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Installing and Building Your SourcePro C++ Products

5.2 Invoking RCB's Makefiles from the Command Line

RCB generates a top-level makeall script for each buildspec it runs. This script offers a convenient alternative to using RCB commands to build or rebuild all the libraries and examples associated with a particular buildspec.

The scripts are located in the workspace root directory, and are named makeall_<btype><user_tag>, where <btype> is the buildspec's buildtype number (for example, 12d) and <user_tag> is any user tag provided to RCB at buildspec creation (such as _msvc9).

When run, a given makeall script invokes the makefiles for every module and example directory specified in the associated buildspec.

In addition, makeall scripts accept the targets clean and veryclean, so they can also be used to clean (remove object files) or veryclean (remove objects and executables) everything in a buildspec.

5.2.1 Example

Assume a UNIX workspace root of /nfs/home/mine/rwave and a buildspec specifying

This build action tells RCB to generate makefiles and libraries, but to not build the examples.(See Section 3.4.4 for more information on build actions.)

Once RCB runs this buildspec, it generates the following makeall file: /nfs/home/mine/rwave/makeall_12d_hp11_a334.

To build the examples

If you wish to now build the examples, invoke the makeall script:

$ makeall_12d_hp11_a334

To remove object files

You may also reduce disk space usage by removing object files:

$ makeall_12d_hp11_a334 clean

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