1.3 Dependencies
This section lists the dependencies for the XML Streams Module.
1.3.1 Basic Software Dependencies
The XML Streams Module depends on these modules in SourcePro Core:
*Advanced Tools Module. This module provides the classes to construct input and output streams at the character and data levels. The XML streams classes collaborate with the Advanced Tools Module classes to write out and read in object serializations in XML format.
*Essential Tools Module. The streams architecture is implemented using many of the fundamental operations supplied by the Essential Tools Module classes. The streams classes can also use, and in some cases extend, the virtual streams classes.
*Threads Module. The streams architecture uses the following Threads Module packages:
*Execution Tracing, for debugging support
*Synchronization, for guaranteeing the integrity of the data stream
*Smart Pointer, for implementing a handle-body pattern
*Functor, for implementing object factories used by the input streams
*Thread-compatible Exception, for exception handling within a multithreaded environment
You can include only the Threads packages you need to support your use of streaming. For details, see the Advanced Tools Module User’s Guide.
*Standard C++ Library. This can be the Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library Module, or some other implementation.
1.3.2 Optional Software Dependencies
*Internationalization Module. If you need to convert your XML streams to and from character encodings other than UTF-8 and UTF-16, you will also need to build and link the Internationalization Module, also in SourcePro Core.
1.3.3 Schema Dependencies
The object serializations carried out by the basic XML Streams Module classes are based on an XML schema. The schema is named xmlstreams.xsd and is located with the header files in buildspace\rw\xmlstreams. (The enhanced XML streams do not use this schema, instead producing a unique schema for each class.)
This schema depends on a schema defined by the World Wide Web Consortium and identified by the URI http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema. That is, the Rogue Wave schema defines:
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
Thereafter, all XML schema keywords and basic types are prefixed with xsd to indicate they are defined by the specified version of the XMLSchema.
This schema is not required for XML streams to work. However, you can use it to validate the object serializations produced by XML streams if you need to do so.
Be aware that the enhanced XML streams do not use this schema. The enhanced streams produce a unique schema for each class.