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10.6 atan() and atan2()

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template <class T>
atan(const RWMathVec<T>&)
atan2(const RWMathVec<T>&
const RWMathVec<T>&)
atan(const RWGenMat<T>&)
atan2(const RWGenMat<T>&,
const RWGenMat<T>&)
atan(const RWMathArray<T>&)
atan2(const RWMathArray<T>&,
const RWMathArray<T>&)

10.6.1 Description

The function atan() takes x and returns y of arc tangents (in radians), such that yi = tan-1xi, where -/2 < yi /2.

The function atan2() takes two arguments and returns quadrant correct arc tangents z (in radians), such that zi = tan-1 ( xi / yi ). For each element i, the expression atan2(xi, yi) is mathematically equivalent to:

At least one of the arguments xi or yi must be nonzero.

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