Internationalization Module User’s Guide : Chapter 9 Error Handling and Debugging : Compiling in Debug Mode
Compiling in Debug Mode
You can build the Internationalization Module in debug mode to help uncover and correct internal errors in your code. To build a debug version of the library, you must compile the library, all dependent SourcePro libraries, and all your own object code with the preprocessor flag RW_DEBUG defined. The resultant library and program is slightly larger and slightly slower. See Installing and Building Your SourcePro Products for more information on compiling in debug mode.
The flag RWDEBUG activates a set of PRECONDITION and POSTCONDITION clauses at the beginning and end of critical functions. These preconditions and postconditions are implemented with asserts. A failure causes the program to print the offending condition, along with the file and line number where it occurred. The program then halts.