DB Interface Module User’s Guide : PART II Using the Basic Features : Chapter 4 The Database Classes : Tables : Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader
Reading Tables: Class RWDBReader
Before we look at the other types of tables available in the DB Interface Module, let’s look at how the data in a table is read. The next example program shows how to read information from a table using the class RWDBReader. The database table it references is the purchase table, which is part of the tutorials for SourcePro DB.
NOTE >> You must install and compile the tutorials when you install the SourcePro DB in order to run this example. See Installing and Building Your SourcePro Products and Building Your Applications for more information.
To run this example, change the parameters for the RWDBManager::database() call to fit your system. To use this code, the <ver> placeholder in any library names would need to be replaced with the actual digits representing the library version number.
Example 2 – Reading a database table
// Example Program 2 - Reading a database table
#include <rw/rstream.h>
#include <rw/db/db.h>
RWDBDatabase myDbase = RWDBManager::database(
"libctl<ver>12d.so", // DB Access Module name
"SYBASE100", // server name
"user", // user name
"pwd", // password
"DEMO_DB" // database name
RWDBConnection myConnection = myDbase.connection();
RWDBTable purchases = myDbase.table("purchase");
RWDBReader rdr = purchases.reader(myConnection);
int videoID;
int supplierID;
int purchaseOrderNumber;
RWDecimalPortable pricePerUnit;
int quantity;
while (rdr()) {
RWDateTime date;
rdr >> videoID >> supplierID >> purchaseOrderNumber //1
>> pricePerUnit >> quantity >> date;
std::cout << videoID << "\t" << supplierID << "\t"
<< purchaseOrderNumber << "\t" << pricePerUnit << "\t"
<< quantity << "\t" << date.asString() << std::endl;
return 0;
RWDBReader reads tabular data, providing sequential access to a table's rows, and random access to fields within a row.
While traversing a table's rows, a reader acts much like an iterator. When a reader is first obtained from a table, it is positioned before the first row of the table. The C++ function call operator() is used to advance the reader to the next row. When there are no more rows, it returns 0.
Within a row, the reader is used with the extraction operator >>, which extracts values from the reader into program variables. Because indexing by column name and column number is also supported, we could have written //1 of our example like this:
rdr["videoID"] >> videoID;
rdr["supplierID"] >> supplierID;
// etc.
If we were concerned about NULL values in certain columns, we could have used indicator variables with our reader as a way to detect them:
RWDBNullIndicator nullVideo, nullSupplier;
int videoID;
int supplierID;
int purchaseOrderNumber;
RWDecimalPortable pricePerUnit;
int quantity;
RWDateTime date;
while (rdr()) {
rdr >> nullVideo >> videoID >> nullSupplier >> supplierID
>> purchaseOrderNumber >> pricePerUnit >> quantity >> date;
if (nullVideo || nullSupplier) {
std::cout << "Missing Information!" << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << videoID << "\t" << supplierID << "\t"
<< purchaseOrderNumber << "\t" << pricePerUnit << "\t"
<< quantity << "\t" << date.asString() << std::endl;
Overloading the Extraction Operator
The extraction operator is defined for all the C++ and DB Interface Module data types. Naturally, it is easy to define it for your own classes. For example:
struct Purchase {
int videoID;
int supplierID;
int purchaseOrderNumber;
RWDecimalPortable pricePerUnit;
int quantity;
RWDateTime date;
operator>>(RWDBReader& rdr, Purchase& p) {
rdr >> p.videoID >> p.supplierID
>> p.purchaseOrderNumber
>> p.pricePerUnit >> p.quantity >> p.date;
return rdr;
Now we can read from the purchase table directly into Purchase instances:
Purchase p;
while (rdr()) {
rdr >> p;
// process p;
This is an important technique, and it is explained more thoroughly in Chapter 17, “Retrieving Data from a Table,” the first advanced tutorial.