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Topic Index

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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P



accessing and modifying data in matrices [in 3.5 Accessing Data]
accessing components of complex matrices [in 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
accessing rows, columns, diagonals [in 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
accessing the leading submatrix [in 3.7.2 Leading Submatrices]


balance decompositions [in 7.5 Hessenberg and Balance Decompositions]
banded matrix types [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
banded matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
BandTDDecomp [in 6.5 Tridiagonal Decompositions]
bcdiagonal() [in 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
bcset() [in 3.5.4 val() and set()]
bcval() [in 3.5.4 val() and set()]
bounds checking [in 3.5.2 Bounds Checking]


calculating determinants [in 4.4.1 Determinants]
calculating matrix inverses [in 4.4.2 Matrix Inverses]
calculating the condition number [in 4.4.3 Condition Number]
changing a matrix element [in 3.5.1 Individual Elements]
Cholesky decomposition method [in 5.3 Implementations Provided]
CJDComplexRef [in 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
cols() [in 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
complete orthogonal decomposition [in 5.3 Implementations Provided]
complete orthogonal decomposition [in 8.1 Kinds of Decompositions]
complete orthogonal decomposition, defined [in 8.3.1 Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]
complex eigenvalues [in 7.1 Defining the Problem]
computing selected eigenvalues [in 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
condition numbers [in 4.4.3 Condition Number]
copy constructor, defined [in 3.4 Copy Constructors - References and Copies]


decompose(const TDDecomp&) [in 6.5 Tridiagonal Decompositions]
decomposition classes
determinants, calculating [in 4.4 Calculating the Determinant, Inverse, and Condition Number]
diagonal() [in 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
double complex precision classes [in 2.3.2 Float Precision Classes]
double precision classes [in 2.3 Tables of Classes by Precision]
DoubleEigDecomp [in 7.2 Decomposition Object]
DoubleHessEigServer [in 7.3 Servers]
DoubleSchurEigServer [in 7.3 Servers]
DoubleSymEigDecomp [in 6.2 Decomposition Object]
DoubleSymRangeEigServer [in 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
DoubleSymSomeEigServer [in 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]
DoubleSymSomeEigServer [in 6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues]


eigenvalue decomposition server object, defined [in 6.3 Servers]
eigenvalues, complex [in 7.1 Defining the Problem]
element access
error checking
European phone numbers [in 1.6.2 How to Contact Technical Support]


factorization and decomposition, distinction between [in 2.2.1 A Note on Terminology]
factorization classes [in 4.1 Defining Factorizations]
factorization, defined [in 4.1 Defining Factorizations]
fail() [in 4.2.1 Error Checking]
float precision classes [in 2.3.1 Double Precision Classes]


general matrix types [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
general matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]


header files, all classes [in 2.3 Tables of Classes by Precision]
helper class
Hermitian banded matrix types [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Hermitian banded matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Hermitian matrix type [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Hermitian matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
Hessenberg decomposition [in 7.5 Hessenberg and Balance Decompositions]


ill-conditioned matrix, defined [in 4.4.3 Condition Number]
imag() [in 3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices]
inverses [in 4.4.2 Matrix Inverses]


leading submatrix [in 3.7.2 Leading Submatrices]
leadingSubmatrix() [in 3.7.2 Leading Submatrices]
least squares classes [in 5.3 Implementations Provided]
least squares factorization objects
least squares factorizations [in 5.1 Defining the Problem]
least squares problem, defined [in 5.1 Defining the Problem]
lower triangular matrix types [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
lower triangular matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]


mapping, defined [in 3.2 Defining Matrices]
matrix classes
matrix shapes and available types, list [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]


NGDoubleRef [in 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
nonsymmetric eigenvalue class, basic [in 7.2 Decomposition Object]
nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem, basic [in 7.1 Defining the Problem]
nonsymmetric eigenvalue servers [in 7.3 Servers]


object-oriented design in LAPACK.h++ [in 2.1 The Class Concept]
operator double() [in 9.3 Helper Class Member Functions]
operator()(int, int) [in 9.1 Function operator()(int, int)]
operator()(int, int)
operator=(double x) [in 9.3 Helper Class Member Functions]
orthogonal design


positive definite factorization [in 4.1 Defining Factorizations]
positive definite factorization [in 4.3 Solving Several Systems of Equations]
positive definite matrices
precision, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
precisions, converting [in 3.6 Type Conversion]


QR decomposition, defined [in 8.3 QR Decomposition and Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]
QR [in 8.3 QR Decomposition and Complete Orthogonal Decomposition]


real() [in 3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices]
referencing data [in 3.4 Copy Constructors - References and Copies]
reverse mapping [in 4.1 Defining Factorizations]
ROCJDComplexRef [in 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
RODoubleRef [in 9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes]
rows() [in 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]
runtime error
RWBOUNDS_CHECK [in 3.5.2 Bounds Checking]
RWBOUNDS_CHECK [in 3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals]


Schur decomposition, defined [in 7.4 Schur Decompositions]
servers [in 6.3 Servers]
servers [in 7.3 Servers]
set() [in 3.5.4 val() and set()]
shape, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
shapes, converting [in 3.6.1 Converting Precisions]
singular value decomposition objects [in 8.2.1 SVD Server Objects]
singular value decomposition, defined [in 8.2 Singular Value Decomposition]
skew symmetric matrix types [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
skew symmetric matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
storage patterns [in 3.5.7 Direct Access to Data]
subscripting operator [in 3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()]
subscripting [in 3.7.1 General Matrices]
symmetric banded matrix types [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
symmetric banded matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
symmetric eigenvalue decomposition object [in 6.2 Decomposition Object]
symmetric eigenvalue problem, basic [in 6.1 Defining the Problem]
symmetric eigenvalue servers, table [in 6.3 Servers]
symmetric matrix types [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
symmetric matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
symmetric tridiagonal decomposition [in 6.5 Tridiagonal Decompositions]
SymTDDecomp [in 6.5 Tridiagonal Decompositions]


TDDecomp [in 6.5 Tridiagonal Decompositions]
technical support [in 1.5 Rogue Wave Professional Training]
technical support [in 1.6 Technical Support]
temporary variable [in 4.2 Solving a System of Equations]
tolerance, defined [in 5.4 Solving a Numerically Underdetermined System]
toSymMat() [in 3.6.2 Converting Shapes]
tridiagonal decomposition, defined [in 6.5 Tridiagonal Decompositions]
type conversion
type conversions


upper-triangular matrix types [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]
upper-triangular matrix, defined [in 3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape]


val() [in 3.5.4 val() and set()]
vector classes in LAPACK.h++ [in 3.1 Defining Vectors]
vector space, defined [in 3.1 Defining Vectors]
vector, defined [in 3.1 Defining Vectors]


well-conditioned matrix, defined [in 4.4.3 Condition Number]

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