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4.3 Include Path

You must specify the include path in all your project files if you're using an IDE, and in any other relevant scripts or files that contain path information. In addition, you must be sure to use the proper path if you run your compiler from the command line.

The include path for Analytics.h++ header files is:

For example, for MSVC 6.0 on NT 4.0 with build type 7s:

Appendix A lists the mnemonics for all the compilers and operating systems that Rogue Wave supports. SPM appends version numbers to the mnemonics for your compiler and operating system. Section 2.5 explains <buildtype> information.

Note that Analytics.h++ header files are specified with a leading rw/analytics. For example, the RWInterval<T> header file is included in source as:

This convention avoids potential naming conflicts with similarly named header files from other libraries. The rw/analytics indicates that the header file is part of the Analytics.h++ library.

This means that the include path that you specify for your compiler will look something like this:

and not like this:

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