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Standard C++ Library Class Reference

Version 1.2


This reference guide is an alphabetical listing of all of the classes, algorithms, and function objects provided by this release of Rogue Wave's Standard C++ Library. The gray band on the first page of each entry indicates the category (e.g., Algorithms, Containers, etc.) that the entry belongs to. The table below lists the contents organized by category.

For each class, the reference begins with a brief summary of the class; a synopsis, which indicates the header file(s); and the signature of a class object. The reference continues with a text description of the class followed by the C++ code that describes the class interface. Next, all methods associated with a class, including constructors, operators, member functions, etc. are grouped in categories according to their general use and described. The categories are not a part of the C++ language, but do provide a way of organizing the methods. Following the member function descriptions, many of the classes include examples. Finally, any warnings associated with using the class are described.

Throughout the documentation, there are frequent references to "self," which should be understood to mean "*this".


#include <algorithm>

adjacent_find binary_search copy copy_backward count count_if equal equal_range fill fill_n find find_end find_first_of find_if for_each generate generate_n includes inplace_merge iter_swap lexicographical_compare lower_bound make_heap max max_element merge min min_element mismatch next_permutation nth_element partial_sort partial_sort_copy partition pop_heap prev_permutation push_heap random_shuffle remove remove_copy remove_copy_if remove_if replace replace_copy replace_copy_if replace_if reverse reverse_copy rotate rotate_copy search search_n set_difference set_intersection set_symmetric_difference set_union sort sort_heap stable_partition stable_sort swap swap_ranges transform unique unique_copy upper_bound
Complex Number Library

#include <complex>


#include <bitset>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map> for map and multimap
#include <queue> for queue and priority_queue
#include <set> for set and multiset
#include <stack>
#include <vector>

bitset deque list map multimap multiset priority_queue queue set stack vector
Function Adaptors

#include <functional>

bind1st bind2nd not1 not2 ptr_fun
Function Objects

#include <functional>

binary_function binary_negate binder1st binder2nd divides equal_to greater greater_equal less less_equal logical_and logical_not logical_or minus modulus negate not_equal_to plus pointer_to_binary-function pointer_to_unary_function times unary_function unary_negate
Generalized Numeric Operations

#include <numeric>

accumulate adjacent_difference accumulate inner_product partial_sum
Insert Iterators

#include <iterator>

back_insert_iterator back_inserter front_insert_iterator front_inserter insert_iterator inserter

#include <iterator>

bidirectional iterator forward iterator input iterator output iterator random access iterator reverse_bidirectional_iterator reverse_iterator
Iterator operations

#include <iterator>

advance distance
Memory Handling Primitives

#include <memory>

get_temporary_buffer return_temporary_buffer
Memory Management

#include <memory>

allocator auto_ptr raw_storage_iterator uninitialized_copy uninitialized_fill uninitialized_fill_n
Numeric Limits Library

#include <limits>

numeric limits
String Library

#include <string>

basic_string string wstring
Utility Classes

#include <utility>

Utility Operators

#include <utility>

operator!= operator> operator<= operator>=

Standards Conformance

The information presented in this reference conforms with the requirements of the ANSI X3J16/ISO WG21 Joint C++ Committee.
