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1.1 Welcome

Thank you for choosing Math.h++ from Rogue Wave Software. Math.h++ is a set of C++ classes that contain the basic building blocks for numerical applications. Templatized classes representing vectors, matrices, and arrays form the core of the library. Classes for random numbers, statistics, linear algebra, linear regression, and FFTs extend its functionality. All objects have full persistence ability and can be fully integrated with other Rogue Wave libraries, including the industry standard Tools.h++ and the Standard C++ Library.

Created by Dr. Thomas Keffer, CEO of Rogue Wave Software, Math.h++ was the first commercially available C++ class library. Since its initial release in 1989, developers have used Math.h++ for everything from computing the option adjusted spreads of derivative securities to number-crunching the coordinates of robots on Mars. Math.h++ is used today in statistics, computer-aided design, spreadsheets, numerical models, simulators, graphics, financial modeling, curve fitting, digitizers, data acquisition and analysis, and signal processing.

You can use Math.h++ with confidence for coding virtually any problem that involves data stored in vectors, matrices, or arrays.

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