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RWMultiplicationGroup<T> RWExchangeGroupImpl<T>

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


#include <rw/money/multexchggrp.h>
RWMultiplicatonGroup multGroup;

Related Java Class


Currency exchange groups are collections of currencies that have a common distinguishing characteristic for converting money from one currency to money of another currency. RWMultiplicationGroup<T> is made up of objects that convert a source currency to a target currency by multiplying the amount of the source currency by a conversion factor.

NOTE:Currencies that use the triangular conversion method required by the EMU are available in class RWEuroGroup<T>. Currencies that convert a source currency to a target currency by dividing the amount of the source by a conversion factor are available in RWDivisionGroup<T>.

The multiplication exchange group overrides the base class method:

so that it looks in the exchange rate table for an exchange rate that converts the source currency to the target currency. If it finds one, it creates and returns an RWExchange object with an RWMultiplicationExchange implementation. If it does not find one, it returns an invalid RWExchange object.

Public Constructors


Public Static Data Member

static const char* groupName;

Static Member Functions


Public Member Functions

clone() const;
getExchange(const RWCString& srcMnemonic, 
            const RWCString& targetMnemonic,
            const RWExchangeRateTable& rates) const;
name() const;

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