Internationalization Module User’s Guide : Chapter 4 Conversion : Implicit Conversions : Implicitly Converting from Unicode
Implicitly Converting from Unicode
Each RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext instance contains a unique RWUFromUnicodeConverter instance used for all relevant implicit conversions.
For example, if str is an RWUString instance, you could write out a Shift-JIS representation of str like this:
RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext toShiftJisContext("Shift-JIS");
std::cout << str << std::endl;
The stream insertion operator for RWUString writes the sequence of bytes that are produced when the contents of str are converted into the encoding specified by the currently active RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext.
When called with no arguments, the RWUString::toBytes() method also serializes the contents of an RWUString using the currently active RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext.
As outlined in “The Conversion Context Stacks”, RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext manages internal, per-thread stacks of RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext instances. The static RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext::getContext() method returns a reference to the RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext currently in effect.
Within any local scope, you can create an RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext. For example, this code outputs the contents of str first in the ISO-8859-1 encoding, then in Shift-JIS:
RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext toShiftJisContext("Shift-JIS");
std::cout << str << std::endl; // ISO-8859-1
std::cout << str << std::endl; // Shift-JIS
At the closing curly brace, the nested RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext instance goes out of scope and is destroyed. Destroying the instance automatically pops it off the current thread’s from-Unicode stack.
Do not create unnamed, temporary instances of RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext. The destructors for such objects pop the context off the context stack immediately. For example, although this code would compile, it may not have the intended effect:
RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext("ISO-8859-1"); // Wrong!
std::cout << str << std::endl;
NOTE >> Do not create unnamed, temporary instances of RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext.
The getConverter() method returns a reference to the RWUFromUnicodeConverter instance held by an RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext object. For example, you might want to set the conversion error-handling behavior of the underlying converter (“Conversion Errors”):
RWUFromUnicodeConversionContext toShiftJisContext("Shift-JIS");
std::cout << str << std::endl;