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RWDBExpr RWDBAssignment RWCollectable

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


#include <rw/db/expr.h>


RWDBAssignment is the result of applying the RWDBColumn::assign() method to an RWDBExpr. The result is an encapsulation of the SQL SET column = expression phrase, where column refers to the RWDBColumn instance whose assign() method produced the RWDBAssignment, and expression refers to its argument. RWDBAssignments are only used to build RWDBUpdaters.


This example adds the phrase SET name = `Joe' to an RWDBUpdater for the Names table. To do this, an RWDBAssignment instance is created anonymously:

Related Classes

RWDBAssignment is a special case of RWDBExpr. See RWDBExpr for details.

RWDBAssignment instances are produced only by the assign() method of RWDBColumn.

Public Constructors

RWDBAssignment(const RWDBColumn& c, const RWDBValue& v);
RWDBAssignment(const RWDBColumn& c, const RWDBExpr& e);

Public Member Functions

column() const; 
value() const; 
expressions() const; 

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