
   collisions avoided using RWStringID [in Tools UG - Identification Collisions]
   efficiency [in Tools UG - Efficiency]
   of classes using permanent identifiers for polymorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 12.3.1 Duration of Identifiers]
   of classes using RWStringID [in Tools UG - 12.3 RWStringID]
   providing class identifier [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
identifying threads [in Threads UG - Identifying Threads]
   an object in a collection [in Tools UG - 6.5 Retrieving Objects in Collections]
identity column constraint [in DB Interface UG - Identity Column Constraints]
   and primary key constraint [in DB Interface UG - Primary Key Constraints]
   example [in DB Interface UG - Creating an identity column]
   matching in collections [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   created for reading object data during transformation [in XML Streams UG - For a Character-based C++ Transformation]
   reference to RWObjectInputStream [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
ill-conditioned matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.4.3 Condition Number]
   [in Math UG - 5.3 Condition Number]
imag() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices]
imbuing the stream
   code example [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
   global defaults for zones and locales [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
implementation classes [in DB Interface UG - 1.1 Overview]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.2 Interface and Implementation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.3 Producers and Products]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.5 Memory Allocation]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
implicit connection [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.2 Explicit and Implicit Connections]
implicit conversion [in I18n UG - 4.4 Implicit Conversions]
in-memory cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   clearing memory [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   persisting its data [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
inactive runnables [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
include directives [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.2 Using SourcePro C++ Components]
include path, common mistakes [in Tools UG - 13.6 Include Path]
include paths [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.1 Setting the Include Paths]
includes [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.2 Using SourcePro C++ Components]
including header files [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.2 Using SourcePro C++ Components]
   common functionality among classes [in Tools UG - 2.4 Common Functionality Among Classes]
   in the Essential Tools Module [in Tools UG - 2.4.5 Indexing]
   multibyte strings and [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - Example]
   RWTIOUResult [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
inexact errors [in Currency UG - 8.1 Overview]
inexact exceptions [in Currency UG - 8.3 Inexact Conditions]
   avoiding [in Currency UG - 8.3 Inexact Conditions]
information flow, common functionality of classes [in Tools UG - 2.4 Common Functionality Among Classes]
inheritance [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
inheritance policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
inheritance policy attribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
inheritance policy default [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
inheritance policy
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
inheritance trees
   keeping simple (advanced topics) [in Tools UG - 12.5 Multiple Inheritance]
   hierarchy and intrusive lists [in Tools UG - 6.8.3 Intrusive Lists in Templates]
   priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   priority value [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   scheduling policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   time-slice quantum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   completion state [in Threads UG - Starting Synchronous Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Starting Threaded Runnables]
   execution state [in Threads UG - Starting Synchronous Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Starting Threaded Runnables]
initialization, defined [in Math UG - 3.6 Construction Versus Assignment]
initializing a mutex [in Threads UG - Initializing a Mutex]
initializing an array [in Currency UG - 6.3.3 Fixed and Floating Decimal Classes]
initializing an exchange rate table [in Currency UG - 5.2 Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Tables]
   client and server authentication [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5.2 Initializing the Context to Perform Both Client and Server Authentication]
   cryptographic library [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4 Initializing the Secure Sockets Package]
   Secure Sockets package [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4 Initializing the Secure Sockets Package]
   server authentication [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5.1 Initializing the Context to Perform Server Authentication Only]
input binding of data [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.15 Input Binding of Data]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.16 Input Binding of Data]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.16 Input Binding of Data]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.16 Input Binding of Data]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.16 Input Binding of Data]
input parameters [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.2 Input/Output Parameters and Result Sets]
input streams, conversion to UTF-16 [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
input/output parameters [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
insert operation example (Open SQL) [in Sybase CT Access - An Open SQL Insert Example]
   and bounds checking [in Tools UG - 9.4.1 RW_PRECONDITION and RW_POSTCONDITION]
   in RWCollection classes [in Tools UG - Polymorphically Persisting Custom Collections]
   virtual function in RWCollectable [in Tools UG - insert()]
   in RWTValOrderedVector [in Tools UG - 6.9.2 Commonality of Interface]
inserter and extractor [in Adv Tools UG - 8.4.2 Using the Serial Package with the Internationalization Module]
inserter caching [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.6.1 Inserter Caching]
   not supported [in MySQL Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
   caching [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.7.1 Inserter Caching]
   <class name&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - 8.4.2 Using the Serial Package with the Internationalization Module]
inserting data [in DB Interface UG - 5.4 Inserting Data]
   unexpected events [in DB Interface UG - 5.4.4 Getting Results from an Inserter]
   using a reader [in DB Interface UG - 5.4.3 Inserting with a Reader]
   using a selector [in DB Interface UG - 5.4.2 Inserting with a Selector]
   values from program variables [in DB Interface UG - 5.4 Inserting Data]
insertion operator << [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.2 Joins]
inside threads
   definition [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
installation [in DB2 CLI Access - 1.1 Overview]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.2 Installing the Libraries]
   [in MS SQL Access - 1.1 Overview]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.1 Introduction]
   [in ODBC Access - 1.1 Overview]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 1.1 Overview]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 1.1 Overview]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 1.1 Overview]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.1 Introduction]
installing components
   after initial installation [in RCB Products - 2.2.5 Installing Additional Components]
installing the libraries [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.2 Installing the Libraries]
   RWTSingleton [in Threads UG - 7.4 Using the RWTSingleton Class]
integer types in the Currency Module [in Currency UG - 6.3.2 RWMP1Int, RWMP2Int, and RWMP3Int Integer Types]
interaction diagram
   RWCondition [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
   RWMutexLock [in Threads UG - Avoiding a Block]
intercept [in Analysis UG - 5.2.2 Intercept Option]
intercept option [in Analysis UG - 5.2.2 Intercept Option]
   default [in Analysis UG - 5.2.2 Intercept Option]
intercept parameter [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
interface [in Adv Tools UG - 8.4.2 Using the Serial Package with the Internationalization Module]
   [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
interface classes [in DB Interface UG - 2.2 Interface and Implementation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.5 Memory Allocation]
   database-dependent [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
   database-independent [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
interface module [in DB Interface UG - 2.1 Basic Architecture]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
interface-implementation idiom
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
Interface/Implementation paradigm [in DB Interface UG - 2.2 Interface and Implementation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.5 Memory Allocation]
   <class name&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - 8.4.2 Using the Serial Package with the Internationalization Module]
interfaces file [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   choosing a string class for [in XML Streams UG - 7.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate String Class Interface]
   extractor [in XML Streams UG - 7.2.2 The XML Streams Package Character Encoding Requirements]
   narrow character requirements of [in XML Streams UG - Narrow Character Interfaces]
   Unicode [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
   wide character requirements of [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
internal errors [in DB Interface UG - 6.5.1 Kinds of Errors]
internal handle instance
   definition [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
International Components for Unicode (ICU) [in I18n UG - 1.2 Product Overview]
   accessing underlying constructs [in I18n UG - 11.3 Accessing ICU Constructs]
International Consortium of Unicode
   and Internationalization Module [in XML Streams UG - 7.2 Determining your Character Encoding Needs]
internationalization [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.11 Internationalization]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.11 Internationalization]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 2.2 Basic Terminology]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.11 Internationalization]
   [in RCB Apps - Chapter 3 Internationalization Module Build Information]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
Internationalization classes
   list of [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
Internationalization Classes
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
Internationalization classes
   overview [in Tools UG - 2.2.5 Internationalization Class Group]
Internationalization Module [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   building and linking [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.2 Optional Software Dependencies]
      [in XML Streams UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   character conversion utilities [in XML Streams UG - 7.2.2 The XML Streams Package Character Encoding Requirements]
   character encoding conversions [in Adv Tools UG - 8.3.2 Using the Streams Package with the Internationalization Module]
   character encoding needs [in XML Streams UG - 7.2 Determining your Character Encoding Needs]
   Character Encoding Scheme Conversion Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   class groups of [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   Error Handing Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   evaluating use of [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   internationalizing and localizing streams [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
   Localization Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   product features [in I18n UG - 1.2 Product Overview]
      [in I18n UG - 11.3 Accessing ICU Constructs]
   Unicode String Processing Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   using with XML streams [in XML Streams UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   working with the Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 8.3 International Features of the Streams Package]
   XML Streams Module dependency on [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.2 Optional Software Dependencies]
   and data formats [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11.6 Date Formats]
   and RWWString [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11.5 RWWString]
   changing locales [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11.2 Changing Locales on the Fly]
   character encoding:defined [in XML Streams UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   character sets in [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
   currency [in Tools UG - 7.5.5 Currency]
   data binding [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11.3 Data Binding]
   data bindings for [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.11.1 Data Bindings]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.11.2 Data Bindings]
   data formats [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.11.4 Data Formats]
   date bindings for [in MS SQL Access - 2.11.2 Data Bindings]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.13.2 Data Bindings]
   dates [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
   defined [in DB Interface UG - 13.1 Definition]
      [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   encoding conversion [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   environment variables [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
   ISO 8601:2000 parser [in Tools UG - 3.3.1 SourcePro's ISO 8601 Parsers]
   limitations [in DB2 CLI Access - Metadata]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11.4 Limitations]
   limitations on [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.11.3 Limitations]
   localizing messages [in Tools UG - 7.3 Localizing Messages]
   of streams [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
   prerequisites [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
   restrictions [in MS SQL Access - 2.11.3 Limitations]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.12 Internationalization]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.13.3 Limitations]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.13 Internationalization]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.11 Internationalization]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.12 Internationalization]
   RWDate [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.3 RWDate]
   RWDecimalPortable [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.4 RWDecimalPortable]
   RWLocale [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.5 Formatting Raw Numbers]
   setting environment variables for [in MS SQL Access - 2.11.1 Prerequisites]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.13.1 Prerequisites]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - Environment Variables]
   standards for dates and times [in Tools UG - 3.3 International Standards for Dates and Times]
   using Essential Tools Module [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
internet addresses
   building [in Networking UG - 6.5.2 Building Internet Addresses]
   using [in Networking UG - 6.5 Using Internet Addresses]
Internet Basics package
   about [in Protocols UG - 3.1 Introduction]
   exception hierarchy [in Protocols UG - 3.2 Internet Basics Class Hierarchy]
   header files [in Protocols UG - 3.1.2 Header Files]
Internet Basics Package
   of Internet Protocols Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
Internet Basics package
   protocol replies [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
Internet Protocols Module
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
   FTP Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
   HTTP Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
   Internet Basics Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
   MIME Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
   packages of [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
   POP3 Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
   SMTP Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
interrupt [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   RWRunnableSelf [in Threads UG - Rendezvous Synchronization]
interrupted runnables [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
interrupting a runnable [in Threads UG - 3.5.9 Interrupting a Runnable]
   [in Threads UG - Avoiding Deadlock]
interrupting a server [in Threads UG - 3.6.5 Interrupting a Server]
Interthread Communication package
   example [in Threads UG - Example]
      [in Threads UG - Using Timed Waits]
      [in Threads UG - Example]
      [in Threads UG - Example]
      [in Threads UG - Another Asynchronous Example]
Interthread Communication Package
   of Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
Interviews Class Library, and class PFile [in Tools UG - 10.2 RWFile]
introduction dates
   setting and omitting [in Currency UG - 3.2 Currency Information Class]
intrusive lists
   in templates [in Tools UG - 6.8.3 Intrusive Lists in Templates]
intrusive serialization [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.4 Intrusive and External Serialization]
invalid cursors
   RWDBMemTable [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.1 Instantiating an RWDBCursor]
   RWDBTPtrMemTable [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.1 Instantiating an RWDBCursor]
invalid input errors [in Math UG - 8.1.2 Invalid Input]
invalid locations
   of pointers [in Tools UG - 13.5 Avoid Persisting Value Collections of Pointers]
invalid objects, changing to valid [in DB Interface UG - 6.6.2 Making Unusable Objects Usable]
invariant [in Threads UG - 2.1 Background]
inverse() [in Math UG - 5.2 LU Factorization]
inverses [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.4.2 Matrix Inverses]
iostream facility [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
IOStreams library [in Adv Tools UG - Using the Standard iostreams Library]
   in RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.7.1 Iostreams]
   using [in Networking UG - 5.1 Using Iostreams]
   aborting [in Threads UG - Aborting a Request]
   about [in Protocols UG - 2.4 Multithreading and IOUs]
   closing [in Threads UG - Closing and Redeeming an IOU]
      [in Threads UG - 5.5.3 Closing an IOU]
   constructing [in Threads UG - 5.5.2 Constructing an IOU]
   definition [in Threads UG - 5.1 Introducing the Interthread Communication Package]
      [in Threads UG - 5.2.1 Futures, IOUs, and Escrows]
   querying status [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
   redeeming [in Threads UG - Closing and Redeeming an IOU]
      [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
      [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
   testing for empty handles [in Threads UG - 5.5.1 Testing for Empty IOU Handles]
   trapping [in Threads UG - 5.5.7 Trapping IOUs with RWTIOUTrap]
   using [in Threads UG - 5.5.5 Using IOUs]
   waiting for [in Threads UG - 5.5.6 Waiting for IOUs]
   waiting for trapped [in Threads UG - Waiting for Trapped IOUs]
IPv6 addresses
   building [in Networking UG - 6.6.2 Building IPv6 Addresses]
   using [in Networking UG - 6.6 Using IPv6 Addresses]
is-set test run-time functions
   Threading package [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - Virtual Function isA()]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
   virtual function in RWClassID [in Tools UG - Implementing Virtuals Via Statics]
   RWTTryLockGuard [in Threads UG - 4.6.4 Using the RWTTryLockGuard Template Class]
   Streams package status function [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3 Error Handling]
isConcurrencyPolicySet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
isContentionScopeSet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
   Streams package status function [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3 Error Handling]
   and RWHashTable [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   common mistakes with virtual functions [in Tools UG - 13.2 Redefinition of Virtual Functions]
   finding objects in a collection [in Tools UG - Hashing]
   in comparing objects for retrieval [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
      [in Tools UG - Virtual Function isEqual()]
   Streams package status function [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3 Error Handling]
   Streams package status function [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3 Error Handling]
isInheritancePolicySet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
ISO 8601
   international date and time standard [in Tools UG - 3.3 International Standards for Dates and Times]
   parsers [in Tools UG - 3.3.1 SourcePro's ISO 8601 Parsers]
ISO-10646 Standard [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
   [in I18n UG - Chapter 12 Glossary]
   [in I18n UG - 2.5 The ISO-10646 Standard]
ISO-3166 country codes [in I18n UG - 10.2 Named Locales]
   listing [in I18n UG - 10.2.2 Listing Country Codes]
ISO-639 language codes [in I18n UG - 10.2 Named Locales]
   listing [in I18n UG - 10.2.1 Listing Language Codes]
ISO-8859-1 [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   building streams in [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.2 When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
isolation levels
   mapping between IsolationType [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
   setting [in MySQL Access - 2.11.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
isolation() [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
   RWDBConnection [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
isomorphism [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.3 Object Identity (Isomorphism)]
isPrioritySet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
isProcessScopePrioritySet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   finding identity of object [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
isSchedulingPolicySet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
isStackCommitSizeSet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
isStackReserveSizeSet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
isStartPolicySet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
isSystemScopePrioritySet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
isTimeSliceQuantumSet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
isUserStackSet() [in Threads UG - "Is Set" Test Functions]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
isValid(), how to use [in DB Interface UG - 6.6 More About isValid()]
   runnable handle classes [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
   RWHandleBase [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
      [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
   RWTFunctor [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
   validating user input [in Tools UG - 9.2.3 External Errors]
iterating over strings [in I18n UG - 3.5 Iterating Over Strings]
iterative least squares [in Analysis UG - RWLogisticIterLSQ]
iterator [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.2 Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader]
iterator and const_iterator, distinction [in Math UG - 2.3 Iterators]
   defined [in Math UG - 2.3 Iterators]
   table of iterator classes [in Math UG - 2.3 Iterators]
   uses of [in Math UG - 2.3.1 Uses of Iterators]
   advantages [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
   and std() gateway [in Tools UG - 6.14 Iterators and the std() Gateway]
   as generalized pointers [in Tools UG - 6.13.3 Iterators as Generalized Pointers]
   bidirectional [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   common mistakes [in Tools UG - 13.3 Iterators]
   forward in collection class templates [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   in class templates [in Tools UG - 6.13 Iterators in Class Templates]
   in collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
   in STL-based collection class templates [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   in STL-based collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.2.2 STL-based Collection Classes]
   list of supported basic operations [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   map-based and pairs [in Tools UG - 6.13.2 Map-Based Iteration and Pairs]
   random-access [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   reset() [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
   traditional Essential Tools [in Tools UG - 6.6.1 Traditional Essential Tools Module Iterators]
   typedefs [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]


Japanese character encoding
   Shift-JIS [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Converting from a Local Encoding to UTF-16]
join [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWRunnable [in Threads UG - 3.5.6 Joining a Runnable]
joining a runnable [in Threads UG - 3.5.6 Joining a Runnable]
joins [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.2 Joins]
   how to perform [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.2 Joins]
   with self [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.7 Self-Joins]
julian days and dates [in Tools UG - 3.2.2 Julian Day Number vs. Julian Date]


Kanji, multibyte code set [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
kernel thread [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
kernel threads [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
Kesey, in code example [in Tools UG - 6.18 Complete Listing for Class Bus]
   and iterators [in Tools UG - 6.6.1 Traditional Essential Tools Module Iterators]
keys, collection of associations of [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
   hard-coded [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.3 Using Hard-Coded Keys and Certificates]
   in the example programs [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.5 About the Keys and Certificates in the Example Programs]
known problems
   bitwidth [in RCB Products - 3.5.7 Select Bitwidth]
   danger of using "full clean for deploy" [in RCB Products - Postbuild Clean Options]
   license violation message [in RCB Products - 2.6.1 License Message]
   location of built [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   overwriting an existing buildspec [in RCB Products - 2.5.1 Select a Buildspec]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.1 Select Buildspec]
   RCB naming conventions [in RCB Products - 1.3.9 Flexible Naming Conventions]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   symbolic links not supported [in RCB Products - 2.5.2 Specify a Buildspace]
   user defined options for creating [in RCB Products - 3.5.12 Select Compile and Link Options]
Knuth, Donald
   algorithm complexity [in Tools UG - A.3 Time and Space Considerations]


LANG [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
large character data [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
   limitations on use [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
large data [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.17.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.18.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.18.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.3 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.5 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
late binding [in DB Interface UG - 7.3 The Database Layer]
LC_ALL [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
LC_COLLATE [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
LC_CTYPE [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
LC_MESSAGE [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
LC_TIME [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
leading submatrix [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.7.2 Leading Submatrices]
leadingSubmatrix() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.7.2 Leading Submatrices]
Least Squares Factorization Classes
   of Linear Algebra Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
least squares factorization objects
   three implementations [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.3 Implementations Provided]
least squares factorizations [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.1 Defining the Problem]
least squares minimization [in Analysis UG - 3.2.1 Parameter Calculation by Least Squares Minimization]
least squares problem, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.1 Defining the Problem]
LeastSqFit [in Math UG - 6.3 Class LeastSqFit]
   with mblength() [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
Levenberg-Marquardt method [in Analysis UG - RWLogisticLevenbergMarquardt]
   [in Analysis UG - 5.5 Parameter Calculation Classes]
lexical string searching [in I18n UG - 8.2 Lexical String Searching]
   linking [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.4 Linking to the Libraries]
   third-party [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.4 Linking to the Libraries]
   Threads Module [in Threads UG - 1.2 Packages and Libraries]
license [in RCB Products - 2.6.1 License Message]
license violation message [in RCB Products - 2.6.1 License Message]
lifetime requirement of the DB cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
likelihood ratio test [in Analysis UG - G Statistic]
   internationalization [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11.4 Limitations]
   on internationalization [in DB2 CLI Access - Metadata]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.11.3 Limitations]
line breaks
   and RWUBreakSearch [in I18n UG - 7.2 Boundary Analysis]
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Basic Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
Linear Algebra Classes
   Sparse Matrix Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
Linear Algebra Module
   capabilities [in Linear Algebra UG - 1.2 Product Features]
   class groups of [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
   Decomposition Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
   design features [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.1 The Class Concept]
   kinds of classes [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.2 Kinds of Classes]
   Least Squares Factorization Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
   Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Decomposition Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
   Symmetric Eigenvalue Decomposition Classes [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
linear equations
   solving sets of [in Math UG - 5.1 Overview]
link libraries [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.4 Linking to the Libraries]
link library [in RCB Apps - 2.3.1 Linking to Required Libraries]
link line [in RCB Apps - 1.5 More About System Requirements]
linked lists
   example of circularly-linked list [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
   how data is accessed [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
   requirements of doubly-linked lists [in Tools UG - A.3.3 Doubly-Linked Lists]
linked nodes
   method of access into collections [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
   build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.8 Select Linking]
   common mistakes [in Tools UG - 13.7 Match Memory Models and Other Qualifiers]
   represented in library name [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   thread attribute support [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.1 Scheduling Attributes]
   available threading libraries [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.1 Linux Threading Environments]
   POSIX 1003.1c thread attribute support [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.1 Scheduling Attributes]
   thread attributes [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.2 Linux Thread Attributes: An Overview]
list of Currency Module classes [in Currency UG - 2.9 Classes in Currency Module]
   in traditional collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.2.1 Traditional Collection Classes]
little-endian format [in I18n UG - 2.4.3 Unicode Character Encoding Schemes]
LOB, data at execution [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.17.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.18.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.3 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.5 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
LOB, data at execution, RWDBDataCallback [in MS SQL Access - 2.18.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
local buildspace [in RCB Products - 2.5.2 Specify a Buildspace]
   requirements [in RCB Products - Local Buildspace]
local transaction [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
local variables
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.2 Threads and Memory]
locale [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 10.2 Named Locales]
   [in I18n UG - 10.3 Locale Objects]
   [in I18n UG - 2.2 Basic Terminology]
locale names [in I18n UG - 10.2.3 Listing Available Locales]
locale sensitive data [in DB Interface UG - 13.3 Data Formatting]
   and internationalization [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   creating [in I18n UG - 10.3.1 Creating Locales]
   default [in I18n UG - 10.3.3 The Default Locale]
      [in RCB Apps - 3.4 The Default Locale]
   imbuing the stream [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4.4 How to Create an RWURegularExpression]
   locale-specific collation in Internationalization Module [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.3 When You Do Need the Internationalization Module]
   resource bundle [in I18n UG - 10.4 Localized Resources]
   using [in I18n UG - 10.3.2 Using Locales]
   Standard C Library function for localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.1 RWLocaleSnapshot and RWAnsiLocale]
localization [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 2.2 Basic Terminology]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.11 Internationalization and Localization]
Localization Classes
   of Internationalization Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
localization issues [in Currency UG - 9.1 Localization]
   defined [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   of applications [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   of currency [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
   of dates [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
   of messages [in Tools UG - 7.3 Localizing Messages]
   of numbers [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
   setting zone and locale defaults [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
   support for with or without Internationalization Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   using collate() [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   using RWLocale [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
localized resources [in I18n UG - 10.4 Localized Resources]
lock guards [in Threads UG - 4.6.1 Using a Lock Guard]
log likelihood [in Analysis UG - 3.3.1 Parameter Calculation]
login in an XA environment [in DB XA UG - 4.3 Databases and Connections]
login information [in DB XA UG - 6.3 Moving from the DB Interface Module to the DB XA Module]
logistic regression [in Analysis UG - 3.3 Logistic Regression]
   calculation methods [in Analysis UG - 5.5.2 Calculation Methods for Logistic Regression]
   predictions [in Analysis UG - Hosmer-Lemeshow Statistic]
loss of precision errors [in Currency UG - 8.1 Overview]
lower-triangular matrix types [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
lower-triangular matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
LRM [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
LRM name [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
lrm_name [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBConnection Objects]
lrm_name parameter
   Sybase open string [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
LU factorization [in Math UG - 5.1 Overview]
LU Factorization Classes
   Essential Math Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
LU factorization
   defined [in Math UG - 5.2 LU Factorization]
LWP [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]


machine character set [in I18n UG - 2.6 Multilingual Text in C++]
macros in Collect.h
   RWDECLARE_ABSTRACT_COLLECTABLE [in Tools UG - B.5.1 In File collect.h]
   RWDECLARE_COLLECTABLE [in Tools UG - B.5.1 In File collect.h]
   RWDEFINE_ABSTRACT_COLLECTABLE [in Tools UG - B.5.1 In File collect.h]
   RWDEFINE_COLLECTABLE [in Tools UG - B.5.1 In File collect.h]
   RWDEFINE_NAMED_COLLECTABLE [in Tools UG - B.5.1 In File collect.h]
macros in defs.h
   RW_ASSERT [in Tools UG - B.5.2 In File defs.h]
   RW_POSTCONDITION [in Tools UG - B.5.2 In File defs.h]
   RW_POSTCONDITION2 [in Tools UG - B.5.2 In File defs.h]
   RW_PRECONDITION2 [in Tools UG - B.5.2 In File defs.h]
      [in Tools UG - B.5.2 In File defs.h]
macros in edefs.h
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_IO [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_2 [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_3 [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_4 [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_IO [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_IO_2 [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_IO_3 [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
   RWDECLARE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_IO_4 [in Tools UG - B.5.3 In File edefs.h]
macros in epersist.h
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_IO [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_2 [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_3 [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_4 [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_IO [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_IO_2 [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_IO_3 [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
   RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE_TEMPLATE_IO_4 [in Tools UG - B.5.4 In File epersist.h]
macros in strmshft.h
   RW_PROVIDE_DVSTREAM_EXTRACTOR [in Tools UG - B.5.5 In File strmshft.h]
   RW_PROVIDE_DVSTREAM_INSERTER [in Tools UG - B.5.5 In File strmshft.h]
   _POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   define macros [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
   defining Rogue Wave through _RWCONFIG=buildtype [in RCB Products - 1.3.10 Reusable Data for Building Applications]
   Execution Tracing [in Threads UG - 6.4 Using Set Declaration Macros]
      [in Threads UG - 6.5.4 Trace Macros Example]
   for serialization support [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   RE_DECLARE_COLLECTABLE_CLASS [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
   RW_BEGIN_STREAM_CONTENTS() [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   RW_DECLARE_ABSTRACT_COLLECTABLE_CLASS [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
   RW_DECLARE_COLLECTABLE_CLASS [in Tools UG - 6.16.3 Bus Example Code]
      [in Tools UG - Virtual Function isA()]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17 Creating an RWCollectable Object]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.2 Add RW_DECLARE_COLLECTABLE_CLASS() to your Class Declaration]
   RW_DECLARE_COLLECTABLE_CLASS() [in Tools UG - 6.17.2 Add RW_DECLARE_COLLECTABLE_CLASS() to your Class Declaration]
      [in Tools UG - 8.5.3 Designing Your Class to Use Isomorphic Persistence]
   RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_POINTER() [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
   RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_PTR_SEQUENCE() [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   RW_DECLARE_VIRTUAL_STREAM_FNS() [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
   RW_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_COLLECTABLE_CLASS [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
      [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.7 A Note on the RWFactory]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17 Creating an RWCollectable Object]
      [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.7 A Note on the RWFactory]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.7 A Note on the RWFactory]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17 Creating an RWCollectable Object]
   RW_DEFINE_PERSISTABLE [in Tools UG - 8.5.5 Isomorphic Persistence of a User-designed Class]
      [in Tools UG - 8.5.3 Designing Your Class to Use Isomorphic Persistence]
      [in Tools UG - Add RW_DEFINE_PERSISTABLE to One Source File]
      [in Tools UG - 8.7.1 Always Save an Object by Value Before Saving the Identical Object by Pointer]
   RW_DEFINE_STREAMABLE_AS_BASE() [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   RW_DEFINE_STREAMABLE_AS_SELF() [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   RW_DEFINE_STREAMABLE_POINTER() [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   RW_END_STREAM_CONTENTS() [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   RW_MULTI_THREAD [in Tools UG - 13.7 Match Memory Models and Other Qualifiers]
   RW_NOCREATE [in Tools UG - 8.7.4 Define All RWCollectables That Will Be Restored]
   RW_STD_TYPEDEFS [in Tools UG - 6.19 Smalltalk-like Collection Classes]
   RW_STREAM_ATTR_MEMBER() [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   RW_STREAM_PARENT() [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   RWCONFIG [in RCB Apps - 1.4 More About _RWCONFIG]
   RWDEBUG [in Tools UG - 13.7 Match Memory Models and Other Qualifiers]
      [in Tools UG - B.5.2 In File defs.h]
   RWDefCArgs [in Tools UG - B.5.7 In Files tpsrtvec.h, tvsrtvec.h]
   RWDefHArgs [in Tools UG - B.5.6 In Files tphasht.h, tvhasht.h, tphdict.h, tvhdict.h, tphmmap.h, tvhmmap.h, tphset.h, tvhset.h]
   RWDEFINITION_MACRO [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
   RWNIL [in Tools UG - 10.5.2 Member Functions]
   RWTOOLS [in Tools UG - 2.4.6 Version]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.1 Header File Macros]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
magnitude of RWDecimal numbers [in Currency UG - 6.3.2 RWMP1Int, RWMP2Int, and RWMP3Int Integer Types]
   retrieving [in Protocols UG - 6.6 Mail Retrieval: Using the POP3 Client]
   sending [in Protocols UG - 7.5 Mail Sender: Using the SMTP Agent]
mailingLabels() [in DB Interface UG - 17.5.3 VVContactRepository::mailingLabels]
make command
   using directly on Rogue Wave makefiles [in RCB Products - 2.6.3 Executing a Buildspec from the Command Line]
   called by transform() [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   classes that support a formatting object [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   constructing runnable body instances with [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
   constructing runnable objects with [in Threads UG - 3.5.2 Creating Functor-based Runnables]
   controlling format of XML stream data [in XML Streams UG - 4.3.4 Examining the XML Output]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   for derived body class [in Threads UG - Defining Handle Classes that Don't Create Bodies]
   for derived client class [in Threads UG - 6.7.2 Creating User-defined Clients]
      [in Threads UG - Using Your Client]
   for derived filter class [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
      [in Threads UG - Instantiating Your Derived Filter]
   RWRunnableServer [in Threads UG - 3.6.1 Constructing a Server]
      [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances At Construction]
   RWServerPool [in Threads UG - 3.6.1 Constructing a Server]
      [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances At Construction]
   RWThreadFunction [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances At Construction]
   RWThreadPool [in Threads UG - 3.7.1 Constructing a Thread Pool]
      [in Threads UG - 3.7.1 Constructing a Thread Pool]
   RWTThreadEscrowImp [in Threads UG - 5.5.2 Constructing an IOU]
   RWTThreadIOUFunction [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances At Construction]
   used during transformations [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
makeall script [in RCB Products - Running make from the Command Line (Method 2)]
makefiles [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2.1 Building from the Command Line]
   just create makefiles build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.4 Select Build Action]
   location [in RCB Products - 2.6.3 Executing a Buildspec from the Command Line]
      [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
   makeall script [in RCB Products - Running make from the Command Line (Method 2)]
Mallow&rsquo [in Analysis UG - 5.6.3 Writing Your Own Function Objects]
managing connections [in DB XA UG - 4.3 Databases and Connections]
managing global transactions [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
   definition [in Currency UG - 6.2 How Decimal Values Are Represented]
mapping amounts to a currency [in Currency UG - 4.2 Attaching a Currency to a Value]
mapping between data types [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
mapping between datatypes [in MS SQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
mapping, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.2 Defining Matrices]
mappings, collections of [in Tools UG - 6.2.3 STL Extension-based Collection Classes]
   dictionaries in collection classes [in Tools UG - Dictionaries]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.9 (multi)map and (multi)set family]
Math Collection Classes
   of Essential Math Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
   accessing data [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5 Accessing Data]
   accessing rows and columns [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
   direct access to data [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.7 Direct Access to Data]
   storage patterns [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.7 Direct Access to Data]
   type conversion [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6 Type Conversion]
matrix class
   example [in Math UG - 3.2.2 Matrix Example]
matrix classes
   modifying data [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5 Accessing Data]
matrix compliance
   reset to enabled when defining new buildspec [in RCB Products - Advanced Options]
matrix shapes and available types, list [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
maximum wait
   setting in HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.4.5 Adding a Maximum Wait to Requests]
   priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   stack commit size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   stack reserve size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   time-slice quantum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   user stack size [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   user-priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
maximumConnections [in DB XA UG - 5.4.5 The Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
maxwait [in Protocols UG - 5.4.5 Adding a Maximum Wait to Requests]
mbLength(), to return number of characters in multibyte character [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
memcpy, and error detection [in Tools UG - 9.2.3 External Errors]
memory allocation [in DB Interface UG - 2.5 Memory Allocation]
   and choosing a collection [in Tools UG - A.3 Time and Space Considerations]
   common functionality of classes [in Tools UG - 2.4 Common Functionality Among Classes]
   responsibility [in Tools UG - 2.4.2 Memory Allocation and Deallocation]
memory leak
   with return type of operator>> [in Tools UG - 13.4 Return Type of operator>>()]
memory leaks [in Threads UG - 7.5.1 Using RWTOnlyPointer]
memory management
   in reference or value-based collections [in Tools UG - 6.3.3 A Note on Memory Management]
   in RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.2 RWCString and RWWString]
   with cursors [in DB Interface UG - 5.8.2 Bind Operations]
memory map
   in a restored collection [in Tools UG - Example Two: Restoring Polymorphically]
memory models
   common mistakes [in Tools UG - 13.7 Match Memory Models and Other Qualifiers]
memory stream abstract body classes [in Adv Tools UG - The Memory Stream Abstract Body Classes]
memory stream handle classes [in Adv Tools UG - The Memory Stream Handle Classes]
memory streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2.1 Memory Streams]
memory table [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
   template-based [in DB Interface UG - 22.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   localizing [in Tools UG - 7.3 Localizing Messages]
messaging systems
   use of transformations [in XML Streams UG - 5.1 Introduction]
metadata caching in DB [in DB Interface UG - 9.1 Caching and Performance]
   cache manager example [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.7 Example]
   classes involved [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
   clearing the in-memory cache [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   error handling [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.3 Error Handling in the Cache Manager]
   how it works [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.1 Types of Cacheable Data]
   implementing a cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.6 Implementing a Cache Manager]
   in-memory cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   keeping cache data current [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.4 Keeping the Cache Up-To-Date]
   lifetime requirement for cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
   local vs global cache [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
   multithreading and the cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
   persisting the in-memory cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   using the cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
method of least squares [in Analysis UG - 3.2.1 Parameter Calculation by Least Squares Minimization]
method of maximum likelihood [in Analysis UG - 3.3.1 Parameter Calculation]
Meyer, Bertrand
   caller and callee contract [in Tools UG - 9.4.1 RW_PRECONDITION and RW_POSTCONDITION]
Microsoft Visual Studio [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2.2 Building from Microsoft Visual Studio]
MIME headers
   Content-Description [in Protocols UG - 10.1.5 The Content-Description Header]
      [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
   Content-Disposition [in Protocols UG - 10.1.7 The Content-Disposition Header]
      [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
   Content-ID [in Protocols UG - 10.1.4 The Content-ID Header]
      [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
   Content-Location [in Protocols UG - 10.1.6 The Content-Location Header]
      [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
   Content-Transfer-Encoding [in Protocols UG - 10.1.3 The Content-Transfer-Encoding Header]
      [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
   Content-Type [in Protocols UG - 10.1.2 The Content-Type Header]
      [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
   MIME-Version [in Protocols UG - 10.1.1 The MIME-Version Header]
      [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
   using [in Protocols UG - 10.1 Using the MIME Headers Effectively]
MIME message structure [in Protocols UG - 8.4 The MIME Package Representation of a Message]
MIME multipart
   creating [in Protocols UG - 9.4 Creating a Multipart MIME Part]
   creating, example [in Protocols UG - 9.5 Program: Creating a Multipart MIME Message]
   processing [in Protocols UG - 9.6 Processing a MIME Part]
   processing, example [in Protocols UG - 9.8 Program: Processing a Multipart MIME Message]
MIME package
   classes [in Protocols UG - 8.1.1 Classes in the MIME Package]
   examples [in Protocols UG - A.4 MIME Package]
   header files [in Protocols UG - 8.1.2 Header Files]
   hierarchy [in Protocols UG - 8.2 MIME Class Hierarchy]
   message structure [in Protocols UG - 8.4 The MIME Package Representation of a Message]
   message validation [in Protocols UG - 8.1.4 Approach to Validating Messages]
   multipart bodies [in Protocols UG - 10.2.2 Multipart Bodies]
MIME Package
   of Internet Protocols Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
MIME part
   creating [in Protocols UG - 9.2 Creating a Simple MIME Part]
   creating, example [in Protocols UG - 9.3 Program: Creating a Simple MIME Message]
   processing [in Protocols UG - 9.6 Processing a MIME Part]
   processing, example [in Protocols UG - 9.7 Program: Processing a Simple MIME Message]
MIME-Version header [in Protocols UG - 10.1.1 The MIME-Version Header]
   [in Protocols UG - 8.3.3 MIME Headers]
   priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   stack commit size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   stack reserve size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   time-slice quantum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   user stack size [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
mirroring [in I18n UG - 3.3.11 Character Mirroring]
Miscellaneous Classes, overview [in Tools UG - 2.2.7 Miscellaneous Class Group]
Miscellaneous Classes
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   cryptographic library and Secure Sockets package calls [in Secure Comm UG - 5.8 Mixing Calls to the Secure Sockets Package with Calls to the Cryptographic Library]
MKL [in RCB Apps - 6.2 Building the Essential Math Module Library]
   [in RCB Products - Basic Linear Algebra Library Selection]
mnemonic [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.5.1 Pathname Conventions]
model selection [in Analysis UG - 4.1 Definition]
model selection classes [in Analysis UG - 2.4 Model Selection Classes]
Model Selection Classes
   Business Analysis Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.3 The Business Analysis Module]
model selection classes
   class hierarchy [in Analysis UG - 2.4 Model Selection Classes]
model selection tools [in Analysis UG - 4.1 Definition]
model selection viewed as search [in Analysis UG - 4.2 Model Selection Viewed As Search]
model selection
   backward selection [in Analysis UG - 4.2.3 Backward Selection]
   choosing a technique [in Analysis UG - 4.2.3 Backward Selection]
   exhaustive search [in Analysis UG - 4.2.1 Exhaustive Search]
   forward selection [in Analysis UG - 4.2.2 Forward Selection]
   preferences [in Analysis UG - 4.2.3 Backward Selection]
   stepwise selection [in Analysis UG - 4.2.4 Stepwise Selection]
model variance [in Analysis UG - 3.2.2 Model Variance]
Model-View-Controller architecture
   and Miscellaneous Classes [in Tools UG - 2.2.7 Miscellaneous Class Group]
module organization [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
module version number
   common among classes [in Tools UG - 2.4 Common Functionality Among Classes]
module-specific build options [in RCB Products - 3.6 Module-Specific Questions]
   DB Access Module build options [in RCB Products - 3.6.5 SourcePro DB Access Modules]
   Essential Math Module build option [in RCB Products - 3.6.6 Essential Math Module]
   Essential Tools Module build options [in RCB Products - 3.6.1 Essential Tools Module]
   of SourcePro Analysis [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1 Definition]
   of SourcePro Core [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1 Definition]
   of SourcePro DB [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1 Definition]
   of SourcePro Net [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1 Definition]
   of the SourcePro products [in Intro to SourcePro - 2.2 SourcePro C++ Products and Modules]
   Threads Module build options [in RCB Products - 3.6.3 Threads Module]
Money Calculator Class
   of Currency Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
Money Class
   of Currency Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.4 The Currency Module]
money class
   required currency information [in Currency UG - 3.2 Currency Information Class]
money classes [in Currency UG - 2.2 Money Class]
   [in Currency UG - 4.1 Introduction]
money objects [in Currency UG - 2.2 Money Class]
   [in Currency UG - 4.1 Introduction]
money types
   supported [in Currency UG - 4.5 Supported Money Decimal Types]
   RWTMonitor [in Threads UG - The RWTMonitor<Lock> Class]
      [in Threads UG - The RWTMonitor<Lock> Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.10 The RWTMonitor Class]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.4 Building Monitors]
monitoring execution state [in Threads UG - 3.5.15 Monitoring the Execution State of a Runnable]
monitoring the completion state of a runnable [in Threads UG - 3.5.7 Monitoring the Completion State of a Runnable]
monitoring threads [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
   [in Threads UG - 3.5 The Runnable Object Classes]
   building [in Threads UG - 4.4.4 Building Monitors]
   and simple persistence [in Tools UG - Example Two: Simple Persistence and Pointers]
   described [in Tools UG - 6.4.1 Copying Reference-based Collection Classes]
   global functions to save and restore [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
   maintained by polymorphic persistence [in Tools UG - Example One: Saving Polymorphically]
   not maintained by simple persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.5 Isomorphic Persistence of a User-designed Class]
   pointer relationships and persistence [in Tools UG - 8.4 Simple Persistence]
MS SQL Server Access Module
   using with static libraries [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.18 Using Static Libraries with DB2 CLI Access Module and MS SQL Server Module]
MSVC project files [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2.2 Building from Microsoft Visual Studio]
MSVC workspaces [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.3 Directory Structure]
MSVC workspaces and solutions [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2.2 Building from Microsoft Visual Studio]
MT-0, unsafe thread safety level [in Tools UG - 2.4.4 Multithread Safety]
MT-1, safe thread safety level [in Tools UG - 2.4.4 Multithread Safety]
MT-2, multithread safety level [in Tools UG - 2.4.4 Multithread Safety]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
multibyte character set strings [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.4 RWDBMBString]
multibyte character sets (MBCS) [in I18n UG - 2.3.4 Character Encoding Forms]
multibyte character sets
   EUC (Extended UNIX Code) [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   explained [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
multibyte strings
   converting to wide characters [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
   endian sorting [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.2 When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   how used [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   enum in RWWString [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
multilingual text in C++ [in I18n UG - 2.6 Multilingual Text in C++]
multipart subtypes [in Protocols UG - 10.2.2 Multipart Bodies]
multiple collections
   collection class selection criteria [in Tools UG - A.2.2 Additional Selection Criteria]
multiple inheritance
   advanced discussion using RWCollectable [in Tools UG - 12.5 Multiple Inheritance]
   in collections [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   in Smalltalk-like collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.19.1 Tables of the Smalltalk-like Classes]
   testing objects for identity [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
      [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
multiple linear regression parameter calculation [in Analysis UG - 5.5.1 Calculation Methods for Linear Regression]
multiple linear regression problem [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
multiplexing [in Secure Comm UG - 5.11 Secure Socket Multiplexing]
   sockets [in Networking UG - 7.6 Socket Multiplexing]
multiplicative conversion [in Currency UG - 2.4 Conversion Classes]
multiplicative conversion factor
   defined [in Currency UG - 5.2 Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Tables]
multiply-referenced objects
   and persistence [in Tools UG - Multiply-referenced Objects]
multithread levels
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
multithread safety [in Currency UG - 9.4 Multithread Safety]
   avoiding race conditions [in Tools UG - 2.4.4 Multithread Safety]
   common functionality of classes [in Tools UG - 2.4 Common Functionality Among Classes]
   definition of three levels [in Tools UG - 2.4.4 Multithread Safety]
   how assigned to classes and libraries [in Tools UG - Assigning Thread Safety Levels to Classes and Libraries]
   in Essential Tools Module [in Tools UG - Thread Safety in the Essential Tools Module]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
multithreaded applications [in I18n UG - 11.2 Working in a Multithreaded Environment]
multithreading [in I18n UG - 11.2 Working in a Multithreaded Environment]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 5.12 Multithreading, the Handle-Body Idiom, and the Secure Sockets Package]
multithreading and the DB cache manager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.2 Using the Cache Manager]
multithreading build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.9 Select Threading]
   about [in Protocols UG - 2.4 Multithreading and IOUs]
   in a collection [in Tools UG - A.2.2 Additional Selection Criteria]
mutex [in DB Interface UG - 11.3 Sharing Objects of the DB Interface Module Among Threads]
mutex ownership
   acquiring [in Threads UG - Acquiring Mutex Ownership]
   locking and unlocking [in DB Interface UG - 11.3 Sharing Objects of the DB Interface Module Among Threads]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.1 Creating Two or More Threads that Access the Same Resources]
   FIFO [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
   initializing [in Threads UG - Initializing a Mutex]
   recursive [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
   simple [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
mutual exclusion
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
      [in Threads UG - 4.4.2 Using Mutexes]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.1 The RWMutexLock Class]
MYSQL structure
   used by RWDBConnection [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]


n&rcub [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
named locale [in I18n UG - 10.2 Named Locales]
naming conventions [in RCB Products - 1.3.9 Flexible Naming Conventions]
   [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   defined [in RCB Products - Naming Conventions]
   RCB codes defined [in RCB Products - Naming Conventions]
      [in RCB Products - Naming Conventions]
   summary table [in RCB Apps - A.4 Build Tags]
      [in RCB Products - Build Tags]
      [in RCB Products - Build Tags]
narrow character streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.2 The Narrow Character Streams]
narrow characters
   as interfaces [in XML Streams UG - Narrow Character Interfaces]
national character set data types [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
Native POSIX Threading Library
   and Linux [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.1 Linux Threading Environments]
NCHAR [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.5.16 Execution Nesting]
nested classes [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.7 External Serialization of Templates and Nested Classes]
nested transactions [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   not supported [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
network access
   controlling [in Networking UG - 6.2 Controlling Network Access]
network concepts classes [in Networking UG - 2.2 Operation]
network streams classes [in Networking UG - 2.2 Operation]
networking module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.1 The Essential Networking Module]
Networking package
   and global objects [in Networking UG - 8.3 Using the Networking Package in Global Objects]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - Virtual Function newSpecies()]
      [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
Newton-Raphson method [in Analysis UG - RWLogisticIterLSQ]
   calculating number of bytes of RWCollectable objects [in Tools UG - Virtual Function binaryStoreSize()]
noIntercept [in Analysis UG - 5.2.2 Intercept Option]
non-intrusive serialization [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
non-numeric values
   null, missing, NaN [in Currency UG - 6.5 Special Values]
nonsymmetric eigenvalue class, basic [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.2 Decomposition Object]
Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Decomposition Classes
   of Linear Algebra Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem, basic [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.1 Defining the Problem]
nonsymmetric eigenvalue servers [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.3 Servers]
normal completion state [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
normalization [in I18n UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   [in I18n UG - 5.4.1 Normalizing Strings]
Normalization Form Compatibility Composed (NFKC) [in I18n UG - 5.3 Normalization Forms]
Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposed (NFKD) [in I18n UG - 5.3 Normalization Forms]
Normalization Form Composed (NFC) [in I18n UG - 5.3 Normalization Forms]
Normalization Form Decomposed (NFD) [in I18n UG - 5.3 Normalization Forms]
normalization forms [in I18n UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   [in I18n UG - 5.3 Normalization Forms]
   detecting [in I18n UG - 5.4.2 Detecting the Normalization Form of a String]
normalization, definition [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
   of strings using RWBasicUString [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
normalizing data types [in DB Interface UG - 3.1 Kinds of Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.2 Summary of Classes]
   RWDBValue [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
normalizing strings [in I18n UG - 5.4.1 Normalizing Strings]
not null constraints [in DB Interface UG - Not Null Constraints]
notSupported error [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBConnection Objects]
   [in DB XA UG - 6.3 Moving from the DB Interface Module to the DB XA Module]
null pointer
   and persistence [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
null terminators [in I18n UG - 3.4.4 Creating an RWUString]
NULL values [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.2 Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.7.1 Instantiating RWDBStoredProc]
nullify, referential action [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Foreign Key Constraint]
   [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
number of connection objects [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
number of digits in a number [in Currency UG - 6.2 How Decimal Values Are Represented]
   and localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.4 Numbers]
   localizing [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
   reserved by Rogue Wave [in Tools UG - Virtual Function isA()]
numeric errors [in Currency UG - 8.1 Overview]
numeric index
   accessing data in a collection [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
      [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
numeric values [in I18n UG - 3.3.12 Numeric Values]
NVARCHAR [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]


object files
   location [in RCB Products - 2.7 Results of Running a Buildspec]
object identity [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.3 Object Identity (Isomorphism)]
object properties, and collections [in Tools UG - 6.5 Retrieving Objects in Collections]
object serialization [in Adv Tools UG - 5.1 Introducing the Serialization Package]
   using [in Adv Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
object streaming
   macros [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3 Using the Stream Contents Macros]
object-oriented design in the Linear Algebra Module [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.1 The Class Concept]
   collections, and serialization [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   identity, maintaining references between objects [in XML Streams UG - 2.2 Types of Streams]
   references, preservation in object serialization [in XML Streams UG - 2.2 Types of Streams]
   associations [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.3 Associations with Other Objects]
obtaining a connection [in DB XA UG - 4.3 Databases and Connections]
   certificates [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3 Obtaining Certificates]
   certificates to identify specific entities [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.2 Obtaining Certificates to Identify a Specific Entity]
   certificates to verify other certificates [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.1 Obtaining Trusted Certificates to Verify Other Certificates]
   virtual function [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
OCI calls [in DB XA UG - 5.2.4 RWDBSystemHandle and RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
OCI handles [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
OCIStmt structure [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.7 OCIStmts]
ODBC Conformance Levels
   DB Interface Module adherence to [in ODBC Access - 2.1 Introduction]
   errors [in MySQL Access - 2.13.1 Errors]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.14.1 Errors and ODBC Conformance]
ODBC driver
   runtime loading [in MS SQL Access - 2.19 Using Static Libraries with MS SQL Server and DB2 CLI Access Modules]
ODBC functions
   multiply-defined [in MS SQL Access - 2.19 Using Static Libraries with MS SQL Server and DB2 CLI Access Modules]
odd sequences [in Math UG - 4.3 Transforms of Even and Odd Sequences]
   creating for writing character data to a file [in XML Streams UG - For an Element-based C++ Transformation]
opaque pointer
   definition [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
Open SQL [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.17 Open SQL and DB2 CLI]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.18 Open SQL and Microsoft SQL Server ODBC]
   [in MySQL Access - 2.17 Open SQL and MySQL]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.18 Open SQL and ODBC]
Open SQL Classes
   of DB Interface Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]
Open SQL
   and RWDBSystemHandle [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.7 Simultaneous Result Processing]
   bulk inserts [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.4 Bulk Inserts and Bulk Input Binding]
   code examples [in Sybase CT Access - An Open SQL Insert Example]
   examples [in Oracle OCI Access - An Open SQL Insert Example]
   part of pointer layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.5 The Pointer Layer]
   placeholder syntax [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.17.1 Placeholder Syntax]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.18.1 Placeholder Syntax]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.18.1 Placeholder Syntax]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.17.1 Placeholder Syntax]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.18.1 Placeholder Syntax]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.1 Placeholder Syntax]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.1 Placeholder Syntax]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.17.1 Placeholder Syntax]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.1 Placeholder Syntax]
   simultaneous results processing [in Sybase CT Access - Simultaneous Results Processing of RWDBOSql Objects on the Same Connection]
   statement type hint [in DB Interface UG - 15.1.3 Statement Type Hint]
   stored procedures [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.6 Stored Procedures and Open SQL]
   supported data types for output binding [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.3 Supported Datatypes for Output Binding]
   using with Oracle OCI [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19 Open SQL and Oracle OCI]
open string
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
      [in DB XA UG - 5.4.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
      [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Sybase CT [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
open() [in DB XA UG - 4.3.1 Managing Connections]
opening a database [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
opening a database connection
   access library name [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   accessLib [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   arguments used [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   database name [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   password [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   required parameters [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   server name [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   user name [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
opening and closing connections [in DB XA UG - 6.3 Moving from the DB Interface Module to the DB XA Module]
OpenSSL secure sockets library [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.4 Linking to the Libraries]
operating system build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.5 Select Operating System]
operating systems [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.1 General Software Requirements]
operator >>()
   using with virtual streams [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
operator <<()
   using with virtual streams [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
operator double() [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.3 Helper Class Member Functions]
operator Redeemable()
   RWTIOUResult [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
   and localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
   common mistakes [in Tools UG - 13.4 Return Type of operator>>()]
   common to member functions [in Tools UG - Stream I/O Functions]
   global overloading [in DB Interface UG - 17.5.4 operator>>() for VVContact]
   in simple persistence example [in Tools UG - Example One: Simple Persisting Objects of Fundamental Type]
   performing bounds check [in Tools UG - 9.4.1 RW_PRECONDITION and RW_POSTCONDITION]
   reads from input stream [in Tools UG - 4.7.1 Iostreams]
operator<<() [in DB Interface UG - 18.5.3 VVContactRepository::reader]
   [in DB Interface UG - 19.5.3 operator<<() for VVContact]
   overloaded [in DB Interface UG - 19.5.2 VVContactRepository::insert]
   bounds checking [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.2 Bounds Checking]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - The close() Function]
   RWTIOUResult [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
operator()(int, int) [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.1 Function operator()(int, int)]
   changing a matrix element [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.1 Individual Elements]
   changing matrix elements [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()]
   limitations [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.4 val() and set()]
   side effects [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()]
   functor classes [in Threads UG - 8.1.4 How Do They Work?]
   iterators as pointers [in Tools UG - 6.13.3 Iterators as Generalized Pointers]
   used in RWCollections classes [in Tools UG - Class Conversions]
   used in RWCollectable classes [in Tools UG - Inserting and Removing Other Collections]
   RWDateTime sentinel [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - The close() Function]
   testing objects for equality [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
operator=(double x) [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.3 Helper Class Member Functions]
   testing objects for equality and identity [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
operator[] [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
operators [in Tools UG - Stream I/O Functions]
   [in Tools UG - 4.7.1 Iostreams]
   [in Tools UG - Example One: Simple Persisting Objects of Fundamental Type]
   and RWCollectable [in Tools UG - 8.6.1 Operators]
   comparison in RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.4 Lexicographic Comparisons]
   in custom allocators [in Tools UG - 12.6.1 Template Functions]
   multibyte strings and [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   persistence shift [in Tools UG - Stream I/O Functions]
   reference, and polymorphic persistence [in Tools UG - Choosing Which Persistence Operator to Use]
optimizing computational speed [in Analysis UG - 2.3.1 The Base Calculation]
Options dialog [in RCB Products - 3.4.4 Options Dialog]
   genrb utility [in I18n UG - 10.4.3 Compiling Resource Bundles]
Oracle OCI xaosw [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
ordered data
   determined externally or internally [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
   in collections [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
ordered vectors
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.4 Ordered Vectors]
ordering [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.5 Ordering and Grouping]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
ordering and grouping
   restrictions [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.5 Ordering and Grouping]
ordering strings [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 6.2 Locale-Sensitive String Comparison]
   choosing a sequenceable class [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   innate meaning in RWSequenceable [in Tools UG - 6.19.6 Virtual Functions Inherited from RWSequenceable]
   internally comparing keys with RWBTreeOnDisk [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
   of objects, using compareTo() [in Tools UG - Virtual Function compareTo()]
   RWSequenceable [in Tools UG - Sequenceable Classes]
orthogonal design
   in the Linear Algebra Module [in Linear Algebra UG - 2.1 The Class Concept]
   and execution tracing [in Threads UG - 6.7.1 Using the Predefined Client]
outer join
   example in the WHERE clause [in DB Interface UG - Outer Join Constructs In the WHERE Clause (ANSI-Noncompliant)]
   multiple example in the FROM clause [in DB Interface UG - Outer Join Constructs in the FROM Clause (ANSI-Compliant)]
   nested example in the FROM clause [in DB Interface UG - Outer Join Constructs in the FROM Clause (ANSI-Compliant)]
   simple example in the FROM clause [in DB Interface UG - Outer Join Constructs in the FROM Clause (ANSI-Compliant)]
outer joins [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   [in MySQL Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.4.3 Outer Joins]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.4.3 Outer Joins]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   ANSI and non-ANSI [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.3 Outer Joins]
   ANSI-compliant syntax example [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.4.3 Outer Joins]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   in non-ANSI syntax [in DB Interface UG - Outer Join Constructs In the WHERE Clause (ANSI-Noncompliant)]
   in SQL 92 syntax [in DB Interface UG - Outer Join Constructs in the FROM Clause (ANSI-Compliant)]
   in the FROM clause [in DB Interface UG - Outer Join Constructs in the FROM Clause (ANSI-Compliant)]
   in the WHERE clause [in DB Interface UG - Outer Join Constructs In the WHERE Clause (ANSI-Noncompliant)]
   noncompliant syntax example [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.4.3 Outer Joins]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
outermost transaction [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.5 Transaction Processing with RWDBConnection]
output buffer
   flushing during serialization [in XML Streams UG - For an Element-based C++ Transformation]
output parameters [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.2 Input/Output Parameters and Result Sets]
output streams, conversion to UTF-8 [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
   of character-based transformation [in XML Streams UG - For a Character-based C++ Transformation]
   of element-based transformation [in XML Streams UG - For an Element-based C++ Transformation]
outside threads
   definition [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
overall F statistic [in Analysis UG - 3.2.4 Significance of the Model (Overall F Statistic)]
overflow errors [in Currency UG - 8.1 Overview]
overflow exceptions
   avoiding [in Currency UG - 8.2 Overflow Conditions]
overloaded shift operators
   for moving objects [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   prototypes [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
overloading [in DB Interface UG - 3.3 Member Function Conventions]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
   extraction operator [in DB Interface UG - Overloading the Extraction Operator]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.2 Using Mutexes]


P-value [in Analysis UG - 5.6.1 Selection Evaluation Criteria: Function Objects]
   for parameter estimate [in Analysis UG - p-Values]
   for parameter estimates [in Analysis UG - p-Values]
   of the F statistic [in Analysis UG - p-Value]
packages [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
packages, defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 2.3 Packages and Class Groups]
   Threads Module [in Threads UG - 1.2 Packages and Libraries]
   tracing [in Threads UG - 6.9 Using Package-level Tracing]
page heaps
   in file system classes [in Tools UG - 10.1 Introduction]
pagefile [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
parallel [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
parameter calculation [in Analysis UG - 5.5 Parameter Calculation Classes]
parameter calculation classes [in Analysis UG - 2.3 Parameter Calculation Classes]
   class hierarchy [in Analysis UG - 2.3 Parameter Calculation Classes]
Parameter Calculation Classes
   of Business Analysis Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.3 The Business Analysis Module]
parameter calculation for logistic regression [in Analysis UG - 5.5.2 Calculation Methods for Logistic Regression]
parameter calculation
   by least squares minimization [in Analysis UG - 3.2.1 Parameter Calculation by Least Squares Minimization]
   maximum likelihood [in Analysis UG - 3.3.1 Parameter Calculation]
   writing your own class [in Analysis UG - 5.5.3 Writing Your Own Parameter Calculation Class]
parameter calculations
   automatic update [in Analysis UG - 5.2.1 Updating Parameter Estimates]
   manual update [in Analysis UG - 5.2.1 Updating Parameter Estimates]
parameter dispersion matrix [in Analysis UG - 3.2.3 Parameter Dispersion (Variance-Covariance) Matrix]
parameter estimate classes [in Analysis UG - 5.3 Parameter Estimate Classes]
parameter estimate
   P-value [in Analysis UG - p-Values]
parameter variances and covariances [in Analysis UG - 3.3.2 Parameter Variances and Covariances]
   of input stream [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   of transformation object [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
parameterized queues
   in traditional collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.2.1 Traditional Collection Classes]
Paris, time zones example [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
   used by enhanced streams [in XML Streams UG - 4.2 The Difference Between Enhanced Streams and Basic Streams]
passive clients [in Protocols UG - 4.4 Using Active and Passive Clients]
password callback (secure sockets) [in Secure Comm UG - 5.3 sing Encrypted Keys]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5.1 Password Callback]
password parameter
   Sybase open string [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
PATH environment variable [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.4 Environment Variables]
pattern matching [in I18n UG - 8.1 Overview]
pc_clparms [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
pcparms_t [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   pc_clparms [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
Pearson statistic [in Analysis UG - 3.3.3 Significance of the Model]
   [in Analysis UG - Pearson Statistic]
pending completion state [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
performance [in MS SQL Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProcedure Using Schema Data]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.15 Text and Image Data]
   and data storage schemes [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
   and random number generators [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
   and Rogue Wave BLAS [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.4 Basic Linear Algebra Package]
      [in Math UG - 8.3 Basic Linear Algebra Package]
   and slices [in Math UG - 8.2.1 Slices]
   changing connection pool size [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.3 Connection Pools]
   DB caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.1 Caching and Performance]
   increasing cache size [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   of stored procedures [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   RAM required for good performance [in RCB Products - 1.4 Requirements]
   with asynchronous calls [in DB Interface UG - 12.7.2 Performance Issues]
   with RWDateTime [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.3 RWDBDateTime]
   POP3 package [in Protocols UG - 6.5 Checking for the End of a Mail Message]
   SMTP package [in Protocols UG - 7.4 Closing the Mail Transfer Session]
persistence facility [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   choosing the operator [in Tools UG - Choosing Which Persistence Operator to Use]
   defined [in Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
   isomorphic [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.3 Object Identity (Isomorphism)]
      [in Tools UG - 6.16.2 The Role of RWCollectable]
      [in Tools UG - 8.5 Isomorphic Persistence]
   isomorphic, adding to class [in Tools UG - 8.5.3 Designing Your Class to Use Isomorphic Persistence]
   isomorphic, defined [in Tools UG - 8.2 Levels of Persistence]
      [in Tools UG - 8.5 Isomorphic Persistence]
   isomorphic, difference with simple persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.1 Isomorphic versus Simple Persistence]
   isomorphic, of user-defined class [in Tools UG - 8.5.5 Isomorphic Persistence of a User-designed Class]
   levels of [in Tools UG - 8.2 Levels of Persistence]
   logic for persisting objects [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   member functions using [in Tools UG - Persistence Functions]
   multiply-referenced objects [in Tools UG - Multiply-referenced Objects]
   nil pointer [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
   none [in Tools UG - 8.3 No Persistence]
   object serialization and [in XML Streams UG - 2.1 Overview]
   of DB cache manager data [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.5 The In-Memory Cache Manager]
   of sentinels [in Tools UG - The "Invalid" Sentinel]
   polymorphic, defined [in Tools UG - 8.2 Levels of Persistence]
   simple [in Tools UG - 8.2 Levels of Persistence]
   simple. Code examples [in Tools UG - 8.4.1 Two Examples of Simple Persistence]
   simple. Compared with isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.1 Isomorphic versus Simple Persistence]
   simple. List of classes [in Tools UG - 8.4 Simple Persistence]
   simple. Using overloaded operators [in Tools UG - Example One: Simple Persisting Objects of Fundamental Type]
   technical discussion [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
   to RWFiles [in Tools UG - 5.5 Virtual Steams Recap]
   troubleshooting [in Tools UG - 8.7 A Few Friendly Warnings]
persistent connections
   HTTP package [in Protocols UG - 5.4.7 Persistent Connections and Pipelined Requests]
   FWFile patterned on [in Tools UG - 10.2 RWFile]
   contained in RWDBPGSSystemHandle [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
physical memory [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
pick(const RWIntVec&) [in Math UG - 3.10 Picks]
   defined [in Math UG - 3.10 Picks]
   less efficient than subscripting [in Math UG - 3.10 Picks]
pipelined requests
   HTTP package [in Protocols UG - 5.4.7 Persistent Connections and Pipelined Requests]
pkgdata utility [in I18n UG - 10.4.4 Packaging Resource Bundles]
PL/SQL block [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.4 Stored Procedures and Open SQL]
placeholder syntax [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.17.1 Placeholder Syntax]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.18.1 Placeholder Syntax]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.18.1 Placeholder Syntax]
placeholder syntax, Open SQL [in MySQL Access - 2.17.1 Placeholder Syntax]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.18.1 Placeholder Syntax]
placeholder syntax
   Open SQL [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.17.1 Placeholder Syntax]
Platform Information Exchange
   build submission [in RCB Products - Platform Information Exchange Submission]
   changing your settings [in RCB Products - Information Exchange]
   consent setting [in RCB Products - 2.4.1 User Consent Setting]
      [in RCB Products - Information Exchange]
   imported buildspec consent settings [in RCB Products - Platform Information Exchange Settings and Imported Buildspecs]
   information collected [in RCB Products - 1.3.11 Information Exchange Capabilities]
   initial specification [in RCB Products - 2.4 Setting Consents for Platform Information Exchange]
   request to send [in RCB Products - 2.5.6 Answer Platform Information Exchange Request (optional)]
   transfer method [in RCB Products - 2.4.2 Transfer Method]
      [in RCB Products - Information Exchange]
platforms [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.1 General Software Requirements]
pointer classes
   using [in Threads UG - 7.5 Using the Smart Pointer Classes]
pointer layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.5 The Pointer Layer]
pointer relationships, preserving with isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5 Isomorphic Persistence]
pointer wrapper
   Smart Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
pointers to functions
   list of [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   and iterators [in Tools UG - 6.13.3 Iterators as Generalized Pointers]
   collections of values in collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.2.2 STL-based Collection Classes]
   example with multiply-referenced objects [in Tools UG - Multiply-referenced Objects]
   in reference-based collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.3.1 Value-based and Reference-based Collections]
   invalid locations [in Tools UG - 13.5 Avoid Persisting Value Collections of Pointers]
   memory management [in Tools UG - 6.3.3 A Note on Memory Management]
   nil pointers [in Tools UG - Guidelines for Writing rwSaveGuts]
   opaque [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
   pointer-based templates [in Tools UG - An Important Distinction]
   polymorphism and [in XML Streams UG - 2.2 Types of Streams]
   serialization [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
      [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   simple persistence example [in Tools UG - Example Two: Simple Persistence and Pointers]
   smart [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
   Smart Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
   testing objects for identity [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   unnecessary [in DB Interface UG - 2.5 Memory Allocation]
polling [in Protocols UG - 2.4.3 RWTIOUResult Polling]
   [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
polymorphic persistence
   and isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 6.16.2 The Role of RWCollectable]
   defined [in Tools UG - 8.2 Levels of Persistence]
   designing a collection class [in Tools UG - 6.16 Designing an RWCollectable Class]
   how to add [in Tools UG - 6.17.6 How to Add Polymorphic Persistence]
   in custom collections [in Tools UG - Polymorphically Persisting Custom Collections]
   of RWCollectables with RWStringID [in Tools UG - Polymorphic Persistence]
   operators [in Tools UG - 8.6.1 Operators]
   overview [in Tools UG - 8.6 Polymorphic Persistence]
   permanent class identifiers [in Tools UG - 12.3.1 Duration of Identifiers]
   providing a class identifier [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
   Smalltalk-like classes suited for [in Tools UG - 6.19 Smalltalk-like Collection Classes]
   with user-chosen RWStringIDs that collide [in Tools UG - Identification Collisions]
polymorphism [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.2 Type Information (Polymorphism)]
   polymorphic typing [in XML Streams UG - 2.2 Types of Streams]
   preservation in object serialization [in XML Streams UG - 2.2 Types of Streams]
pool [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
pool size
   changing [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.3 Connection Pools]
POP3 mail messages
   periods [in Protocols UG - 6.5 Checking for the End of a Mail Message]
   saving to files [in Protocols UG - 6.4 Saving a Mail Message to a File]
   termination character [in Protocols UG - 6.5 Checking for the End of a Mail Message]
POP3 package
   about [in Protocols UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   checking for the end of mail messages [in Protocols UG - 6.5 Checking for the End of a Mail Message]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.5 POP3 Package]
   header files [in Protocols UG - 6.1.2 Header Files]
   hierarchy [in Protocols UG - 6.2 POP3 Class Hierarchy]
POP3 Package
   of Internet Protocols Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
POP3 package
   periods [in Protocols UG - 6.5 Checking for the End of a Mail Message]
   protocol replies [in Protocols UG - 6.3 About Protocol Replies]
   saving mail messages [in Protocols UG - 6.4 Saving a Mail Message to a File]
   using the client [in Protocols UG - 6.6 Mail Retrieval: Using the POP3 Client]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.5 POP3 Package]
populating your database [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.4.1 Populate Your Database]
portability [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.4 RWDBMBString]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.2.1 Database-Dependent and Database-Independent Interface Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 6.5.2 Capturing Database-Dependent Information]
   [in MySQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.15 Result Sets]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.4.1 Table and Column Names]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 2.1 AIX Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 3.1 HP-UX Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.2 Linux Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.2 Solaris Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 6.1 Win32 Thread Attribute Support]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.2 Thread Attribute Portability]
   how affected when using database-specific classes [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to Microsoft SQL Server Specific Resources]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
   in number representation [in Tools UG - 7.5.5 Currency]
portable ASCII virtual streams
   about [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   constructing [in Networking UG - 5.4.1 Constructing a Portable ASCII Virtual Stream for Output]
portal classes
   channel-specific [in Networking UG - 4.6 Using Channel-specific Portal Classes]
Portal Layer
   about [in Networking UG - 3.2.3 Portal Layer]
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
portal stream classes [in Networking UG - 5.2 Understanding the Architecture of a Portal Stream]
   definition [in Networking UG - 2.3.1 About Portals]
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
   reading from [in Networking UG - 4.4 Reading From a Portal]
   using [in Networking UG - 4.1 Using Portals to Write Client Programs]
   existing applications [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.2 Porting Existing Networking Package Applications to the Secure Sockets Package]
positioned deletes, inserts, updates [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.6 Cursors]
positive definite factorization [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.1 Defining Factorizations]
   [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.3 Solving Several Systems of Equations]
positive definite matrices
   example [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.3 Servers]
POSIX 1003.1c [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   _POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   _POSIX_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   _POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   pthread_attr_getstacksize() [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   SCHED_FIFO [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   SCHED_OTHER [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   SCHED_RR [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   scheduling policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax [in I18n UG - 8.4.2 POSIX Extended Regular Expression Syntax]
POSIX locale [in I18n UG - 10.3 Locale Objects]
POSIX tailored extensions to regular expression syntax [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
   time zone facilities [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
   standard for regular expressions [in Tools UG - 4.6.1 Regular Expressions]
   and internationalization [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   stack attributes [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.2 Stack Attributes]
postconditions [in I18n UG - 9.4 Compiling in Debug Mode]
   in error handling [in Tools UG - 9.4 The Debug Version of the Essential Tools Module]
prebuilt libraries [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.3 Product Formats]
precision, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   defined [in Currency UG - 4.4.2 Setting the Precision and Rounding Method]
   defined for decimal numbers [in Currency UG - 6.3 Precision]
precisions, converting [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6.1 Converting Precisions]
PRECONDITION and POSTCONDITION clauses [in Math UG - 8.1.1 Violated Preconditions]
preconditions [in I18n UG - 9.4 Compiling in Debug Mode]
   [in I18n UG - 9.4 Compiling in Debug Mode]
   in error handling [in Tools UG - 9.4 The Debug Version of the Essential Tools Module]
predefined functions [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.6 Aggregates, Expressions, and Functions]
prediction intervals [in Analysis UG - 3.2.6 Prediction Intervals]
predictions of a logistic regression model [in Analysis UG - Hosmer-Lemeshow Statistic]
predictor data matrix [in Analysis UG - 3.2.1 Parameter Calculation by Least Squares Minimization]
predictor variable [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
   [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
   significance [in Analysis UG - 3.2.5 Significance of Predictor Variables]
preempt [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
preemptive [in Threads UG - Executing Under a Preemptive Scheduling Policy]
prepare() [in Networking UG - 6.2 Controlling Network Access]
primary keys
   and unique constraints [in DB Interface UG - Unique Table Constraints]
   cacheable as metadata [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.1 Types of Cacheable Data]
   constraint example [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Primary Key Constraint]
   constraints [in DB Interface UG - Primary Key Constraints]
   fetching [in DB Interface UG - Primary Keys]
primitives, saving state [in Tools UG - Virtual Functions saveGuts(RWFile&) and saveGuts(RWvostream&)]
   socket addresses [in Networking UG - 6.3 Printing Socket Addresses]
priocntl() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
prioritized classes
   definition [in Threads UG - 5.6.2 Guarded and Prioritized Classes]
priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
priority class [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   base priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
priority inversion [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
priority queue [in Threads UG - Executing Under a Preemptive Scheduling Policy]
priority value functions
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
priority value inheritance [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
priority value
   inheritance [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   inheritance [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   maximum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   minimum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   process-scope [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   system-scope [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
private and public keys
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
privileges [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
   contrasted with components [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
   dependencies [in RCB Products - 1.3.2 Built-In Intelligence]
   installing additional components [in RCB Products - 2.2.5 Installing Additional Components]
   running RCB [in RCB Products - 2.3 Starting RCB]
process address space [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
process-scope [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
process-scope priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
process-scope threads [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   priority [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   thread [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
processing cost [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
processing, correct sequence of [in MS SQL Access - 2.10.2 Executing Stored Procedures]
   choosing XSLT processor [in XML Streams UG - 6.1.1 Your XSLT Processor]
   in enhanced streams [in XML Streams UG - 4.2 The Difference Between Enhanced Streams and Basic Streams]
   Xalan [in XML Streams UG - 6.1.1 Your XSLT Processor]
   Xalan, examples using [in XML Streams UG - 6.1.2 The XSLT Transformation Procedure]
producer-consumer synchronization
   and the Interthread Communication package [in Threads UG - 5.1 Introducing the Interthread Communication Package]
   definition [in Threads UG - Using the Condition Variable for Producer-Consumer Synchronization]
      [in Threads UG - 5.2.2 Producers, Consumers, and Blocking]
   queues [in Threads UG - 5.4.1 Using Producer-Consumer Queues]
producer/product paradigm [in DB Interface UG - 2.3 Producers and Products]
   [in DB XA UG - 2.2 The DB XA Module in the X/Open DTP Environment]
   and RWDBManager [in DB Interface UG - 2.3 Producers and Products]
producers [in DB Interface UG - 2.3 Producers and Products]
product features [in I18n UG - 1.2 Product Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 11.3 Accessing ICU Constructs]
product formats [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.3 Product Formats]
product mnemonics [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.5.1 Pathname Conventions]
products [in DB Interface UG - 2.3 Producers and Products]
   class groups [in Intro to SourcePro - 2.3 Packages and Class Groups]
   compatibility [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.4.1 Compatibility]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
   dependencies [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.4.2 Dependencies]
   documentation [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.4 Documentation]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.5 SourcePro C++ Documentation]
   features and benefits [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.2 Features and Benefits]
   four SourcePro products [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
   Internationalization Module [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   module organization [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
   modules [in Intro to SourcePro - 2.2 SourcePro C++ Products and Modules]
   organization [in Intro to SourcePro - 2.1 The SourcePro C++ Organization]
   packages [in Intro to SourcePro - 2.3 Packages and Class Groups]
   purchasing [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.8 Purchasing SourcePro C++]
   SourcePro Analysis [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
   SourcePro Core [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
   SourcePro DB [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
   SourcePro Net [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
project files [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2.2 Building from Microsoft Visual Studio]
projections [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.2 Joins]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.1 Selecting Data from a Single Table]
properties, of objects in collections [in Tools UG - 6.5 Retrieving Objects in Collections]
propertyString [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.4.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
propertyString parameter
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   Sybase CT [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
protocol command sequence [in Protocols UG - 2.3.2 Protocol Command Sequence]
   [in Protocols UG - 2.3.2 Protocol Command Sequence]
protocol commands
   accessing non-standard [in Protocols UG - 4.5 Sending Generic Protocol Commands]
protocol replies
   FTP package [in Protocols UG - 4.3 About FTP Protocol Replies]
   FTPS package [in Secure Comm UG - 10.2 About FTPS Protocol Replies]
   Internet Basics package [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
   POP3 package [in Protocols UG - 6.3 About Protocol Replies]
   SMTP package [in Protocols UG - 7.3 About Protocol Replies]
   about [in Networking UG - 6.7.1 Understanding Socket Types]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   HTTPS [in Secure Comm UG - 6.1 Introduction]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1 Introduction]
   SSL [in Secure Comm UG - 3.1 Introduction]
   SSL/TLS [in Secure Comm UG - 3.1 Introduction]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 6.1 Introduction]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1 Introduction]
   TLS [in Secure Comm UG - 3.1 Introduction]
providing access to shared data [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
proxy machines
   connecting through [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
pseudo-random number generator
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
pthread_attr_getstacksize() [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
pthread_create() [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.2 Stack Attributes]
PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
public class hierarchy [in DB Interface UG - 2.2 Interface and Implementation Classes]
punctuation shifting [in I18n UG - Punctuation Shifting]
purchasing products [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.8 Purchasing SourcePro C++]
pure virtual functions, in streams classes [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
   and size_t [in Tools UG - Guidelines for Writing rwSaveGuts]


QR [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.3 QR Decomposition and Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]
QR decomposition, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.3 QR Decomposition and Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]
QR method [in Analysis UG - RWLeastSqQRCalc]
   with pivoting [in Analysis UG - RWLeastSqQRPvtCalc]
   least squares factorization object [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.3 Implementations Provided]
querying status of IOUs [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
question list [in RCB Products - 2.5.4 Specify Build Options]
   [in RCB Products - 3.4.1 Question List]
   parameterized, in traditional collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.2.1 Traditional Collection Classes]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.6 Stacks and Queues]
quiet shutdown
   using [in Secure Comm UG - 5.13 Security Issues]
quoted-printable encoding [in Protocols UG - 10.3.3 Quoted-Printable Encoding]


race conditions
   avoiding with threads [in Tools UG - 2.4.4 Multithread Safety]
   RWRunnable [in Threads UG - 3.5.7 Monitoring the Completion State of a Runnable]
   RWTHRxmsg [in Threads UG - 9.4 Using the Thread-compatible Exception Classes]
random access
   with RWDBMemTable [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.6 Summary]
random number generator classes
   table [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
random number generator
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
   seeding [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4.1 Seeding the Random Number Generator]
random number generators
   how they work in the Essential Math Module [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
RCB [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.4 Documentation]
   [in RCB Apps - 1.3 More About Linking to Libraries]
RCB naming convention [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   codes defined [in RCB Products - Naming Conventions]
      [in RCB Products - Naming Conventions]
   defined [in RCB Products - Naming Conventions]
   summarized [in RCB Apps - A.4 Build Tags]
      [in RCB Products - Build Tags]
      [in RCB Products - Build Tags]
   build actions [in RCB Products - 1.3.7 Three Selectable Build Activities]
   build environment characterization test [in RCB Products - 1.3.3 Understanding Your Environment]
   command line builds [in RCB Products - 1.3.8 Command Line Interface]
   defined [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
   features [in RCB Products - 1.3 Features]
   install location [in RCB Products - 1.3.6 Single, Multipurpose Buildspace]
   installing additional components [in RCB Products - 2.2.5 Installing Additional Components]
   knowledge of Rogue Wave component requirements [in RCB Products - 1.3.2 Built-In Intelligence]
      [in RCB Products - 3.4.2 How RCB Determines Which Questions to Ask]
   library naming conventions [in RCB Products - 1.3.9 Flexible Naming Conventions]
   navigating through build option questions [in RCB Products - 2.5.4 Specify Build Options]
   Options dialog [in RCB Products - 3.4.4 Options Dialog]
   Q and A mechanism for specifying build options [in RCB Products - 3.4 Answering Questions to Create a Buildspec]
   running [in RCB Products - 2.3 Starting RCB]
   support for building your applications [in RCB Products - 1.3.10 Reusable Data for Building Applications]
   system requirements [in RCB Products - 1.4 Requirements]
   use of buildspaces [in RCB Products - 1.3.6 Single, Multipurpose Buildspace]
   wizard-like interface [in RCB Products - 1.3.1 Wizard-Like Interface]
Read String
   RWDateTime sentinel [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
read-write synchronization classes [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
reader caching [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.6.2 Reader Caching]
   support for [in MySQL Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
readers-writer lock [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
   bulk reading and writing [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.9 BulkReader and BulkInserter]
   from a portal [in Networking UG - 4.4 Reading From a Portal]
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.1 Creating and Using Streams with Only One Streaming Element]
real() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices]
real-time [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
rebuilding components [in RCB Products - 1.3.5 Sequential Multiple Builds]
reCalculateParameters() [in Analysis UG - 5.2.1 Updating Parameter Estimates]
   recovering results from saved stream [in Tools UG - 5.4 Simple Virtual Streams Example]
recursive acquisition [in Threads UG - Attempting Recursive Acquisition]
recursive mutex [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
   calculating number of bytes for RWCollectable objects [in Tools UG - Virtual Function binaryStoreSize()]
   RWTIOUResult [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
   RWTIOUResult [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - Example]
   RWTIOUResult [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
redeeming IOUs [in Threads UG - Closing and Redeeming an IOU]
   [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
reference counted pointers, and copy on write [in Tools UG - 12.2 Copy on Write]
reference counting [in Tools UG - 12.2 Copy on Write]
reference semantics [in DB Interface UG - 2.4 Reference Semantics]
   in collection class templates [in Tools UG - 6.8.2 Value vs. Reference Semantics in Templates]
   used in shallow copies of reference-based collections [in Tools UG - 6.4.1 Copying Reference-based Collection Classes]
reference() [in Math UG - 3.7 Function reference()]
reference-based collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.3.1 Value-based and Reference-based Collections]
reference-counted pointers
   Smart Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
reference-counting [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
   [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   [in Threads UG - 3.3.1 The Runnable Class Hierarchy]
   [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
referenceKey() method of RWDBForeignKey [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Foreign Key Constraint]
   to pointers [in Tools UG - Example Two Revisited]
referencing data [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.4 Copy Constructors: References and Copies]
referential action, and foreign key constraints [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
referential action
   changing [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Foreign Key Constraint]
referential integrity, and foreign key constraints [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
regression analysis classes [in Analysis UG - 5.4 Regression Analysis Classes]
regression classes [in Analysis UG - 2.2 Regression Classes]
   class hierarchy [in Analysis UG - 2.2 Regression Classes]
Regression Classes
   of Business Analysis Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.3 The Business Analysis Module]
regression matrix [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
regular expression searches
   use of Internationalization Module [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Need the Internationalization Module]
regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
   [in Tools UG - 4.6.1 Regular Expressions]
   backreferences [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
   basic [in I18n UG - Basic Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
   creating [in I18n UG - 8.4.4 How to Create an RWURegularExpression]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 4.3 An Introductory Example]
   iterating over matches [in I18n UG - 8.4.8 Iterating Over Pattern Matches]
   match results [in I18n UG - 8.4.6 Manipulating Match Results]
   tailored [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
   using [in I18n UG - 8.4.5 Searching for Pattern Matches]
   RWDateTime sentinels [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   RWCondition [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
   RWMutexLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.1 The RWMutexLock Class]
   RWReadersWriterLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
   RWSemaphore [in Threads UG - 4.5.7 The RWSemaphore Class]
   RWTLockGuard [in Threads UG - 4.6 The Guard Classes]
   RWTRecursiveLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.4 The RWTRecursiveLock Class]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
released runnables [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   RWRunnable [in Threads UG - Shutting Down a Continuous Process]
      [in Threads UG - Completing the Interrupt Request]
      [in Threads UG - 3.7.1 Constructing a Thread Pool]
      [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   in RWCollectable [in Tools UG - remove() Functions]
   in RWCollectable [in Tools UG - remove() Functions]
   RWRunnableHandle [in Threads UG - Removing a Callback]
   in RWFactory [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
   for RWTCountedPointer parameter class [in Threads UG - 7.5.2 Using RWTCountedPointer]
   HTTP headers [in Protocols UG - 5.4.4 Adding and Removing Headers]
   definition [in Threads UG - Rendezvous Synchronization]
   RWBarrier [in Threads UG - 4.5.9 The RWBarrier Class]
   in RWBasicUString [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   in RWTRegex [in Tools UG - 4.3 An Introductory Example]
   interpreting HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.3.5 Interpreting the Reply]
   retrieving with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.3.4 Retrieving a Reply]
   RWRunnable [in Threads UG - Types of requestCancellation Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Canceling a Runnable from Another Thread]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
requesting a document
   HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.3.6 Bringing it All Together]
   RWRunnable [in Threads UG - Shutting Down a Continuous Process]
      [in Threads UG - Interrupting a Runnable from Another Thread]
      [in Threads UG - Types of requestInterrupt() Functions]
   advanced HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.4 Advanced Topics]
   creating with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.3.2 Creating a Request]
   sending with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.3.3 Sending a Request]
required dynamic libraries
   Unix [in RCB Apps - UNIX requirements]
   Windows [in RCB Apps - Windows requirements]
requirements, system [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.3 Specifying Compiler Flags and System Libraries]
   [in RCB Apps - 1.5 More About System Requirements]
   Advanced Tools Module character encoding [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2 Determining your Character Encoding Needs]
   for a numeric type [in Math UG - 2.2.1 Defining a New Numeric Type]
   of time and space in collections [in Tools UG - A.3.1 RWTBitVec<Size>, RWTPtrVector, and RWTValVector<T>]
reserve size [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   and iterators [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
resetConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
resetContentionScope() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
resetInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
resetPriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
resetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
resetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
resetStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
resetStackReserveSize() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
resetStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
resetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
resetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
resetting converters [in I18n UG - 4.3.6 Resetting Converters]
resetUserStack() [in Threads UG - 3.9.7 Restoring Default Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
residual sum of squares [in Analysis UG - 3.2.1 Parameter Calculation by Least Squares Minimization]
residuals [in Analysis UG - 3.2.1 Parameter Calculation by Least Squares Minimization]
   RWServerPool [in Threads UG - 3.6.8 Resizing a Server Pool]
resizing a server pool [in Threads UG - 3.6.8 Resizing a Server Pool]
resizing, of data in a collection [in Tools UG - A.2.1 How to Use the Decision Tree]
resource acquisition is initialization idiom [in Threads UG - 4.4.3 Using Guards]
   [in Threads UG - 4.6 The Guard Classes]
resource bundles [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 10.4 Localized Resources]
   [in I18n UG - 2.2 Basic Terminology]
   compiling [in I18n UG - 10.4.3 Compiling Resource Bundles]
   defining [in I18n UG - 10.4.2 Defining Resource Bundles]
   retrieving [in I18n UG - 10.4.5 Retrieving a Resource Bundle]
   use of Internationalization Module [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Need the Internationalization Module]
resource fallback [in I18n UG - 10.4.5 Retrieving a Resource Bundle]
   [in I18n UG - 10.4.6 Accessing a Resource]
resource hierarchy [in I18n UG - 10.4.1 The Resource Hierarchy]
resource leaks
   avoiding [in Networking UG - 7.3 Closing Sockets and Avoiding Resource Leaks]
resource manager [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
resource manager set up [in DB XA UG - 6.3 Moving from the DB Interface Module to the DB XA Module]
resource monitor role in X/Open DTP environment [in DB XA UG - 2.2 The DB XA Module in the X/Open DTP Environment]
response variable [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
response vector [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
restore table, and persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.1 Isomorphic versus Simple Persistence]
   adding persistence to a class [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
   advanced use [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
   and polymorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 6.17.6 How to Add Polymorphic Persistence]
   and troubleshooting persistence [in Tools UG - 8.7.1 Always Save an Object by Value Before Saving the Identical Object by Pointer]
   defining virtual functions [in Tools UG - Virtual Functions restoreGuts(RWFile&) and restoreGuts(RWvistream&)]
   persisting custom collections [in Tools UG - Polymorphically Persisting Custom Collections]
   polymorphic persistence example [in Tools UG - Example Two Revisited]
restoring an object
   character-based transformation [in XML Streams UG - For a Character-based C++ Transformation]
   element-based transformation [in XML Streams UG - For an Element-based C++ Transformation]
restrict, referential action [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Foreign Key Constraint]
   [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
restrictions [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.2 Joins]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.1 Selecting Data from a Single Table]
   by compilers on datatypes [in Math UG - 2.2 Nonstandard Numeric Types]
   by compilers on global functions [in Math UG - Adding Global and Specialized Functions]
   caching [in Sybase CT Access - 2.6.1 Inserter Caching]
   cursors [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.6 Cursors]
   data types [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   global functions [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
   internationalization [in MySQL Access - 2.12 Internationalization]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.12 Internationalization]
   large character or binary data [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
   length of column names [in ODBC Access - 2.4.1 Table and Column Names]
   length of table names [in ODBC Access - 2.4.1 Table and Column Names]
   on creating PL/SQL functions [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   on data types [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   on internationalization [in MS SQL Access - 2.11.3 Limitations]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.13.3 Limitations]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.11 Internationalization]
   on length of vector to be transformed [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
   on outer joins [in Sybase CT Access - 2.4.2 Outer Joins]
   on portability with RWFile [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   on RWDBExpr global functions [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
   on string manipulation with vectors [in Math UG - 3.11 Arrays of Signed and Unsigned Chars]
   on the implementation of stored procedures [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   on the use of cursors [in Sybase CT Access - 2.7 Cursors]
   on the use of DB Interface Module data types [in MySQL Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   on the use of DB Interface Module datatypes [in ODBC Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   on transaction processing [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   on use of data types [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   on use of datatypes [in ODBC Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   on use of datatypes, table [in MS SQL Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   placeholder syntax not portable [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.1 Placeholder Syntax]
   simultaneous fetching of multiple result sets [in Oracle OCI Access - Simultaneous Processing of Results on an RWDBOSql Object When Used for Stored Procedure]
   transaction processing [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
result schema caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.4 Result Schema Caching]
result sets [in MS SQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.2 Input/Output Parameters and Result Sets]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   handling multiple result sets [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.15 Result Sets]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   portability [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.15 Result Sets]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
result tables [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.5 Result Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
   generating and reading [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.5 Result Tables]
   creating [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   request handling [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
resume [in Threads UG - Avoiding Deadlock]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Using the suspend() and resume() Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
resumed runnables [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
resuming a thread [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
resuming execution [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
rethrowing exceptions [in Threads UG - 3.5.8 Catching and Rethrowing Exceptions]
   documents with HTTPS using a client [in Secure Comm UG - 7.1.2 Using RWHttpsSecureSocketClient to Retrieve a Document]
   documents with HTTPS using an agent [in Secure Comm UG - 7.1.1 Using RWHttpAgent to Retrieve a Document Securely]
   files asynchronously [in Protocols UG - 4.7 File Retrieval: Using the FTP Agent (Part II)]
   methods for retrieving objects [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   objects in collections [in Tools UG - 6.5 Retrieving Objects in Collections]
   in templates [in Tools UG - 6.7 Collection Class Templates]
   connections [in Secure Comm UG - 5.6 Reusing Sessions]
   server refuses to reuse session [in Secure Comm UG - 5.6 Reusing Sessions]
   sessions [in Secure Comm UG - 5.6 Reusing Sessions]
reverse mapping [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.1 Defining Factorizations]
   definition [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
RM [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
Rogue Wave persistence format [in Adv Tools UG - 5.1.1 Classes Supported by the Serialization Package]
rollbackTransaction() [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
root privileges [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
round-robin scheduling [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
rounding policies
   effects [in Currency UG - 4.4.2 Setting the Precision and Rounding Method]
   decimal classes [in Currency UG - 6.6 Rounding]
   money calculator classes [in Currency UG - 4.4.2 Setting the Precision and Rounding Method]
      [in Currency UG - 6.6 Rounding]
   setting policy for money calculator objects [in Currency UG - 4.4.2 Setting the Precision and Rounding Method]
row major order, defined [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
ROW_MAJOR [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
rows() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
RT scheduling class [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
RT_TQINF [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
rt_tqnsecs [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
rtparms_t [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   rt_tqnsecs [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
RTPRIO [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
RTTI [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.2 Type Information (Polymorphism)]
   RWRunnable [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
runnable guard [in Threads UG - Guard Functors]
   [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
runnable object classes [in Threads UG - 3.5 The Runnable Object Classes]
runnable objects
   defining their tasks [in Threads UG - 3.5.1 Defining a Runnable's Task]
runnable server pool
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
runnable servers
   constructing [in Threads UG - 3.6.1 Constructing a Server]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   using [in Threads UG - 3.8.2 Using Runnable Servers]
runnable state [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   aborting a cancellation [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   aborting cancellation [in Threads UG - Aborting a Cancellation]
   active [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   canceling [in Threads UG - 3.5.10 Canceling a Runnable]
   cancellation [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   catching exceptions [in Threads UG - 3.5.8 Catching and Rethrowing Exceptions]
   completion state [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   completion state, canceled [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   completion state, failed [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   completion state, normal [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   completion state, pending [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   completion state, terminated [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
      [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
   exception [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   execution nesting [in Threads UG - 3.5.16 Execution Nesting]
   execution state [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   execution state callbacks [in Threads UG - Using Callbacks]
   inactive [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   interrupted [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   interrupting [in Threads UG - 3.5.9 Interrupting a Runnable]
      [in Threads UG - Avoiding Deadlock]
   joining [in Threads UG - 3.5.6 Joining a Runnable]
   monitoring execution state [in Threads UG - 3.5.15 Monitoring the Execution State of a Runnable]
   monitoring the completion state [in Threads UG - 3.5.7 Monitoring the Completion State of a Runnable]
   resuming execution [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   rethrowing exceptions [in Threads UG - 3.5.8 Catching and Rethrowing Exceptions]
   sleeping [in Threads UG - 3.5.11 Sleeping]
   starting [in Threads UG - 3.5.5 Starting a Runnable]
   suspending execution [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   synchronous [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   terminating execution [in Threads UG - 3.5.14 Terminating Execution]
   threaded [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   yielding execution [in Threads UG - 3.5.12 Yielding Execution]
running applications [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.4 Running Your Applications]
running RCB [in RCB Products - 2.3 Starting RCB]
running the examples [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.4 Environment Variables]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.3 Running the Examples]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.4 Running the Examples]
runtime error
   caused by bounds checking [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.2 Bounds Checking]
   from changing elements [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()]
   from singularity [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.2.1 Error Checking]
   when a reference is read-only [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.3 Helper Class Member Functions]
runtime type identification [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.2 Type Information (Polymorphism)]
RW_BEGIN_EXTERNAL_STREAM_CONTENTS [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
RW_BEGIN_STREAM_CONTENTS [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   used in code [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.2.1 Comparison Example of Basic XML Streams with Enhanced XML Streams]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.3 Example]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.2.2 Adding Serialization Support]
RW_CENTURY_REQD setting [in RCB Products - 3.6.1 Essential Tools Module]
RW_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_STREAM_FNS [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
RW_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_STREAMABLE_AS_ BASE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_STREAMABLE_AS_ SELF [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_STREAMABLE_AS_BASE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
RW_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_STREAMABLE_AS_SELF [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
RW_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_STREAMABLE_POINTER [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
RW_DECLARE_FRIEND_CTOR_METHOD [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.5 Default Constructors]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABALE_AS_BASE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_AS_BASE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.1 Header File Macros]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_AS_SELF [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.1 Header File Macros]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - First Change]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_POINTER [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.1 Header File Macros]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - First Change]
   used in code [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_PTR_MAP [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_PTR_SEQUENCE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   described [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_STD_MAP [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_STD_SEQUENCE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_VAL_MAP [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_DECLARE_STREAMABLE_VAL_SEQUENCE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_DECLARE_STREMABALE_AS_BASE [in Adv Tools UG - First Change]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.9 Using Package-level Tracing]
RW_DECLARE_VIRTUAL_STREAM_FNS [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.1 Header File Macros]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.5 Default Constructors]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - Declaring the Streaming Operators]
      [in Adv Tools UG - First Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - First Change]
   used in code [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.2.1 Comparison Example of Basic XML Streams with Enhanced XML Streams]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.3 Example]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.2.2 Adding Serialization Support]
   Rogue Wave persistence format [in Adv Tools UG - 5.1.1 Classes Supported by the Serialization Package]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.1 Using Object Streams with RWCollectable-Derived Objects]
RW_DEFINE_EXTERNAL_STREAMABLE_AS_BASE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
RW_DEFINE_EXTERNAL_STREAMABLE_AS_SELF [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
RW_DEFINE_STREAMABLE_AS_BASE [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
RW_DEFINE_STREAMABLE_AS_SELF [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   used in code [in XML Streams UG - 4.3 Example]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.2.2 Adding Serialization Support]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.4 Templates]
RW_DEFINE_STREAMABLE_POINTER [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
   used in code [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.3 Example]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.2.2 Adding Serialization Support]
RW_END_STREAM_CONTENTS [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   used in code [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.2.1 Comparison Example of Basic XML Streams with Enhanced XML Streams]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.3 Example]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.2.2 Adding Serialization Support]
RW_INPUT_STREAM [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
RW_NPOS [in Tools UG - 2.4.5 Indexing]
rw_numeric_traits [in Math UG - 2.1.2 Template Specializations]
   [in Math UG - Adding Global and Specialized Functions]
   for specializations [in Math UG - Modifying the Numeric Trait Information]
RW_OUTPUT_STREAM [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
RW_SECSOCK_RNG_NEEDS_SEEDING [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4.1 Seeding the Random Number Generator]
RW_SOURCEPRO_HOME environment variable [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.4 Environment Variables]
RW_STREAM_ATTR_GET_SET [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
RW_STREAM_ATTR_MEMBER [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   used in code [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.2.1 Comparison Example of Basic XML Streams with Enhanced XML Streams]
      [in XML Streams UG - 4.3 Example]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.2.2 Adding Serialization Support]
RW_STREAM_EXTERNAL_PARENT [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.3 Macros for External Serialization]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
RW_STREAM_PARENT [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
   described [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   used in code [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Deciding Whether Suspension Is Available]
RW_THR_EXPLICIT [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - Using Timed Waits]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
RW_THR_INCREASE [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
RW_THR_INHERIT [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
RW_THR_NO_CHANGE [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
RW_THR_PREEMPTIVE [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
RW_THR_PROCESS_SCOPE [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
RW_THR_START_INTERRUPTED [in Threads UG - 3.7.1 Constructing a Thread Pool]
RW_THR_START_RUNNING [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
RW_THR_SYSTEM_SCOPE [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
RW_THR_TIME_SLICED_DYNAMIC [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
RW_THR_TIME_SLICED_FIXED [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.4.1 Package Declaration Macros]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.4.1 Package Declaration Macros]
RW_TRACE_LEVEL environment variable [in Threads UG - 6.10.2 The RW_TRACE_LEVEL Environment Variable]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.4.2 Class Declaration Macros]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.4.2 Class Declaration Macros]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.4.2 Class Declaration Macros]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.4.2 Class Declaration Macros]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.1 Macros for Global Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.1 Macros for Global Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 6.5.1 Macros for Global Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.1 Macros for Global Functions]
RW_USER_TRACE_LEVEL [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.10.1 The RW_USER_TRACE_LEVEL Macro]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.2 Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.2 Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.2 Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.2 Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.2 Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.2 Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.1 Macros for Global Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - 6.5.1 Macros for Global Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Friend Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Global Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Friend Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Global Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Static Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Friend Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Global Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Static Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Static Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Friend Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Global Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Member Functions]
   Execution Tracing package [in Threads UG - Macros for Static Member Functions]
RW_WHEN_INPUT [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
RW_WHEN_OUTPUT [in Adv Tools UG - 6.3.4 Macro Summary]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
   in subscripting [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
   and localization of numbers [in Tools UG - 7.5.4 Numbers]
   how to use [in Tools UG - 7.5.1 RWLocaleSnapshot and RWAnsiLocale]
   implementation of RWLocale [in Tools UG - 7.5.1 RWLocaleSnapshot and RWAnsiLocale]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   typedef [in Tools UG - apply() Functions]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   about [in Secure Comm UG - 5.2 Using RWAsymmetricKey]
   password callback [in Secure Comm UG - 5.3 sing Encrypted Keys]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   compared to hash and set [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   compared to RWHashTable [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.5.9 The RWBarrier Class]
RWBasicUString [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.11.1 Data Bindings]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in I18n UG - 3.4 Representing Strings]
   as interface [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
      [in XML Streams UG - 7.3 Using the XML Streams Package without the Internationalization Module]
   character conversion using [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWCStrings and RWBasicUStrings]
   compared to RWCString [in I18n UG - 3.4.1 RWBasicUString and RWCString]
   compared to RWUString [in I18n UG - 3.4.3 RWUString and RWBasicUString]
      [in I18n UG - 3.4.3 RWUString and RWBasicUString]
   converting to UTF-8 for narrow character interface [in XML Streams UG - Narrow Character Interfaces]
   deallocators [in I18n UG - 3.4.2 Memory Management in RWBasicUString]
      [in I18n UG - Creating and Using Deallocators]
   derived from RWUString [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
   for character encoding conversions [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   for internationalization [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.2 RWBasicUString]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWCStrings and RWBasicUStrings]
   memory management [in I18n UG - 3.4.2 Memory Management in RWBasicUString]
   null-termination [in I18n UG - Null Termination]
   Persistent duration [in I18n UG - 3.4.2 Memory Management in RWBasicUString]
   recommended string class for UTF-16 characters [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.4 Choosing the Appropriate String Class]
   takes and produces UTF-16 [in XML Streams UG - 7.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate String Class Interface]
   uses UTF-16 [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   and saveGuts() [in Tools UG - Polymorphically Persisting Custom Collections]
   typedef SortedCollection [in Tools UG - 6.19.2 Example]
      [in Tools UG - 6.19.2 Example]
RWbistream [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   code example [in Tools UG - 5.4 Simple Virtual Streams Example]
RWBodyBase [in Threads UG - Defining Handle Classes that Don't Create Bodies]
   and implementing bodies [in Threads UG - Defining Handle Classes that Automatically Create Bodies]
   and reference-counting [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
RWbostream [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   code example [in Tools UG - 5.4 Simple Virtual Streams Example]
RWBOUNDS_CHECK [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
   [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.2 Bounds Checking]
   bounds errors [in Tools UG - Recoverable Internal Errors]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.10 RWBTree, RWBTreeDictionary]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.10 RWBTree, RWBTreeDictionary]
   constructing [in Tools UG - 10.6.1 Construction]
   disk-based files [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
   typedef [in Tools UG - B.2 Typedefs]
   and binary input streams [in Adv Tools UG - The RWByteFromStreambufInputStreamImp Class]
   and binary output streams [in Adv Tools UG - The RWByteToStreambufOutputStreamImp Class]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - Servicing Cancellation Requests]
   and narrow character input streams [in Adv Tools UG - The RWCharFromStreambufInputStreamImp Class]
   and narrow character output streams [in Adv Tools UG - The RWCharToStreambufOutputStreamImp Class]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Output Stream]
RWCJRef<T> [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
   creating automatic [in Tools UG - Automatic RWClassIDs]
   more efficient than RWStringID [in Tools UG - Efficiency]
   reserved numbers [in Tools UG - Virtual Function isA()]
   typedef [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
   typedef, defined [in Tools UG - B.2 Typedefs]
   using RWStringID for class identifiers [in Tools UG - 12.3 RWStringID]
rwclean [in RCB Products - 4.3 Cleaning Up Buildspaces]
RWCollectable classes
   defined [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   list of [in Tools UG - 6.2.4 RWCollectable Classes]
RWCollectable Classes
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   and multiple inheritance [in Tools UG - 12.5 Multiple Inheritance]
   and polymorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.6 Polymorphic Persistence]
   class identifiers using RWStringID [in Tools UG - 12.3 RWStringID]
   common mistake with virtual function [in Tools UG - 13.2 Redefinition of Virtual Functions]
   creating an object [in Tools UG - 6.17 Creating an RWCollectable Object]
   default constructors [in Tools UG - 6.17.1 Define a Default Constructor]
   designing a class [in Tools UG - 6.16 Designing an RWCollectable Class]
   destructor [in Tools UG - 6.17.5 Object Destruction]
   global functions for storing and retrieving [in Tools UG - 12.4 More on Storing and Retrieving RWCollectables]
   list of virtual functions [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
   operators [in Tools UG - 8.6.1 Operators]
   troubleshooting its use [in Tools UG - 8.7.3 Don't Use Sorted RWCollections to Store Heterogeneous RWCollectables]
   typedef, defined [in Tools UG - B.2 Typedefs]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 8.5.2 Isomorphic Persistence of an Essential Tools Module Class]
   and comparisons [in Tools UG - 6.19.7 A Note on How Objects are Found]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 6.19.2 Example]
   and state values [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
RWCompressedIOStream [in Tools UG - 5.7 Compressed IOStreams]
RWCompressedIStream [in Tools UG - 5.7 Compressed IOStreams]
RWCompressedOStream [in Tools UG - 5.7 Compressed IOStreams]
RWCompressedStreamBuffer [in Tools UG - 5.7 Compressed IOStreams]
   and defining concurrency policies [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   RW_THR_INCREASE [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   RW_THR_NO_CHANGE [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   acquire() [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - Combining the Condition Variable with Mutual Exclusion]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
   interaction diagram [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
   release() [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
RWCONFIG [in RCB Apps - 1.4 More About _RWCONFIG]
RWContentionScope [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
   and defining contention scope policies [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   RW_THR_PROCESS_SCOPE [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   RW_THR_SYSTEM_SCOPE [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   use for backreferences [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.5.6 The RWCriticalSection Class]
RWCString [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.1 RWCString]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   [in Math UG - 3.11 Arrays of Signed and Unsigned Chars]
   and internationalization [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   as narrow character interface [in XML Streams UG - Narrow Character Interfaces]
   caseCompare [in Tools UG - 4.4 Lexicographic Comparisons]
   for standard character sets [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.5 RWCString]
   in SourcePro DB [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.5 RWCString]
   store by value rather than pointer [in Tools UG - 12.2.1 A More Comprehensive Example]
   substrings [in Tools UG - 4.5 Substrings]
   takes and produces UTF-8 [in XML Streams UG - 7.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate String Class Interface]
RWCSubString, overview [in Tools UG - 4.5 Substrings]
RWCTokenizer, overview [in Tools UG - 4.8 Tokenizer]
   :Storage:enum [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
RWDate [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.3 RWDate]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   localizing options [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.3 RWDate]
RWDateTime [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.1 RWDateTime]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.4 Reference Semantics]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.4 Reference Semantics]
   [in DB Interface UG - 2.4 Reference Semantics]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.2 Summary of Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.2 RWDateTime]
   [in DB Interface UG - Constructors]
   [in Tools UG - 3.2.1 UTC (GMT) Dates and Times]
   [in Tools UG - 3.5 RWDateTime]
RWDateTime sentinels [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   and invalid sentinels [in Tools UG - The "Invalid" Sentinel]
   and null sentinels [in Tools UG - The "Null" Sentinel]
   and RWLocale [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
   and sentinels [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   constructing [in Tools UG - 3.5 RWDateTime]
      [in Tools UG - 3.5 RWDateTime]
   constructing with a null state [in Tools UG - The "Null" Sentinel]
   constructors [in DB Interface UG - Constructors]
   example [in DB Interface UG - Example]
   functions to compare, store, add, subtract [in Tools UG - 3.5.2 Member Functions]
   ISO 8601 parsers [in Tools UG - 3.3.1 SourcePro's ISO 8601 Parsers]
   Julian days and dates [in Tools UG - 3.2.2 Julian Day Number vs. Julian Date]
   migrating to from deprecated classes RWDate and RWTime [in Tools UG - 3.8 Migrating to RWDateTime]
   past and future sentinels [in Tools UG - The Past and Future Sentinels]
   user-defined sentinels [in Tools UG - User-Defined Sentinels]
   constructing for localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
RWDBAssignment [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2 Expressions, Criterions, and Assignments]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.3 RWDBAssignment]
RWDBBlob [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.5 RWDBBlob]
RWDBBoundExpr [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
   part of pointer layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.5 The Pointer Layer]
   part of pointer layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.5 The Pointer Layer]
RWDBBulkInserter [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.5 Bulk Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.5 Bulk Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.5 Bulk Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 8.1 The Bulk Classes]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.9.1 Using an RWDBBulkInserter]
RWDBBulkReader [in DB Interface UG - 8.1 The Bulk Classes]
RWDBCacheManager [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
   parameters [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.4.2 rwdbCast()]
RWDBCheckConstraint [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - Check Table Constraints]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
   and check condition [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
RWDBCheckConstraintList [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - Check Table Constraints]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
RWDBCollectableExpr [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
RWDBColumn [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.1 Database Tables]
RWDBColumn, and data type mapping [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
RWDBColumn, and datatype mapping [in MS SQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   and constraints [in DB Interface UG - Not Null Constraints]
   datatype mapping [in MySQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   defaultValue() method [in DB Interface UG - Default Column Constraints]
   asString() method [in DB Interface UG - 5.9 asString() Methods in the Data Manipulation Classes]
RWDBConnection [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.1 RWDBDatabase and RWDBConnection]
   [in DB XA UG - 3.1.1 Database Class Enhancements]
   [in DB XA UG - 3.1.3 RWDBConnection]
   [in DB XA UG - 3.1.2 RWDBDatabase]
   [in DB XA UG - 4.3 Databases and Connections]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBConnection Objects]
   and transaction processing [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.5 Transaction Processing with RWDBConnection]
   isolation() [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
RWDBCriterion [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2 Expressions, Criterions, and Assignments]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.2 RWDBCriterion and RWDBExpr]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.2 Joins]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.1 Selecting Data from a Single Table]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.6 Deleting Data]
   and check conditions [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
RWDBCritFormDefinition [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
RWDBCritFuncDef&lcub [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
RWDBCursor [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.3 Data Manipulation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.8 Cursors]
   [in MySQL Access - 2.6 Cursors]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.6 Cursors]
   binary data handling [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
   implementation [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.6 Cursors]
   large character data handling [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
   part of pointer layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.5 The Pointer Layer]
RWDBDatabase [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10.1 Creating Stored Procedures]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.1 RWDBDatabase and RWDBConnection]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.1 Database Tables]
   [in DB XA UG - 3.1.1 Database Class Enhancements]
   [in DB XA UG - 3.1.2 RWDBDatabase]
   [in DB XA UG - 4.3 Databases and Connections]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBConnection Objects]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   createProcedure() [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.10.1 Creating a Stored Procedure]
   returns environment handle [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
RWDBDataCallback [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.17.2 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.19.5 RWDBDataCallback and Open SQL]
RWDBDateTime [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 6.2 Checking Status with Class RWDBStatus]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.3 RWDBDateTime]
RWDBDateTime changes
   64-bit parameters [in DB Interface UG - 64-bit Variables]
   conversions to RWDateTime [in DB Interface UG - Conversions between RWDBDateTime and RWDateTime]
   current time in now() [in DB Interface UG - Current Time]
   general [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.3 RWDBDateTime]
   optional RWZone parameters [in DB Interface UG - Optional RWZone Parameter]
   persistence [in DB Interface UG - Persistence]
RWDBDB2CLILibEnvironmentHandle [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.11.1 Data Bindings]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.19 Callbacks]
RWDBDB2CLILibSystemHandle [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.19 Callbacks]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
RWDBDeleter [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.9.1 Use of Table Tags]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.3 Data Manipulation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.6 Deleting Data]
   asString() method [in DB Interface UG - 5.9 asString() Methods in the Data Manipulation Classes]
RWDBDuration [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.4 RWDBDuration]
RWDBEnvironmentHandle and data caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.4 Result Schema Caching]
   Oracle [in DB XA UG - 5.2.4 RWDBSystemHandle and RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
RWDBExpr [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2 Expressions, Criterions, and Assignments]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.2 RWDBCriterion and RWDBExpr]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.3 RWDBAssignment]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.6 Aggregates, Expressions, and Functions]
   with global functions [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
RWDBExprFormDefinition [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
RWDBExprFuncDef&lcub [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
RWDBForeignKey [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
   referenceKey() method [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Foreign Key Constraint]
RWDBForeignKeyList [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Key Constraints]
   [in DB Interface UG - Foreign Keys]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
RWDBIdentityConstraint [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - Identity Column Constraints]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
RWDBInserter [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.3 Data Manipulation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.4 Inserting Data]
RWDBInserter options for data caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.1 Caching with RWDBInserter]
   asString() method [in DB Interface UG - 5.9 asString() Methods in the Data Manipulation Classes]
   binary data handling [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
   large character data handling [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
   serial columns [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3.2 Serial Columns in Tables]
RWDBJoinExpr [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
RWDBManager [in DB Interface UG - 2.3 Producers and Products]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   [in DB XA UG - 4.3 Databases and Connections]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.4.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   :xaSwitch(const RWCString&) [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
RWDBMBString [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   for internationalization [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.4 RWDBMBString]
   for national character sets [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.5 RWCString]
RWDBMemTable [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.6 Summary]
RWDBMsSqlLibEnvironmentHandle [in MS SQL Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to Microsoft SQL Server Specific Resources]
RWDBMySqlLibEnvironmentHandle [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
   [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
RWDBMySqlLibSystemHandle [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
RWDBNullIndicator [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.2 Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader]
RWDBOCIEnvironmentHandle [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
RWDBOCISystemHandle [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.7 OCIStmts]
RWDBODBCLibEnvironmentHandle [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
RWDBOracleConnectionImp [in DB XA UG - 3.1.3 RWDBConnection]
RWDBOracleDatabaseImp [in DB XA UG - 3.1.2 RWDBDatabase]
RWDBOracleXAConnectionImp [in DB XA UG - 3.1.3 RWDBConnection]
RWDBOracleXADatabaseImp [in DB XA UG - 3.1.2 RWDBDatabase]
RWDBPGSEnvironmentHandle [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
RWDBPGSSystemHandle [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
RWDBPhraseBook [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   and returning constraints [in DB Interface UG - Unique and Check Constraints]
RWDBPrimaryKey [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - Primary Key Constraints]
   [in DB Interface UG - Creating a Primary Key Constraint]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
RWDBReader [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.3 Data Manipulation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.3 Data Manipulation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.6 Summary]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.2 Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.2 Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.2 Joins]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
RWDBReader options for data caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.3.2 Caching with RWDBReader]
   reader caching [in MySQL Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
   result sets [in MySQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   asynchronous [in DB Interface UG - 12.8 Asynchronous RWDBReaders]
RWDBResult [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.3 Data Manipulation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.6 Summary]
   result sets [in MySQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
RWDBRow [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
RWDBSchema [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.1 Database Tables]
   and list of constraints [in DB Interface UG - Creating Unique and Check Constraints]
RWDBSelector [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.3 Data Manipulation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.9 Summary]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.7 Self-Joins]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.6 Aggregates, Expressions, and Functions]
   asString() method [in DB Interface UG - 5.9 asString() Methods in the Data Manipulation Classes]
RWDBStatus [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.13.1 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.13.1 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 6.2 Checking Status with Class RWDBStatus]
   [in DB Interface UG - 6.5.1 Kinds of Errors]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.13.2 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.14.2 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.14.2 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.14.2 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   and errors [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.13.1 Errors and RWDBStatus]
   asynchronous context [in DB Interface UG - 12.4 RWDBStatus Behavior in the Asynchronous Context]
   cache manager errors [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.3 Error Handling in the Cache Manager]
   contents of [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus]
   format for errors [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus]
   Oracle errors [in DB Interface UG - 6.5.2 Capturing Database-Dependent Information]
   returning errors [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.13 Error Messages: Contents of RWDBStatus]
RWDBStoredProc [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.7 Stored Procedures]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   used for metadata caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
RWDBSybCtLibEnvironmentHandle [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
RWDBSybCTLibEnvironmnentHandle [in DB XA UG - 5.3.5 The Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
RWDBSybCtLibSystemHandle [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
RWDBSybCTXAEnvironmentHandle [in DB XA UG - 5.3.5 The Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
RWDBSystemHandle [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.4.4 The Contents of RWDBSystemHandle]
   OCI handles [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
   Oracle [in DB XA UG - 5.2.4 RWDBSystemHandle and RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
   Sybase CT-XA [in DB XA UG - 5.3.4 The Contents of RWDBSystemHandle]
RWDBTable [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.6 Summary]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.1 Database Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.7 Self-Joins]
   alternatives to [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
   result sets [in MySQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   used for metadata caching [in DB Interface UG - 9.4 Metadata Caching and the Cache Manager]
RWDBTPtrMemTable<T,C> [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
RWDBTracer [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.7 Utility and Diagnostics Classes]
RWDBUniqueConstraint [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - Unique Table Constraints]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
RWDBUniqueConstraintList [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.1 Table Constraints Classes]
RWDBUpdater [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.9.1 Use of Table Tags]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.3 Data Manipulation Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.5 Updating Data]
   asString() method [in DB Interface UG - 5.9 asString() Methods in the Data Manipulation Classes]
   binary data handling [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
   large character data handling [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.15 Large Character and Binary Data]
RWDBValue [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.4 Memory Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.7.3 Complex Stored Procedure Example]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.7 RWDBValue]
RWDBValue, and data type mapping [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
RWDBValue, and datatype mapping [in MS SQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   datatype mapping [in MySQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
   ValueType [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
RWDEBUG [in I18n UG - 9.4 Compiling in Debug Mode]
   [in Math UG - 8.1.1 Violated Preconditions]
   preprocessor flag [in Tools UG - 9.4 The Debug Version of the Essential Tools Module]
RWDecimal [in Currency UG - 2.5 Decimal Classes]
   arithmetic using [in Currency UG - 2.5 Decimal Classes]
   error handler [in Currency UG - 2.5 Decimal Classes]
   non-numeric values [in Currency UG - 2.5 Decimal Classes]
   overflow and underflow [in Currency UG - 2.5 Decimal Classes]
   speed of computation [in Currency UG - 6.3.2 RWMP1Int, RWMP2Int, and RWMP3Int Integer Types]
RWDecimalFormat [in Currency UG - 2.7 Strings in Currency Module]
RWDecimalPortable [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.4 RWDecimalPortable]
   [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.2 Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.6 RWDecimalPortable]
RWDecimalPortable stream locale specification [in RCB Products - 3.6.6 Essential Math Module]
   internationalization example [in DB Interface UG - 13.3.4 RWDecimalPortable]
RWDirEntry [in Protocols UG - 3.3 About RWDirEntry]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
RWEigDecomp<double> [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.2 Decomposition Object]
RWeistream [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   make() function of [in XML Streams UG - 4.3.4 Examining the XML Output]
   example using [in XML Streams UG - 4.3.4 Examining the XML Output]
   make() function of [in XML Streams UG - 4.3.4 Examining the XML Output]
RWeostream [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   typedef, defined [in Tools UG - B.2 Typedefs]
   defined [in Currency UG - 5.2 Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Tables]
   and state values [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   and constraint check condition [in DB Interface UG - Creating Unique and Check Constraints]
RWExternalErr [in DB Interface UG - 6.4 Exceptions]
   and exception classes in the Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.1 Defining a Transformation Object]
   functions for using RWStringID [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
   polymorphic persistence in RWCollectable classes [in Tools UG - 6.17.7 A Note on the RWFactory]
   size to hold lookups from RWClassID and RWStringID [in Tools UG - Efficiency]
   troubleshooting persistence issues [in Tools UG - 8.7.4 Define All RWCollectables That Will Be Restored]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.5.2 The RWFIFOMutexLock Class]
      [in Threads UG - Acquiring Mutex Ownership]
RWFile [in Tools UG - 5.5 Virtual Steams Recap]
   and persistence [in Tools UG - 8.2.1 A Note About Terminology]
   defined [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   efficient storage of files [in Tools UG - Persistence Functions]
   in file system classes [in Tools UG - 10.1 Introduction]
   constructing [in Tools UG - 10.5.1 Construction]
   use with RWBTreeOnDisk [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWWStrings to and from UTF-8]
   Unicode conversion [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
RWFtpAgent [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
RWFtpAgentImp [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
RWFtpClient [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
   [in Protocols UG - 4.4 Using Active and Passive Clients]
   [in Protocols UG - 4.8 FTP Command Demo: Using the FTP Client]
RWFtpClientImp [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
RWFtpDataReply [in Protocols UG - 4.3 About FTP Protocol Replies]
RWFtpPwdReply [in Protocols UG - 4.3 About FTP Protocol Replies]
RWFtpReply [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
   [in Protocols UG - 4.3 About FTP Protocol Replies]
RWFtpsClient [in Secure Comm UG - 10.1 Developing an FTPS Application]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1.1 Classes in the FTPS Package]
RWFtpsDataReply [in Secure Comm UG - 10.2 About FTPS Protocol Replies]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1.1 Classes in the FTPS Package]
RWFtpsPwdReply [in Secure Comm UG - 10.2 About FTPS Protocol Replies]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1.1 Classes in the FTPS Package]
RWFtpsReply [in Secure Comm UG - 10.1 Developing an FTPS Application]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 10.2 About FTPS Protocol Replies]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1.1 Classes in the FTPS Package]
   used as temporary variable [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.2 Solving a System of Equations]
   LU factorization class [in Math UG - 5.2 LU Factorization]
RWHandleBase [in Threads UG - Defining Handle Classes that Don't Create Bodies]
   and implementing handles [in Threads UG - Defining Handle Classes that Automatically Create Bodies]
   and reference-counting [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
   isValid() [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
      [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
   testing for equality and identity [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   defined [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
      [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
RWHessEigServer<double> [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.3 Servers]
RWHessEigServer<doublle> [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.3 Servers]
RWHttpAgent [in Protocols UG - 5.3.1 Connecting to the Server]
RWHttpClient [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
   [in Protocols UG - 5.3.1 Connecting to the Server]
RWHttpRangeHeader [in Protocols UG - 5.4.3 Downloading Part of a Document]
RWHttpReply [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
   [in Protocols UG - 5.3.4 Retrieving a Reply]
RWHttpRequest [in Protocols UG - 5.3.2 Creating a Request]
   [in Protocols UG - 5.3.3 Sending a Request]
   [in Protocols UG - 5.4.1 Additional HTTP Methods]
RWHttpsCertificateNameMismatch [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4 Using the Security Callbacks]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4.2 Certificate Name Mismatch Callback]
RWHttpsSecureSocketClient [in Secure Comm UG - 6.1.1 Classes in the HTTPS package]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 7.2 Developing HTTPS Applications]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
RWHttpsSecurityManager [in Secure Comm UG - 6.1.1 Classes in the HTTPS package]
   testing for identity [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   checking for occurrences of an item [in Tools UG - Functions clear() and clearAndDestroy()]
   retrieving objects by identity [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   testing if object is in memory [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.11 Hash-based Collections]
   and exception classes in the Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
RWInet6Addr [in Networking UG - 6.6 Using IPv6 Addresses]
RWInet6Host [in Networking UG - 6.6.1 Constructing a Host]
   [in Networking UG - 6.6 Using IPv6 Addresses]
   [in Networking UG - 6.6.2 Building IPv6 Addresses]
RWInetAddr [in Networking UG - RWSocketPortal]
   [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
   [in Networking UG - 6.1.2 Understanding the Base Class]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.1 Writing New Secure Sockets Applications]
RWInetHost [in Networking UG - 6.5.2 Building Internet Addresses]
RWInetPort [in Networking UG - 6.5.2 Building Internet Addresses]
   [in Networking UG - 6.6 Using IPv6 Addresses]
   [in Networking UG - 6.6.2 Building IPv6 Addresses]
RWInetType [in Networking UG - 6.7.2 Representing a Socket Type]
   RW_THR_EXPLICIT [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   and defining inheritance policies [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   RW_THR_EXPLICIT [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   RW_THR_INHERIT [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
RWInsertWithName() global function [in XML Streams UG - 4.2.1 Comparison Example of Basic XML Streams with Enhanced XML Streams]
RWInternalErr error class [in Tools UG - Recoverable Internal Errors]
   and implementing a data input stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWIstreamDataFromCharInputStreamImp Class]
RWLeastSqQRCalc [in Analysis UG - RWLeastSqQRCalc]
RWLeastSqQRPvtCalc [in Analysis UG - RWLeastSqQRPvtCalc]
RWLeastSqSVDCalc [in Analysis UG - RWLeastSqSVDCalc]
RWLinearRegression [in Analysis UG - 5.1 Overview]
RWLinearRegressionANOVA [in Analysis UG - 5.1 Overview]
   [in Analysis UG - 5.4.1 Class RWLinearRegressionANOVA]
RWLinearRegressionFTest [in Analysis UG - 5.1 Overview]
   [in Analysis UG - 5.4.3 Class RWLinearRegressionFTest]
RWLinearRegressionParam [in Analysis UG - 5.3 Parameter Estimate Classes]
RWLinRegModelSelector<F> [in Analysis UG - 5.6.3 Writing Your Own Function Objects]
   [in Analysis UG - 5.6 Using the Model Selection Classes]
RWLocale [in I18n UG - 10.3 Locale Objects]
   localization [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   provides effect of a C locale [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
   and localization of numbers [in Tools UG - 7.5.4 Numbers]
   implementation of RWLocale [in Tools UG - 7.5.1 RWLocaleSnapshot and RWAnsiLocale]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
RWLogisticFitAnalysis [in Analysis UG - 5.1 Overview]
   [in Analysis UG - 5.4.2 Class RWLogisticFitAnalysis]
RWLogisticIterLSQ [in Analysis UG - RWLogisticIterLSQ]
RWLogisticLevenbergMarquardt [in Analysis UG - RWLogisticLevenbergMarquardt]
RWLogisticRegression [in Analysis UG - 5.1 Overview]
RWLogisticRegressionParam [in Analysis UG - 5.3 Parameter Estimate Classes]
RWMimeGenericHeader [in Protocols UG - 9.2.1 Create Headers for the Part]
   [in Protocols UG - 9.4.2 Create Headers for a Multipart]
RWMimeMultipart [in Protocols UG - 9.4.3 Create an RWMimeMultipart]
   [in Protocols UG - 9.4.4 Add Each Part]
RWMultiPrecisionInt typedefs [in Currency UG - 6.3 Precision]
   specialization for n=1 [in Currency UG - 6.3.1 Class RWMultiPrecisionInt<n>]
   acquire() [in Threads UG - 4.5.1 The RWMutexLock Class]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.5.1 The RWMutexLock Class]
   interaction diagram [in Threads UG - Avoiding a Block]
   release() [in Threads UG - 4.5.1 The RWMutexLock Class]
   setCancellation() [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
   static constructor [in Threads UG - Initializing a Mutex]
   tryAcquire() [in Threads UG - Avoiding a Block]
   and implementing a data input stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWNativeDataFromByteInputStreamImp Class]
   and implementing a data output stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWNativeDataToByteOutputStreamImp Class]
RWNGRef<T> [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
   constant [in Tools UG - B.1 Constants]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.5.3 The RWNullMutexLock Class]
RWNumReply [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
RWNumReplyLine [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
   and object streams [in Adv Tools UG - 5.4.2 Relationship to the Streams Package]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Input Stream]
      [in XML Streams UG - 6.3.2 Restoring the book Object]
   used to construct transformation objects [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   and object streams [in Adv Tools UG - 5.4.2 Relationship to the Streams Package]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Output Stream]
      [in XML Streams UG - 6.3.1 Serializing the book Object to a File]
      [in XML Streams UG - 6.3.3 Examining the XML Output]
RWoffset NWNIL
   constant [in Tools UG - B.1 Constants]
   typedef [in Tools UG - 10.5 RWFileManager]
      [in Tools UG - B.2 Typedefs]
RWOrdered, in code example [in Tools UG - 6.19.6 Virtual Functions Inherited from RWSequenceable]
   and implementing a data output stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWOstreamDataToCharOutputStreamImp Class]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Output Stream]
RWpistream [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
RWPop3Agent [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
RWPop3Client [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
RWPop3ConnReply [in Protocols UG - 6.3 About Protocol Replies]
RWPop3DataReply [in Protocols UG - 6.3 About Protocol Replies]
RWPop3Reply [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
   [in Protocols UG - 6.3 About Protocol Replies]
RWPop3StatReply [in Protocols UG - 6.3 About Protocol Replies]
RWPortal [in Networking UG - 2.3.1 About Portals]
   [in Networking UG - RWPortal as a Base]
   [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
   [in Networking UG - 4.5 Understanding the Portal and Implementation Classes]
   [in Networking UG - 9.3 Socket Listeners]
RWPortalImp [in Networking UG - 4.5 Understanding the Portal and Implementation Classes]
RWPortalIStream [in Networking UG - 5.1.2 Using Iostream Classes for Formatted Input]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 5.1 Using RWPortalIStream and RWPortalOstream]
RWPortalOStream [in Networking UG - 5.1.1 Using Iostream Classes for Formatted Output]
RWPortalOstream [in Secure Comm UG - 5.1 Using RWPortalIStream and RWPortalOstream]
RWPortalStreambuf [in Networking UG - 5.2 Understanding the Architecture of a Portal Stream]
RWpostream [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
RWPrivateKey [in Secure Comm UG - 5.2 Using RWAsymmetricKey]
RWPublicKey [in Secure Comm UG - 5.2 Using RWAsymmetricKey]
RWRandGenerator [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
   used in subscripting [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
   acquireRead() [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
   acquireWrite() [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
   release() [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
   tryAcquireRead() [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
   tryAcquireWrite() [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
RWRegression [in Analysis UG - 5.1 Overview]
RWReply [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
   and isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - Define rwSaveGuts and rwRestoreGuts]
      [in Tools UG - Add RW_DEFINE_PERSISTABLE to One Source File]
   creating isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.3 Designing Your Class to Use Isomorphic Persistence]
   defining [in Tools UG - Guidelines for Writing rwRestoreGuts]
      [in Tools UG - Define rwSaveGuts and rwRestoreGuts]
   in user-defined class [in Tools UG - 8.5.5 Isomorphic Persistence of a User-designed Class]
   restoring a pointer [in Tools UG - Guidelines for Writing rwSaveGuts]
   writing [in Tools UG - 8.5.4 Writing rwSaveGuts and rwRestoreGuts Functions]
RWROCJRef<T> [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
RWRORef<T> [in Linear Algebra UG - 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
      [in Threads UG - Using the Nested Runnable Information]
   and canceling runnables [in Threads UG - Canceling a Runnable from Another Thread]
   and interrupts [in Threads UG - Interrupting a Runnable from Another Thread]
   getNestedRunnable() [in Threads UG - Starting Synchronous Runnables]
   join() [in Threads UG - 3.5.6 Joining a Runnable]
   raise() [in Threads UG - 3.5.7 Monitoring the Completion State of a Runnable]
   releaseInterrupt() [in Threads UG - Shutting Down a Continuous Process]
      [in Threads UG - Completing the Interrupt Request]
      [in Threads UG - 3.7.1 Constructing a Thread Pool]
      [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   requestCancellation() [in Threads UG - Types of requestCancellation Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Canceling a Runnable from Another Thread]
   requestInterrupt() [in Threads UG - Shutting Down a Continuous Process]
      [in Threads UG - Interrupting a Runnable from Another Thread]
      [in Threads UG - Types of requestInterrupt() Functions]
   run() [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
   wait() [in Threads UG - Using Wait Functions]
   and functor-based runnables [in Threads UG - Functor-Based Runnables]
   addCallback() [in Threads UG - Registering the Callback]
   getCompletionState() [in Threads UG - 3.5.7 Monitoring the Completion State of a Runnable]
   getExecutionState() [in Threads UG - Getting the Instantaneous Execution State of a Runnable]
   removeCallback() [in Threads UG - Removing a Callback]
   threadId() [in Threads UG - Changing the Execution State]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.17 Thread Identification]
   and completing cancellations [in Threads UG - Completing a Cancellation Request]
   and servicing interrupts [in Threads UG - Completing the Interrupt Request]
   getNestedRunnable() [in Threads UG - Starting Synchronous Runnables]
   serviceCancellation() [in Threads UG - Completing a Cancellation Request]
   serviceInterrupt() [in Threads UG - Shutting Down a Continuous Process]
      [in Threads UG - Completing the Interrupt Request]
   sleep() [in Threads UG - 3.5.11 Sleeping]
      [in Threads UG - Yielding to Lower Priority Threads]
   yield() [in Threads UG - 3.5.12 Yielding Execution]
   and servicing interrupt requests [in Threads UG - 3.6.5 Interrupting a Server]
   enqueue() [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
   make() [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances At Construction]
   setCapacity() [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
   and isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - Define rwSaveGuts and rwRestoreGuts]
      [in Tools UG - Add RW_DEFINE_PERSISTABLE to One Source File]
   creating isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.3 Designing Your Class to Use Isomorphic Persistence]
   defining [in Tools UG - Define rwSaveGuts and rwRestoreGuts]
   in user-defined class [in Tools UG - 8.5.5 Isomorphic Persistence of a User-designed Class]
   writing [in Tools UG - 8.5.4 Writing rwSaveGuts and rwRestoreGuts Functions]
   RW_THR_TIME_SLICED_DYNAMIC [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   RW_THR_TIME_SLICED_FIXED [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
RWSchedulingPolicy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   and scheduling policy values [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RW_THR_PREEMPTIVE [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   RW_THR_TIME_SLICED_DYNAMIC [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   RW_THR_TIME_SLICED_FIXED [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   values [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
RWSchurEigServer<double> [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.3 Servers]
RWSecureSocket [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.1 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.3 Writing a Server Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1 Getting Started with Secure Sockets]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.1 Writing New Secure Sockets Applications]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.2 Porting Existing Networking Package Applications to the Secure Sockets Package]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.2 Obtaining Certificates to Identify a Specific Entity]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.8 Using RWSecureSocket, RWSecureSocketPortal, and RWSecureSocketListener]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.8 Using RWSecureSocket, RWSecureSocketPortal, and RWSecureSocketListener]
RWSecureSocketAttribute [in Secure Comm UG - 5.11.2 Using RWSecureSocketAttribute]
RWSecureSocketContext [in Secure Comm UG - 10.1 Developing an FTPS Application]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.1 Writing New Secure Sockets Applications]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.2 Porting Existing Networking Package Applications to the Secure Sockets Package]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.2 Porting Existing Networking Package Applications to the Secure Sockets Package]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.2 Obtaining Certificates to Identify a Specific Entity]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5 Creating the Secure Socket Context]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 7.2 Developing HTTPS Applications]
   loadVerifyLocations() [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.1 Obtaining Trusted Certificates to Verify Other Certificates]
   prepareToAuthenticate() [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.1 Obtaining Trusted Certificates to Verify Other Certificates]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5.2 Initializing the Context to Perform Both Client and Server Authentication]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5.1 Initializing the Context to Perform Server Authentication Only]
   setIdentity() [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5.2 Initializing the Context to Perform Both Client and Server Authentication]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5.1 Initializing the Context to Perform Server Authentication Only]
RWSecureSocketListener [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.1 Writing New Secure Sockets Applications]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.2 Porting Existing Networking Package Applications to the Secure Sockets Package]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.8 Using RWSecureSocket, RWSecureSocketPortal, and RWSecureSocketListener]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.8 Using RWSecureSocket, RWSecureSocketPortal, and RWSecureSocketListener]
RWSecureSocketPackageInit [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.1 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.2 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocketPortal]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.3 Writing a Server Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4.2 Global Objects and the Secure Sockets Package Initialization]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4 Initializing the Secure Sockets Package]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4.1 Seeding the Random Number Generator]
RWSecureSocketPortal [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.4 Writing a Server Program That Uses RWSecureSocketPortal]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.2 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocketPortal]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1 Getting Started with Secure Sockets]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.1 Writing New Secure Sockets Applications]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.2 Porting Existing Networking Package Applications to the Secure Sockets Package]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.8 Using RWSecureSocket, RWSecureSocketPortal, and RWSecureSocketListener]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.8 Using RWSecureSocket, RWSecureSocketPortal, and RWSecureSocketListener]
rwSecureSocketSelect [in Secure Comm UG - 5.11.3 Using rwSecureSocketSelect]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.5.7 The RWSemaphore Class]
   innate ordering [in Tools UG - Sequenceable Classes]
   virtual functions [in Tools UG - 6.19.6 Virtual Functions Inherited from RWSequenceable]
RWServerPool [in Threads UG - 3.7 The Thread Pool Class]
   and servicing interrupt requests [in Threads UG - 3.6.5 Interrupting a Server]
   getActivePoolAttribute() [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   getPoolAttribute() [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   make() [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances At Construction]
   resize() [in Threads UG - 3.6.8 Resizing a Server Pool]
   setPoolAttribute() [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances After Construction]
      [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances After Construction]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
      [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
   and RWHashTable [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   code example [in Tools UG - 6.16.3 Bus Example Code]
   compared to bag and hash [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.11 Hash-based Collections]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.5.11 Sleeping]
      [in Threads UG - Yielding to Lower Priority Threads]
   in subscripting [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
RWSmtpAgent [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
RWSmtpClient [in Protocols UG - 2.3.1 Reference-counting and the Handle-Body Implementation]
RWSmtpDataReply [in Protocols UG - 7.3 About Protocol Replies]
RWSmtpReply [in Protocols UG - 3.4 About Protocol Replies]
   [in Protocols UG - 7.3 About Protocol Replies]
RWSnappyCompressor [in Tools UG - 5.7 Compressed IOStreams]
RWSockAddr [in Networking UG - 6.4.2 Understanding How RWSockAddr Is Implemented]
   [in Networking UG - 6.4 Using Generic Socket Addresses]
   [in Networking UG - 9.3 Socket Listeners]
RWSockAddrBase [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
   [in Networking UG - 6.1.2 Understanding the Base Class]
   [in Networking UG - 6.1.1 The Socket Address Classes]
   [in Networking UG - 6.4.2 Understanding How RWSockAddr Is Implemented]
RWSocket [in Networking UG - RWSocket]
   [in Networking UG - 7.2 Using RWSocket]
   [in Networking UG - 7.5 Using Communication Services with Sockets]
RWSocketAttribute [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
RWSocketListener [in Networking UG - RWSocketListener]
   [in Networking UG - 9.3 Socket Listeners]
RWSocketPortal [in Networking UG - 2.3.1 About Portals]
   [in Networking UG - RWSocketPortal]
   [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
   [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
   [in Networking UG - 7.4 Using Socket Portals]
   [in Networking UG - 7.5 Using Communication Services with Sockets]
rwSocketSelect [in Networking UG - 7.6.2 Using rwSocketSelect]
RWSockType [in Networking UG - 6.1.1 The Socket Address Classes]
   [in Networking UG - 6.7.2 Representing a Socket Type]
   typedef [in Tools UG - 10.5 RWFileManager]
      [in Tools UG - B.2 Typedefs]
   and defining start policies [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   RW_THR_START_RUNNING [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   typedef [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
      [in Tools UG - B.2 Typedefs]
   and adapting iostreams [in Adv Tools UG - The RWStreambufFromByteInputStream Class]
   and adapting iostreams [in Adv Tools UG - The RWStreambufFromCharInputStream Class]
   and adapting iostreams [in Adv Tools UG - The RWStreambufToByteOutputStream Class]
   and adapting iostreams [in Adv Tools UG - The RWStreambufToCharOutputStream Class]
RWStreamCoupler [in Protocols UG - 3.5 About RWStreamCoupler]
   [in Protocols UG - 6.4 Saving a Mail Message to a File]
   class identifier [in Tools UG - 12.3 RWStringID]
   returned by stringID() [in Tools UG - Function stringID()]
   constructed indirectly by RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.5 Substrings]
RWSymEigDecomp<double> [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.2 Decomposition Object]
RWSymRangeEigServer<double> [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
RWSymSomeEigServer<double> [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
   [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
   setCancellation() [in Threads UG - Using Synchronization Classes to Service Cancellation Requests]
      [in Threads UG - Using Synchronization Classes to Service Cancellation Requests]
      [in Threads UG - Servicing Cancellation Requests]
   and converting exception classes [in Threads UG - Types of Rethrown Exceptions]
RWTCountedPointer [in Threads UG - 7.5 Using the Smart Pointer Classes]
   and reference-counting [in Threads UG - 7.5.2 Using RWTCountedPointer]
RWTCounter [in Threads UG - Providing RWTCountingPointer with a Counter]
RWTCountingBody [in Threads UG - Deriving from RWTCountingBody for Reference Counting]
RWTCountingPointer [in Threads UG - 7.4 Using the RWTSingleton Class]
   [in Threads UG - Providing RWTCountingPointer with a Counter]
   [in Threads UG - 7.5 Using the Smart Pointer Classes]
   [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
   [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
   and reference-counting [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
   isValid() [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
   RWThreadPool [in Threads UG - 3.7 The Thread Pool Class]
RWTHRBoundsError [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.5.16 Execution Nesting]
   canGetPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   canGetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   canGetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   canGetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   canGetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   canSetPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   canSetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   canSetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   canSetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   canSetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   canSuspendResume() [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   getActiveAttribute() [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   getAttribute() [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   getMaxPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMaxProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMaxSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMaxTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   getMinPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMinProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMinSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMinTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   getPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   getProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   getSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   getSuspendCount() [in Threads UG - Using the suspend() and resume() Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   getSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   getTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   resume() [in Threads UG - Using the suspend() and resume() Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   RWThreadPool [in Threads UG - 3.7 The Thread Pool Class]
   setAttribute() [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances After Construction]
   setPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   setProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   setSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   setSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   setTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   suspend() [in Threads UG - Using the suspend() and resume() Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - 3.7.1 Constructing a Thread Pool]
   and interrupts at startup [in Threads UG - Interrupting Threads at Startup]
   and manipulating concurrency policy attributes [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   and manipulating contention scope attributes [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   and manipulating inheritance policy attributes [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   and manipulating scheduling policy attributes [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   and manipulating scheduling priority attributes [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   and manipulating start policy [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   and manipulating the scheduling time-slice quantum [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   and manipulating the stack commit size [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   and manipulating the stack reserve size [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   and manipulating user stack attributes [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   canGetConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   canGetContentionScope() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   canGetInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   canGetPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   canGetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   canGetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   canGetStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   canGetStackReserveSize() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   canGetStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   canGetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   canGetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   canGetUserStack() [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   canSetConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   canSetInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   canSetPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   canSetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   canSetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   canSetStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   canSetStackReserveSize() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   canSetStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   canSetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   canSetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   canSetUserStack() [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   getConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   getContentionScope() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   getInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   getMaxPriority() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMaxProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMaxSystemScopePriority() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMaxTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   getMinPriority() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMinProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMinStackSize() [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   getMinSystemScopePriority() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMinTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   getPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   getProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   getSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   getStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   getStackReserveSize() [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   getStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   getSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   getTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   getUserStack() [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   getUserStackAddress() [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   isConcurrencyPolicySet() [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   isContentionScopeSet() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   isInheritancePolicySet() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   isPrioritySet() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   isProcessScopePrioritySet() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   isSchedulingPolicySet() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   isStackCommitSizeSet() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   isStackReserveSizeSet() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   isStartPolicySet() [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   isSystemScopePrioritySet() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   isTimeSliceQuantumSet() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   isUserStackSet() [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   resetConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   resetContentionScope() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   resetInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   resetPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   resetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   resetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   resetStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   resetStackReserveSize() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   resetStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   resetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   resetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   resetUserStack() [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   setConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
   setContentionScope() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   setInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   setPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   setProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   setSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   setStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   setStackReserveSize() [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   setStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
   setSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   setTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   setUserStack() [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   and functor-based runnables [in Threads UG - Functor-Based Runnables]
   and runnable classes [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
   make() [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances At Construction]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Changing the Execution State]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - Identifying Threads]
   enqueue() [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
      [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
   make() [in Threads UG - 3.7.1 Constructing a Thread Pool]
      [in Threads UG - 3.7.1 Constructing a Thread Pool]
   RWTFunctor [in Threads UG - 3.7 The Thread Pool Class]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - 3.7 The Thread Pool Class]
   stop() [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
      [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   canGetPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   canGetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   canGetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   canGetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
   canGetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   canSetPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   canSetProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   canSetSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   canSetSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   canSetTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
   canSuspendResume() [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   getActiveAttribute() [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   getAttribute() [in Threads UG - 3.9.12 Querying Threaded Runnables For Thread Creation Attributes]
   getMaxPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMaxProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMaxSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   getMaxTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   getMinPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMinProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   getMinSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   getMinTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   getPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   getProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   getSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   getSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
   getTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.4 Querying Attribute Values]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   setAttribute() [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances After Construction]
   setPriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   setProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   setSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   setSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   setTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   suspend() [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
RWTHRExternalError [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHRIllegalAcces [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHRIllegalUsage [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHRInternalError [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHRInvalidPointer [in Threads UG - Handle-Body Example]
   [in Threads UG - 7.5.1 Using RWTOnlyPointer]
   [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHROperationAborted [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHROperationCanceled [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHROperationNotAvailable [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHROperationNotAvailable exception [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
RWTHROperationNotImplemented [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHROperationNotSupported [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHROperationTerminated [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHROperationUnsupported [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   macro for throwing exceptions [in Math UG - 8.1.5 Error Handlers]
RWTHRPermissionError [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHRResourceLimit [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHRThreadActive [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
RWTHRThreadNotActive [in Threads UG - 9.3 Default Exception Messages]
   and exceptions [in Threads UG - Types of Rethrown Exceptions]
   clone() [in Threads UG - 9.4 Using the Thread-compatible Exception Classes]
   raise() [in Threads UG - 9.4 Using the Thread-compatible Exception Classes]
   and global function RWInsertWithName() [in XML Streams UG - 4.2.1 Comparison Example of Basic XML Streams with Enhanced XML Streams]
   aborted() [in Threads UG - Example]
   and closing an IOU [in Threads UG - 5.5.3 Closing an IOU]
   close() [in Threads UG - The close() Function]
      [in Threads UG - 5.5.3 Closing an IOU]
   closeable() [in Threads UG - Example]
   closed() [in Threads UG - Example]
   inError() [in Threads UG - Example]
   operator()() [in Threads UG - The close() Function]
   operator=() [in Threads UG - The close() Function]
   redeemed() [in Threads UG - Example]
   setException() [in Threads UG - The setException() Function]
      [in Threads UG - 5.5.3 Closing an IOU]
RWTIOUResult [in Protocols UG - 2.4 Multithreading and IOUs]
   [in Protocols UG - 2.4.1 RWTIOUResults]
   abort() [in Threads UG - Aborting a Request]
   aborted() [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
   and redeeming an IOU [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
   inError() [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
   operator Redeemable() [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
   operator()() [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
   redeem() [in Threads UG - 5.5.4 Redeeming an IOU]
   redeemable() [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
   redeemed() [in Threads UG - Querying the Status of an IOU Object]
   and trapping IOUs [in Threads UG - 5.5.7 Trapping IOUs with RWTIOUTrap]
   getNext() [in Threads UG - Improving the Asynchronous Example]
   setTrap() [in Threads UG - Improving the Asynchronous Example]
   acquire() [in Threads UG - 4.6 The Guard Classes]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.6 The Guard Classes]
   release() [in Threads UG - 4.6 The Guard Classes]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.5.10 The RWTMonitor Class]
   monitor() [in Threads UG - The RWTMonitor<Lock> Class]
      [in Threads UG - The RWTMonitor<Lock> Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.10 The RWTMonitor Class]
   in subscripting [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
RWTOnlyPointer [in Threads UG - 7.5 Using the Smart Pointer Classes]
   and garbage collecting [in Threads UG - 7.5.1 Using RWTOnlyPointer]
   and strict ownership [in Threads UG - 7.5.1 Using RWTOnlyPointer]
   constant [in Tools UG - B.1 Constants]
   version number [in Tools UG - 2.4.6 Version]
   <Default Para Font&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
   character conversions [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWWStrings to and from UTF-8]
   used to add transformation to element-based input streams [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   constructed by RWObjectInputStream [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   implementing transform() method [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   in character and element-based transformations [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   make() function to support a formatting object [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   example of controlling data format [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   in character and element-based transformations [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   make() function to support a formatting object [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
RWTPCPtrQueue [in Threads UG - 5.6.1 Value and Pointer Classes]
RWTPCPtrStack [in Threads UG - 5.6.1 Value and Pointer Classes]
RWTPCValQueue [in Threads UG - Example]
   [in Threads UG - 5.6.1 Value and Pointer Classes]
   Interthread Communication package [in Threads UG - The RWTPCValQueue Family of Classes]
RWTPCValQueueGuarded [in Threads UG - 5.6.2 Guarded and Prioritized Classes]
RWTPCValQueueGuardedPrioritized [in Threads UG - 5.6.2 Guarded and Prioritized Classes]
RWTPCValQueuePrioritized [in Threads UG - 5.6.2 Guarded and Prioritized Classes]
RWTPCValStack [in Threads UG - 5.6.1 Value and Pointer Classes]
RWTPCValStackGuarded [in Threads UG - 5.6.2 Guarded and Prioritized Classes]
RWTPCValStackGuardedPrioritized [in Threads UG - 5.6.2 Guarded and Prioritized Classes]
RWTPCValStackPrioritized [in Threads UG - 5.6.2 Guarded and Prioritized Classes]
   and smart pointers [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
   and persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5 Isomorphic Persistence]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 8.5.2 Isomorphic Persistence of an Essential Tools Module Class]
      [in Tools UG - 8.5.2 Isomorphic Persistence of an Essential Tools Module Class]
   persisting a collection of [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.1 RWTBitVec<Size>, RWTPtrVector, and RWTValVector<T>]
   connectToManager() [in Threads UG - Using Your Client]
   and creating a trace client [in Threads UG - 6.7.2 Creating User-defined Clients]
   and creating a trace filter [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
   doTrace() [in Threads UG - Including a Timestamp in Trace Output]
      [in Threads UG - 6.7.2 Creating User-defined Clients]
      [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
   trace() [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
   and resetting severity level [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceLevelFilter]
   setLevel() [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceLevelFilter]
   connectToManager() [in Threads UG - 6.7.1 Using the Predefined Client]
   disconnectClient() [in Threads UG - 6.6.2 Stopping Trace]
RWTraceMultiClientFilter [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceMultiClientFilter]
   connect() [in Threads UG - 6.8.2 Chaining Multiple Filters]
   and creating a trace filter [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
   connect() [in Threads UG - 6.7.1 Using the Predefined Client]
   predefined trace client [in Threads UG - 6.7.1 Using the Predefined Client]
   and processing trace messages [in Threads UG - Including a Timestamp in Trace Output]
   and creating a trace filter [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
RWTRand<Generator> [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
   acquire() [in Threads UG - 4.5.4 The RWTRecursiveLock Class]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.5.4 The RWTRecursiveLock Class]
   release() [in Threads UG - 4.5.4 The RWTRecursiveLock Class]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 4.3 An Introductory Example]
      [in Tools UG - Introductory Examples Using Regular Expressions]
   regular expression template class [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
   regular expression class reports errors [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
   regular expression class iterator [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
   in code example [in Tools UG - Introductory Examples Using Regular Expressions]
   regular expression class containing result of pattern matching [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
   regular expression class defines character traits [in Tools UG - The RWTRegex<T> Interface]
   and functor-based runnables [in Threads UG - Functor-Based Runnables]
   and global access to classes [in Threads UG - 7.4 Using the RWTSingleton Class]
   instance() [in Threads UG - 7.4 Using the RWTSingleton Class]
   make() [in Threads UG - 5.5.2 Constructing an IOU]
   and functor-based runnables [in Threads UG - Functor-Based Runnables]
   make() [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances At Construction]
   adding transformation to character-based input streams [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   constructed by RWObjectInputStream [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   implementing transform() method [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   in character and element-based transformations [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   make() function of [in XML Streams UG - 4.3.4 Examining the XML Output]
      [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
RWTTransformObjectOutputStreamImp [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   example of controlling data format [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   make() function of [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.6.4 Using the RWTTryLockGuard Template Class]
   isAcquired() [in Threads UG - 4.6.4 Using the RWTTryLockGuard Template Class]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
   and synchronization [in Threads UG - 4.6.3 Using the Unlock Guard Class]
   simpler, object-oriented interface to deque class [in Tools UG - 6.9 Essential Tools Module Templates and C++ Standard Library Containers]
   in code example [in Tools UG - 12.6.2 Example]
   restrictions with persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5 Isomorphic Persistence]
   example of hash function and equality object [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   in comparators example [in Tools UG - 6.11.1 More on Total Ordering]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.1 RWTBitVec<Size>, RWTPtrVector, and RWTValVector<T>]
   and copy on write [in Tools UG - 12.2 Copy on Write]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Input Stream]
RWUAvailableEncodingList [in I18n UG - 4.2.1 Listing Encoding Names]
   [in I18n UG - 4.2.1 Listing Encoding Names]
RWUAvailableLocaleList [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 10.2.3 Listing Available Locales]
RWUAvailableLocaleListIterator [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 10.2.3 Listing Available Locales]
RWUBreakSearch [in I18n UG - 7.1 Overview]
RWUChar16 [in I18n UG - 3.2 Representing Characters]
RWUChar32 [in I18n UG - 3.2 Representing Characters]
   and Unicode conversion classes [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
   connecting a Unicode character stream to a binary stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWUCharFromByteInputStreamImp Class]
   connecting a Unicode character stream to a binary stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWUCharFromUTF8ByteInputStreamImp Class]
   connecting a Unicode character stream to a binary stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWUCharToByteOutputStreamImp Class]
   connecting a Unicode character stream to a binary stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWUCharToUTF8ByteOutputStreamImp Class]
RWUCharTraits [in I18n UG - 3.3 Character Properties]
RWUCollationKey [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 6.4 Using Collation Keys]
RWUCollator [in I18n UG - 10.3 Locale Objects]
   [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 8.3 Locale-Sensitive String Searching]
RWUConstStringIterator [in I18n UG - 3.5 Iterating Over Strings]
RWUConstSubString [in I18n UG - 3.4.10 Accessing SubStrings]
RWUConversionContext [in I18n UG - 4.4 Implicit Conversions]
RWUEncodingAliasList [in I18n UG - 4.2.2 Listing Encoding Name Aliases]
RWUEncodingAliasListIterator [in I18n UG - 4.2.2 Listing Encoding Name Aliases]
RWUEncodingNameStandardList [in I18n UG - 4.2.3 Listing Encoding Name Standards]
RWUException [in I18n UG - 9.1 Overview]
RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext [in I18n UG - 4.4 Implicit Conversions]
RWUFromUnicodeConverter [in I18n UG - 4.3 Explicit Conversions]
RWUIsoCountryList [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 10.2.2 Listing Country Codes]
RWUIsoLanguageList [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 10.2.1 Listing Language Codes]
RWULocale [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 10.3 Locale Objects]
RWUniqueConstraintList [in DB Interface UG - Unique Table Constraints]
RWUNormalizer [in I18n UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   [in I18n UG - 5.4 Using RWUNormalizer]
RWURegexMatchIterator [in I18n UG - 8.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 8.4.8 Iterating Over Pattern Matches]
RWURegexResult [in I18n UG - 8.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 8.4.6 Manipulating Match Results]
RWURegularExpression [in I18n UG - 8.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
RWUResourceBundle [in I18n UG - 10.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 10.3 Locale Objects]
RWURL [in Protocols UG - 3.6 About RWURL]
   [in Protocols UG - 5.3.3 Sending a Request]
   pointer to function [in Tools UG - B.3 Pointers to Functions]
RWUStatusCode [in I18n UG - 9.1 Overview]
RWUString <Default Para Font&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - 8.4.2 Using the Serial Package with the Internationalization Module]
RWUString [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.11.1 Data Bindings]
   [in I18n UG - 3.4 Representing Strings]
   [in I18n UG - 8.1 Overview]
RWUString<Default Para Font&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - 8.4.2 Using the Serial Package with the Internationalization Module]
   and conversion abilities [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.4 Choosing the Appropriate String Class]
   as interface [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
   changing from RWBasicUString [in XML Streams UG - 7.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate String Class Interface]
   character encoding conversions [in Adv Tools UG - Converting from a Local Encoding to UTF-16]
   compared to RWBasicUString [in I18n UG - 3.4.3 RWUString and RWBasicUString]
      [in I18n UG - 3.4.3 RWUString and RWBasicUString]
   conversion of any encoding [in XML Streams UG - 7.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate String Class Interface]
   creating [in I18n UG - 3.4.4 Creating an RWUString]
   in Internationalization Module [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   uses UTF-16 [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
RWUStringIterator [in I18n UG - 3.5 Iterating Over Strings]
RWUStringSearch [in I18n UG - 8.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 8.3 Locale-Sensitive String Searching]
RWUSubString [in I18n UG - 3.4.10 Accessing SubStrings]
RWUTokenizer [in I18n UG - 7.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 7.3 Tokenizing]
RWUToUnicodeConversionContext [in I18n UG - 4.4 Implicit Conversions]
RWUToUnicodeConverter [in I18n UG - 4.3 Explicit Conversions]
   base class for virtual streams [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
RWvistream [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   and persistence [in Tools UG - 8.2.1 A Note About Terminology]
   inheriting streams [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
   adapting the Essential Tools Module virtual input stream interface [in Adv Tools UG - The RWvistreamFromDataInputStream Class]
   typedef [in Tools UG - B.2 Typedefs]
RWvostream [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
   and persistence [in Tools UG - 8.2.1 A Note About Terminology]
   inheriting from [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
   adapting the Essential Tools Module virtual output stream interface [in Adv Tools UG - The RWvostreamToDataOutputStream Class]
   and implementing a wide character input stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWWCharFromWStreambufInputStreamImp Class]
   and implementing a wide character output stream [in Adv Tools UG - The RWWCharToWStreambufOutputStreamImp Class]
RWWinSockInfo [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
   [in Networking UG - 7.2 Using RWSocket]
   [in Networking UG - 8.3 Using the Networking Package in Global Objects]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 10.1 Developing an FTPS Application]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.1 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.1 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.2 Writing a Client Program That Uses RWSecureSocketPortal]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.3 Writing a Server Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.3 Writing a Server Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.1 Writing New Secure Sockets Applications]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 7.2 Developing HTTPS Applications]
RWWString [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.1 Datatype Classes]
   and internationalization [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   and Unicode [in DB2 CLI Access - Use of RWWString in Unicode Applications]
   as interface [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
      [in XML Streams UG - 7.3 Using the XML Streams Package without the Internationalization Module]
   for internationalization [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.3 RWWString]
   how used [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
   selecting and inserting [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.3 RWWString]
   takes and produces UTF-16 [in XML Streams UG - 7.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate String Class Interface]
   with cursors and readers [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.3 RWWString]
   with stored procedures [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.3 RWWString]
RWX509Certificate [in Secure Comm UG - 4.3.2 Obtaining Certificates to Identify a Specific Entity]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 4.6 Constructing a Certificate]
RWxalloc [in Math UG - 8.1.4 Exception Hierarchy]
RWXDRistream [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
RWXDRostream [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   and make() function [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Input Stream]
   make() function of [in XML Streams UG - 4.3.4 Examining the XML Output]
   restoring the collection [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   and make() function [in XML Streams UG - 4.3.4 Examining the XML Output]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Output Stream]
      [in XML Streams UG - 6.3.3 Examining the XML Output]
   make() function of [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   used in stream transformation [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
RWxmsg [in I18n UG - 9.1 Overview]
   [in Math UG - 8.1.4 Exception Hierarchy]
RWXmsg [in Threads UG - 9.4.2 Creating Your Own Error Handler]
   exception base class [in Tools UG - 9.3.1 Essential Tools Module Exception Architecture]
RWXsltCharInputStreamImp typedef [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.2 Defining a Character Transformation Stream]
RWXsltCharOutputStreamImp typedef [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.2 Defining a Character Transformation Stream]
   in code [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Input Stream]
      [in XML Streams UG - 6.3.2 Restoring the book Object]
   in XSLT transformation example [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.1 Defining a Transformation Object]
   in XSLT transformation example [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.1 Defining a Transformation Object]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.5.12 Yielding Execution]
RWZone [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
   and localization [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   setting time zone [in Tools UG - 3.4 Setting the Time Zone]
   representing time [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]


s full capabilities [in Tools UG - 13.10 Use the Capabilities of the Module!]
s parameters [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
s statistic [in Analysis UG - 5.6.3 Writing Your Own Function Objects]
   [in Analysis UG - 5.6.3 Writing Your Own Function Objects]
s task [in Threads UG - 3.5.1 Defining a Runnable's Task]
save table
   and persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.1 Isomorphic versus Simple Persistence]
   saving string to virtual output stream [in Tools UG - 5.4 Simple Virtual Streams Example]
saveGuts() [in Tools UG - 6.17.6 How to Add Polymorphic Persistence]
   [in Tools UG - 6.17.6 How to Add Polymorphic Persistence]
   adding persistence to a class [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
   adding polymorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 6.17.6 How to Add Polymorphic Persistence]
   and troubleshooting persistence [in Tools UG - 8.7.1 Always Save an Object by Value Before Saving the Identical Object by Pointer]
   in RWBinaryTree [in Tools UG - Polymorphically Persisting Custom Collections]
   persisting custom collections [in Tools UG - Polymorphically Persisting Custom Collections]
   virtual function, defining [in Tools UG - Virtual Functions saveGuts(RWFile&) and saveGuts(RWvostream&)]
savepoint feature [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
savepoint features
   not supported [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
saving and restoring an object by pointer [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.2 Saving and Restoring an Object by Pointer]
saving and restoring an object by value [in Adv Tools UG - 6.2 Getting Started]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.1 Saving and Restoring an Object by Value]
   POP3 mail messages [in Protocols UG - 6.4 Saving a Mail Message to a File]
SCHED_FIFO [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
SCHED_FIFO scheduling policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
sched_get_priority_max() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
sched_get_priority_min() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
SCHED_OTHER [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
SCHED_OTHER scheduling policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   duplicate mappings [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
SCHED_RR [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
SCHED_RR scheduling policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
sched_setscheduler(2) [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
scheduling attributes
   definitions [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   dependencies [in Threads UG - 3.9.9 Scheduling Attributes]
   setting sequence [in Threads UG - 3.9.9 Scheduling Attributes]
scheduling inheritance policy [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
scheduling policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.8 Determining the Legal Range For An Attribute]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
scheduling policy attribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
scheduling policy functions
   Threading package [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
scheduling policy inheritance [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
scheduling policy on AIX [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
scheduling policy
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   inheritance [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   scheduling priorities [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
scheduling preference [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
scheduling priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
scheduling priority values on AIX [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
scheduling states [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   with GNU LinuxThreads [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.4 GNU LinuxThreads]
schema data
   in stored procedures [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   cacheable as metadata [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.1 Types of Cacheable Data]
   defined [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.1 Database Tables]
schemas, used by XML Streams Module [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.3 Schema Dependencies]
Schur decomposition, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.4 Schur Decompositions]
   enum, defined [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
      [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
script property
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Tailored Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
scripts [in I18n UG - 3.3.4 Character Scripts]
search algorithms
   class derivations [in Analysis UG - 2.4 Model Selection Classes]
   linear searching and hashing [in Tools UG - Hashing]
   locale-sensitive [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
Secure Communication Module [in RCB Apps - Chapter 5 Secure Communication Module Build Information]
   [in RCB Products - 3.6.4 Secure Communication Module]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
   HTTPS Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
   packages of [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
   Secure Sockets Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
Secure Communications Module [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   FTPS Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
Secure Sockets package
   architecture [in Secure Comm UG - 2.2 The Secure Sockets Package]
   initialization [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4 Initializing the Secure Sockets Package]
   introducing [in Secure Comm UG - 3.1 Introduction]
Secure Sockets Package
   of Secure Communication Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.3 The Secure Communication Module]
Secure Sockets package
   required links [in RCB Apps - 5.3 Required Link Libraries]
   using [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.1 Writing New Secure Sockets Applications]
secure sockets
   using more than one [in Secure Comm UG - 5.11 Secure Socket Multiplexing]
security [in Secure Comm UG - 5.13 Security Issues]
security authorizations [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
Sedgewick, Robert
   algorithm complexity [in Tools UG - A.3 Time and Space Considerations]
   random number generator [in Secure Comm UG - 4.4.1 Seeding the Random Number Generator]
   in RWFile [in Tools UG - 10.2.1 Example]
   in RWFile [in Tools UG - 10.2.1 Example]
   in RWFile [in Tools UG - 10.2.1 Example]
   in RWFile [in Tools UG - 10.2.1 Example]
SELECT statement [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
   in collection classes [in Tools UG - Selection]
selecting components [in RCB Products - 1.3.4 Selectable Component Set]
selecting data [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
self-joins [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.7 Self-Joins]
semaphore [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
   RWSemaphore [in Threads UG - 4.5.7 The RWSemaphore Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.7 The RWSemaphore Class]
send() [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
sendAtLeast() [in Networking UG - 4.2 Writing a Simple Client]
   [in Networking UG - 7.3 Closing Sockets and Avoiding Resource Leaks]
   email [in Protocols UG - 7.5 Mail Sender: Using the SMTP Agent]
   requests through HTTP proxies [in Protocols UG - 5.4.6 Sending Requests through HTTP Proxies]
sentence breaks [in I18n UG - 7.2 Boundary Analysis]
   and RWDateTime [in Tools UG - 3.5.3 RWDateTime Sentinels]
   invalid [in Tools UG - The "Invalid" Sentinel]
   past and future [in Tools UG - The Past and Future Sentinels]
   user-defined [in Tools UG - User-Defined Sentinels]
separators, used by different countries [in Tools UG - 7.5.4 Numbers]
sequence of processing [in MS SQL Access - 2.10.2 Executing Stored Procedures]
sequenceable, ordering in RWSequenceable [in Tools UG - Sequenceable Classes]
serial columns [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.3.2 Serial Columns in Tables]
Serialization package
   example [in Adv Tools UG - Streaming the Serialized Object]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Defining the streamContents() Function]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.1 Saving and Restoring an Object by Value]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Second Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Third Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.4 Templates]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.5 Default Constructors]
      [in Adv Tools UG - First Change]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Data Member is a Value-based or Pointer-based Collection]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Data Member is a Value-based or Pointer-based Collection]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Data Member is a Value-based or Pointer-based Collection]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
Serialization Package
   of Advanced Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.3 The Advanced Tools Module]
Serialization package
   relationship to Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 5.4.2 Relationship to the Streams Package]
   saving and restoring an object by pointer [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.2 Saving and Restoring an Object by Pointer]
   saving and restoring an object by value [in Adv Tools UG - 6.2 Getting Started]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.1 Saving and Restoring an Object by Value]
   using [in Adv Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   using templates [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.4 Templates]
   adding support to classes [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   advantages over persistence [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.4 Intrusive and External Serialization]
   defined [in XML Streams UG - 2.2 Types of Streams]
   Essential Tools Module collection classes [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   external [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
   for a character-based transformation [in XML Streams UG - For a Character-based C++ Transformation]
   for an element-based transformation [in XML Streams UG - For an Element-based C++ Transformation]
   illustrated [in XML Streams UG - 2.3 When to Use XML Streams]
   non-intrusive [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.6 External Serialization]
   object collections [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   pointers and [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   programming uses [in XML Streams UG - 2.1 Overview]
   required file changes [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.4 Building Monitors]
   a collection, macro for [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.3 Persisting the Serializable Objects]
   a pointer [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.2 Making the Basic Classes Serializable]
   a pointer to self [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   third party components [in XML Streams UG - 3.1 Introduction]
server authentication
   definition [in Secure Comm UG - 2.4 Concepts]
   initializing [in Secure Comm UG - 4.5.1 Initializing the Context to Perform Server Authentication Only]
server pools
   resizing [in Threads UG - 3.6.8 Resizing a Server Pool]
   thread attributes [in Threads UG - 3.6.7 Using Server Pool Thread Attributes]
server program
   example [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.4 Writing a Server Program That Uses RWSecureSocketPortal]
      [in Secure Comm UG - 4.1.3 Writing a Server Program That Uses RWSecureSocket]
   canceling [in Threads UG - 3.6.6 Canceling a Server]
   configuring for vector length [in Math UG - 4.1 Overview]
   enqueuing runnables [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
   interrupting [in Threads UG - 3.6.5 Interrupting a Server]
   starting [in Threads UG - 3.6.2 Starting a Server]
   stopping [in Threads UG - 3.6.4 Stopping a Server]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.3 HTTP Package]
servers [in DB Interface UG - 5.2 Expressions, Criterions, and Assignments]
   [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.3 Servers]
   [in Linear Algebra UG - 7.3 Servers]
   complex [in Networking UG - 9.4 Complex Servers]
   connecting to with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.3.1 Connecting to the Server]
   daytime server example [in Networking UG - 9.2 A Simple Synchronous Server]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   exception handling [in Networking UG - 9.2 A Simple Synchronous Server]
   socket listeners [in Networking UG - 9.3 Socket Listeners]
service context handle [in DB XA UG - 5.2.3 Databases and Connections]
   RWRunnableSelf [in Threads UG - Completing a Cancellation Request]
   RWRunnableSelf [in Threads UG - Shutting Down a Continuous Process]
      [in Threads UG - Completing the Interrupt Request]
servicing cancellation requests [in Threads UG - Servicing Cancellation Requests]
   reusing [in Secure Comm UG - 5.6 Reusing Sessions]
   server refuses reuse [in Secure Comm UG - 5.6 Reusing Sessions]
set operators [in DB Interface UG - 5.3 Selecting Data]
set test run-time functions
   Threading package [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - "Set" Test Functions]
set() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.4 val() and set()]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances After Construction]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances After Construction]
setCalcMethod() [in Analysis UG - 5.5 Parameter Calculation Classes]
   avoid in nested lockguards [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
      [in Threads UG - Using Synchronization Classes to Service Cancellation Requests]
   RWMutexLock [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
   RWSynchObject [in Threads UG - Using Synchronization Classes to Service Cancellation Requests]
      [in Threads UG - Using Synchronization Classes to Service Cancellation Requests]
      [in Threads UG - Servicing Cancellation Requests]
   RWRunnableServer [in Threads UG - 3.6.3 Enqueuing Runnables on a Server]
setConcurrencyPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
setContentionScope() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   RWTIOUEscrow [in Threads UG - The setException() Function]
      [in Threads UG - 5.5.3 Closing an IOU]
setGlobal(), in copy on write [in Tools UG - 12.2 Copy on Write]
setInheritancePolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
   and resetting trace levels [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceLevelFilter]
   RWTraceLevelFilter [in Threads UG - Using RWTraceLevelFilter]
   RWServerPool [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances After Construction]
      [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances After Construction]
setPriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
SetPriorityClass() [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
setProcessScopePriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
sets, compared to bags and hashtables [in Tools UG - Bags Versus Sets Versus Hash Tables]
setSavepoint() [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
setSchedulingPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
setStackCommitSize() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
setStackReserveSize() [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
setStartPolicy() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
setSystemScopePriority() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
setTimeSliceQuantum() [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
setting sequence for scheduling attributes [in Threads UG - 3.9.9 Scheduling Attributes]
   RWTIOUTrap [in Threads UG - Improving the Asynchronous Example]
setup [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.2 Installing the Libraries]
setUserStack() [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9.5 Setting Attribute Values]
   RWThreadAttribute [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
severity level [in Sybase CT Access - 2.13.1 Reporting Errors from Client-Library and CS-Library]
shallow copying, of reference-based collections [in Tools UG - 6.4.1 Copying Reference-based Collection Classes]
shape, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
shapes, converting [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6.2 Converting Shapes]
shared libraries [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
   [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   [in RCB Products - 3.5.8 Select Linking]
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
shared library
   naming conventions [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
shared table references [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.8 Subqueries]
shared variables
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.2 Threads and Memory]
sharing objects [in DB Interface UG - 11.3 Sharing Objects of the DB Interface Module Among Threads]
sharing resources [in Threads UG - 4.4.1 Creating Two or More Threads that Access the Same Resources]
sharing thread attributes [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances To Threaded Runnables]
   build results between buildspaces [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
   buildspecs [in RCB Products - 4.2 Multiple Buildspaces]
   converting to UTF-16 [in Adv Tools UG - Converting from a Local Encoding to UTF-16]
   Internationalization Module and [in XML Streams UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   Japanese character encoding [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
signal [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.3.3 Signal Handling Considerations]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.5 Using Condition Variables]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.5 Using Condition Variables]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
   G statistic [in Analysis UG - G Statistic]
   of a logistic regression model [in Analysis UG - 3.3.3 Significance of the Model]
   of predictor variables [in Analysis UG - 3.2.5 Significance of Predictor Variables]
   Pearson statistic [in Analysis UG - Pearson Statistic]
SIGPWR [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.3.3 Signal Handling Considerations]
simple linear regression [in Analysis UG - 3.2 Multiple Linear Regression]
simple loose matches
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Basic Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
simple mutex [in Threads UG - 4.1 Introducing the Synchronization Package]
simple word boundaries
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Basic Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
simultaneous results processing [in Sybase CT Access - Simultaneous Results Processing of RWDBOSql Objects on the Same Connection]
single-byte character sets (SBCS) [in I18n UG - 2.3.4 Character Encoding Forms]
   Smart Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
   trace manager [in Threads UG - 6.6 Using the Trace Manager]
   using [in Threads UG - 7.4 Using the RWTSingleton Class]
singular value decomposition [in Analysis UG - RWLeastSqSVDCalc]
singular value decomposition objects [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.2.1 SVD Server Objects]
singular value decomposition, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 8.2 Singular Value Decomposition]
   binary store [in Tools UG - Store Size Functions]
   typedef [in Tools UG - Guidelines for Writing rwSaveGuts]
   calculating number of bytes for primitives [in Tools UG - Virtual Function binaryStoreSize()]
skew symmetric matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
sleep [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWRunnableSelf [in Threads UG - 3.5.11 Sleeping]
      [in Threads UG - Yielding to Lower Priority Threads]
sleeping [in Threads UG - 3.5.11 Sleeping]
   [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   and efficiency [in Math UG - 8.2.1 Slices]
   defined [in Math UG - 8.2.1 Slices]
   Bag and SortedCollection [in Tools UG - 6.16 Designing an RWCollectable Class]
   collection classes [in Tools UG - 2.2.4 Collection Class Group]
   collection classes, how to choose [in Tools UG - 6.19.3 Choosing a Smalltalk-like Collection Class]
   collection classes, object reuse [in Tools UG - 6.7 Collection Class Templates]
   RWCollectableclasses [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   Smalltalk-like collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.19 Smalltalk-like Collection Classes]
   testing for identity and equality [in Tools UG - 6.5.1 Retrieval Methods]
   typedefs [in Tools UG - 6.19 Smalltalk-like Collection Classes]
      [in Tools UG - B.6 Standard Smalltalk Interface Typedefs]
smart pointer [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
smart pointer classes
   garbage collection [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5 Using the Smart Pointer Classes]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
   using [in Threads UG - 7.5 Using the Smart Pointer Classes]
smart pointer handle-body classes
   implementing [in Threads UG - 7.3.2 Implementing Your Own Handles and Bodies]
Smart Pointer package [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
   architecture [in Threads UG - 7.6 Smart Pointer Class Architecture]
   example [in Threads UG - Handle-Body Example]
      [in Threads UG - 7.4 Using the RWTSingleton Class]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.2 Using RWTCountedPointer]
      [in Threads UG - Deriving from RWTCountingBody for Reference Counting]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.1 Using RWTOnlyPointer]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.1 Using RWTOnlyPointer]
      [in Threads UG - 7.5.3 Using RWTCountingPointer]
   handle-body classes [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
Smart Pointer Package
   of Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
Smart Pointer package
   pointer wrapper [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
   reference-counted pointers [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
   singletons [in Threads UG - 7.1 Introducing the Smart Pointer Package]
smart pointer
   Threads Module dependency and [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
SMTP package
   about [in Protocols UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   closing sessions [in Protocols UG - 7.4 Closing the Mail Transfer Session]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.6 SMTP Package]
   header files [in Protocols UG - 7.1.2 Header Files]
   hierarchy [in Protocols UG - 7.2 SMTP Class Hierarchy]
SMTP Package
   of Internet Protocols Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1.2 The Internet Protocols Module]
SMTP package
   periods [in Protocols UG - 7.4 Closing the Mail Transfer Session]
   protocol replies [in Protocols UG - 7.3 About Protocol Replies]
   sending email [in Protocols UG - 7.5 Mail Sender: Using the SMTP Agent]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   example [in Protocols UG - A.6 SMTP Package]
snappy compressor [in Tools UG - 5.7 Compressed IOStreams]
sock_attr_canaccept [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
sock_attr_canread [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
sock_attr_canwrite [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
sock_attr_exception [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
sock_attr_isconnected [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
socket address base class
   about [in Networking UG - 6.1.2 Understanding the Base Class]
socket address classes
   hierarchy [in Networking UG - 6.1.1 The Socket Address Classes]
socket addresses
   about [in Networking UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   printing [in Networking UG - 6.3 Printing Socket Addresses]
socket attributes [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
socket portals
   using [in Networking UG - 7.4 Using Socket Portals]
socket type components
   family [in Networking UG - 6.7.1 Understanding Socket Types]
   protocol [in Networking UG - 6.7.1 Understanding Socket Types]
   type [in Networking UG - 6.7.1 Understanding Socket Types]
socket types
   representing [in Networking UG - 6.7.2 Representing a Socket Type]
   using [in Networking UG - 6.7 Using Socket Types]
   definition [in Networking UG - 2.3.2 About Sockets]
   attributes [in Networking UG - 7.6.1 Working with Socket Attributes]
   closing [in Networking UG - 7.3 Closing Sockets and Avoiding Resource Leaks]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
   multiplexing [in Networking UG - 7.6 Socket Multiplexing]
   Windows [in Networking UG - 8.1 Introduction]
software dependencies [in Secure Comm UG - 1.3 Module-Specific Software Requirements]
software requirements [in DB XA UG - 1.3 Module-Specific Software Requirements]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.1 General Software Requirements]
software, required [in Threads UG - 2.3 Using the Packages Together]
   option to use STLPort [in RCB Products - 3.5.11 C++ Standard Library Selection Screen]
   THR_BOUND [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   THR_NEW_LWP [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
solutions (MSVC) [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2.2 Building from Microsoft Visual Studio]
solve() [in Math UG - 5.2 LU Factorization]
   a least squares problem [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.2 Solving a Least Squares Problem]
   a numerically underdetermined system of equations [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.4 Solving a Numerically Underdetermined System]
   a system of equations [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.2 Solving a System of Equations]
   several systems of equations [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.3 Solving Several Systems of Equations]
   and template collection class parameter requirements [in Tools UG - 6.10 Parameter Requirements]
sorted vectors
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.5 Sorted Vectors]
sorting strings [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
   [in I18n UG - 6.2 Locale-Sensitive String Comparison]
   using RWBasicUString [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
source files
   changes required to support serialization [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   location [in RCB Products - Export Buildspace]
SourcePro Analysis [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
   [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1 Definition]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1 Definition]
   modules of [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1 Definition]
SourcePro Core [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
   [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1 Definition]
   [in Threads UG - 1.1 Welcome]
   [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1 Definition]
   modules of [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1 Definition]
SourcePro DB [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
   [in RCB Apps - 4.1 Required Link Libraries]
   [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1 Definition]
SourcePro DB applications
   MSVC requirements [in RCB Apps - 4.1.1 Statically-linked Applications]
   Unix requirements [in RCB Apps - 4.1.1 Statically-linked Applications]
SourcePro DB examples [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.1 Overview]
SourcePro DB examples configuration [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
SourcePro DB examples
   building [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.3.1 Building from the Command Line]
   running [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.4 Running the Examples]
   tutorial names, filenames, and descriptions [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.4.2 Run the Tutorials]
SourcePro DB
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1 Definition]
   definition [in DB Interface UG - 1.1 Overview]
   modules of [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1 Definition]
   performance features [in DB Interface UG - 1.2.3 Enhanced Performance]
SourcePro Net [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
   [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1 Definition]
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.1 Welcome]
      [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1 Definition]
   modules of [in Intro to SourcePro - 5.1 Definition]
Sparse Matrix Classes
   of Linear Algebra Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
special characters
   in regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
   in RWURegularExpression [in I18n UG - 8.4.2 POSIX Extended Regular Expression Syntax]
special values [in Currency UG - 6.5 Special Values]
   HTTP custom message-body handler [in Protocols UG - 5.4.2 Specifying a Custom Message-Body Handler]
speed of computation [in Currency UG - 6.3.2 RWMP1Int, RWMP2Int, and RWMP3Int Integer Types]
   [in Currency UG - 6.3.1 Class RWMultiPrecisionInt<n>]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
SPL [in RCB Apps - 6.2 Building the Essential Math Module Library]
   [in RCB Products - Basic Linear Algebra Library Selection]
SPM [in RCB Apps - 1.3 More About Linking to Libraries]
SPM naming convention [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   defined [in RCB Products - Naming Conventions]
   summarized [in RCB Apps - A.4 Build Tags]
      [in RCB Products - Build Tags]
      [in RCB Products - Build Tags]
   defined [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
   library naming convention used by RCB [in RCB Products - 1.3.9 Flexible Naming Conventions]
      [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention] environment variable [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.4 Environment Variables]
SQL expressions [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.4 Expression Classes]
SQL operations [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
sql.ini file [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE [in MS SQL Access - 2.7.2 Reader Caching]
SQL_TWOPHASE [in DB XA UG - 5.4.5 The Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
SQLBindCol() [in MS SQL Access - 2.8.1 Support]
SQLBindParameter() [in MS SQL Access - 2.8.1 Support]
   system handle to [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
SSL protocol [in Secure Comm UG - 3.1 Introduction]
SSL/TLS protocol [in Secure Comm UG - 3.1 Introduction]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   [in Secure Comm UG - 9.1 Introduction]
stack [in Threads UG - 3.2.2 Threads and Memory]
stack address [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
stack allocation attributes [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
stack allocation policy [in Threads UG - Allocating and Managing a Thread Stack]
stack attributes [in Threads Platform Guide - 2.2.2 Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 3.2.2 Stack Attributes]
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   with Linux POSIX [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.2 Stack Attributes]
stack commit size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   maximum [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   minimum [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
stack overrun [in Threads UG - Allocating and Managing a Thread Stack]
stack reserve size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
stack reserve size functions
   Threading package [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
stack reserve size
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   maximum [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   minimum [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
stack size [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
stack space [in Threads UG - Allocating and Managing a Thread Stack]
   address [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   commit size [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   reserve size [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   size [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   in traditional collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.2.1 Traditional Collection Classes]
   time and space requirements [in Tools UG - A.3.6 Stacks and Queues]
Standard C Library
   and [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
Standard C++ Library
   dependency of XML Streams Module [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
standard character set data types [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
standard library locale [in I18n UG - 10.3 Locale Objects]
start policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Interrupting Threads at Startup]
   [in Threads UG - Starting Threaded Runnables]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
start policy attribute [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
start policy
   AIX [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
   default [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
start() [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   in RWFileManager [in Tools UG - 10.5.2 Member Functions]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
starting a server [in Threads UG - 3.6.2 Starting a Server]
starting runnables [in Threads UG - 3.5.5 Starting a Runnable]
   invalid, and error detection [in Tools UG - 9.2.3 External Errors]
   of an object in a collection [in Tools UG - 6.5 Retrieving Objects in Collections]
   persisting [in XML Streams UG - 2.3 When to Use XML Streams]
   saving using saveGuts() [in Tools UG - Virtual Functions saveGuts(RWFile&) and saveGuts(RWvostream&)]
states [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
static constructor
   RWMutexLock [in Threads UG - Initializing a Mutex]
static libraries [in DB Interface UG - 4.2 Getting a Connection]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
   [in RCB Apps - 2.4 Using Rogue Wave Static Libraries with MSVC]
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
      [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
   using with more than one module [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.18 Using Static Libraries with DB2 CLI Access Module and MS SQL Server Module]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.19 Using Static Libraries with MS SQL Server and DB2 CLI Access Modules]
static library
   naming convention [in Sybase CT Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
   naming conventions [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.2 Databases and Connections]
static linking [in RCB Products - 3.5.8 Select Linking]
static registration [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
Statically-linked applications [in RCB Apps - 4.2.1 Statically-linked Applications]
Statistics Classes
   of Essential Math Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.1 The Essential Math Module]
stepwise selection [in Analysis UG - 4.2.4 Stepwise Selection]
STL Extension-based Collection Classes [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   [in Tools UG - 6.2.3 STL Extension-based Collection Classes]
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
STL-based collection classes [in Tools UG - 2.2.4 Collection Class Group]
   [in Tools UG - 6.2.2 STL-based Collection Classes]
STL-based Collection Classes
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
   option to select [in RCB Products - 3.5.11 C++ Standard Library Selection Screen]
   RWThreadPool [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
      [in Threads UG - 3.7.3 Enqueuing Work on a Thread Pool]
   Threading package [in Threads UG - 3.6.4 Stopping a Server]
stopped state [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
stopping a server [in Threads UG - 3.6.4 Stopping a Server]
storage patterns [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.7 Direct Access to Data]
storage schemes
   organization methods [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
   when knowing scheme is useful [in Math UG - 3.12 Data Storage Schemes]
storage size
   of collectables without permanent RWClassIDs [in Tools UG - Polymorphic Persistence]
store and restore functions, listed [in Math UG - 7.1 Overview]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   exceptions [in Threads UG - Types of Rethrown Exceptions]
stored procedure example (Open SQL) [in Sybase CT Access - An Open SQL Stored Procedure Example]
stored procedures [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.5 Result Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.7 Stored Procedures]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   and Open SQL [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.19.4 Stored Procedures and Open SQL]
   cacheable as metadata [in DB Interface UG - 9.4.1 Types of Cacheable Data]
   creating [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10.1 Creating Stored Procedures]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.10.1 Creating Stored Procedures]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.1 Creating a Stored Procedure]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10.1 Creating a Stored Procedure]
   example [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.1 Creating a Stored Procedure]
   executing [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10.2 Executing Stored Procedures]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.10.2 Executing Stored Procedures]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.1 Creating a Stored Procedure]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10.2 Executing Stored Procedures]
   instantiating using schema data [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   not supported [in MySQL Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   parameters [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   restrictions on use [in ODBC Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   support [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   support for [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.10 Stored Procedures]
   using schema data [in MS SQL Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProcedure Using Schema Data]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.10.1 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   with multiple SELECT statements [in DB Interface UG - 5.7.3 Complex Stored Procedure Example]
storedProc() [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProcedure Using Schema Data]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProcedure Using Schema Data]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.10.3 Instantiating an RWDBStoredProc Using Schema Data]
stream abstract body classes [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
stream adapter classes
   creating and using [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.4 Creating and Using Stream Adapter Classes in the Advanced Tools Module]
stream elements [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
stream handle classes [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
stream I/O
   imbuing [in Tools UG - 7.5 RWLocale and RWZone]
stream input grammar [in Currency UG - 9.3 Input Format Grammar]
stream locale in RWDecimalPortable [in RCB Products - 3.6.6 Essential Math Module]
stream status functions [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.1 Handling Errors Using the Stream Status Functions]
streambufs [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
streamContents() <Default Para Font&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
   <Default Para Font&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
   declaring [in XML Streams UG - Header File Changes]
   described [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
   example of defining [in XML Streams UG - Source File Changes]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.5 Symmetry of Object Input and Output]
   to add serialization support [in XML Streams UG - 3.3 Serialization Requirements]
      [in XML Streams UG - 3.4.2 Making the Basic Classes Serializable]
streams architecture
   chaining elements [in XML Streams UG - Defining the XSLT Transformation Input Stream]
   types of streams [in XML Streams UG - 2.2 Types of Streams]
Streams package
   architecture [in Adv Tools UG - 3.4 Streams Package Architecture]
   creating and managing threads using active objects [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Managing Threads Using Active Objects]
   creating and sharing a synchronized data input stream [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Sharing a Synchronized Data Input Stream Among Several Active Objects]
   creating and sharing a synchronized data output stream [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Sharing a Synchronized Data Output Stream Among Several Active Objects]
   creating and using chains of streaming elements [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.2 Creating and Using Chains of Streaming Elements]
   creating and using streams with one streaming element [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.1 Creating and Using Streams with Only One Streaming Element]
   creating and using thread-safe chains [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.3 Creating and Using Thread-safe Chains of Streaming Elements]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Creating a Synchronized Data Output Stream]
   error handling [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3 Error Handling]
   example [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Managing Threads Using Active Objects]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 4.2.1 Creating and Using Streams with Only One Streaming Element]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Sharing a Synchronized Data Output Stream Among Several Active Objects]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Output Example]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Creating and Sharing a Synchronized Data Input Stream Among Several Active Objects]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Creating a Synchronized Data Output Stream]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Using the Adapter Classes for Output]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.1 Handling Errors Using the Stream Status Functions]
   exception classes [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
   families [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
   introduction [in Adv Tools UG - 3.1 Introducing the Streams Package]
Streams Package
   of Advanced Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.3 The Advanced Tools Module]
Streams package
   using Essential Tools Module virtual streams [in Adv Tools UG - Using Essential Tools Module Virtual Streams]
   using with other streaming libraries [in Adv Tools UG - 4.1.2 Using the Streams Package with Other Streaming Libraries]
   working with the Internationalization Module [in Adv Tools UG - 8.3 International Features of the Streams Package]
streams, compressed [in Tools UG - 5.7 Compressed IOStreams]
   binary [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.1 The Binary Streams]
   buffered [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Buffered Streams]
   data [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.5 The Data Streams]
   filtered [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
   guarded [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
   memory [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2.1 Memory Streams]
   narrow character [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.2 The Narrow Character Streams]
   synchronized [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
      [in Adv Tools UG - Synchronized Streams]
   Unicode character [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.3 The Unicode Character Streams]
   wide character [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.4 The Wide Character Streams]
   and localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
   Standard C Library function for localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.1 RWLocaleSnapshot and RWAnsiLocale]
String Processing Classes [in Tools UG - 2.2.2 String Processing Class Group]
   [in Tools UG - 4.1 Introduction]
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
string searching
   lexical [in I18n UG - 8.2 Lexical String Searching]
   locale-sensitive [in I18n UG - 8.3 Locale-Sensitive String Searching]
   regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
   multibyte, how used [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
   regular expressions [in Tools UG - 4.6.1 Regular Expressions]
   tokens [in Tools UG - 4.8 Tokenizer]
   wide character [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
   wide character conversion [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
   acts like virtual function [in Tools UG - Function stringID()]
   and RWClassID [in Tools UG - Identification Collisions]
   in RWFactory [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
   static member functions in RWCollectable [in Tools UG - 12.3.2 Programming with RWStringIDs]
strings [in I18n UG - 3.4 Representing Strings]
   collating [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
      [in I18n UG - 6.2 Locale-Sensitive String Comparison]
   manipulating with RWCString [in Math UG - 3.11 Arrays of Signed and Unsigned Chars]
   ordering [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
      [in I18n UG - 6.2 Locale-Sensitive String Comparison]
   sorting [in I18n UG - 6.1 Overview]
      [in I18n UG - 6.2 Locale-Sensitive String Comparison]
   enum, defined [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
      [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
   list of macros in [in Tools UG - B.5.5 In File strmshft.h]
Stroustrup, Bjarne
   intrusive lists [in Tools UG - 6.8.3 Intrusive Lists in Templates]
   on iterators [in Tools UG - 6.6 Iterators in Collection Classes]
struct sybase_TUX_xa_switch [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
struct sybase_TXS_xa_switch [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
struct xa_switch_t [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
   restructuring the document during transformation [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   global function for collation [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   enum, defined [in Tools UG - B.4 Enumerations]
   XSLT [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.1 Defining a Transformation Object]
   accessing with subscripting [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.7.1 General Matrices]
   two mechanisms for extraction and operation [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.7 Submatrices]
subqueries [in DB Interface UG - 5.3.8 Subqueries]
subscripting [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.7.1 General Matrices]
subscripting operator [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()]
   accessing a single element [in Math UG - 3.9 Subscripting]
   accessing groups of elements [in Math UG - 3.9 Subscripting]
   defined [in Math UG - 3.9 Subscripting]
   five types for [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
   using picks instead [in Math UG - 3.10 Picks]
   with character strings [in Math UG - 3.9.1 Subscripting with Character Strings]
   with explicitly constructed objects [in Math UG - 3.9.2 Advanced Subscripting]
substitution sequences [in I18n UG - 4.3.4 Conversion Errors]
substrings [in I18n UG - 3.4.10 Accessing SubStrings]
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Basic Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
super-user privilege [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
superusers [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
support [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.7 Support Services]
   operating systems and compilers [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.1 General Software Requirements]
supported money types [in Currency UG - 4.5 Supported Money Decimal Types]
surrogate pair [in I18n UG - 2.4.2 Unicode Character Encoding Forms]
   [in I18n UG - 3.3.2 Surrogate Pairs]
surrogate pairs
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
      [in I18n UG - Tailored Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
suspend [in Threads UG - Avoiding Deadlock]
   [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWThread [in Threads UG - Using the suspend() and resume() Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   RWThreadSelf [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
suspended runnables [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
suspending a thread [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
suspending execution [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   least squares factorization object [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.3 Implementations Provided]
switch table xaosw [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
switch table
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
   Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
   Sybase CT [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
Switzerland, and time zones during localization [in Tools UG - 7.5.3 Time]
Sybase CT calls [in DB XA UG - 5.3.3 Databases and Connections]
SYBASE_CT [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
SYBASE_CT_XA [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
sybase_TUX_xa_switch [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
sybase_TXS_xa_switch [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
symbolic links [in RCB Products - 2.5.2 Specify a Buildspace]
   [in RCB Products - 4.2.2 Using the Export Buildspace Feature]
   error message when used with buildspaces [in RCB Products - 3.5.2 Select Buildspace]
   exporting from a library [in Tools UG - Exporting Symbols in a Windows Environment]
   serialization, exporting [in Tools UG - Exporting Symbols in a Windows Environment]
symmetric banded matrix types [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
symmetric banded matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Symmetric Eigenvalue Decomposition Classes
   of Linear Algebra Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 6.1.2 The Linear Algebra Module]
symmetric eigenvalue decomposition object [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.2 Decomposition Object]
symmetric eigenvalue problem, basic [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.1 Defining the Problem]
symmetric eigenvalue servers, table [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.3 Servers]
symmetric matrix types [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
symmetric matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Synchronization package
   read-write classes [in Threads UG - 4.6.5 Using Classes with Read-Write Synchronization Resources]
synchronization [in Threads UG - 2.1 Background]
   [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
Synchronization package
   example [in Threads UG - 4.4.4 Building Monitors]
      [in Threads UG - Using a Try-Catch Block]
      [in Threads UG - Using a Basic Mutex Mechanism]
      [in Threads UG - Using the Condition Variable for Producer-Consumer Synchronization]
      [in Threads UG - The RWTMonitor<Lock> Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.8 The RWCondition Class]
      [in Threads UG - Using RWTRecursiveLock]
      [in Threads UG - 4.5.9 The RWBarrier Class]
      [in Threads UG - Acquiring Mutex Ownership]
      [in Threads UG - Using a Guard Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.6.3 Using the Unlock Guard Class]
      [in Threads UG - 4.6.1 Using a Lock Guard]
      [in Threads UG - 4.6.2 Releasing and Reacquiring a Guarded Lock]
      [in Threads UG - 4.6.4 Using the RWTTryLockGuard Template Class]
Synchronization Package
   of Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
synchronization priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   Threads Module dependencies and [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
synchronized streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.3 Definitions]
   [in Adv Tools UG - Synchronized Streams]
synchronous connections [in DB Interface UG - 12.2 Architectural Overview]
synchronous dispatching
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
synchronous runnable [in Threads UG - 3.5.5 Starting a Runnable]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
syncPoint [in DB XA UG - 5.4.5 The Contents of RWDBEnvironmentHandle]
system contention scope [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
system functions [in Oracle OCI Access - A.3 System Functions]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - A.2 System Functions]
   [in Sybase CT Access - A.2 System Functions]
system handle [in DB Interface UG - 3.1.2 Database Classes]
   RWDBDB2CLILibSystemHandle [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to DB2 CLI Specific Resources]
   RWDBMySqlLibSystemHandle [in MySQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to MySQL Specific Resources]
   RWDBOCISystemHandle [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Oracle OCI Specific Resources]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.16 System and Environment Handles to PostgreSQL Specific Resources]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.18 System and Environment Handles to Sybase Specific Resources]
   RWDBODBCLibSystemHandle [in ODBC Access - 2.17 System and Environment Handles to ODBC Specific Resources]
system libraries [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.3 Specifying Compiler Flags and System Libraries]
system requirements [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.3 Specifying Compiler Flags and System Libraries]
   [in RCB Apps - 1.5 More About System Requirements]
system requirements for running RCB [in RCB Products - 1.4 Requirements]
system tables [in DB2 CLI Access - A.1 System Tables]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - A.1 System Tables]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - A.1 System Tables]
   [in Sybase CT Access - A.1 System Tables]
system tables in msSQL [in MS SQL Access - A.1 System Tables]
system tables in mySQL [in MySQL Access - A.1 System Tables]
system variables [in Sybase CT Access - A.3 System Variables]
system views [in Oracle OCI Access - A.2 System Views]
system views in ODBC [in ODBC Access - A.1 System Views]
system-managed stack [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.2 Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.3.2 Stack Attributes]
system-scope [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
   priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   thread [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]


T statistic [in Analysis UG - Critical Values]
   [in Analysis UG - 3.2.5 Significance of Predictor Variables]
t1 [in DB Interface UG - 17.3 Running the Program]
   [in DB Interface UG - 21.3 Running the Program]
t2 [in DB Interface UG - 18.3 Running the Program]
t3 [in DB Interface UG - 19.3 Running the Program]
t4 [in DB Interface UG - 20.3 Running the Program]
t6 [in DB Interface UG - 22.3 Running the Program]
t7 [in DB Interface UG - 23.3 Running the Program]
table constraints [in DB Interface UG - 4.5 Table Constraints]
   [in DB Interface UG - 4.5.3 Table Level Constraints]
   check [in DB Interface UG - Check Table Constraints]
   RWDBResult [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.5 Result Tables]
   random number generator classes [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
   symmetric eigenvalue servers in the Linear Algebra Module [in Linear Algebra UG - 6.3 Servers]
tables [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
   Advanced Tools Module packages and libraries [in Adv Tools UG - 1.2 Product Packages and Libraries]
   getting a table [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.1 Database Tables]
   kinds of tables [in DB Interface UG - 4.4 Tables]
   length of names [in ODBC Access - 2.4.1 Table and Column Names]
   mechanism for reading [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.15 Result Sets]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
      [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.14 Result Sets]
   reading tables [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.2 Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader]
   required software [in Adv Tools UG - 2.2 Using the Packages Together]
   restrictions on datatypes [in MS SQL Access - 2.3.1 Restrictions on the Use of Datatypes]
   restrictions on global functions [in MS SQL Access - 2.4.1 Global Functions]
   table owners [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.1 Database Tables]
tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - 8.4 Regular Expression String Searching]
   how to use [in I18n UG - How to Use Tailored Regular Expressions]
   Unicode regex syntax extensions [in I18n UG - Tailored Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
   UTF support level [in I18n UG - Tailored Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
technical support [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.8 Technical Support]
template instances [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.7 External Serialization of Templates and Nested Classes]
template parameter F [in Analysis UG - 5.6.1 Selection Evaluation Criteria: Function Objects]
   adding new numeric types [in Math UG - 2.2.2 Adding New Numeric Types]
   allocators [in Tools UG - 12.6.1 Template Functions]
   and reference semantics [in Tools UG - 6.8.2 Value vs. Reference Semantics in Templates]
   collection class interfaces [in Tools UG - 6.9.2 Commonality of Interface]
   collection classes, list of all available [in Tools UG - 6.9.1 The C++ Standard Library Containers]
   compiler limitations on types [in Math UG - 2.2 Nonstandard Numeric Types]
   defined [in Math UG - 2.1 Templates Defined]
      [in Tools UG - 6.7 Collection Class Templates]
   defining new types [in Math UG - 2.2.1 Defining a New Numeric Type]
   hash-based [in Tools UG - 6.12 Function Objects for Hashing and Equality]
   in collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.7 Collection Class Templates]
   intrusive lists [in Tools UG - 6.8.3 Intrusive Lists in Templates]
   pros and cons [in Math UG - 2.1.1 Pros and Cons of Templates]
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.4 Templates]
   specializations [in Math UG - 2.1.2 Template Specializations]
   streaming [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.4 Templates]
   using nonstandard types [in Math UG - 2.2 Nonstandard Numeric Types]
   vector-base [in Tools UG - 6.9.2 Commonality of Interface]
   objects, serializing [in XML Streams UG - 3.1 Introduction]
   parameters during transformation process [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
temporary variable [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.2 Solving a System of Equations]
terminated [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
terminated completion state [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
terminating execution [in Threads UG - 3.5.14 Terminating Execution]
terminating nulls [in I18n UG - 3.4.4 Creating an RWUString]
termination character
   POP3 package [in Protocols UG - 6.5 Checking for the End of a Mail Message]
termination, of threads [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.3.3 Signal Handling Considerations]
testing for empty IOU handles [in Threads UG - 5.5.1 Testing for Empty IOU Handles]
testing the null hypothesis [in Analysis UG - 3.2.4 Significance of the Model (Overall F Statistic)]
text and image data
   and performance [in Sybase CT Access - 2.15 Text and Image Data]
   updating [in Sybase CT Access - 2.15 Text and Image Data]
third-party libraries [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.3.3 Third-Party Libraries]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.3 Directory Structure]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.4 Linking to the Libraries]
   ICU [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.4 Linking to the Libraries]
   OpenSSL secure sockets library [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.3.4 Linking to the Libraries]
THR_BOUND [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
thr_min_stack() [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
THR_NEW_LWP [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
thread API [in Threads UG - 3.9 Thread Attributes]
thread attribute instance [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances To Threaded Runnables]
thread attributes [in Threads Platform Guide - 3.1 HP-UX Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 6.1 Win32 Thread Attribute Support]
   [in Threads UG - Pool Thread Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - 3.9 Thread Attributes]
   AIX [in Threads Platform Guide - 2.1 AIX Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   concurrency policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Concurrency Policy]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Concurrency Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   contention scope [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - "Get" Test Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Contention Scope]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   inheritance policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Inheritance Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   process-scope priority [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   scheduling policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   sharing [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances To Threaded Runnables]
   Solaris [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.2 Solaris Thread Attributes: An Overview]
   stack attributes [in Threads Platform Guide - 2.2.2 Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - 3.2.2 Stack Attributes]
   stack commit size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   stack reserve size [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   stack:commit size [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   stack:reserve size [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
   start policy [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Start Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Interrupting Threads at Startup]
      [in Threads UG - Starting Threaded Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Start Policy]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   system-scope priority [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Priority]
   time slice quantum [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   time-slice quantum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   unsupported [in Threads UG - 3.9.2 Thread Attribute Portability]
   user stack address [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   user stack size [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   user stack:address [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   user stack:size [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
thread cancellation [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.3.3 Signal Handling Considerations]
thread identification [in Threads UG - 3.5.17 Thread Identification]
   [in Threads UG - Identifying Threads]
thread pool [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   [in Threads UG - 3.7 The Thread Pool Class]
thread scheduling attributes [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.1 Scheduling Attributes]
Thread-compatible Exception package [in Threads UG - 9.1 Introducing the Thread-compatible Exception Package]
Thread-compatible Exception Package
   of Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
thread-hot [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
thread-local storage
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.2 Threads and Memory]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
thread-safe data stream and active objects [in Adv Tools UG - Active Objects and Data Input Streams]
thread-specific storage
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.2 Threads and Memory]
   access restrictions [in Threads UG - Runnable Handle Classes]
   base priority [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   creation [in Threads UG - 3.9 Thread Attributes]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.2.1 Threads and Concurrency]
   resuming [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
   suspending [in Threads UG - 3.5.13 Suspending and Resuming Execution]
THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
threaded runnable classes
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.4.2 Introducing the Runnable]
threaded runnables
   and attributes [in Threads UG - Supplying RWThreadAttribute Instances To Threaded Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - 3.9 Thread Attributes]
   definition [in Threads UG - 3.1 Introducing the Threading Package]
   RWRunnableHandle [in Threads UG - Changing the Execution State]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.17 Thread Identification]
threading build option [in RCB Products - 3.5.9 Select Threading]
Threading package
   example [in Threads UG - 3.4.1 Creating Threads]
      [in Threads UG - 3.4.3 Explicitly Constructing Functors and Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Shutting Down a Continuous Process]
      [in Threads UG - Rendezvous Synchronization]
      [in Threads UG - Changing the Execution State]
      [in Threads UG - Using Wait Functions]
      [in Threads UG - Testing After Successful Joins]
      [in Threads UG - 3.5.2 Creating Functor-based Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
      [in Threads UG - Designing Your Code]
      [in Threads UG - Distinguishing Between Synchronous and Threaded Runnables]
      [in Threads UG - Checking the Completion State]
      [in Threads UG - Types of Join Functions]
      [in Threads UG - 3.6.1 Constructing a Server]
      [in Threads UG - Example]
      [in Threads UG - 3.8.2 Using Runnable Servers]
Threading Package
   of Threads Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   represented in library name [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
Threads Module build options [in RCB Products - 3.6.3 Threads Module]
Threads Module
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   dependencies [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   description [in Threads UG - 2.2 The Threads Module Packages]
   Execution Tracing Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   Function Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   Interthread Communication Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   libraries [in Threads UG - 1.2 Packages and Libraries]
   packages [in Threads UG - 1.2 Packages and Libraries]
   packages and libraries [in Threads UG - 1.2 Packages and Libraries]
   packages of [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   relationship to XML Streams Module [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   Smart Pointer Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   SourcePro Core [in Threads UG - 1.1 Welcome]
   summary of packages and libraries [in Threads UG - 1.2 Packages and Libraries]
   Synchronization Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   Thread-compatible Exception Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   Threading Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.2 The Threads Module]
   creating [in Threads UG - 3.4.1 Creating Threads]
   identifying [in Threads UG - Identifying Threads]
   retrieving files asynchronously [in Protocols UG - 4.7 File Retrieval: Using the FTP Agent (Part II)]
   sleeping [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   suspended [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
   tracing [in Threads UG - Including Thread IDs in Trace Output]
   yielding [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
throw operand hierarchy [in Math UG - 8.1.4 Exception Hierarchy]
time conversions in DB Interface Module [in DB Interface UG - 7.4.4 RWDBDuration]
time zones
   localizing [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
time-shared [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
time-slice quantum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   and scheduling policy [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   default [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   definition [in Threads UG - Scheduling Attributes]
   functions [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   infinite [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   inheritance [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
      [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   maximum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   minimum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
   scheduling [in Threads UG - Scheduling Time-Slice Quantum]
time-sliced scheduling [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   determining local time [in Tools UG - 3.4 Setting the Time Zone]
   localizing [in Tools UG - 7.4 Challenges of Localizing Currencies, Numbers, Dates, and Times]
timebomb [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.5 Evaluation Period]
timed acquisition [in Threads UG - Using Timed Waits]
timed waits [in Threads UG - Using Timed Waits]
   [in Threads UG - Using Timed Waits]
timeout period [in Protocols UG - 5.4.5 Adding a Maximum Wait to Requests]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
TLS protocol [in Secure Comm UG - 3.1 Introduction]
TM [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
TM-RM interface [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
tokenizing [in I18n UG - 7.3 Tokenizing]
   and RWCTokenizer [in Tools UG - 4.8 Tokenizer]
   as macro parameters [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
   ClassName [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
   code example counting number of tokens in string [in Tools UG - 4.8 Tokenizer]
   Id [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
   Str [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
   USER_MODULE [in Tools UG - Serialization Support Macros]
tolerance, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 5.4 Solving a Numerically Underdetermined System]
topTenVideo [in DB Interface UG - 22.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
toSymMat() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6.2 Converting Shapes]
   DB2 CLI database manager configuration [in RCB Products - A.4.3 DB2 CLI Access Module]
Trace class hierarchy [in Threads UG - 6.3 Using Trace]
trace clients
   creating your own [in Threads UG - 6.7.2 Creating User-defined Clients]
   definition [in Threads UG - 6.2 Execution Tracing Package Architecture]
   including a timestamp in output [in Threads UG - Including a Timestamp in Trace Output]
   including thread ID in output [in Threads UG - Including Thread IDs in Trace Output]
   using [in Threads UG - 6.7 Using Trace Clients]
trace events
   marking [in Threads UG - 6.5 Using Event Generation Macros]
trace filters
   chaining multiple [in Threads UG - 6.8.2 Chaining Multiple Filters]
   creating your own [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
      [in Threads UG - 6.8.3 Creating User-defined Filters]
   using [in Threads UG - 6.8.1 Using the Predefined Filters]
trace level specification [in RCB Products - 3.6.3 Threads Module]
trace level
   setting [in Threads UG - 6.10 Controlling Trace Output]
trace macros
   adding to functions [in Threads UG - 6.5 Using Event Generation Macros]
trace manager
   definition [in Threads UG - 6.2 Execution Tracing Package Architecture]
   stopping execution tracing [in Threads UG - 6.6.2 Stopping Trace]
   using [in Threads UG - 6.6 Using the Trace Manager]
trace package [in RCB Apps - 1.5 More About System Requirements]
   RWTraceEventClientImp [in Threads UG - Creating the Filter's Body Class]
   package-level tracing [in Threads UG - 6.9 Using Package-level Tracing]
   setting trace level [in Threads UG - 6.10 Controlling Trace Output]
   severity levels [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
   statements:Debug [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
   statements:Entry/Exit [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
   statements:Error [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
   statements:Fatal [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
   statements:Info [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
   statements:info [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
   statements:Test [in Threads UG - 6.1.3 Trace Severity Levels]
tracing [in I18n UG - 9.3 Execution Tracing]
Traditional Collection Classes
   defined [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   list of [in Tools UG - 6.2.1 Traditional Collection Classes]
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
training [in Intro to SourcePro - 1.7 Consulting Services and Training]
transaction [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
transaction control [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.6 Transaction Control and Locking]
transaction control methods [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
transaction model [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.5 Transaction Processing with RWDBConnection]
transaction monitor [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
transaction monitor role in X/Open DTP environment [in DB XA UG - 2.2 The DB XA Module in the X/Open DTP Environment]
transaction processing [in DB Interface UG - 4.3.5 Transaction Processing with RWDBConnection]
   [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12 Transaction Processing]
transaction processing system [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
transaction processing
   limitations [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   methods [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in MySQL Access - 2.11.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   restrictions [in Oracle OCI Access - 2.12.2 Using Transaction Control Methods]
   setting isolation levels [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
      [in ODBC Access - 2.12.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
   setting isolation levels. [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
transactions [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.12 Transaction Processing]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.12 Transaction Processing]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.11 Transactions]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.12 Transaction Processing]
   [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.11 Transaction Processing]
   [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12 Transaction Processing]
   setting isolation levels [in MS SQL Access - 2.12.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.12.1 Setting Isolation Levels]
   used to create class of transformation objects [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   used with XSLT transformation [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.1 Defining a Transformation Object]
transformations [in XML Streams UG - 3.1 Introduction]
   capabilities of [in XML Streams UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   character-based [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.1 Character-based C++ Transformations]
   character-based, most flexible [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.1 Character-based C++ Transformations]
   character-based, output [in XML Streams UG - For a Character-based C++ Transformation]
   character-based, restoring the object [in XML Streams UG - For a Character-based C++ Transformation]
   difference between element and character-based [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   element-based [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   element-based, cannot transform to a non-XML document [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   element-based, easier to implement [in XML Streams UG - 5.1.2 Element-based Transformations]
   element-based, output [in XML Streams UG - For an Element-based C++ Transformation]
   element-based, restoring the object [in XML Streams UG - For an Element-based C++ Transformation]
   make(), results of calling [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   process of implementing character and element-based [in XML Streams UG - 5.2 Transforming your XML Documents]
   SOAP [in XML Streams UG - 4.1 Introduction]
   transformation object [in XML Streams UG - 5.3 Discussion]
   transformation object, example for in XSLT transformation [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.1 Defining a Transformation Object]
   transformation object, must explicitly implement [in XML Streams UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   XSLT [in XML Streams UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   XSLT transformations [in XML Streams UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   XSLT transformations, steps for performing [in XML Streams UG - 6.1.2 The XSLT Transformation Procedure]
   even and odd sequences [in Math UG - 4.3 Transforms of Even and Odd Sequences]
   of real sequences [in Math UG - 4.2 Transforms of Real Sequences]
transpose of the regression matrix [in Analysis UG - 3.2.3 Parameter Dispersion (Variance-Covariance) Matrix]
trapping IOUs [in Threads UG - 5.5.7 Trapping IOUs with RWTIOUTrap]
triangular conversion [in Currency UG - 2.4 Conversion Classes]
triggers [in DB Interface UG - 4.4.5 Result Tables]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.4.4 Getting Results from an Inserter]
   persistence [in Tools UG - 8.7 A Few Friendly Warnings]
   constant [in Tools UG - B.1 Constants]
try-catch blocks [in Threads UG - Using a Try-Catch Block]
   [in Threads UG - Using a Guard Class]
try-catch, and exceptions [in Tools UG - 9.3 Error Reporting and Error Handling]
   RWMutexLock [in Threads UG - Avoiding a Block]
   RWReadersWriterLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
   RWReadersWriterLock [in Threads UG - 4.5.5 The RWReadersWriterLock Class]
TS scheduling class [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Policy]
   creating [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
tutdefs.h file [in Evaluating SourcePro - 4.2 Modifying Files for Database Connection]
Tutorial Five [in DB Interface UG - 21.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
Tutorial Four [in DB Interface UG - 20.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
Tutorial One [in DB Interface UG - 17.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
Tutorial Seven [in DB Interface UG - 23.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
Tutorial Six [in DB Interface UG - 22.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
Tutorial Three [in DB Interface UG - 19.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
Tutorial Two [in DB Interface UG - 18.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
   complicated query [in DB Interface UG - 22.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
   customer table [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   deleting rows from a table [in DB Interface UG - 21.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
   inserting data [in DB Interface UG - 19.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
   model for [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   overdue customer records [in DB Interface UG - 18.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   printing mailing labels [in DB Interface UG - 17.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   purchase table [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   rentals table [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   retrieving data from a table [in DB Interface UG - 17.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
   selective retrieval of data [in DB Interface UG - 18.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
   supplier table [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   tables, classes, and files [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
      [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   updating data [in DB Interface UG - 20.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
      [in DB Interface UG - 23.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
   using a template-based collection [in DB Interface UG - 22.1 Goal of This Tutorial]
   videos table [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
TX interface [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
type conversion
   precisions [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6.1 Converting Precisions]
   shapes [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6.2 Converting Shapes]
   two kinds [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6 Type Conversion]
   with explicit functions [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6.2 Converting Shapes]
   with RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.9 Multibyte Strings]
type conversions [in DB Interface UG - 3.3 Member Function Conventions]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.2.1 RWDBCriterion]
   [in DB Interface UG - 5.7.2 Type and Error Checking in RWDBStoredProc]
   between RWGenMat<T> matrices [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.6.1 Converting Precisions]
type information [in Adv Tools UG - 5.2.2 Type Information (Polymorphism)]
type mapping
   and data retrieval [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
      [in Sybase CT Access - 2.3 Datatypes]
type promotion
   definition [in Threads UG - When the Types Don't Quite Match]
   about [in Networking UG - 6.7.1 Understanding Socket Types]
   collection of same types, homogeneous [in Tools UG - 8.5 Isomorphic Persistence]
   deque [in Tools UG - 6.9 Essential Tools Module Templates and C++ Standard Library Containers]
   property of an object in collections [in Tools UG - 6.5 Retrieving Objects in Collections]
   bool [in Tools UG - Selection]
   iterators [in Tools UG - 6.13.1 C++ Standard Library Iterators]
   RWapplyCollectable [in Tools UG - apply() Functions]
   RWClassID [in Tools UG - 6.17.3 Provide a Class Identifier for Your Class]
   RWoffset [in Tools UG - 10.5 RWFileManager]
   RWspace [in Tools UG - 10.5 RWFileManager]
   RWstoredValue [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
   RWUChar [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
   RWXsltCharInputStreamImp [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.2 Defining a Character Transformation Stream]
   RWXsltCharOutputStreamImp [in XML Streams UG - 6.2.2 Defining a Character Transformation Stream]
   size_t [in Tools UG - Guidelines for Writing rwSaveGuts]
   Smalltalk [in Tools UG - B.6 Standard Smalltalk Interface Typedefs]
   SortedCollection [in Tools UG - 6.19.2 Example]
      [in Tools UG - 6.19.2 Example]
   using to handle template instances and nested classes [in Adv Tools UG - 6.4.7 External Serialization of Templates and Nested Classes]
Types Package
   of Advanced Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.3 The Advanced Tools Module]
   adding new [in Math UG - 2.2.2 Adding New Numeric Types]
   built-in, and pure virtual functions [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
   defining a new numeric [in Math UG - 2.2.1 Defining a New Numeric Type]
   nonstandard numeric [in Math UG - 2.2 Nonstandard Numeric Types]
   stored in value-based collections [in Tools UG - 6.3.1 Value-based and Reference-based Collections]


UCS-2 [in I18n UG - 2.5 The ISO-10646 Standard]
UCS-4 [in I18n UG - 2.5 The ISO-10646 Standard]
umbrella files
   Serialization package [in Adv Tools UG - 6.1.1 Including the Header Files]
   Streams package [in Adv Tools UG - 4.1.1 The Streams Header Files]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
unbiased estimator of variance [in Analysis UG - 3.2.2 Model Variance]
   Synchronization package [in Threads UG - 4.2 Definitions]
unbound thread [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Contention Scope]
Unicode [in Evaluating SourcePro - 1.2 Product Overview]
Unicode Character Database [in I18n UG - 3.3 Character Properties]
   [in I18n UG - 3.4.3 RWUString and RWBasicUString]
Unicode character streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.3 The Unicode Character Streams]
Unicode Collation Algorithm [in I18n UG - 6.3 Customizing a Collator]
Unicode converter class [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
Unicode converter classes [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
Unicode Standard [in I18n UG - 2.4 The Unicode Standard]
Unicode String Processing Classes
   of Internationalization Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
Unicode strings [in I18n UG - 3.4 Representing Strings]
   in SourcePro DB [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.2 RWBasicUString]
Unicode support [in DB2 CLI Access - 2.11 Internationalization]
   [in MS SQL Access - 2.11 Internationalization]
   [in ODBC Access - 2.13 Internationalization]
Unicode, encoding in Essential Tools Module [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
Unicode-based stream classes [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode-Based Stream Classes]
   defined [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
      [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   ICU (International Components for Unicode) [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   interfaces, requirements of [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
   support for in Internationalization Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.5 The Internationalization Module]
   UTF-16 [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   UTF-16, defined [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   UTF-16, in RWBasicUString [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   UTF-16, in RWUString [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
   UTF-16, typedef for [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
   UTF-16BE [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   UTF-16LE [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   UTF-8 [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
      [in XML Streams UG - 7.1.1 An Introduction to Unicode]
uniform deviates, defined [in Math UG - 6.1 Random Number Generators]
   and RWLocale [in Tools UG - 7.5.2 Dates]
unique constraints [in DB Interface UG - Unique Table Constraints]
   and primary keys [in DB Interface UG - Unique Table Constraints]
   example [in DB Interface UG - Creating Unique and Check Constraints]
   fetching [in DB Interface UG - Unique and Check Constraints]
unique runtime RWClassID [in Tools UG - Implementing Virtuals Via Statics]
   and identity column constraint [in DB Interface UG - Identity Column Constraints]
   and primary key constraints [in DB Interface UG - Primary Key Constraints]
universal character name construct [in I18n UG - 2.6 Multilingual Text in C++]
   setting time zones and [in Tools UG - 3.4 Setting the Time Zone]
unsupported attributes [in Threads UG - 3.9.2 Thread Attribute Portability]
   getting one [in DB Interface UG - 5.5 Updating Data]
updating data [in DB Interface UG - 5.5 Updating Data]
updating text and image data [in MS SQL Access - 2.15 Using Text and Image Data]
upper-triangular matrix types [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
upper-triangular matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
      [in Protocols UG - 2.2 Definitions]
US-ASCII [in XML Streams UG - When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   and character encoding needs [in XML Streams UG - 7.1 Introduction]
   building streams in [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
      [in Adv Tools UG - 8.2.2 When You Do Not Need the Internationalization Module]
   character set [in Adv Tools UG - 8.1 Introduction]
usable object, defined [in DB Interface UG - 6.6.1 Defining a Valid Object]
user stack [in Threads UG - Stack Management Attributes]
   [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
user stack address [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
user stack size [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   maximum [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   minimum [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
user stack
   address [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   size [in Threads UG - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
user-defined build options [in RCB Products - 3.5.12 Select Compile and Link Options]
user-defined objects
   and error detection [in Tools UG - 9.2.3 External Errors]
user-designed class
   and isomorphic persistence [in Tools UG - 8.5.5 Isomorphic Persistence of a User-designed Class]
user-managed stack [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.2 Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - User-Managed Stack Attributes]
   [in Threads Platform Guide - 5.3.2 Stack Attributes]
   limit [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   maximum [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
      [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
username parameter
   Sybase open string [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
using SourcePro C++ components [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.2 Using SourcePro C++ Components]
   callbacks [in Secure Comm UG - 8.1.1 Writing a Callback]
   callbacks with HTTPS [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4 Using the Security Callbacks]
   callbacks with secure sockets [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5 Using the Secure Sockets Callbacks]
   certificate name check callback (HTTPS) [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4.1 Certificate Name Check Callback]
   certificate name mismatch callback (HTTPS) [in Secure Comm UG - 7.4.2 Certificate Name Mismatch Callback]
   certificate verification callbacks (secure sockets) [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5.2 Certificate Verification Callback]
   channel-specific portal classes [in Networking UG - 4.6 Using Channel-specific Portal Classes]
   client certificate callback (secure sockets) [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5.4 Client Certificate Callback]
   encrypted keys [in Secure Comm UG - 5.3 sing Encrypted Keys]
   generic socket addresses [in Networking UG - 6.4 Using Generic Socket Addresses]
   handshake information callbacks (secure sockets) [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5.3 Handshake Information Callback]
   HTTP CONNECT with HTTPS [in Secure Comm UG - 8.2 Using the HTTP CONNECT Method with the HTTPS Package]
   internet addresses [in Networking UG - 6.5 Using Internet Addresses]
   iostreams [in Networking UG - 5.1 Using Iostreams]
   IPv6 addresses [in Networking UG - 6.6 Using IPv6 Addresses]
   more than one secure socket [in Secure Comm UG - 5.11 Secure Socket Multiplexing]
   password callbacks (secure sockets) [in Secure Comm UG - 5.5.1 Password Callback]
   quiet shutdown [in Secure Comm UG - 5.13 Security Issues]
   secure agents [in Secure Comm UG - 7.1.1 Using RWHttpAgent to Retrieve a Document Securely]
   secure clients [in Secure Comm UG - 7.1.2 Using RWHttpsSecureSocketClient to Retrieve a Document]
   secure socket attributes [in Secure Comm UG - 5.11.1 Working with Secure Socket Attributes]
   socket portals [in Networking UG - 7.4 Using Socket Portals]
   socket types [in Networking UG - 6.7 Using Socket Types]
   virtual streams [in Networking UG - 5.4 Using Virtual Streams]
   Windows socket adapter [in Networking UG - 8.1 Introduction]
USYNC_THREAD [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   and RWDateTime [in Tools UG - 3.4 Setting the Time Zone]
   dates and times [in Tools UG - 3.2.1 UTC (GMT) Dates and Times]
UTF-16 [in I18n UG - 2.4.2 Unicode Character Encoding Forms]
   converting using RWBasicUString [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
UTF-16BE [in I18n UG - 2.4.3 Unicode Character Encoding Schemes]
UTF-16LE [in I18n UG - 2.4.3 Unicode Character Encoding Schemes]
UTF-32 [in I18n UG - 2.4.2 Unicode Character Encoding Forms]
UTF-32BE [in I18n UG - 2.4.3 Unicode Character Encoding Schemes]
UTF-32LE [in I18n UG - 2.4.3 Unicode Character Encoding Schemes]
UTF-8 [in I18n UG - 2.4.2 Unicode Character Encoding Forms]
   conversion using RWBasicUString [in Tools UG - 7.1 Introduction]
Utility and Diagnostics Classes
   of DB Interface Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 4.1.1 The DB Interface Module]


v syntax
   in tailored regular expressions [in I18n UG - Tailored Unicode Regular Expression Extensions]
val() [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.5.4 val() and set()]
valid code points [in I18n UG - 3.3.1 Valid Code Points]
valid object [in DB Interface UG - 6.6.1 Defining a Valid Object]
   of UTF-8 [in XML Streams UG - 7.3.1 Choosing the Appropriate String Class Interface]
   of XML streams output [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.3 Schema Dependencies]
   of objects during error detection [in Tools UG - 9.2.3 External Errors]
value layer [in DB Interface UG - 7.2 The SourcePro DB Solution]
   [in DB Interface UG - 7.4 The Value Layer]
   features of [in DB Interface UG - 7.4 The Value Layer]
value semantics [in DB Interface UG - 2.4 Reference Semantics]
   in collections [in Tools UG - 6.8.2 Value vs. Reference Semantics in Templates]
   with copy on write [in Tools UG - 12.2 Copy on Write]
value-based collection classes
   memory management [in Tools UG - 6.3.3 A Note on Memory Management]
   never persist [in Tools UG - 13.5 Avoid Persisting Value Collections of Pointers]
value-based templates [in Tools UG - 6.8.2 Value vs. Reference Semantics in Templates]
values, collection of associations of [in Tools UG - 10.6 RWBTreeOnDisk]
VARCHAR [in DB Interface UG - 13.2 Character Sets]
variables, collections of [in Tools UG - 6.2.3 STL Extension-based Collection Classes]
variance-covariance [in Analysis UG - 3.2.3 Parameter Dispersion (Variance-Covariance) Matrix]
variances and covariances [in Analysis UG - 3.3.2 Parameter Variances and Covariances]
variant codes [in I18n UG - 10.2 Named Locales]
vector class
   defined [in Math UG - 3.2 Some Simple Examples]
   example [in Math UG - 3.2.1 Vectors]
vector classes in the Linear Algebra Module [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.1 Defining Vectors]
vector space, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.1 Defining Vectors]
vector, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 3.1 Defining Vectors]
vector-based templates, how to use [in Tools UG - 6.9.2 Commonality of Interface]
   in traditional collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.2.1 Traditional Collection Classes]
   ordered. Time and space requirements. [in Tools UG - A.3.4 Ordered Vectors]
   template [in Tools UG - 6.7 Collection Class Templates]
Verbose RCB [in RCB Apps - 1.3 More About Linking to Libraries]
verbose RCB naming convention [in RCB Products - 3.5.13 Select Naming Convention]
   defined [in RCB Products - Naming Conventions]
   summarized [in RCB Apps - A.4 Build Tags]
      [in RCB Products - Build Tags]
      [in RCB Products - Build Tags]
version number
   common among classes [in Tools UG - 2.4 Common Functionality Among Classes]
   current [in Tools UG - 2.4.6 Version]
   how implemented in the Essential Tools Module [in Tools UG - 2.4.6 Version]
   RWTOOLS [in Tools UG - 2.4.6 Version]
versions supported [in MS SQL Access - 1.1 Overview]
video store model [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   defined [in Math UG - 3.3 Data and Views]
violated precondition errors [in Math UG - 8.1.1 Violated Preconditions]
virtual address space [in Threads UG - System-Managed Stack Attributes]
virtual functions
   apply() [in Tools UG - apply() Functions]
   clear() [in Tools UG - Functions clear() and clearAndDestroy()]
   clearAndDestroy() [in Tools UG - Functions clear() and clearAndDestroy()]
   common mistakes [in Tools UG - 13.2 Redefinition of Virtual Functions]
   compareTo() [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
   contains() [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
   defining in collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.18 Complete Listing for Class Bus]
   entries() [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
   find() [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
   hash() [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
      [in Tools UG - Virtual Function hash()]
   in collection classes [in Tools UG - 6.19.4 Virtual Functions Inherited From RWCollection]
   in RWCollectable [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
   in RWCollectable classes [in Tools UG - 6.1 Introduction]
      [in Tools UG - 6.2.4 RWCollectable Classes]
   isA() [in Tools UG - Implementing Virtuals Via Statics]
      [in Tools UG - Virtual Function isA()]
   isEmpty() [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
   isEqual() [in Tools UG - 6.17.4 Add Definitions for Virtual Functions]
      [in Tools UG - Virtual Function isEqual()]
   newSpecies() [in Tools UG - Virtual Function newSpecies()]
   occurrencesOf() [in Tools UG - find() and Friends]
   RWSequenceable [in Tools UG - 6.19.6 Virtual Functions Inherited from RWSequenceable]
   saveGuts() andrestoreGuts() [in Tools UG - 6.17.6 How to Add Polymorphic Persistence]
Virtual Stream Classes [in Tools UG - 5.1 Introduction]
   of Essential Tools Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.1 The Essential Tools Module]
virtual streams [in Adv Tools UG - Object Streams With Virtual Streams]
   about [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   binary [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   endian [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   formatting of [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
   in Essential Tools Module [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   in Essential Tools Module for formatting [in Adv Tools UG - Compact Object Streams]
   portable ASCII [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   specializing [in Tools UG - 5.3 Specializing Virtual Streams]
   support of string operators by RWCString [in Tools UG - 4.7.2 Virtual Streams]
   using [in Networking UG - 5.4 Using Virtual Streams]
   writing specialized [in Tools UG - 5.5 Virtual Steams Recap]
   XDR [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   C++ built-in [in Tools UG - Implementing Virtuals Via Statics]
VVContact [in DB Interface UG - 17.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   [in DB Interface UG - 18.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   [in DB Interface UG - 19.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   operator>>() [in DB Interface UG - 17.5.4 operator>>() for VVContact]
VVContactRepository [in DB Interface UG - 17.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   [in DB Interface UG - 18.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   [in DB Interface UG - 19.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   [in DB Interface UG - 21.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   constructor [in DB Interface UG - 17.5.2 VVContactRepository Constructor]
   mailingLabels() [in DB Interface UG - 17.5.3 VVContactRepository::mailingLabels]
   remove() [in DB Interface UG - 21.5.2 VVContactRepository::remove]
   addRental() [in DB Interface UG - 23.5.2 VVInvoice::addRental]
VVPurchase [in DB Interface UG - 20.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
VVPurchaseTransactionRepository [in DB Interface UG - 20.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
VVRentalTransaction [in DB Interface UG - 18.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
VVRentalTransactionRepository [in DB Interface UG - 18.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
VVVideo [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   [in DB Interface UG - 20.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
VVVideoRepository [in DB Interface UG - 16.4 The Tutorial Model]
   [in DB Interface UG - 20.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   [in DB Interface UG - 22.2 Overview of This Tutorial]
   [in DB Interface UG - 23.5.4 VVVideoRepository::update]
   find() [in DB Interface UG - 23.5.3 VVVideoRepository::find]
   update() [in DB Interface UG - 23.5.4 VVVideoRepository::update]
   updateStock() [in DB Interface UG - 20.5.2 VVVideoRepository::updateStock]


   RWRunnable [in Threads UG - Using Wait Functions]
   definition [in Threads UG - 4.4.5 Using Condition Variables]
waiting for IOUs [in Threads UG - 5.5.6 Waiting for IOUs]
waiting for trapped IOUs [in Threads UG - Waiting for Trapped IOUs]
waiting for
   completion [in Threads UG - 3.5.6 Joining a Runnable]
   thread exit [in Threads UG - 3.5.6 Joining a Runnable]
   for requests [in Protocols UG - 5.4.5 Adding a Maximum Wait to Requests]
   setting a maximum wait for requests with HTTP [in Protocols UG - 5.4.5 Adding a Maximum Wait to Requests]
wakeup [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
Wald chi-square statistic [in Analysis UG - 3.3.4 Parameter Significance (Wald Test)]
   and Unicode [in DB2 CLI Access - Use of RWWString in Unicode Applications]
   as interface [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
   encoding [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   in RWWString [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
well-conditioned matrix, defined [in Linear Algebra UG - 4.4.3 Condition Number]
   [in Math UG - 5.3 Condition Number]
   Streams package errors [in Adv Tools UG - 4.3.2 Streams Package Exception Classes]
wide character format
   character encoding conversions [in Adv Tools UG - 8.3.2 Using the Streams Package with the Internationalization Module]
wide character streams [in Adv Tools UG - 3.2 The Stream Families]
   [in Adv Tools UG - 3.5.4 The Wide Character Streams]
wide character strings [in DB Interface UG - 13.2.3 RWWString]
wide characters
   character encoding conversions [in XML Streams UG - Converting RWWStrings to and from UTF-8]
   converting to multibyte [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
   encodings [in Tools UG - 7.2 Localizing Alphabets with RWCString and RWWString]
   in RWWString [in Tools UG - 4.10 Wide Character Strings]
      [in Tools UG - 4.2 RWCString and RWWString]
   interfaces [in XML Streams UG - Wide and Unicode Character Interfaces]
Windows 2000 [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
Windows NT [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
Windows XP [in Threads Platform Guide - Scheduling Priority]
   setting time zones and [in Tools UG - 3.4 Setting the Time Zone]
   socket adapter [in Networking UG - 8.1 Introduction]
word boundaries [in Threads UG - Read Synchronization]
word breaks [in I18n UG - 7.2 Boundary Analysis]
workspaces [in Evaluating SourcePro - 2.3 Directory Structure]
   [in Evaluating SourcePro - 3.2.2 Building from Microsoft Visual Studio]
   now called buildspaces [in RCB Products - Appendix B Glossary]
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
   XML schema [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.3 Schema Dependencies]
   XSLT defined [in XML Streams UG - 6.1 Introduction]
   and RWTValDeque [in Tools UG - 6.9 Essential Tools Module Templates and C++ Standard Library Containers]
   in RWFileManager [in Tools UG - 10.5.2 Member Functions]
writing custom <courier&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
writing custom code [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]
writing your own applications [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.1 Overview]
   bulk reading and writing [in PostgreSQL Access - 2.9 BulkReader and BulkInserter]
   callbacks [in Secure Comm UG - 8.1.1 Writing a Callback]
   new HTTPS applications [in Secure Comm UG - 7.2 Developing HTTPS Applications]
   new secure sockets applications [in Secure Comm UG - 4.2.1 Writing New Secure Sockets Applications]


XA interface [in DB XA UG - 2.1 The Abstract X/Open DTP Model]
   [in DB XA UG - A.1 Terms and Definitions]
XA-specific access library [in DB XA UG - 3.1.2 RWDBDatabase]
XA-specific access library modules [in DB XA UG - 2.2 The DB XA Module in the X/Open DTP Environment]
xa.h [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
xa.h header file. [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
xa_ [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
xa_switch_t [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.3.2 Switch Table]
   [in DB XA UG - 5.4.2 Switch Table]
xaoEnv() [in DB XA UG - 5.2.3 Databases and Connections]
xaoSvcCtx() [in DB XA UG - 5.2.3 Databases and Connections]
xaosw switch table [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
   DB2 CLI [in DB XA UG - 5.4.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Oracle OCI [in DB XA UG - 5.2.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
   Sybase CT [in DB XA UG - RWDBDatabase Objects]
      [in DB XA UG - 5.3.1 Configuring the Resource Manager]
xaSwitch() [in DB XA UG - 5.2.2 Switch Table]
xaview.sql script [in RCB Products - A.4.1 Oracle OCI Access Modules]
XDR virtual streams
   about [in Networking UG - 5.3 Understanding Virtual Streams]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]
   formatting in virtual streams [in Tools UG - 5.3 Specializing Virtual Streams]
   protocol [in Tools UG - 5.2 RWvios, RWvistream, and RWvostream]
XML Streams Module
   defined [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.4 The XML Streams Module]
   dependencies [in XML Streams UG - 1.3 Dependencies]
   package of [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.4 The XML Streams Module]
   packages [in XML Streams UG - 1.2.1 The XML Streams Module Package]
   relationship to other modules [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies]
   schema used in serialization [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.3 Schema Dependencies]
   XML Streams Package [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.4 The XML Streams Module]
XML Streams Package
   of XML Streams Module [in Intro to SourcePro - 3.1.4 The XML Streams Module]
XML streams
   defined [in XML Streams UG - 2.1 Overview]
   distributed systems [in XML Streams UG - 2.3 When to Use XML Streams]
   illustrated [in XML Streams UG - 2.3 When to Use XML Streams]
   uses [in XML Streams UG - 2.3 When to Use XML Streams]
   validation [in XML Streams UG - 1.3.3 Schema Dependencies]
XML-based data repository [in RCB Products - 3.4.2 How RCB Determines Which Questions to Ask]
   advantages [in XML Streams UG - 2.1 Overview]
xmsg [in Math UG - 8.1.4 Exception Hierarchy]
   definition [in Networking UG - Appendix A Glossary]


Y2K compliance [in RCB Products - 3.6.1 Essential Tools Module]
yield [in Threads UG - Scheduling Policy]
   RWRunnableSelf [in Threads UG - 3.5.12 Yielding Execution]
yielding [in Threads UG - 3.5.3 Runnable State]
yielding execution [in Threads UG - 3.5.12 Yielding Execution]


"grow on demand" flag [in Threads Platform Guide - 4.3.2 Stack Attributes]


&num [in Evaluating SourcePro - 5.2 Using SourcePro C++ Components]
<$startrange&#62 [in Threads UG - 6.4 Using Set Declaration Macros]
   [in Threads UG - 6.4 Using Set Declaration Macros]
<class name&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - Unicode Converter Classes]
<courier&#62 [in Adv Tools UG - 6.5.3 Writing Custom streamContents() Functions]


.DEF file [in Threads Platform Guide - System-Managed Stack Attributes]

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