1.2 Product Features
The XML Streams Module allows you to serialize an object and write it as a stream of XML data. Object serialization is used for persisting objects and for transmitting objects between processes in a distributed system.
The XML Streams Module works directly with the data streams and object serialization classes of the Advanced Tools Module of SourcePro Core to offer a comprehensive and flexible data streams architecture. In addition, when used with the Internationalization Module, you can prepare your XML streams for localization and streaming data in any character encoding.
1.2.1 The XML Streams Module Package
The XML Streams Module contains a single package, XML Streams.
The classes in this package fall into three functional groups.
*Basic XML streams classes
The basic XML streams classes serialize objects as XML data and restore objects previously serialized as XML data.
*Enhanced XML streams classes
The enhanced XML streams read and write a more natural looking XML format and use a more robust and forgiving XML parser
*XML Transformation Classes
The XML transformation classes allow you to insert a transformation into the XML data stream.