DB Access Module for Sybase User’s Guide : Chapter 2 Technical Information : Open SQL and Sybase Open Client Client-Library : Stored Procedures and Open SQL
Stored Procedures and Open SQL
A stored procedure, like any other SQL statement, can be directly executed on an RWDBOSql object. However, there are some minor variations. The SQL syntax for the stored procedure invocation depends on how the application wants the stored procedure to be invoked. For RPC invocation, the kind of invocation recommended by Sybase for improved performance, the SQL command is simply the name of the stored procedure.
By default, an RWDBOSql object treats all SQL statements as queries and sends them to the server as language commands until indicated otherwise. (Please see the RWDBOSql entry in the SourcePro API Reference Guide) For RPC invocation of stored procedures, the statementType parameter of either the RWDBOSql's constructor or the statement() method must be passed in as RWDBOSql::Procedure, as shown in the following statements:
RWDBOSql myOpenSqlObject("myStoredProc", RWDBOSql::Procedure);
myOpenSqlObject.statement(“myStoredProc”, RWDBOSql::Procedure);
Here, myStoredProc is the stored procedure name, and myOpenSqlObject is an RWDBOSql instance.
If statementType is not given as RWDBOSql::Procedure, a command is sent as a language command. If a stored procedure is sent as a language command, the SQL syntax for the stored procedure invocation may require placeholders for all parameters. Please see the Sybase documentation for more details.
“An Open SQL Stored Procedure Example” demonstrates how to use RWDBOSql with stored procedures.
NOTE >> Stored procedure execution is not supported with the data callback classes.
Sequence of Fetching Result Sets and Out Parameters
For Sybase stored procedures that return a result set, the Open-Client Client Library returns the OUT parameters only after the result sets are returned. Hence, you should call fetchReturnParams() only after completely processing all the result sets. Calling this method before processing the result sets cancels the result sets.