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Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


#include <rw/db/envhandl.h>

RWDBDatabase myDbase = RWDBManager::database( ... );
RWDBEnvironmentHandle* envHandle = myDbase.environmentHandle();


RWDBEnvironmentHandle is a base class from which a family of implementation specific classes is derived. RWDBDatabase::environmentHandle() returns a pointer to this base class. To set connect time configuration parameters or configuration properties for an entire application, the application downcasts this pointer to the appropriate type, and uses its implementation-specific features. The configuration parameters that an application can set vary widely among vendors. Please refer to your access library guides for more information.

NOTE:To use this class, you must link the appropriate DBTools.h++ access library directly with your application. Using this class reduces the portability of your application.

Related Classes


Public Constructor


Public Member Functions

virtual RWBoolean 
virtual RWBoolean
foreignKeysFromView(RWBoolean value);

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