Threads Module User's Guide : PART II Concurrency Packages : Chapter 3 The Threading Package : The Runnable Object Classes : Terminating Execution
Terminating Execution
When you terminate a thread, the target thread is immediately stopped, and its stack is reclaimed without unwinding. Any locks and resources held by the thread are abandoned. Use this operation only as a last resort because it may leave an application in an unknown and invalid state. Only threaded runnables can be terminated; the synchronous runnable classes do not have this capability.
NOTE >> Solaris users: The Threading package uses a signal-based mechanism to terminate threads created under the native thread API. This mechanism may conflict with the signal usage in other parts of an application. Refer to the Platform User's Guide for more information.
The Threading package does not make direct use of signals or signal handling for termination or any other purpose in any of the other supported environments.