3.7 RWTime (deprecated)
RWTime is deprecated as of SourcePro 10. Please use RWDateTime instead.
See the SourcePro C++ API Reference Guide for a complete description of RWTime.
RWTime is unable to store times prior to 00:00:00 1 Jan 1901.
An RWTime object can be constructed in several ways.
*Construct an RWTime with the current time.
RWTime t;
*Construct an RWTime with today’s date, at the specified local hour (0-23), minute (0-59), and second (0-59):
RWTime t(16, 45, 0); // today, 16:45:00
*Construct an RWTime for a given date and local time
RWDate d(2, "June", 1952); // 6/2/52, 16:45:00
RWTime t(d,16,45,0);