DB Access Module for PostgreSQL User’s Guide : Chapter 2 Technical Information : Handling SQL Escape Strings
Handling SQL Escape Strings
The DB Access Module for PostgreSQL supports the PostgreSQL server setting of standard_conforming_strings set to ON, the default setting on PostgreSQL Server version 9.1 and later. When set to ON, the PostgreSQL libpq library uses SQL standard-conforming escape string formats in the SQL it produces; when OFF, it uses the older, non-conforming escape string format. PostgreSQL recommends the ON setting.
Note that this setting is per connection and can be changed any time using the statement "SET standard_conforming_strings TO ON|OFF" for that connection.
If you set standard_conforming_strings to OFF (or connect to PostgreSQL server version 9.0 and prior in which the setting is by default OFF), the server will issue a warning when sending character or binary data that includes escaped characters using the traditional escape format rather than the SQL standard escape format. For the DB Access Module for PostgreSQL, testing has shown that, in spite of the warning, the SQL produced for insertion into the database is correct, whether the setting is ON or OFF.
If you do have reason to switch standard_conforming_strings to OFF, you can also turn off the warning by setting the escape_string_warning setting to OFF.